14:49:46 <dgilmore> #startmeeting RELENG (2016-08-22) 14:49:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 22 14:49:46 2016 UTC. The chair is dgilmore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:49:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:49:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2016-08-22)' 14:49:46 <dgilmore> #meetingname releng 14:49:46 <dgilmore> #chair dgilmore nirik tyll sharkcz bochecha masta pbrobinson pingou maxamillion mboddu 14:49:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 14:49:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: bochecha dgilmore masta maxamillion mboddu nirik pbrobinson pingou sharkcz tyll 14:49:49 <dgilmore> #topic init process 14:50:34 * sharkcz is here 14:50:44 * pbrobinson o/ 14:51:11 <nirik> morning 14:51:40 <dgilmore> #topic #6467 Consider splitting the ancient portions of the archive 14:51:48 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6467 14:51:51 <mboddu> morning everyone 14:52:19 <dgilmore> sorry for the late start 14:52:23 <dgilmore> lets get moving 14:53:31 <pbrobinson> I think the above makes sense, can probably archive the secondary stuff into it as well 14:53:44 <dgilmore> I think that some of this may not really be our decision 14:53:44 <tibbs> Hey, folks. 14:53:56 <dgilmore> pbrobinson: well secondary is in archive 14:53:58 <tibbs> Sorry, I'm never in the second meeting channel. Too many channels. 14:54:05 <dgilmore> at least some of the older releases 14:54:06 <tibbs> I have no scrollback. 14:54:06 <pbrobinson> ah! 14:54:15 <dgilmore> tibbs: nothing has been said yet 14:54:48 <nirik> how about just removing archive from enchlada and buffet... so mirrors that really want it need to add a new seperate module? 14:54:57 <dgilmore> I am against spliting old stuff out unless we just take it down 14:55:47 <dgilmore> I think that perhaps we should engage the council, and possibly legal over older releases to ensure we are in GPL compliance, though GPL wise the sources and binaries will remain in koji 14:55:59 <dgilmore> nirik: that I am okay with 14:56:18 <dgilmore> nirik: I guess tibb's concern was over popular EOL releases 14:56:22 <tibbs> I'm afraid I just don't see the harm in having it online but not in the mirror network. 14:56:32 <dgilmore> say a large number of people still using f22 14:56:55 <tibbs> I recall that smooge had an opinion but I don't see him here. 14:57:14 <tibbs> Since he's the one who maintains the archive stuff. 14:57:17 <dgilmore> tibbs: I think what nirik said and I agree with is just not make archive available in the enchilada module 14:57:34 <nirik> theres still a lot of f21/f22 hits 14:57:38 <dgilmore> tibbs: well I did the secondary archiving 14:57:44 <dgilmore> its not just smooge 14:58:10 <dgilmore> I have done at least one if not two fedora releases also 14:58:34 <tibbs> Anyway, my fundamental point is that archive grows without bound, while the utility of the individual releases within archive diminishes over time. 14:58:51 <dgilmore> tibbs: do not disagree 14:59:03 <dgilmore> tibbs: we expect most mirrors to not mirror archive 14:59:04 <nirik> but it also doesn't change often 14:59:13 <tibbs> It simply does not make sense to keep all of that stuff together _if_ you consider things from the standpoint of the mirrors who are volunteering to carry your (our) stuff. 14:59:30 <tibbs> The rate of change of things in archive isn't really the issue, though. 14:59:51 <nirik> so, perhaps we should be slower to archive... 15:00:16 <tibbs> But then you up the load on everyone who mirrors "fedora" (the module). 15:00:33 <nirik> ie, drop archive from most/all mirrors, but keep eol releases in releases until their usage goes down enough that it won't bother master archive mirrors. 15:00:50 <nirik> "load"? 15:01:33 <tibbs> Load in that context means both the size of things and the number of people connecting to your mirror. 