22:58:23 <echevemaster> #startmeeting Fedora Latam Ambassadors 2017-01-28 22:58:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Jan 28 22:58:23 2017 UTC. The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:58:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:58:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_ambassadors_2017-01-28' 22:58:36 <echevemaster> #meetingname fedora-latam 22:58:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam' 22:58:45 <echevemaster> #topic Roll Call 22:58:54 <echevemaster> #chair potty 22:58:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: echevemaster potty 22:58:57 <x3mboy> .hello x3mboy 22:58:58 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 22:59:00 <echevemaster> #chair itamarjp 22:59:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: echevemaster itamarjp potty 22:59:06 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 22:59:11 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 22:59:20 <x3mboy> .fas x3mboy 22:59:21 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 22:59:21 * echevemaster Colombia-Venezuela 22:59:24 <athos> .hello athoscr 22:59:25 <zodbot> athos: athoscr 'Athos Ribeiro' <athoscribeiro@gmail.com> 22:59:42 <JuanCarsloLin> .hellomynameis lin 22:59:42 * athos from Brazil 22:59:42 <zodbot> JuanCarsloLin: lin 'Juan Carlos YJ Lin' <lin@unisoft.com.py> 22:59:49 * x3mboy Chile-Venezuela 23:00:01 <mribeirodantas> .fas mribeirodantas 23:00:02 <zodbot> mribeirodantas: mribeirodantas 'Marcel Ribeiro Dantas' <ribeirodantasdm@gmail.com> 23:00:04 <itamarjp> .hello itamarjp 23:00:05 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 23:00:10 * mribeirodantas Brasil 23:00:17 * itamarjp Brazil 23:00:21 <echevemaster> I'll wait for few minutes to start our first topic. 23:00:33 <x3mboy> (Y) 23:00:37 <landim> Brazil 23:01:00 * mayorga here. 23:01:06 <athos> ! 23:01:08 <x3mboy> echevemaster, how are you mi pana??? 23:01:09 * mayorga Nicaragua. 23:01:17 <echevemaster> Today we'll choose the next venue for Fudcon 2017 23:01:27 <echevemaster> x3mboy: buenisimo papa, y tu? 23:02:08 <x3mboy> echevemaster, fino, poniendo las cosas al fía. El año empezó difícil, pero ahí vamos 23:02:21 <fredlima> .fas fredlima 23:02:21 <zodbot> fredlima: fredlima 'Frederico Henrique Gonçalves Lima' <fred@fredericolima.com.br> 23:02:26 <lilixx> .fas lilixx 23:02:27 <zodbot> lilixx: lilixx 'Aura Lila Gutierrez Tejada' <lila2390@gmail.com> 23:02:30 * fredlima Brazil 23:02:35 <echevemaster> #topic Call for Bids for FUDCon LATAM 2017 23:02:43 <lilixx> *lilixx Nicaragua 23:02:58 <yulytas> yulytas here. 23:03:03 <echevemaster> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/370 23:03:07 <yulytas> .hello yulytas 23:03:08 <zodbot> yulytas: yulytas 'Julita Inca Chiroque' <yrazes@gmail.com> 23:03:41 <echevemaster> We have three bids today for choose, please read the next links and decide what will be the best venue for this Fudcon 23:03:54 <echevemaster> May the force be with you. 23:03:55 <juon> I need to bot "I'm here ?" 23:04:09 <echevemaster> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:LATAM_2017_Bid_Panama 23:04:18 <echevemaster> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Latinoware_2017 23:04:21 <athos> ! 23:04:25 <echevemaster> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bogota_2017 23:04:30 <echevemaster> athos: go ahead 23:04:31 <mayorga> ! 23:04:41 <echevemaster> athos: go ahead 23:05:25 <echevemaster> athos: ? 23:05:28 <echevemaster> mayorga: ? 23:05:30 <athos> I will help by counting votes 23:05:33 <echevemaster> go ahead mayorga 23:05:35 <athos> sry for the delay 23:05:40 <echevemaster> athos: perfect. 