23:00:36 <athos> #startmeeting Fedora Ambassadors Latam meeting 2016-08-27 23:00:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Aug 27 23:00:36 2016 UTC. The chair is athos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:00:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:00:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ambassadors_latam_meeting_2016-08-27' 23:00:52 <athos> #meetingname fedora-latam 23:00:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam' 23:01:06 <athos> #topic Roll Call 23:01:14 <athos> .hello ribeiro 23:01:15 <zodbot> athos: ribeiro 'Athos Ribeiro' <athoscribeiro@gmail.com> 23:01:19 <fredlima> .fas fredlima 23:01:21 <zodbot> fredlima: fredlima 'Frederico Henrique Gonçalves Lima' <fred@fredericolima.com.br> 23:01:21 * athos Brazil 23:01:24 <yosef7> .fas josereyesjdi 23:01:25 <zodbot> yosef7: josereyesjdi 'Jose Reyes' <josereyes.jdi@gmail.com> 23:01:26 * fredlima Brazil 23:01:38 <alexove> .fas alexove 23:01:39 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:01:41 * alexove alexove 23:01:46 <em3rson> .fas em3rson 23:01:47 <zodbot> em3rson: em3rson 'Emerson Santos' <em3rson@linuxmail.org> 23:01:47 * alexove = Peru 23:01:50 * em3rson Brazil 23:02:00 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp 23:02:01 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 23:02:04 * itamarjp Brazil 23:02:34 <xmrbrz> .fas xmrbrz 23:02:35 <zodbot> xmrbrz: xmrbrz 'Bruno Roberto Zanuzzo' <brunorobertozanuzzo@gmail.com> 23:02:36 * xmrbrz Brazil 23:03:04 <athos> Let's wait 2 minutes for roll call, since it would be nice to have potty or neville here for the swag topic, ok? :) 23:03:35 <itamarjp> for me is ok 23:03:42 <fredlima> k 23:03:42 <em3rson> ok 23:05:03 <chinosoliard> hi everyone 23:05:09 <wolnei> .fas wolnei 23:05:10 <zodbot> wolnei: wolnei 'Wolnei Cândido Tomazelli Junior' <e@wolnei.com.br> 23:05:12 <chinosoliard> .fas chinosoliard 23:05:13 <zodbot> chinosoliard: asoliard 'Soliard, Adrian D.' <a.soliard@gmail.com> 23:05:14 <athos> ok 23:05:16 <wolnei> Brazil 23:05:18 <athos> #topic Swags for Fedora Latam 23:05:19 * chinosoliard Argentina 23:05:29 <athos> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/359 23:05:46 <athos> alexove: Where are we, in this matter? 23:06:01 <alexove> hello world 23:06:17 <athos> As I see, potty and neville are not here today, and we needed neville's input on the credit card limit before aproving this, right? 23:06:34 <alexove> In the last meeting we decided to review the wiki page looking for quantity and items 23:06:41 <athos> also, chinosoliard pointed out that we might remove the usb sticks from the list because they are a bit expensive 23:06:49 <alexove> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Swag_LATAM_FY17 23:07:11 <chinosoliard> athos, and I need to change the quantities 23:07:27 <alexove> ! 23:07:33 <athos> aren't we past the deadline for that chinosoliard? 23:07:57 <chinosoliard> itamarjp, mail reminding meeting comes to me 10 minutes before meeting :-/ 23:07:57 <alexove> ! 23:08:22 <athos> go on alexove 23:08:26 <chinosoliard> athos, I think that yes 23:08:42 <alexove> people, please wait for my EOF 23:09:02 <alexove> As I was saying 23:09:07 <itamarjp> chinosoliard. 60 minutes in advance in email, 10 minutes notification 23:09:34 <alexove> we decided to review the wiki page looking for quantity and items to be produced 23:09:39 <kovalevsky> .fas sophiekovalevsky 23:09:40 <zodbot> kovalevsky: sophiekovalevsky 'Kiara Navarro' <kiarakovalevsky@gmail.com> 23:09:42 <kovalevsky> Panama. 23:10:06 <alexove> the question is: Are you already reviewed the wiki page? 23:10:42 <alexove> EOF 23:10:48 <athos> ok 23:10:57 <yosef7> Veo que aun Nicaragua no ha agregado informacion en la wiki para los swags 23:11:15 <athos> alexove, as I mentioned before, if I remember correctly, we had a deadline for adding data to that list 23:11:46 <athos> and if I remember correctly that deadline was august 8th! we did open one exception for someone, but that was it 23:12:16 <athos> we cannot vote that if the quantities keep changing 23:13:01 <itamarjp> athos, wolnei, I have asked 100 t-shirts for Brazil, this means that you bring 33, and wolnei 33, and me 33 to Brazil 23:13:11 <alexove> you are right Athos 23:13:13 <athos> since neville did not give his input on the matter as far as we (the ones in the meeting) know, we will probably not vote that today, right? 