15:01:53 <nirik> sure, but if we just moved all archive to not mirror, master mirrors would get a big hit. 15:01:58 <nirik> which doesn't help anyone 15:02:32 <nirik> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mirrormanager/statistics/2016-08-22/repositories (~30% of hits were for f21/f22/eol stuff) 15:02:50 <nirik> but much less than that was f20 and older 15:03:04 <tibbs> Well, my point is that if you keep f21 and f22 in the fedora module longer, mirrors of the fedora module now carry 30-40% more content. 15:03:25 <dgilmore> tibbs: how do you figure that? 15:03:26 <nirik> I suppose 15:03:42 <tibbs> Purely by the count of releases that would be in the "fedora" module. 15:03:58 <dgilmore> there is 4 releases in /pub/fedora now 15:04:02 <dgilmore> it would add 2 more 15:04:13 <tibbs> So... 30%? 15:04:17 <dgilmore> 50% 15:05:01 <dgilmore> we would have half as much content again 15:05:12 <tibbs> Well, that only makes my point stronger. 15:05:15 <dgilmore> it is a consideration 15:05:36 <dgilmore> the churn of the content is not an issues as it does not churn at all 15:05:46 <nirik> the main problem with doing anything here is that mirrors are slow to change... so if we dropped archive out and added archive-recent, not many would carry it for a while... or you mean we drop archive out and put archive-recent in buffet? 15:06:07 <tibbs> Yes, churn is not a problem here. 15:06:15 <dgilmore> nirik: I think that he was advocating for it not being in buffet 15:06:32 <dgilmore> tibbs: I think this needs to go to the council or FESCo 15:06:49 <dgilmore> its really much more a political thing than technical 15:07:15 <dgilmore> I am not a fan of splitting the content up and causing churn as it moves 15:07:31 <tibbs> My original proposal was to drop the oldest releases out of archive and move them to "something else". Whether that is a separate rsync module or some other servers which aren't on the mirror network, I left out of the proposal. 15:07:42 <dgilmore> especially if we do not have a automated way to move content 15:08:09 <dgilmore> tibbs: so it is not Release Engineering's place to decide 15:08:14 <tibbs> That would not cause any additional churn, at least. Unless you consider deleting things to be churn. 15:08:22 <dgilmore> so lets take it to the council as It is much more political 15:08:30 <dgilmore> they can send it to FESCo if They choose 15:08:33 <tibbs> OK, well, I can handle that. 15:08:54 * nirik isn't sure it's political, but ok 15:08:58 <dgilmore> tibbs: well it is concern if we move it 15:09:13 <dgilmore> as the mirrors have to do "things" to keep it all in sync 15:09:34 <dgilmore> but i guess if they do not mirror the older stuff then it does not matter to them much 15:09:37 <tibbs> True, but no more things than they have to do now to keep archive and fedora in sync. 15:10:10 <dgilmore> nirik: it is political in that some people will get upset that we are doing bad things 15:10:35 <dgilmore> we had someone contact Red Hat legal and complain when we stopped making Source DVD isos 15:10:39 <tibbs> I don't know what those bad things would be. 15:10:50 <dgilmore> because they did not like the way we made the sources available 15:10:51 <tibbs> The stuff could still trivially be accessible through mirrormanager. 15:11:17 <dgilmore> tibbs: well withholding access to the content, not honouring access to sources, etc 15:11:29 <dgilmore> people views on that differ greatly 15:11:36 <tibbs> I never proposed making the content unavailable. 15:11:57 <tibbs> I don't see how anyone could possibly argue that. 15:11:57 <dgilmore> tibbs: but some people will see it as doing that 15:12:08 <tibbs> Again, I cannot imagine how. 15:12:10 <dgilmore> because they can not find it in the way they are used to 15:12:24 <dgilmore> because people 15:12:32 <dgilmore> which is why i say it is political 15:12:33 <tibbs> By that argument we would be unable to change anything ever. 15:12:42 <dgilmore> tibbs: pretty much :) 15:12:49 <dgilmore> everytime we change people complain 15:12:56 <tibbs> I just can't buy into that as a valid reason for doing anything at all. 15:13:09 <tibbs> Or rather, not doing something. 