23:05:42 <athos> too many ppl here :) 23:05:45 <athos> EoM 23:05:55 <mayorga> I see the owner of the bid for Panama is not around. Maybe we could move to another topic and wait for him/them to come? 23:05:57 <AndroUser> . fas alexove 23:05:57 <zodbot> AndroUser: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:05:58 <echevemaster> please vote with +1, with the country of you election 23:06:22 <athos> I agree with mayorga :) 23:06:34 <echevemaster> ok. 23:06:37 <echevemaster> anyone else. 23:06:38 <echevemaster> ? 23:06:40 <alexove> ! 23:06:42 <x3mboy> -1 23:06:46 <echevemaster> alexove: ? 23:06:48 <echevemaster> go ahead 23:06:51 <x3mboy> ! 23:06:52 <mayorga> I think it's important to have them so that we can ask questions about the bids. 23:07:01 <echevemaster> x3mboy: 23:07:03 <alexove> Me parece que los BIDs son muy recientes 23:07:04 <athos> potty: ping 23:07:04 <zodbot> athos: Ping with data, please: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/No_naked_pings 23:07:10 <echevemaster> potty: are you there? 23:07:12 <athos> potty: non empty ping :) 23:07:28 <athos> lol, joke is on you, zodbot! 23:07:41 <x3mboy> The meetings are starting to being ignored 23:07:45 <alexove> Me refiero a los dos últimos y sugiero que se tomen una semana más para revisarlo y mejorarlo como se solía hacer en años anteriores 23:08:09 <x3mboy> Even a votation became a problem because of that 23:08:25 <athos> alexove: -1: We had MONTHS to prepare the bids... 23:08:32 <x3mboy> I think we need to mantain scheduled 23:08:37 <fnoel> Already started the meeting ? 23:08:52 <athos> it's better to give the extra weeks for the organizers to prepare things 23:08:54 <x3mboy> And if they aren't here, bad for them 23:09:06 <alexove> Este calendario no es a raja tabla 23:09:16 <echevemaster> ok, we are discussing trivial things, please read the bids. 23:09:20 <x3mboy> But the time is the same as always 23:09:31 <x3mboy> EoF 23:09:34 <alexove> Eof 23:09:51 <athos> alexove: we are actually late on the bids, as mayorga pointed out last year 23:09:52 <mayorga> alexove: What athos said. More than two months was enough IMNSHO. 23:10:06 <echevemaster> ok, please read the bids, and ask your questions 23:10:27 <mayorga> ! 23:10:29 <athos> echevemaster: shouldn't we wait for potty? 23:10:34 <echevemaster> after that, please vote for your best choice. 23:10:38 <echevemaster> athos: sure. 23:10:51 <athos> I mean, before start voting :) 23:11:15 <echevemaster> we're waiting for potty, but please for God's sake. read the f... bid 23:11:27 <athos> I already did :) 23:11:32 <landim> sure 23:11:38 <fnoel> Panama's fudcon proposal is very complete 23:11:40 <landim> I'm reading 23:11:55 <alexove> Athos :no entiendo porque estamos tarde, aun estamos en enero :-) 23:12:24 <athos> alexove: rules, as mayorga said in his email last year 23:12:58 <alexove> No vi ese correo, eso me pasa por llegar tarde :-( 23:13:15 <potty> hi 23:13:27 <echevemaster> potty: o/ 23:13:33 <yulytas> ! 23:13:35 <mayorga> potty: o/ 23:13:36 <potty> Still mobile 23:13:38 <echevemaster> itamarjp: are you there? 23:13:40 <fnoel> hi mayorga 23:13:43 <potty> Able to response inquiries 23:13:45 <echevemaster> yulytas: go ahead. 23:13:45 <itamarjp> yes, 23:14:01 <echevemaster> ok. please, the owners are here. 23:14:07 <echevemaster> so, ask your questions 23:14:19 <mayorga> I have a general question to all bid owners… 23:14:28 <echevemaster> mayorga: go ahead. 