23:02:56 <echevemaster> #startmeeting Fedora Latam Ambassadors meeting 2016-10-09 23:02:56 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Sep 10 23:02:56 2016 UTC. The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:02:56 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:02:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_ambassadors_meeting_2016-10-09' 23:03:03 <mayorga> .hello mayorga 23:03:04 <zodbot> mayorga: mayorga 'Eduardo Augusto Mayorga' <e@mayorgalinux.com> 23:03:06 * mayorga Nicaragua 23:03:12 <echevemaster> #meetingname fedora-latam 23:03:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam' 23:03:24 <echevemaster> #topic Roll call 23:03:26 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p 23:03:27 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 23:03:31 * tonet666p from Perú 23:03:35 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 23:03:36 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 23:03:43 * echevemaster Venezuela Colombia 23:03:53 <alexove> .fas alexove 23:03:53 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:03:56 * alexove = Peru 23:04:02 <potty> .hello potty 23:04:03 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> 23:04:03 <echevemaster> #topic Fudcon sponsorship for Dennis Gilmore 23:04:04 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp 23:04:05 * potty Panama 23:04:07 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 23:04:07 * itamarjp Brazil 23:04:50 <em3rson> .fas em3rson 23:04:51 <zodbot> em3rson: em3rson 'Emerson Santos' <em3rson@linuxmail.org> 23:04:55 * em3rson Brazil 23:04:57 <echevemaster> Tonet please explain why do you bring to Fudcon Dennis Gilmore and see if it is possible with the current funds 23:05:15 <itamarjp> ! 23:05:42 <echevemaster> After tonet itamarjp 23:05:44 <porfirio> .hello porfiriopaiz 23:05:45 <fredlima> .fas fredlima 23:05:45 <zodbot> porfirio: porfiriopaiz 'Porfirio Andrés Páiz Carrasco' <porfiriopaiz@gmail.com> 23:05:48 <zodbot> fredlima: fredlima 'Frederico Henrique Gonçalves Lima' <fred@fredericolima.com.br> 23:05:48 <porfirio> .fas porfiriopaiz 23:05:49 * fredlima Brazil 23:05:54 <zodbot> porfirio: porfiriopaiz 'Porfirio Andrés Páiz Carrasco' <porfiriopaiz@gmail.com> 23:06:44 <echevemaster> tonet666p 23:06:47 <echevemaster> ? 23:06:58 <tonet666p> hi guys, we want to bring to dennis cause we want one RH guy 23:07:16 <echevemaster> It's possible with the current funds? 23:07:40 <echevemaster> In other case do you have another person that you wish to bring to Fudcon? 23:07:49 <tonet666p> still not, dgilmore can you say if you talk with red hat about it? 23:07:54 <echevemaster> tonet666p? 23:08:33 <echevemaster> OK if this is not ready yet we can't vote for him tonet666p 23:08:53 <mayorga> His ticket says partial funding does not help. 23:09:14 <tonet666p> if dgilmore cant bring more money, then i thing we need to discuss the remaining tickets 23:09:22 <tonet666p> EOF 23:09:28 <echevemaster> mayorga remember react with! please 23:09:34 <echevemaster> OK 23:09:47 <echevemaster> We will not have the discussion for now 23:09:55 <echevemaster> We will wait for the next week 23:09:57 <itamarjp> I don't like to make pressure, 23:10:04 <itamarjp> let me talk its my turn now 23:10:06 <echevemaster> itamarjp go ahead 23:11:05 <echevemaster> Btw 23:11:13 <echevemaster> #chair mayorga 23:11:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: echevemaster mayorga 23:11:28 <itamarjp> We could try to approve partial to dgilmore and ask RH more money