15:13:10 <dgilmore> I am honestly not a fan of the idea 15:13:49 <dgilmore> we have always left it up to mirrors to mirror the content they choose. yes it makes some thing hard on us 15:13:50 <tibbs> Do you have any sympathy for the individual hosts on the mirror network who donate their resources to us? 15:13:58 <dgilmore> it makes mirrormanagers job harder 15:14:23 <dgilmore> but modules and the road we are going down are going to make it much harder going forward 15:14:38 <nirik> tibbs: are those mirrors not able to just exclude archive* if they don't want it? 15:14:39 <tibbs> I think, within the limitations of available resources and manpwer within Fedora, we should take pains to make things as easy as possible for people to mirror our content. 15:14:56 <nirik> or just use enchilada instead of buffet? 15:15:15 <dgilmore> a lot of mirrors only mirror enchilada 15:15:28 <dgilmore> I have seen a lot that exclude updates and rawhide 15:15:28 <tibbs> nirik: Yes, of course, but then that hurts us (Fedora) when we have fewer mirrors of, say, F22 when it moves to archive. 15:16:03 <dgilmore> I think if large number of people continue to use EOL releases then we are failing 15:16:35 <tibbs> We seem to show very little consideration for the mirrors in general. I'm trying to change that. 15:16:42 <nirik> I guess it would be interesting to see how many mirrors we have using enchilada vs buffet... it's not just archive thats different there... all of secondary, etc 15:16:48 <dgilmore> that 27% of hits https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mirrormanager/statistics/2016-08-22/repositories were for f21 and f22 updates says something 15:17:00 <nirik> tibbs: thats great, I am just not clear on how this is making things nicer for mirrors 15:17:17 <dgilmore> tibbs: I am all for making things better for mirrors 15:17:27 <dgilmore> but like nirik I do not see how this does that 15:17:27 <nirik> if you choose buffet, don't you want all of everything? 15:18:01 <dgilmore> tibbs: perhaps you think more people will opt in to mirroring recent-archive? 15:18:06 <nirik> perhaps we could gather stats on how many are using what so we can optimize better? 15:18:28 <tibbs> Sorry, someone at the door. 15:18:37 <dgilmore> tibbs: np 15:18:56 <dgilmore> nirik: knowing what the mirrors mirror would help 15:19:15 <dgilmore> perhaps engaging in discussion with mirrors over how to make things better for them would also 15:19:27 <dgilmore> we need to talk to them about ostree and modules anyway 15:19:28 <tibbs> Or, to put it another way, to limit the amount of content someone has to mirror if they want to help us and mirror just those things which would actually help us. 15:19:36 <tibbs> Mirroring fc1 doesn't help anyone. 15:19:59 <tibbs> Of course noting that those old releases were absolutely tiny when compared to today's stuff. 15:20:09 <tibbs> But I'm thinking about the future here. 15:20:25 <dgilmore> people using EOL releases does not help either. if people get hacked for security vunerabilities that will never get patched and they blame us for it 15:20:48 <tibbs> Of course. 15:21:15 <nirik> by hits/traffic, the best someone can do is epel. Next would be enchilada (fedora). Then archive, secondary? 15:21:17 <tibbs> A general council question about what we do with "old" releases (and how we define "old") does make sense here regardless. 15:21:56 <tibbs> nirik: I guess that would be a really good question to ask. "You're willing to mirror? Here's how you can help the most." 15:22:03 <nirik> if tons of places are just doing buffet though, not sure changing anything matters much 15:22:24 <tibbs> Somehow I doubt too many places are actually mirroring buffet. 