23:14:30 <athos> well, potty is here: I will start voting :) Although Panama and Bogota bids are way more complete than Brazil's bid, my vote goes for Brazil, because then FUDCon would happen in an event with more than 5000 people. It would be a great oportunity to market Fedora! :) 23:14:35 <athos> +1 Brazil 23:14:36 <yulytas> hi echevemaster and Fedora people, could you please consider also (maybe after the bid decision) my ticket that is waiting for you since 2 weeks ago? 23:14:57 <mayorga> What are going to be your potential sponsors? Have you talked to companies or universities discussing or asking for support for the event? 23:14:59 <echevemaster> athos: please wait for the voting 23:15:03 <potty> echevemaster: ticketing should be resolved 23:15:07 <bernardoha> hi 23:15:07 <athos> oh... I am sorry 23:15:17 <potty> mayorga: please review he bid I got info there 23:15:22 <echevemaster> yulytas: if there are time, yes. 23:15:32 <potty> Red Hat Centroamerica, Rootstack, ElConix and Solusoft so far 23:15:41 <echevemaster> potty: are you referring to Yulitas's ticket? 23:15:56 <potty> echevemaster: no 23:16:09 <alexove> Pasen los link de. Los BIDs por favor 23:16:10 <echevemaster> so, what are you referring? flights? 23:16:11 <potty> echevemaster: you should set agenda of meeting 23:16:23 <yulytas> my ticket was in the table 2 weeks ago, it is needed to vote please https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/373 23:16:27 <mayorga> potty: That's great! 23:16:31 <potty> echevemaster: i am answering mayorga 23:16:33 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 23:16:33 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com> 23:16:37 <mayorga> I see that information missing in other bids. 23:16:38 <athos> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/370 23:16:40 * yn1v Nicaragua 23:16:44 <echevemaster> ok potty. 23:16:53 <porfiriopaiz> .fas porfiriopaiz 23:16:54 <zodbot> porfiriopaiz: porfiriopaiz 'Porfirio Andrés Páiz Carrasco' <porfiriopaiz@gmail.com> 23:17:00 * porfiriopaiz from Nicaragua 23:17:03 <Kohane> hola 23:17:07 <Kohane> .fas lailah 23:17:07 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com> 23:17:07 <bernardoha> Hi, I'm going to analyze before voting 23:17:34 <mayorga> potty: Thanks. 23:17:38 <alexove> Yo también tengo un ticket :-) 23:17:47 <potty> I consider people should read and vote maybe on a pagure issue 23:18:02 <bernardoha> .fas bernardoha 23:18:03 <zodbot> bernardoha: bernardoha 'Bernardo C. Hermitaño Atencio' <bernardoha@gmail.com> 23:18:10 <athos> potty: +1 23:18:11 <echevemaster> people, please, today we'll vote for fudcon bids. 23:18:13 <potty> Set a deadline and count votes 23:18:35 <fnoel> I think that the proposal of Panama is great, to others it is a country that can fascifully solve travel vouchers, it is very feasible 23:18:36 <echevemaster> ok potty today is the deadline, and yes, I agree with put the votes on the ticket 23:18:50 <athos> potty: deadline could even be in 40 minutes, we have a lot of ppl here 23:19:01 <itamarjp> about the Bid of Brazil + Paraguay, We are going to have alot of audience, and We are going to share / use the infrastructure of Latinoware to save money, 23:19:10 <athos> I mean, after the meeting is over, echevemaster posts "voting is over" and that's it 23:19:13 <mayorga> itamarjp: Thanks. 23:19:31 <echevemaster> please. 23:19:49 <itamarjp> JuanCarsloLin are member of Fedora Paraguay 23:19:50 <JuanCarsloLin> I agree with Itamar...will get a lot of audience... 23:20:11 <itamarjp> and help us to find sponsors together with Silvio Palmieri, 23:20:25 <itamarjp> they are the event owners, more than me. 23:20:34 <potty> Ok 23:20:34 <potty> Lets vote here then 23:20:34 <potty> No problem 23:20:40 <mribeirodantas> I honestly think the idea behind Brazil and Paraguay's proposal is really amazing. 