to complete it to full sponsorship 23:11:44 <echevemaster> That is the idea itamarjp 23:11:47 <itamarjp> if doesnt work or dgilmore is not happy with partial we vote next tickets next week 23:11:49 <NumberStation08> .fas rodrigodearaujo 23:11:49 <zodbot> NumberStation08: rodrigodearaujo 'Rodrigo de Araujo' <araujorodrigo1984@gmail.com> 23:12:13 <wolnei> .fas wolnei 23:12:14 <zodbot> wolnei: wolnei 'Wolnei Cândido Tomazelli Junior' <e@wolnei.com.br> 23:12:15 <HoloIRCUser> .fas lailah 23:12:17 <zodbot> HoloIRCUser: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com> 23:12:21 <wolnei> Brazil 23:12:27 <echevemaster> Itamarjp if dgilmore can't found funds for the next week, we can't do anything 23:12:57 <itamarjp> how about kohane ? 23:13:00 <itamarjp> EOF 23:13:22 <echevemaster> And we have to ask to the organizers what people they want to bring Fudcon instead him 23:13:40 <echevemaster> So this decision will be taken the next week 23:14:15 <echevemaster> For those that doesn't know there are available funds because Kahane lives in Europe 23:14:37 <echevemaster> And will not travel to Fudcon 23:14:53 <porfirio> ! 23:15:14 <echevemaster> Go ahead porfirio 23:15:55 <echevemaster> #chair tonet666p 23:15:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: echevemaster mayorga tonet666p 23:16:03 <porfirio> I know Kohane now lives at Europe, but if I recall correctly, in the past, fedora organizers has sponsored people from other regions 23:16:05 <itamarjp> the IRC appears to be a little bit unstable now, alot of Connection reset by peer 23:16:40 <spacial> .fas spacial 23:16:41 <zodbot> spacial: spacial 'Jacson Spacial' <spacial@gmail.com> 23:16:50 <porfirio> Can we ask to Kohane if she can afford the money the ticket is not covering? 23:16:55 <porfirio> EOF 23:17:05 <echevemaster> porfirio, Latam will not pay for a flight from Europe, also Kohane resign its ticket 23:17:17 <Kohane> ! 23:17:20 <porfirio> Kohane: Is that true? 23:17:29 <echevemaster> If you want further details go to its ticket 23:17:37 <echevemaster> Kohane 23:17:44 <echevemaster> Go ahead 23:17:51 <Kohane> Yes, because I don't want to cause any problems to the organisers. 23:18:14 <echevemaster> Please Kohane paste your ticket here 23:18:31 <Kohane> And I don't know if I will be able to pay the extra money or not. 23:18:44 <Kohane> I'm on phone 23:18:55 <echevemaster> And porfirio, that question, that is true? Is a unrespectful 23:19:04 <itamarjp> Kohane, Can we try something recorded or via video call if Peru has a fast connection ? 23:19:11 <Kohane> Yes 23:19:14 <Kohane> Sure 23:19:19 <itamarjp> I would love to hear from you how was Flock 23:19:20 <echevemaster> I'm not a liar first at all 23:19:25 <echevemaster> Kohane thanks 23:19:38 <echevemaster> Another question? 23:19:39 <itamarjp> and probably I am not the only one 23:20:21 <NumberStation08> I would like to watch online because I've never been to FUDCon 23:20:25 <Kohane> Yes, no problem. If there's a good connection we can do something online 23:20:34 <NumberStation08> if they can transmit great 23:21:13 <Kohane> And if the connection isn't good enough, I can record something and send it 23:21:27 <porfirio> echevemaster: I'm sorry, It was just for the record. It wasn't my intention to offence. My bad. 23:21:34 <echevemaster> Thanks again Kohane :) 23:21:41 <NumberStation08> That would be nice of you, thanks 23:21:45 <Kohane> You're welcome 23:21:47 <echevemaster> Thanks porfirio :) 23:22:18 <echevemaster> OK let's do this discussion for the next week 23:22:20 <echevemaster> OK 23:22:32 <echevemaster> There is another topic to discuss? 