14:00:39 <potty> #startmeeting famsco 14:00:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 12 14:00:39 2016 UTC. The chair is potty. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 14:00:47 <potty> #topic Roll Call 14:00:50 <potty> .hello potty 14:00:51 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> 14:00:55 <mailga> .hello mailga 14:00:56 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <g.trombini@gmail.com> 14:01:35 <potty> Hi mailga :) 14:01:53 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 14:01:54 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 14:01:55 <mailga> hello potty how's going? 14:02:05 <potty> Good. Thank you. 14:02:08 <potty> Hi tuanta! 14:02:20 <tuanta> Hi potty mailga :) 14:02:59 <mailga> hello tuanta 14:03:34 <potty> #info Attendance 3/6 14:03:40 <potty> #topic FAmSCo membership status for lbazan 14:03:43 <potty> .famsco 40 14:03:43 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/40 14:03:55 <potty> .famsco 403 14:03:55 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/403 14:04:53 <mailga> potty: no news about him? 14:05:34 <potty> I spoke to him yesterday. 14:05:48 <potty> He will not be able to attend FAmSCo dutties. 14:06:03 <potty> He sent regrets for not notifying this before. 14:06:29 <potty> And he agrees if we apply the FAmSCo Election Rules. 14:06:32 <potty> EOF 14:06:38 <mailga> potty: in this case there's no other solution than asking him to step down and leave the seat. 14:06:50 <tuanta> +1 mailga 14:07:58 <potty> Let's do that then. 14:08:11 <mailga> please potty can you reach him once again and ask to edit the ticket #403 with his request for stepping down (or to open one new)? 14:08:15 <potty> #action potty to tell lbazan to update ticket #403 where he will step down and leave the seat 14:08:28 * potty was writing the same as an action 14:08:35 <potty> Do we have any other comments on this? 14:08:51 <mailga> +1 potty I appreciate your taking care of it. 14:08:57 <potty> :) 14:09:17 <potty> Let's change topic. 14:09:20 <potty> #topic New Ambassador mentor README - does this exist? 14:09:25 <potty> .famsco 405 14:09:25 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/405 14:09:39 <potty> Thank you tuanta for taking care of that ticket 14:09:42 <potty> tuanta++ 14:09:42 <zodbot> potty: Karma for tuanta changed to 1 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:09:45 <tuanta> I have just added a comment to 14:10:04 <tuanta> he is a new mentor in India 14:10:54 <mailga> I think the comment of tuanta will get the wontfix on this ticket. Also Indians mentors follow their rules, so its a regional issue. 14:11:47 <potty> mailga: may you close the ticket as wontfix? should I make it an action? 14:11:47 <tuanta> in fact, Mentor guidelines are not too much, just a standard process with FAmA ticket. Almost stuffs are up to each mentor 14:11:56 <potty> tuanta: +1 14:11:58 <tuanta> it's fixed, I think 14:12:07 <tuanta> he got all he needs :) 14:12:20 <potty> yup 14:12:54 <tuanta> btw, I am one of FAmA administrator so taking care of this ticket is my responsible 14:12:54 <potty> #action As tuanta updated the ticket with the only information available, potty will close it as wontfix 14:12:56 <mailga> potty make a info, I'm going to fix it 14:13:00 <potty> #undo 14:13:00 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by potty at 14:12:54 : As tuanta updated the ticket with the only information available, potty will close it as wontfix 14:13:16 * mailga a bit late in the reply... 