23:20:47 <potty> The idea 23:20:51 <potty> ! 23:20:56 <echevemaster> potty: go ahead 23:21:18 <yn1v> o/ 23:21:24 <mribeirodantas> A lot of potencial 23:21:27 <echevemaster> yn1v: go ahead. 23:21:41 <yn1v> potty? 23:21:49 <potty> I love the idea of having a Fedora event on Latinoware, we get a lot of presence 23:21:50 <potty> But 23:22:01 <potty> It might be good for a FAD 23:22:10 <potty> Ideal for a FAD 23:22:20 <potty> Not for the "premium" event of Fedora 23:22:36 <itamarjp> premium events are failing in audience, We are going to solve that, 23:22:45 <mayorga> I think potty has a point. 23:22:51 <potty> Even I would consider having FUDCon on Latinoware 23:22:59 <potty> Should be cheaper 23:23:16 <potty> Not even more expensive than previous years FUDCons 23:23:37 <echevemaster> itamarjp: I'd like Panama or Brazil, but also, I'd like not having a lot of talks but a job calendar. 23:23:41 <potty> But remember, I love the idea of having a Fedora event (not fudcon) on Latinoware 23:23:41 <itamarjp> Peruvian got a very good audience in their FUDCons, We are going todo the same. 23:23:42 <potty> EOF 23:23:50 <potty> panama too 23:23:55 <potty> peru too 23:23:58 <echevemaster> Thanks potty 23:23:58 <zodiacfireworks> Hi to all! :) 23:24:04 <potty> EOF 23:24:23 <yn1v> I would like to point to some discussion that has been done in the council mailing list 23:24:27 <yn1v> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/3JMQLKYGXVPNSHF7Y6VR3OMMBKEL3YI4/ 23:24:28 <yulytas> from Peru we see Brazil as our master in tech 23:25:09 <yulytas> from my point of view as around me, so please count my vote +1 for Brazil 23:25:11 <potty> It should be a shame having Brazil with small 23:25:17 <potty> impact on the project 23:25:22 <yn1v> Basically having a Fudcon/Flock with another event has not work. Even in events that related like gnome-fedora or gnome-centos 23:25:27 <potty> They are the highest population in LATAM 23:25:35 <potty> Sorry yn1v 23:25:45 <echevemaster> yn1v: great link. 23:26:07 <echevemaster> ok, we'll vote here or on the ticket? 23:26:17 <itamarjp> potty, We are growing, We have famsco positions, and We are now bidding for FUDCon 23:26:22 <yn1v> So we should consider what our main sponsor think about hosting an event inside other event. 23:26:40 <yn1v> EOF 23:26:48 <echevemaster> thanks yn1v 23:26:55 <x3mboy> I think we should vote here 23:26:56 <itamarjp> +1 to Brazil is my vote, 23:27:15 <mribeirodantas> +1 Brasil 23:27:20 <JuanCarsloLin> +1 to Brasil 23:27:31 <fredlima> +1 to Brasil 23:27:45 <juon> +1 to Brasil 23:27:48 <JuanCarsloLin> We will have potential contributor in the 5k atendees 23:28:17 <athos> ! 23:28:25 <yn1v> +1 Panama 23:28:39 <itamarjp> I am also would like to see a FUDCon in Colombia before repeating Panamá, 23:28:52 <x3mboy> +1 Colombia 23:29:17 <leyla20> hola? 23:29:23 <porfiriopaiz> +1 Panama, I think people attending to LatinoWare are people that are already contributing with some other Projects, also as a Sesivany pointed, Fedora events organized alongside other bigger events are not a good idea. 23:29:31 <potty> +1 Panama 23:29:32 <lilixx> +1 Panama 23:29:40 <fnoel> +1 to panama 23:29:42 <athos> yn1v: I talked to Brian about having it in fudcon, he loved the idea and pointed me to the thread you just posted. Great thread btw. As I see, if we do not start rethinking FUDCon, I am not sure what may happen to it 23:30:08 <leyla20> +1 brasil 23:30:23 <bernardoha> Was there fudcon in colombia in previous years? 23:30:34 <echevemaster> athos: how many votes for each country? 