23:22:37 <itamarjp> yes, I have one 23:22:51 <echevemaster> Please what topic is? 23:23:31 <itamarjp> about transparency of utilization of Funds, 23:23:56 <echevemaster> #topic Transparency of utilization of Funds 23:23:59 <echevemaster> Go ahead 23:24:23 <itamarjp> I would like to ask about this ticket, 23:24:24 <itamarjp> https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/ticket/694 23:24:34 <itamarjp> the guy appears to filled the ticket and added a receipt 23:24:47 <itamarjp> who approved this ticket and how ? 23:25:28 <echevemaster> Who is that person and he is from? 23:25:56 <echevemaster> From Peru 23:25:58 <tonet666p> itamar, nosotros reservamos una habitacion extra por si alguien se animaba a venir y se paga si vuelo 23:26:27 <tonet666p> es unicamente el hospedaje 23:26:28 <itamarjp> theres an receipt of $800+ added on the ticket 23:26:33 <echevemaster> tonet666p you posted something about him in anywhere? 23:26:42 <alexove> !!! 23:26:57 <echevemaster> alexove go ahead 23:27:21 <alexove> David Zeledon esta pagando su pasaje 23:27:27 <tonet666p> echevemaster, yes, at the facebook page 23:27:41 <alexove> y no esta afectando al presupuesto de FUDCon 23:27:44 <echevemaster> tonet666p please add the explanation to the ticket 23:27:56 <alexove> los chicos le ayudaron a reservar una habitacion de hotel 23:28:18 <alexove> supongo que es error de David o una mala guia 23:28:25 <alexove> no hay porque molestarse 23:28:27 <alexove> EOF 23:28:33 <tonet666p> o/ 23:28:45 <echevemaster> OK 23:28:49 <itamarjp> then I think I can close the ticket, right ? if he is paying the hotel then reimbursement is not required. 23:29:00 <echevemaster> To let's clear something 23:29:04 <echevemaster> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Sponsoring_event_attendees 23:29:12 <tonet666p> alexove, no especificamente a el, esa habitacion extra era para alguna persona que quiera venir PERO se este pagando su vuelo, y el lo hizo 23:29:19 <alyaj2a> .fas alyaj2a 23:29:20 <zodbot> alyaj2a: alyaj2a 'Aly Yuliza Machaca Mamani' <alyaj2a@gmail.com> 23:29:21 <tonet666p> itamarjp, right 23:29:26 <echevemaster> RegionsRegions (APAC, EMEA, LATAM, NA) have their own guidelines and rules for budget requests and reimbursements and deal with expenses that are up to $2000. Please see Reimbursements page to find out more. 23:29:31 * alyaj2a from Peru 23:29:41 <echevemaster> Other partiesThe event owner is sometimes responsible for these decisions, and receives a set budget from which to offer subsidies under the process described below.In some circumstances, the Fedora Project Board may be consulted, but this is not usually a requirement. This might happen, for example, if there is an opportunity for attendance sponsorship that needs to be considered in light of the Board's strategic vision for the Fedora 23:29:50 <echevemaster> Organizers can take decisions 23:29:55 <itamarjp> one the same page -> Be transparent. Use open meetings to decide on sponsorships, 23:29:55 <echevemaster> Only rule 23:30:00 <echevemaster> They have to inform 23:30:30 <echevemaster> Agree with you itamarjp, organizers no were clear on that 23:30:44 <echevemaster> So next time, please be clear 23:31:14 <echevemaster> There is another topic to discuss 23:31:20 <itamarjp> yes, 23:31:20 <echevemaster> ? 