14:13:19 <potty> let's make tuanta responsible of this 14:13:24 <tuanta> "close it as fixed", I think 14:13:37 <potty> #action As tuanta updated the ticket with the only information available, tuanta will close it as fixed 14:13:41 <potty> No problem 14:13:49 <tuanta> thanks. I will 14:13:51 <mailga> +1 tuanta 14:14:10 <potty> Next topic then 14:14:13 <potty> #topic Proposal: consider tranforming FAmSCo into "FOSCo" — Fedora Outreach Steering Committee 14:14:17 <potty> .famsco 373 14:14:17 <zodbot> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/373 14:14:49 <potty> What is the current status of this? 14:14:52 <gnokii> pong 14:14:58 <potty> cwickert: are you available? 14:15:04 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 14:15:05 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 14:15:06 <potty> bexelbie: do you have any inputs here? 14:15:09 <potty> welcome gnokii :) 14:15:21 <mailga> potty tuanta about #373 we're still waiting the final proposals by bexelbie and cwickert, no updates at the moment afaik 14:15:30 <tuanta> frankly speaking, I would like this happens asap 14:15:37 * mailga vawes to gnokii 14:16:15 <mailga> tuanta: I'm tired about this, seems that FAmSCo will be alive also after FOSCo happens. 14:16:48 <mailga> tuanta: and I'm not sure this is the right way, too many bodies in the Community. 14:16:53 <mailga> eof 14:18:13 <potty> No inputs here, other than mailga's comments 14:18:49 * mailga will give his +1 to any proposal, because we have to start. Also if its not the one he expected. 14:24:00 <mailga> potty tuanta gnokii still online? 14:24:13 <potty> mailga: yup 14:24:24 <potty> Seems like no extra comments here. 14:24:48 <potty> #action potty try to ping cwickert and bexelbie during the week to see if can push a bit further this effort 14:24:54 <tuanta> mailga, yes. But no more comments 14:24:57 <potty> Next topic 14:25:01 <mailga> potty: the news must come from bexelbie and cwickert 14:25:05 <mailga> ok. thx. 14:25:14 <potty> #topic FUDCon Puno 14:25:23 <potty> This is just an informative topic 14:25:25 <gnokii> mmh 14:25:37 <potty> LATAM is having FUDCon in Puno, Peru. 14:25:58 <potty> #link http://www.fudconlatam.org 14:26:14 <potty> (site is in Spanish) 14:26:26 <potty> Any comments here? 14:27:14 <mailga> potty: why in spanish? also the regional meeting is in spanish. If I want to follow something from latam I have to study spanish? :-D 14:27:46 <potty> mailga: i am sorry 14:28:27 <potty> Must of the people don't know English but some contributors always try to push the other to communicate in English even if is not their native language. Anyhow I will send the valid comment to them. 14:28:52 <mailga> potty: of course being Italian I understand lots of Spanish sentences. But other non-latin people cannot. 14:29:06 <potty> I know I know... Our fault :( 14:30:37 <mailga> potty: for me you have to push for speaking in english, at least for the stuff of community interest, and FUCON is. 14:30:45 <mailga> s/FUCO/FUDCON 14:30:59 <mailga> s/FUDCONN/FUDCON 14:31:10 <mailga> I can make it today... 14:31:49 <gnokii> mailga: yes but it seems I was off for few secs 14:32:45 <mailga> gnokii: no problem at all, we know your wifi issues. It seems you had something to say before. 14:36:55 <mailga> not a great day for the internet connections. 14:37:53 <mailga> is there anyone of FAmSCo online? 14:39:22 <tuanta> I am here, mailga 14:39:44 <mailga> tuanta: semms we miss two of us :-D 14:40:53 <mailga> tuanta: what do you think if we leave open the meeting for the time left? I'll give the endmeeting in 20 minutes if no one else will show up. 14:42:08 <mailga> in the meanwhile I'm changing the topic in open floor. Is of for you? 14:42:14 <mailga> s/of/ok 14:43:33 <tuanta> I think we should end the meeting now 14:44:41 <mailga> tuanta: ok, I'm doing just now 14:45:00 <mailga> tuanta potty gnokii thanks to be here (at your best). 14:45:10 <tuanta> thank you too 14:45:21 <mailga> see you in one week, hope with news about FOSCo. 14:45:30 <mailga> #endmeeting 14:46:06 <mailga> I'm not chair? 14:46:57 <potty> #endmeeting