23:30:43 <yn1v> No matter where we host fudcon, we should have a serious workshop on strategic planning for the future of latam 23:30:48 <mayorga> +1 Panama 23:31:15 <zodiacfireworks> +1 Brazil 23:31:29 <athos> echevemaster: I am pasting everything and will set an fpaste in a few, I will do a partial for you now, just a sec 23:31:38 <echevemaster> athos: great 23:31:52 <itamarjp> fnoel, I think your vote was not clear, 23:31:56 <chinosoliard> hi! 23:31:57 <yn1v> bernardoha, no. There has not been a fudcon in colombia due lack of collaborators, now we have a very prominent collaborator there. 23:31:58 <chinosoliard> .fas chinosoliard 23:31:59 <zodbot> chinosoliard: asoliard 'Soliard, Adrian D.' <a.soliard@gmail.com> 23:32:07 * chinosoliard from Argentina 23:32:17 <mayorga> Panama did their homework for the bid. They have a strong organizing team and in terms of transport logistics they seem to have an advantage. 23:32:27 <fnoel> I voted for Panama 23:32:38 <fnoel> +1 to panama 23:32:47 <itamarjp> fnoel, ok, 23:32:52 <chinosoliard> how is it going? I'm sorry, I'm late! 23:33:10 <porfiriopaiz> fnoel voted twice, keep that in mind. 23:33:29 <bernardoha> Colombia is a good option for new collaborators 23:33:53 <athos> PARTIAL RESULTS: Brazil +9; Panama +7; Colombia +1 23:34:00 <landim> +1 Brazil 23:34:13 <wolnei2> +1 Brazil 23:34:25 <Richzendy> +1 colombia 23:34:31 <bernardoha> +1 Colombia 23:34:36 <athos> Note that I am counting williamjmorenor vote from the ticket. does anyone opose? itamarjp potty echevemaster 23:34:44 * chinosoliard looking for bids 23:34:52 <landim> PARTIAL: 11 Brazil ; 7 Panama; 3 Colombia 23:35:04 <itamarjp> athos, I opose 23:35:11 <alexove> +1 Brazil 23:35:33 <athos> itamarjp: can you justify it? 23:35:35 <echevemaster> from me, no problem athos, he is not a ambassador, but is a collaborator. 23:35:48 <landim> So, we have 12 or 11 for Brazil? 23:36:00 <itamarjp> athos, Brazil could have more votes, if voting on ticket was clearly approved. 23:36:01 <mayorga> echevemaster: williamjmorenor is an ambassador. 23:36:07 <mayorga> .fasinfo williamjmorenor 23:36:08 <zodbot> mayorga: User: williamjmorenor, Name: William Moreno, email: williamjmorenor@gmail.com, Creation: 2012-06-24, IRC Nick: williamjmorenor, Timezone: America/Managua, Locale: es, GPG key ID: , Status: active 23:36:11 <zodbot> mayorga: Approved Groups: +packager docs cla_fpca cla_done ambassadors designteam freemedia videos fedorabugs fudcon +fedora-ni 23:36:17 <echevemaster> mayorga: borralo, no sabia :) 23:36:23 <mayorga> On the other hand… 23:36:31 <mayorga> .fasinfo leyla20 23:36:32 <zodbot> mayorga: User: leyla20, Name: leyla caroline marcelo chavarria, email: leyla.caroline20@hotmail.com, Creation: 2017-01-14, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 23:36:33 <echevemaster> sorry william 23:36:35 <zodbot> mayorga: Approved Groups: cla_done cla_fpca 23:36:43 <athos> PARTIAL RESULTS: Brazil +12; Panama +7; Colombia +3 23:36:43 <echevemaster> mayorga: stop to do it. 23:36:50 <tatica> +1 colombia 23:36:56 <tatica> :) 23:37:04 <tatica> baby didn't let me run faster 23:37:08 <alyaj2a> .fas alyaj2a 23:37:09 <zodbot> alyaj2a: alyaj2a 'Aly Yuliza Machaca Mamani' <alyaj2a@gmail.com> 23:37:14 <tatica> .fas tatica 23:37:15 <zodbot> tatica: gusthwolf 'Gustavo Adolfo Soto Marquez' <staticage30@gmail.com> - tatica 'Maria Gracia Leandro Lombardo' <tatadbb@gmail.com> 23:37:24 * alyaj2a from Peru 23:37:26 <tatica> .hello tatica 23:37:27 <zodbot> tatica: tatica 'Maria Gracia Leandro Lombardo' <tatadbb@gmail.com> 23:37:34 <echevemaster> .tatica 23:37:34 <zodbot> I love tatica, you love tatica, WE ALL LOVE TATICA! 