23:31:27 <tonet666p> yes 23:31:34 <tonet666p> we have a question 23:31:40 <echevemaster> tonet666p what topic do you want discuss 23:31:54 <itamarjp> I would like to register here that some guy added names into spreadsheet of flights without permission of latam community 23:31:58 <tonet666p> we need reinbursements as soon as possible 23:32:30 <echevemaster> I'll talk with Neville about him 23:32:39 <itamarjp> and one flight was bought, but cancelled right after, 23:32:52 <itamarjp> and I think this should never happen again 23:33:00 <itamarjp> EOF 23:33:08 <echevemaster> itamarjp please be clear if you are saying that a guy added names into spreadsheet 23:33:31 <Kohane> He just said that 23:33:45 <itamarjp> I preffer to avoiding naming people here, and lets this case die. 23:34:02 <alexove> itamarjp: +1 23:34:04 <echevemaster> That was first a decision from tonet666p 23:34:24 <echevemaster> What goes wrong? 23:34:33 <echevemaster> A meeting was not held 23:34:59 <itamarjp> a name of 2 guys was added 23:35:05 <echevemaster> But that guy as you say it's named Luis bazan and he didn't a bad intention on that 23:35:09 <itamarjp> and one was clear not approved by community in previous meetings 23:35:23 <echevemaster> Only he asked to tonet666p 23:35:40 <itamarjp> lets finish naming them 23:35:45 <echevemaster> But wasn't discussed on the meeting 23:36:03 <itamarjp> Luis Bazan added blackfile and lkf without approval of latam community 23:36:06 <echevemaster> Because of that, I'm pasting here the guidelines 23:36:18 <tonet666p> my bad was to did'nt tell that on a open meeting 23:36:23 <echevemaster> The path is 23:36:29 <tonet666p> please stop it 23:36:30 <itamarjp> the blackfile ticket was not approved in previous meetings 23:36:34 <itamarjp> and lkf never voted. 23:36:41 <echevemaster> We know itamarjp 23:36:53 <echevemaster> Please read what I'm telling you 23:36:56 <tonet666p> if i decided that was for dont spend more time, we are near to fudcon 23:37:13 <echevemaster> That it's 23:37:32 <echevemaster> So, next time please don't accuse to people before investigate 23:37:39 <echevemaster> Thanks all for read 23:37:42 <alexove> ! 23:37:51 <echevemaster> alexove go ahead 23:37:57 <alexove> No voy a justificar a nadie, pero Itamarjp tiene razon 23:38:07 <alexove> se tomo una decision unilateral 23:38:07 <echevemaster> Yes he is right 23:38:32 <alexove> y pareciera que la opinion de una persona sobre a la de los demás y no es correcto 23:38:33 <itamarjp> echevemaster, dont tell that I am accusing without investigate, I am a very fair guy 23:38:38 <echevemaster> But the best path to follow is ask to organizers 23:38:41 <alexove> por favor aun no he terminado 23:39:08 <alexove> bajo ese entender, sabemos que se actuo de buena fe 23:39:30 <alexove> a pesar ello se actuo mal y esto llego a mayores al punto que loko_murdok 23:39:37 <alexove> dijo que no iba a venir 23:39:38 <echevemaster> Correct. 23:40:13 <alexove> pero no actualizo su ticket hasta el momento, y sugiero que conciliemos en estos dias respecto al ticket lbazan y kohane 23:40:13 <echevemaster> Well that is his decision, not from us 23:40:21 <tonet666p> solo pongo un ejemplo, si alguien se atora comiendo, vas y lo auxilias como se pueda, no esperas a traer a un doctor diciendo ES LO CORRECTO 23:40:36 <alexove> con las cosas claras respecto a los numeros podemos decidir a quien traer y a quien no 23:40:37 <echevemaster> First we have to talk with him and see if he will going to Fudcon 23:40:47 * alexove aun esta hablando 23:41:08 <tonet666p> hay cosas que se necesitan hacer en caliente, a veces mal, tal vez no sea el