23:13:32 <alexove> athos: +1 23:13:41 <itamarjp> athos, wolnei, are you ok with these numbers or we have to reduce it a little bit ? 23:13:43 <wolnei> +1 23:13:46 <athos> so, should we open the list for input for one more day? can we vote on that? chinosoliard wants to add something in there 23:13:58 <athos> i am ok with it itamarjp, thanks :) 23:13:59 <wolnei> Reduce itamar 23:14:22 <itamarjp> wolnei, tell a number, 20 is ok ? 23:14:31 <wolnei> Yes 23:15:02 <athos> we can only change numbers if everybody agrees on opening the deadline until tomorrow or monday... because then we would have to review it again... right alexove, itamarjp, chinosoliard? 23:15:21 <athos> note that we are 20 days PAST the original deadline 23:15:35 <yulytas> Hi, can I ask for 25 tshirts? I will have three more events around Peru 23:15:46 <athos> guys, focus. 23:15:47 <alexove> We can do it until wednesday 23:16:21 <itamarjp> athos, I would like to reduce the number of t-shirts for Brazil to 60, because of alfandega / import duties in Brazil, 23:16:29 <athos> so, let's vote it: Shall we postpone the deadline for requesting swag until monday? 23:16:41 <yulytas> +1 23:16:47 <yosef7> +1 23:17:15 <athos> I am sorry, thats until wednesday 23:17:23 <chinosoliard> +1, changing deadline. And I'll change numbers after meeting 23:17:23 <alexove> let's do something, We can update the wiki page with more items and price per unit to do final review until friday. 23:17:26 <athos> note that after that, we shall NOT add nor remove stuff anymore 23:17:48 <athos> we only have 2 +1's, anyone else? 23:17:50 <chinosoliard> alexove, what about usb sticks? 23:18:08 <chinosoliard> athos, I voted +1 too 23:18:16 <alexove> While we can invite to yn1v or potty to next meeting 23:18:37 <athos> I agree 23:18:40 <potty> Sup 23:18:41 <yulytas> ok 23:18:42 <athos> I am +1 as well 23:18:48 <athos> #chair potty 23:18:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: athos potty 23:19:02 <alexove> yulytas we ask 100 t-shirts for all events in Peru 23:19:29 <athos> itamarjp: potty and others, are we a +1 on this then? 23:19:41 <potty> On what athos? 23:19:42 <yulytas> I just need for the events in Ica, UCH and UPICH 23:19:58 <em3rson> athos, +1 23:20:07 <yulytas> maybe 30, I hope you can send me as well as DVD Fedora 24 and stickers :) that makes people Happier ñ.ñ 23:20:13 <athos> we postpone deadline to change requests for swags until wednesday, everybody reviews until friday and we vote it on saturday, after nevilles input on CC limits 23:20:17 <athos> potty: ^ 23:20:36 <athos> guys, PLEASE, use ! to talk, there's too much noise here :) 23:20:48 <yulytas> and it is possible to have an event in Lima, at UNI. I do not have still the authorization but I am working on it 23:20:51 <alexove> athos: +1 23:20:53 <potty> +1 23:21:00 <potty> Not a problem 23:21:07 <chinosoliard> <yulytas> I just need for the events in Ica, UCH and UPICH <- We can just give t-shirts as a present, we need to get people involved 23:21:17 <potty> I suggest a limit of 3K, similar as Neville RH credit card 23:21:28 <potty> On the total to pay 23:21:30 <chinosoliard> what about chile? 23:21:33 <athos> #agreed Postpone deadline to change requests for swag until monday. 23:21:40 <chinosoliard> we need to send a reminder to the list 23:21:41 <yulytas> ok 23:21:46 <x3mboy> .fas x3mboy 23:21:47 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 23:21:52 <x3mboy> Hello people 23:21:52 <alexove> athos: monday? 23:21:56 <athos> #action ambassadors shall review the swags list and prices until friday, before the next meeting 23:22:12 <athos> #undo 23:22:12 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by athos at 23:21:56 : ambassadors shall review the swags list and prices until friday, before the next meeting 23:22:15 <athos> #undo 23:22:15 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by athos at 23:21:33 : Postpone deadline to change requests for swag until monday. 23:22:25 <athos> #agreed Postpone deadline to change requests for swag until Wednesday 23:22:40 <athos> #action ambassadors shall review the swags list and prices until friday, before the next meeting 23:22:44 <athos> ok :) 23:23:05 <athos> any other topics to discuss or shall we move to Open Floor? 