23:37:39 <athos> guys, remember not to leave after the votings, I will post an fpaste here an I want you to verify the counting and the votes 23:37:41 <renne> .hello renne 23:37:41 <echevemaster> hehehe 23:37:42 <zodbot> renne: renne 'Rene Lujano Laura' <rlujano13l@gmail.com> 23:38:09 <athos> .chair renne 23:38:09 <zodbot> renne is seated in a chair with a nice view of a placid lake, unsuspecting that another chair is about to be slammed into them. 23:38:18 <athos> lol, I love this one :) 23:38:18 <Richzendy> BTW, this votation can be done on a poll ? 23:38:22 <echevemaster> Anyone else wants vote? 23:38:26 * chinosoliard continue reading panama bid 23:38:27 <chinosoliard> o/ wait! 23:38:35 <echevemaster> ok chinosoliard 23:38:39 <athos> Richzendy: It is being done here, now. 23:38:47 <athos> :) 23:39:06 <athos> I agree with you, but let's not make echevemaster's night harder :) 23:39:18 <chinosoliard> echevemaster: can you please paste me the bid for bogota? I didn't find it 23:39:28 <echevemaster> athos: for me no problem... hehehe. 23:39:36 <yulytas> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bogota_2017 23:39:48 <echevemaster> here you go chinosoliard 23:39:55 <yulytas> chinosoliard there is it 23:39:55 <fnoel> Then the votes are closed ? 23:40:13 <athos> no fnoel. We are waiting for everybody to vote 23:40:13 <echevemaster> we're waiting for chinosoliard, after that I'll vote. 23:40:41 <athos> we need to check all the atendees and see if everybody voted :) 23:40:52 <athos> does zodbot have a command to see atendees? 23:40:54 <fnoel> ok 23:40:55 <yulytas> aly did it? 23:40:56 <chinosoliard> I have to resume Panama bid on-the-go 23:40:59 * athos goes check that! 23:41:44 <alyaj2a> Can i vote? 23:41:55 <yulytas> please alyaj2a 23:42:15 <Richzendy> the votes can be changed ? 23:42:17 <yulytas> I think you can do it :) 23:42:24 <athos> yea alyaj2a 23:42:30 <athos> yes Richzendy 23:42:41 <tonet666p> hi guys 23:42:42 <athos> .chairs 23:42:42 <Richzendy> athos, cool, thank you 23:42:45 <echevemaster> Richzendy: go ahead. 23:42:46 <fnoel> Travel tickets are much more feasible to get because Panama has a high demand for commerce, this can help many people to move to panama 23:42:47 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p 23:42:48 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 23:42:49 <athos> #chairs 23:42:50 <chinosoliard> +1 for brazil. I think the idea to be at latinoware is really cool 23:42:53 * tonet666p from Perú 23:43:02 <alyaj2a> +1 Panama 23:43:15 <Richzendy> +1 panama (vote changed by colombia ) 23:44:13 <tatica> +1 panama (vote changed by colombia) 23:44:51 <menina> +1 panama 23:44:56 <searchsam> +1 panama 23:44:59 <echevemaster> ok, please athos 23:45:06 <echevemaster> recount the votes. 23:45:12 <athos> ok PARTIALS: Brazil +13; Panama +12; Colombia +2 23:45:16 <tonet666p> i will be neutral 23:45:25 <porfiriopaiz> Wait wait wait... Why I'm seeing to many faces for just this critical moment? I mean, why they show up for regular meetings? 23:45:40 <searchsam> .fas searchsama +1 panama 23:45:42 <zodbot> searchsam: 'searchsama +1 panama' Not Found! 23:45:46 <chinosoliard> porfiriopaiz: +1, I'm seeing the same 23:45:47 <searchsam> .fas searchsama 23:45:47 <zodbot> searchsam: 'searchsama' Not Found! 