15:05:27 <pbrobinson> #startmeeting Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting 15:05:27 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 19 15:05:27 2016 UTC. The chair is pbrobinson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:05:27 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:05:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_arm_and_aarch64_status_meeting' 15:05:42 <pbrobinson> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson dgilmore hrw dmarlin yselkowitz jonmasters ahs3 msalter 15:05:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: ahs3 dgilmore dmarlin hrw jonmasters msalter pbrobinson pwhalen yselkowitz 15:05:56 <pbrobinson> pwhalen is absent so you have to tolerate me.... sorry! 15:06:04 <pbrobinson> so who do we have 15:06:05 <pbrobinson> ? 15:06:20 <hrw> o/ 15:06:34 <pbrobinson> #topic 1) ==== Package Status & Issues ==== 15:06:39 * jlinton waves 15:07:22 <pbrobinson> so first thing to note on packages and stuff is that Fedora 22 is now EOL 15:07:47 <pbrobinson> #info Fedora 22 is now EOL, last of the ARMv7 updates went out yesterday, aarch64 updates in the process of going out now 15:08:21 <pbrobinson> #info aarch64 rawhide statistics: {'older': 69, 'local_only': 1, 'remote_only': 287, 'same': 17846, 'newer': 2, 'total_missing_builds': 114} 15:08:26 <pbrobinson> so we're pretty up to date 15:08:43 <pbrobinson> not aware of any major issues, openblas and deps build last week now 15:08:51 <pbrobinson> anyone else know of any issues? 15:09:17 * hrw do not 15:09:28 <yselkowitz> has anyone had success building pkgs w/ openblas? 15:09:56 <pbrobinson> yselkowitz: yes, I believe most of the things that depend on it are now built, at least half a dozen or so 15:10:20 <yselkowitz> ok, then the one that was pointed out to me last week is the exception then 15:10:53 <pbrobinson> yselkowitz: which one is it? 15:11:39 * yselkowitz has to find it again 15:12:17 <yselkowitz> later? 15:12:22 <pbrobinson> yselkowitz: OK, ping on the #fedora-arm channel 15:12:40 <pbrobinson> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== 15:13:49 <pbrobinson> so 4.6 is the kernel for all stable releases 15:14:20 <pbrobinson> I think it's fairly reasonable, it's certainly been the most stable kernel of recent times on the builders 15:15:27 <pbrobinson> on rawhide is 4.7rc7 and on aarch64 we now have the pci-e ACPI patches likely today's build 15:15:59 <pbrobinson> mustang will need to have a new firmware, still awaiting for the details from APM 15:16:34 <pbrobinson> anyone got any feedback? 15:17:16 <pbrobinson> no one? 15:17:32 <pbrobinson> #topic 3) ==== Bootloader Status ==== 15:17:43 <pbrobinson> #info uboot-tools-2016.07-1.fc25 in rawhide, please test and provide feedback. 15:18:27 <pbrobinson> #topic 4) == Fedora 25 == 15:18:39 <pbrobinson> so we branch next week for F-25 15:19:12 <pbrobinson> once branched we'll go straight into branched nightly composes 15:19:14 <hrw> o! did not thought that it is now 15:19:44 <masta> fyi https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/25/Schedule 15:19:51 <pbrobinson> #info Fedora 25 branch is next week, straight into branched nightly composes 15:20:01 <pbrobinson> #info https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/25/Schedule 15:20:24 <pbrobinson> yes, this cycle is quite short due to Fedora 24 pushing out a bit 15:20:30 <yselkowitz> very short! 15:20:38 <pbrobinson> anyone got queries/questions about F-25 15:21:00 <pbrobinson> yselkowitz: even shorter for me..... it's like I've not had any time off! 15:21:15 <yselkowitz> no arguments there 15:21:31 <hrw> neither here 15:21:55 <pbrobinson> #topic 5) == Open Floor == 15:22:28 <jlinton> Ok, just a FYI 15:22:32 <jlinton> I looked at polkitd 15:22:41 <jlinton> and moving it to mozjs45 15:22:58 <pbrobinson> OK 15:23:06 <jlinton> Spent part of last week porting the C to C++ api that mozjs exports now 15:23:30 <jlinton> so I have to get it to pass the unit tests (which arn't happening yet) 15:23:54 <jlinton> and then I have to convince the polkit people that they need to build their mozjs interface module with g++... 15:24:00 <jlinton> so lots of fun there. 15:24:22 <jlinton> I guess my plan is to do that all upstream of fedora at the moment 15:24:51 <masta> Do you feel you can make a persuasive case for the changes? 15:24:59 <pbrobinson> jlinton: sounds like a reasonable plan 15:25:38 <jlinton> Well, mozjs17 is sort of a dead end 15:26:03 <jlinton> so I don't really see that they have any long term choice unless they want to maintain 17 or 18.5 for themselves 15:26:51 <masta> jlinton, thanks for working on this! :-) 15:27:16 <pbrobinson> which they've not been, it was very much run and dump 15:27:30 <pbrobinson> jlinton: thanks 15:28:48 <pbrobinson> anyone got any fun things they're working on/fixing/breaking? 15:30:44 <pbrobinson> masta: did you ever test your omap5 or other devices? 15:32:41 <pbrobinson> #endmeeting