15:00:48 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting 15:00:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 1 15:00:48 2016 UTC. The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_arm_and_aarch64_status_meeting' 15:00:48 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson dgilmore hrw dmarlin yselkowitz jonmasters ahs3 msalter 15:00:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: ahs3 dgilmore dmarlin hrw jonmasters msalter pbrobinson pwhalen yselkowitz 15:00:55 * pbrobinson o/ 15:00:57 <pwhalen> mornign folks, whos here today? 15:02:27 <jlinton> Good morning 15:03:03 <pwhalen> morning jlinton! just giving it a minute for others to join 15:04:57 <pwhalen> thanks for coming.. 15:05:00 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Userspace Status ==== 15:06:03 <pbrobinson> so rawhide userspace will have a 48bit VA kernel on rawhide as of later today (one building now) so people can start doing wider spread testing on that 15:06:46 <jlinton> Yes, if anyone finds and issues please CC me on the emails/bugs 15:07:00 <pbrobinson> #info 48bit VA kernel on rawhide aarch64 as of later today (one building now) so please test 15:08:28 <pwhalen> any one have any other issues/news? 15:08:45 <jlinton> More of an installer issue 15:09:19 <jlinton> but it seems libKF5AkonadiContact.so.5 is missing, which keeps KDE from being installable 15:09:54 <jlinton> Rather the "KDE Plasma Workspace" group 15:10:12 <jlinton> bug 1389526 15:10:19 <pbrobinson> jlinton: will have a look, it has terrible dependency chains, shadow might have got in a knot over it 15:10:54 <pwhalen> #info Missing dependency keeps KDE Plasma Workspace from being installed. 15:11:01 <pwhalen> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1389526 15:11:18 <pwhalen> thanks jlinton 15:11:45 <pwhalen> anything else, or shall we move on? 15:12:12 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== 15:13:00 <pwhalen> #info Latest - kernel-4.9.0-0.rc3.git0.1.fc26 15:13:00 <pwhalen> #link http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=813966 15:13:18 <pbrobinson> so the patch rric wanted for aarch64 will be in 4.8.6 15:13:47 <pbrobinson> I'm really not happy about it as upstream don't see to have agreement on it but given we're at freeze there's little that can be done 15:14:26 <pwhalen> #info Patch - arm64: mm: Fix memmap to be initialized for the entire section included in 4.8.6 15:15:21 <pbrobinson> and panda board, CHIP and some other device will be fixed/improved with that kernel too 15:15:34 <pwhalen> #info Pandaboard boot should be fixed in kernel-4.8.6-300.fc25 15:15:43 <pwhalen> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1390617 15:15:52 <rric> pbrobinson, thanks for applying the patch 15:16:28 <pbrobinson> rric: it will be gone with 4.9 so you need to come up with an agreed upstream solution/patch I can pull in for it by then 15:17:15 <rric> pbrobinson, yeah, I am working on it 15:18:13 <pwhalen> any other exciting kernel news today? 15:18:28 <pwhalen> #info Please test and report any issues to the list or #fedora-arm. 15:18:45 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== Bootloader Status ==== 15:19:26 <pwhalen> #info uboot-tools-2016.11-0.3.rc3.fc26 now available for testing. 15:19:39 <pwhalen> #link http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=814111 15:19:59 <pbrobinson> also we landed ext4 fix for u-boot 2016.09 so that should all be back to normal 15:21:00 <pwhalen> #info Ext4 fix for U-Boot added to 2016.09. 15:22:56 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== F25 Final ==== 15:23:21 <pwhalen> #info Fedora 25 Schedule: 15:23:22 <pwhalen> #info 2016-11-01 - Final Freeze (Today) 15:23:22 <pwhalen> #info 2016-11-15 - Final Release 15:23:36 <pwhalen> #info Testing so far: 15:23:36 <pwhalen> #info ARMhfp - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_25_Branched_20161029.n.0_Summary 15:24:14 <pwhalen> this compose was pretty busted, no install trees, but the disk images were tested. no new issues. 15:24:34 <pbrobinson> so freeze is today. Everything from now on is either a blocker, a freeze exception or a zero day update 15:26:11 <jlinton> bug #1384508, which sometimes happens 3/4 times in a row, was nominated for a blocker 15:26:14 <pwhalen> for aarch64 testing 15:26:16 <jlinton> but they decided against it 15:26:42 <pwhalen> #info AArch64 - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Architectures/AArch64/QA/Fedora-25-20161027.n.0 15:26:44 <jlinton> (thats on juno, where it can happen a few times in a row, and then disappear for a while) 15:29:06 <pwhalen> looks like its currently a small set of hw, but they're open to re-review at some point if its more widespread. we'll have to wait and see if others hit it 15:29:53 <jlinton> Yah, its cross platform though, which makes it unlikely to be a HW issue 15:32:51 <pwhalen> right, we'll have to keep an eye on it. if others here hit it, please update the bug with the details. 15:32:57 <pbrobinson> jlinton: problem is easy reproducers in that case 15:33:58 <pwhalen> #topic 5) == Open Floor == 15:34:27 <pwhalen> any issues for open floor? 15:35:02 <pbrobinson> I would like people to start thinking about F-26 features and requirements 15:35:14 <pbrobinson> other than jlinton's 48bit VA 15:38:52 <pwhalen> thanks for coming folks! 15:38:55 <pwhalen> #endmeeting