23:45:51 <porfiriopaiz> *dont show up... 23:45:58 <searchsam> +1 panama 23:46:06 <mayorga> porfiriopaiz++ 23:46:06 <zodbot> mayorga: Karma for porfiriopaiz changed to 2 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:46:07 <athos> ok PARTIALS: Brazil +13; Panama +12; Colombia +2; NULL +1 23:46:07 <itamarjp> .fas menina 23:46:09 <zodbot> itamarjp: menina 'Leticia Wood' <wood95@outlook.es> 23:46:13 <athos> ok searchsam 23:46:17 <athos> please stop spamming 23:46:19 <menina> +1 panama 23:46:20 <athos> we got it 23:46:25 <searchsam> ok 23:46:25 <athos> ok menina 23:46:28 <athos> same for you 23:46:30 <searchsam> i'm sorry 23:46:31 <athos> do not spam 23:46:41 <echevemaster> anyone else? 23:46:50 <chinosoliard> please, check that users are real. As porfiriopaiz said 23:47:05 <mayorga> Please. 23:47:11 <athos> chinosoliard++ 23:47:11 <zodbot> athos: Karma for asoliard changed to 5 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:47:20 <athos> I am not only recording votes 23:47:25 <athos> I am recording nicknames 23:47:28 <x3mboy> +1 panama (changed from Colombia) 23:47:29 <athos> we can verify that :) 23:47:40 <echevemaster> Colombia has two votes, please to Colombia voters can you vote again 23:47:42 <mayorga> athos++ Thanks for that!!! 23:47:42 <zodbot> mayorga: Karma for athoscr changed to 9 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:47:49 <porfiriopaiz> athos++ 23:48:04 <neydera> .fas neyder from Perú 23:48:05 <zodbot> neydera: 'neyder from Perú' Not Found! 23:48:11 <yose> .fas josereyesjdi 23:48:11 <zodbot> yose: josereyesjdi 'Jose A. Reyes H.' <josereyes.jdi@gmail.com> 23:48:26 <neydera> .fas neyder 23:48:27 <zodbot> neydera: neyder 'Neyder Achahuanco Apaza' <neyder@neyder.net> 23:48:42 * neydera from Perú 23:48:43 <athos> ok x3mboy; recorded 23:48:47 <yn1v> .fas searchsam 23:48:47 <zodbot> yn1v: searchsam 'Samuel José Gutiérrez Avilés' <search.sama@gmail.com> 23:48:50 <echevemaster> athos: votes? 23:48:53 <searchsam> .fas searchsam 23:48:54 <zodbot> searchsam: searchsam 'Samuel José Gutiérrez Avilés' <search.sama@gmail.com> 23:49:04 <athos> PARTIAL: brazil +13; panama +13; colombia +1; NULL =1 23:49:04 <echevemaster> please, 23:49:06 <searchsam> +1 panama 23:49:07 <porfiriopaiz> Please stop the flood. 23:49:14 <athos> searchsam: STOP SPAMMING PLEASE 23:49:23 <echevemaster> for who is that vote for colombia? 23:49:29 <echevemaster> please can you re-vote? 23:49:32 <yose> Panamá 23:49:47 <echevemaster> yose: ? 23:49:51 <yose> Panamá +1 23:49:52 <echevemaster> Panama what? 23:49:53 <athos> echevemaster: it is from bernardoha 23:49:54 <echevemaster> ok 23:50:01 <Richzendy> athos, that's flood, spaming is more like : Join to my site: http://dummysite.com 23:50:05 <neydera> Brazil +1 23:50:08 <echevemaster> bernardoha: can you please change your vote? 23:50:10 <bernardoha> +1 Brasil (vote changed by colombia) 23:50:16 <fnoel> This got good XD 23:50:21 <echevemaster> votes? 23:50:26 <echevemaster> athos: 23:50:27 <echevemaster> ? 23:51:04 <tonet666p> how are the results? 23:51:10 <athos> Brazil +14; Panama +14; Colombia +0; NULL +1 23:51:26 <yulytas> it seems that Tonet has the word 23:51:30 <athos> NOTE: I am counting willianmorenoj vote 23:51:31 <echevemaster> Anyone else? 23:51:32 <tonet666p> why colombia 0? Y_Y 23:51:33 <landim> did you count neydera vote? 23:51:36 <athos> itamarjp: oposes to that 23:51:45 <echevemaster> athos: what happens with william? 23:51:47 <athos> without his vote, we have +13 for panama 23:51:55 <athos> ! 23:52:00 <echevemaster> go ahead 23:52:06 <athos> williammorenoj posted his vote on the ticket 23:52:10 <athos> and said he could not attend 23:52:14 <chinosoliard> I've the same question that echevemaster 23:52:16 <athos> but asked us to count his vote 23:52:30 <chinosoliard> but this is not the way :-/ 23:52:31 <echevemaster> he put its vote there 23:52:36 <athos> I asked if anyone opposed to that; itamarjp opposes 23:52:36 <echevemaster> he is ambassador 23:52:39 <echevemaster> he voted 23:52:44 <itamarjp> here ? 