15:22:24 <dgilmore> nirik: right 15:22:34 <nirik> we may be able to gather that from rsync logs 15:22:34 <tibbs> But the rsync logs would show that. 15:22:40 <dgilmore> stats on what modules are pulled on rsync would be good 15:23:06 <tibbs> Anyway, I am working from the other end here. Sadly now the semester has started and I'm buried, but I'll dig out soon. 15:23:38 <nirik> so, lets gather those stats and revisit next week? and/or add a council ticket and close this one? 15:23:42 <dgilmore> though I know when i only rsync parts of /pub i use buffet and use excludes and paths to get the content I need 15:24:13 <dgilmore> perhaps we get more data and revist then send to the council with more than hey what should we do 15:25:01 <nirik> you know I have seen a bunch of people in #fedora surprised that we have any eol releases at all still online. ;) 15:26:30 <dgilmore> nirik: maybe we take them offline 15:26:36 <tibbs> I didn't mean to stir up crap, but I did think that it was a valid question. 15:26:45 <nirik> some people expect us to. ;) 15:26:46 <dgilmore> it may get more people to move to newer releases 15:27:14 <dgilmore> peoples expectations over what we produce and where it goes vary greatly 15:27:29 <dgilmore> I am sure some people are made we move things to archive at all 15:27:39 <dgilmore> are mad even 15:28:05 <nirik> yeah 15:28:10 <nirik> you can't please everyone. 15:28:26 <tibbs> It's a balance. There's only so much bandwidth, and only so much we can ask of the mirror network. 15:28:39 <dgilmore> fedora-alt non-Fedora Alternative Content 15:28:39 <dgilmore> fedora-archive Fedora Release Archives 15:28:39 <dgilmore> fedora-enchilada Fedora - The whole enchilada 15:28:39 <dgilmore> fedora-buffet Fedora - The whole buffet. All you can eat. 15:28:39 <dgilmore> fedora-epel Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 15:28:41 <dgilmore> fedora-linux-releases Fedora Linux Releases 15:28:44 <dgilmore> fedora-linux-development Fedora Linux Development 15:28:46 <dgilmore> fedora-linux-updates Fedora Linux Updates 15:28:49 <dgilmore> fedora-secondary Fedora Secondary Archs 15:28:51 <dgilmore> fedora-stage Staging directory 15:28:54 <dgilmore> deltaisos Delta isos 15:28:56 <dgilmore> fedora-live-respins Fedora Live Respins 15:28:59 <dgilmore> so they are the modules we currently have 15:29:19 <dgilmore> deltaisos should go away 15:29:33 <dgilmore> QA have not made them in a few years I think 15:29:38 * masta is here finally 15:29:44 <nirik> we need to decide where secondary lives in the new one koji world too... (I know, they could live anywhere, but should they just be alongside the other arches?) 15:30:03 <nirik> delltaisos only make sense for dvds... and we only have the server dvd left. 15:30:22 <dgilmore> nirik: well the definition of alternative architectures is where the content lives 15:30:38 <dgilmore> fedora-alt kinda makes sense, but it is already uses 15:30:45 <nirik> yeah, but we may want to change the name 's/secondary/alternative' or something, and rearrange it 15:30:46 <dgilmore> maybe fedora-alt-arch 15:30:49 <pbrobinson> I need to head out for an appointment so where others can't answer for my various status updates you can just substitute this https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww-static.weddingbee.com%2Fpics%2F342067%2Fthis-is-fine-meme.jpg&f=1 15:31:03 <nirik> pbrobinson: :) 15:31:05 <dgilmore> pbrobinson: :) 15:31:22 <masta> lol 15:31:50 <dgilmore> maybe we should get rid of fedora-linux-releases fedora-linux-development fedora-linux-updates 15:32:18 <dgilmore> I guess knowing how much they are used can help us figure out if it makes sens to add or remove modules 15:32:34 <dgilmore> we will have to look at things with modularity anyway 15:32:43 <dgilmore> and we need to talk to mirrors about ostree 15:32:57 <masta> how are the rsync logs collected? 15:33:01 <dgilmore> #info we need to look at how mirrors are mirroring fedora 15:33:30 <masta> I'd imagine the enchilada would be enough, so yeah... maybe remove fedora-linux-releases fedora-linux-development fedora-linux-updates 15:33:55 <dgilmore> masta: a lot of mirrors may be using them to pick and choose 15:34:02 <dgilmore> we need more data 15:34:04 <nirik> masta: logs to a local file on each download server. 