23:23:30 <athos> oh 23:24:02 <athos> #action Invite Neville to attend the next meeting - We need input on the credit card limits to actually buy the swags 23:24:20 <athos> so, shall we move to Open Floor? 23:24:52 <chinosoliard> for me, yes... there's no more to talk in agenda 23:24:56 <athos> #topic OpenFloor 23:25:05 <bernardoha> .fas bernardoha 23:25:06 <zodbot> bernardoha: bernardoha 'Bernardo C. Hermitaño Atencio' <bernardoha@gmail.com> 23:25:21 <athos> so, as you started talking about the agenda, I have a request to make: 23:25:57 <athos> After your tickets had been discussed on a meeting, please, remove the meeting tag from it on TRAC so we have a consistent meeting agenda in there 23:26:12 <athos> :) 23:26:33 <chinosoliard> ok, athos. Good point 23:27:07 <athos> anyone else have any input or want to talk about anything? 23:27:22 <alexove> ! 23:27:25 <athos> go on alexove 23:27:39 <alexove> about FUDCon, I wrote many emails to jzb and he will purchase the flight tickets from this monday 23:27:58 <alexove> please update your personal information in shared spreadsheet 23:28:22 <alexove> like flight dates, reimbursements etc 23:28:26 <alexove> EOF 23:28:28 <athos> awesome! here, have a cookie! alexove++ 23:28:28 <zodbot> athos: Karma for alexove changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:28:30 <yosef7> ok, thanks alexove 23:28:34 <chinosoliard> alexove, tramité el pasaporte el viernes pasado, no creo que esté hasta dentro de 3 semanas 23:28:43 <yosef7> alexove++ 23:28:43 <zodbot> yosef7: Karma for alexove changed to 4 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:28:50 <x3mboy> alexove++ 23:28:51 <zodbot> x3mboy: Karma for alexove changed to 5 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:29:12 <athos> anyone else? 23:29:33 * alexove yami yami I like cookies :-) 23:29:49 <athos> Ok, I have one last thing to add! I moght as well write a blog post on it: 23:30:17 <athos> last week I went to an event here is São Paulo called Osasco Open 23:30:41 <athos> Davi, one of the organizers, invited anyone who wanted to talk about Fedora to show up and do so, so I went there 23:30:58 <chinosoliard> you should, athos, to help promoting latan work 23:31:13 <chinosoliard> athos++ 23:31:15 <athos> Well, I prepared a presentation called "How do we make Fedora" 23:32:13 <athos> It was about the release process of the distro. How do we branch it, what are each of the branches for, what rawhide is, when do we branch, when to release, go no-go meetings, etc, etc 23:32:38 <athos> what the event organizers didn't tell me: 23:32:41 <chinosoliard> can you share the presentation later, please? 23:32:48 <athos> it was an event for high schoolers! 23:32:52 <athos> sure chinosoliard 23:33:12 <athos> so, as you can imagine, nobody understood a single word of my presentation 23:33:30 <athos> and I ended up teaching a bit more about free software, software licenses and etc 23:33:50 <deadrat> haha.. well at least they learned something good, athos 23:33:53 <athos> My point here is: Lesson learned! 23:34:13 <athos> ask who is your audience 23:34:28 <chinosoliard> athos: how old has the students? Maybe someone learn something 23:34:40 <athos> they were 15~17 23:34:55 <athos> only one of them knew what linux was :( 23:35:03 <chinosoliard> too young 23:35:18 <athos> and I was talking about branching, because that's what I prepared for them 23:35:19 <deadrat> that is sad.. but they probably knew Win and Mac. 23:35:33 <athos> anyway EOF 23:35:46 <athos> anyone else? 23:35:49 <yosef7> Thanks for sharing your experience. athos 23:35:54 <athos> :) 23:35:55 <yosef7> athos++ 23:35:55 <zodbot> yosef7: Karma for ribeiro changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:36:02 <deadrat> chinosoliard: No, not really. They weren't too yong. schools should start teaching free software lot before that.. 23:36:13 <athos> agreed! 23:36:18 <athos> shall I end the meeting then? 23:36:20 <chinosoliard> deadrat: +1 23:36:27 <athos> 5 23:36:28 <athos> 4 23:36:30 <athos> 3 23:36:31 <athos> 2 23:36:32 <athos> 1 23:36:35 <chinosoliard> good by 23:36:36 <chinosoliard> *bye 23:36:36 <athos> #endmeeting