ejemplo correcto pero no se dejen llevar por el momento, piensen las cosas, nadie esta loco 23:41:13 <alexove> Además que estan surgiendo otros problemas y el tiempo nos esta yendo en contra 23:41:52 <alexove> asi que solicito a todos que por favor estemos atentos a cualquier convocatoria del equipo organizador de fudcon 23:41:56 <echevemaster> OK then that decision will be taken by organizers 23:42:15 <alexove> si necesitan tomar decisiones rapidas asistir a un meeting, votar y continuar rapido 23:42:25 <alexove> eso es todo lo que tengo que decir por ahora 23:42:27 <alexove> EOF 23:42:35 <echevemaster> So, organizers if you need a meeting let me know 23:42:57 <echevemaster> Another topic to discuss? 23:43:07 <alexove> Swags 23:43:39 <echevemaster> First you have information about how Neville can give to Peru the funds? 23:43:45 <echevemaster> #topic swags 23:44:17 <alexove> Debo informarles que no es posible contactar con proveedores que nos puedan dar un comprobante de pago por adelantando 23:44:34 <itamarjp> alexove++ 23:44:34 <zodbot> itamarjp: Karma for alexove changed to 6 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:44:49 <alexove> y la mayoria de proveedores no aceptan tarjetas de credito de ningun tipo 23:44:54 <alexove> todos los pagos son en efectivo 23:45:14 <itamarjp> How much will cost the swags ? 23:45:17 <echevemaster> Then it's impossible to Neville give you funds for that he only can pay directly to providers 23:45:22 <alexove> casi 3000 dolares 23:45:32 <echevemaster> 1600 alexove 23:45:45 <echevemaster> I sent an email the last week 23:45:52 <echevemaster> To the lists 23:46:49 <alexove> disculpen, son 1968 USD lo que indica el correo de echevemaster 23:47:52 <echevemaster> If itamarjp can find providers he can take the responsibility for that, that is right itamarjp? 23:48:06 <alexove> además neville no puede hacer adelantos de dinero bajo ninguna condicion y por esta razon no sería posible mandar a fabricar los swags 23:48:43 <alexove> echevemaster: Si eso pasara los precios variaran y seria necesario hacer un recalculo 23:49:09 <yulytas_> ! 23:49:21 <alexove> EOF 23:49:24 <echevemaster> I know I'm only repeating that he told 23:49:26 <itamarjp> ! 23:49:33 <tonet666p> yulytas_, go a head 23:49:37 <echevemaster> Itamarjp go ahead 23:49:49 <echevemaster> Sorry 23:49:57 <echevemaster> Yulitas 23:49:57 <tonet666p> itamarjp, after :p 23:49:58 <itamarjp> yulytas_ let me talk first 23:50:06 <yulytas_> if itamarjp brings the swags from Brazil, he will carry many bags in the airport 23:50:16 <echevemaster> No itamarjp 23:50:18 <yulytas_> just that 23:50:19 <echevemaster> Yulitas first 23:50:25 <itamarjp> go ahead them 23:50:32 <echevemaster> OK itamarjp go ahead 23:50:43 <yulytas_> please consider prices, itineries and concerns 23:51:19 <itamarjp> I have bought my flight $600 if I got an reimbursement We can transfer that to Peru and produce less stuff 23:51:34 <itamarjp> and get receipt of swags and I get the money back 23:51:50 <echevemaster> That could be a good idea 23:52:03 <echevemaster> Let me talk with Neville 23:52:10 <itamarjp> but It will be 3x less 23:52:24 <echevemaster> We can live with it itamarjp 23:52:30 <echevemaster> The important is 23:52:39 <echevemaster> We have to produce swag 23:53:09 <itamarjp> I will post an message on my ticket and give an update about that next week 23:53:19 <echevemaster> #action I will talk with Neville about see if it's possible reimburse itamar and send money to Peru 23:53:25 <itamarjp> alexove are you ok with that ? 