15:34:05 <bowlofeggs> .hello bowlofeggs 15:34:06 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: bowlofeggs 'Randy Barlow' <randy@electronsweatshop.com> 15:34:41 <dgilmore> and we should use the data of how mirrors pull from us to help us engage the council for a policy 15:34:47 <nirik> sure. 15:34:51 <masta> yep 15:35:00 <nirik> someone can file a infra ticket on gathering the rsync info... 15:35:09 <dgilmore> we also need to keep in mine the changing landscape 15:35:19 <bowlofeggs> this all sounds relevant to a question about how we will split docker images into mirror modules 15:35:24 <dgilmore> and what difficulties that may bring 15:35:34 <dgilmore> bowlofeggs: kinda 15:36:01 <masta> does anybody have a favorite rsyncd log analyzer ? 15:36:03 <dgilmore> #info we want to make life easy for mirrors. 15:37:18 <dgilmore> does anyone want to take an action item? 15:37:38 <smooge> hello is this the ticket on my part? 15:37:48 <dgilmore> smooge: perhaps 15:38:25 <smooge> I can add an rsync target which just shows the last N releases. 15:38:38 <dgilmore> smooge: there is a lot of things we can do 15:38:46 <nirik> smooge: we want to gather info on what modules mirrors are using... and how much 15:38:59 <smooge> hahahaha ok. 15:39:02 <nirik> ie, is it mostly buffet? enchilada? something else 15:39:26 <smooge> how many months back do you want? 15:39:27 <masta> I'm keen to review the available logs, and help establish some facts. I guess that is an action item 15:39:52 <dgilmore> #action masta to look at rsync logs and help figure out the modules most often used 15:40:04 <dgilmore> smooge: maybe 1 or 2 months 15:41:25 <smooge> ok good because I can only go back to May it turns out 15:41:43 <masta> smooge, want an infra ticket for gathering those logs? 15:41:49 <bowlofeggs> if it makes sense and there's enough time during this meeting, i wouldn't mind having a chat about how docker stuff should be split into mirror modules. it's one of the open questions on the infra thread i started last week 15:42:06 <bowlofeggs> we could do it another time if that's too off topic here 15:43:19 * nirik notes we are at 1hour 15min of our 1 hour meeting, so perhaps out of band would be better... especially since we only discussed one topic so far 15:43:54 <dgilmore> yeah 15:44:06 <dgilmore> lets wrap up the meeting 15:44:29 <dgilmore> #topic open floor 15:44:43 <dgilmore> does anyone have anything else to bring up? 15:44:44 <nirik> I had one quick item... 15:44:56 <nirik> but we could also do it next week I guess... but will toss it out. 15:45:32 <nirik> I made a bodhi-backend03 thats fedora-24... it works to do pushes (aside from the f24 sigul bug). Once that sigul bug is fixed, should we move to using it instead of 01? 15:45:51 <dgilmore> nirik: probably 15:46:04 <dgilmore> at the least we would find new bugs with weak deps 15:46:05 <nirik> it will give us weak deps in repodata... which would be nice 15:46:32 <masta> sounds good 15:46:51 <dgilmore> #info will move to bodhi-backend03 once sigul is working in f24 15:47:09 <masta> nirik, so long as we keep 01 online a while for fail-back 15:47:21 <masta> seems like very little down-side risk 15:47:25 <smooge> ok I can make a rough guess for stuff for you 15:47:30 <nirik> masta: sure. 15:49:15 <smooge> masta, I can get you the logs in a bit. If you want 'rough' not too detailed guesses on avg number of hits per day per target 15:49:18 <smooge> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/412524/88091914/ 15:50:34 <masta> smooge, thank you. Look forward to parsing the data. :-) 15:50:51 <smooge> that is only for one server.. so multiply by 5 15:50:58 <dgilmore> anything else? 15:51:05 <dgilmore> if not will wrap up 15:52:04 <bowlofeggs> nirik: glad that the bodhi build is working for you! 15:52:14 <bowlofeggs> nirik: that's also valuable testing for me, so thanks! 15:53:23 <dgilmore> #endmeeting