23:53:35 <echevemaster> Thanks itamarjp 23:53:49 <yulytas_> yes please, the itinerary to help you carry on in our bags in the airport, are going to come to Lima first, right 23:54:21 <itamarjp> EOF 23:54:24 <alexove> Estoy de acuerdo pero de todos modos debemos hacer las consultas primero, coordinamos luego 23:54:28 <echevemaster> yulitas you don't read well 23:54:29 <alexove> gracias Itamarjp 23:54:38 <echevemaster> OK 23:54:43 <yulytas_> ok 23:54:44 <yosef7> .fas josereyesjdi 23:54:45 <zodbot> yosef7: josereyesjdi 'Jose Reyes' <josereyes.jdi@gmail.com> 23:54:46 <echevemaster> Next topic 23:54:54 <itamarjp> Hotel, 23:54:54 <fredlima> ! 23:55:30 <echevemaster> #topic Basic rules to avoid future problems with the decisions 23:56:05 <echevemaster> Next week we will do a brainstorming with all, for discuss and let's clear what paths we have to follow in case of take decisions 23:56:24 <echevemaster> To avoid problems as we have the last week 23:56:30 <echevemaster> So you are invited to discuss 23:56:30 <alexove> ! 23:56:32 <echevemaster> Eof 23:56:46 <echevemaster> fredlima go ahead 23:56:48 <tonet666p> i think it need to be before 23:56:52 <fredlima> someone said that fedora latam isn't a democracy, but it is, a different kind of democracy, where we vote, but our votes means nothing. 23:57:00 <x3mboy> .fas x3mboy 23:57:01 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 23:57:11 <fredlima> EOF 23:57:19 <tonet666p> this meeting will be on wednesday in fudcon-planning 23:57:25 <alexove> ! 23:57:33 <echevemaster> fredlima you are not right, we are discussing all we need 23:57:41 <echevemaster> Alexove go ahead 23:57:58 <alexove> sugiero que se habra una pagina en la wiki o se haga un hilo en la lista de correos para tratar este tema de las reglas 23:58:16 <alexove> para recolectar las ideas y no demoremos mucho en el meeting de la proxima semana 23:58:19 <alexove> EOF 23:58:20 <echevemaster> Thanks Alex 23:58:24 <echevemaster> I'll do 23:58:45 <itamarjp> ! 23:58:48 <echevemaster> #action echevemaster will open a wiki for write the basic rules 23:58:51 <echevemaster> itamarjp 23:59:05 <echevemaster> Go ahead 23:59:23 <itamarjp> I saw that tonet666 added the hotel receipt, I would like to hear about hotel 23:59:27 <itamarjp> EOF 23:59:45 <echevemaster> tonet666p 00:00:18 <tonet666p> ok 00:00:22 <tonet666p> this is the hotel 00:00:24 <tonet666p> http://francispuno.com/ 00:01:13 <mayorga> tonet666p: Thanks! 00:01:14 <tonet666p> you can see it, we already booked it ant it includes transportation from the airport to the hottel 00:01:35 <echevemaster> OK that is clear 00:01:48 <echevemaster> Time over 00:01:59 <echevemaster> May I close this meeting 00:02:00 <echevemaster> ? 00:02:05 <itamarjp> no 00:02:27 <echevemaster> itamarjp time is over, the meeting is for one hour 00:02:34 <itamarjp> ok 00:02:42 <echevemaster> If you want to add something go ahead 00:02:43 <yulytas_> ok 00:02:48 <echevemaster> You have three minutes 00:02:49 <itamarjp> its ok, 00:03:18 <echevemaster> OK thanks 00:03:22 <itamarjp> If meeting about fudcon are in a different day please invite in mailing lists 00:03:24 <echevemaster> 5 00:03:26 <echevemaster> 4 00:03:28 <tonet666p> ! 00:03:28 <echevemaster> 3 00:03:30 <alexove> wait 00:03:46 <tonet666p> yulytas_, have a problem with her ticket 00:04:01 <echevemaster> Remember, meeting is for one hour 00:04:06 <yulytas_> what problem tonet666p? 00:04:07 <tonet666p> yulytas_, can you explain it? 00:04:12 <yulytas_> I did not know about it 00:04:12 <echevemaster> What kind of problem 00:04:38 <echevemaster> Could be discussed offline or need to be discussed here? 00:04:53 <itamarjp> yulytas_, Can you update your ticket ? 00:04:54 <yulytas_> Echevemaster, FEDORA use something cimilar to this app? https://www.easypolls.net/ 00:04:55 <tonet666p> yulytas, the peruvian tickets will be reinbursed, can you buy your flight first? 00:05:09 <tonet666p> we need a receipt on your ticket 00:05:19 <yulytas_> I asked last week 00:05:27 <echevemaster> Itamarjp please go ahead that you will talk 00:05:31 <yulytas_> echevemaster told me that I have to wait 00:05:38 <itamarjp> EOF 00:05:53 <yulytas_> because I have a sponsorship from FEDORA 00:05:53 <echevemaster> what problem do you have 00:05:54 <echevemaster> ? 00:06:04 <yulytas_> I do not know 00:06:12 <echevemaster> That is your decision 00:06:17 <alexove> ! 00:06:26 <echevemaster> If you want to buy your tickets 00:06:38 <echevemaster> If not you have to wait and alex go ahead 00:06:46 <yulytas_> remember I asked you ecehvemaster about my flight ticket and you have said that I must wait because I have a sponsorpship and it takes time 00:07:04 <echevemaster> Yes you asked 00:07:13 <alexove> !! 00:07:14 <yulytas_> good you have remembered 00:07:19 <echevemaster> If you will not pay your ticket 00:07:22 <tonet666p> alexove, go a head 00:07:25 <alexove> Le dije a yulytas que los tickets de Peru van por la via de reembolso, tonet666p, Itamar y Joe saben al respecto 00:07:53 <alexove> entonces, todos los peruanos deben comprar sus boletos de transporte y se les reembolsara en FUDCon 00:07:57 <alyaj2a> +1 alexove 00:07:59 <echevemaster> So yulitas if you don't know the rules about reimbursements I suggest you read it 00:08:08 <yulytas_> Aly asked me my passport number this week I did not know about this so clear 00:08:13 <alexove> echevemaster, espera que termino 00:08:48 <alyaj2a> Yulytas yo pregunté para llenar la plantilla para el hotel 00:08:55 <alexove> yulytas, me dijo que no podria comprar sus boletos de avión, entonces le escribi para que me envie sus datos por email (y tambien de zodiacfireworks) 00:08:59 <echevemaster> yulitas you are traveling through Peru, you don't need a passport 00:09:08 * alexove aun no termina!!! 00:09:10 <yulytas_> ok Aly 00:09:31 <alexove> para tratar de que estos ticket los compre Joe o en su defecto se acelere el reembolso para que no tengan problemas posterios 00:09:37 <alyaj2a> Sigue Alexove 00:09:38 <alexove> pero no he recibido respuesta 00:09:49 <itamarjp> yulytas_, update your ticket, 00:09:52 <yulytas_> I did not know why she wants that information, I just gave it to her 00:10:06 <tonet666p> #chair alyaj2a 00:10:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: alyaj2a echevemaster mayorga tonet666p 00:10:08 <yulytas_> ok Itamar, in this moment I am doing it 00:10:23 <alexove> si yulytas a pesar de esto no puede acompañarnos en FUDCon entonces debe indicarlo en su ticket y éste debera ser cerrado 00:10:27 <alyaj2a> Yulytas ya dije q pregunté para el hotel 00:10:49 <alexove> yulytas: Zodiacfireworks podra venir? 00:10:49 <echevemaster> This is the kind of things that happens when people don't read. 00:10:59 <echevemaster> This could be discussed offline 00:11:02 <echevemaster> So people 00:11:07 <yulytas_> esta bien Aly, pero no me dijiste asi, solo te di mi dato porque eres una organizadora y debo darte lo que me inidques 00:11:11 <echevemaster> Thanks for attend 00:11:14 <echevemaster> #endmeeting