23:52:47 <echevemaster> so, I agree with that. 23:52:47 <potty> echevemaster: yose is josereyesjdi 23:52:51 <neydera> Why I'm not allowed at all 23:52:59 <athos> neydera: you are 23:53:03 <echevemaster> yes you itamarjp, you opposed 23:53:12 <echevemaster> I'm noy 23:53:22 <athos> neydera: you can vote, if you are a real person ;) 23:53:24 <tonet666p> panamas bid is so detailed, but i think this city is a little bit expensive 23:53:48 <echevemaster> tonet666p: did you vote? 23:53:49 <neydera> Athos I do, most of the time 23:53:58 <chinosoliard> I'm sorry to think that, but, It's the first time I see that a vote is done in the ticket and not in the meeting. I think that this is not good 23:54:02 <echevemaster> neydera: please vote 23:54:03 <athos> echevemaster: tonet666p is the NULL vote 23:54:25 <echevemaster> tonet666p: please don't vote not null 23:54:26 <neydera> Echevemaster I did 23:54:27 <echevemaster> that is not a vote 23:54:30 <echevemaster> please do 23:54:34 <Richzendy> tonet666p, is not too mucho expensive, is standart 23:54:37 <tonet666p> ok, echevemaster you have the reason 23:54:41 <tonet666p> i'm thinking 23:54:45 <Richzendy> tonet666p, is not too much expensive, is standart 23:54:47 <mayorga> So in five minutes we'll have whole an hour of meeting… 23:54:48 <alyaj2a> Tonet vota 23:54:53 <echevemaster> ok 23:55:06 <echevemaster> we'll finish the meeting in ten minutes 23:55:10 <Richzendy> tonet666p, maybe 10$USD by day in food 23:55:34 <echevemaster> tonet666p: ? 23:55:38 <x3mboy> Which votes are missing??? 23:55:41 <yulytas> could you please do not forget my ticket that is on the table for more than 2 weeks echevemaster: 23:56:04 <echevemaster> yulytas: will be three weeks, because the meeting is ending. 23:56:14 <athos> neydera: I do not have your vote here 23:56:29 <echevemaster> tonet666p: please vote 23:56:29 <x3mboy> tonet666p, neydera, please vote 23:56:36 <neydera> .fas neyder 23:56:36 <zodbot> neydera: neyder 'Neyder Achahuanco Apaza' <neyder@neyder.net> 23:56:40 <echevemaster> we don't have enough time. 23:56:46 <yulytas> we can vote here in one minute, since it was evaluated before for many ambassadors please echevemaster: 23:56:48 <porfiriopaiz> This is a miracle, Oberonlkf and blanquita in tha house! 23:56:52 <neydera> Brazil +1 23:56:53 <x3mboy> +/-1 Country 23:57:01 <blanquita> .fas Blanquita 23:57:02 <zodbot> blanquita: blanquita 'Blanca Ayala' <ayala.luquez@gmail.com> 23:57:06 <neydera> +1 brazil 23:57:11 <blanquita> +1 Panama 23:57:18 <Oberonlkf> Panamá +1 23:57:24 <tonet666p> i'm between the sword and the wall 23:57:41 <echevemaster> tonet666p: no matters, please vote, fuck... 23:57:43 <mayorga> It's so sad that so many people show up only when we have "FUDCon" in the agenda… 23:57:43 <chinosoliard> entre la esgrima y la albañilería 23:57:51 <renne> +1 Brazil 23:57:54 <potty> mayorga: THANK YOU 23:57:55 <chinosoliard> mayorga: yeah! 23:57:59 <athos> echevemaster: please, do not end the meeting: I will post a paste and I want ppl to verify the votes 23:58:13 <mayorga> But they do not give a shit about the meeting and do not attend on a regular basis. 23:58:14 <athos> search for duplicates, etc 23:58:17 <potty> Regardless the result this is sort of disappointing 23:58:22 <porfiriopaiz> mayorga++ 23:58:22 <zodbot> porfiriopaiz: Karma for mayorga changed to 5 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:58:34 <porfiriopaiz> mayorga: 23:58:40 <athos> why, potty? 23:58:41 <yose> Thnks Mayorga 23:58:43 <porfiriopaiz> THANK YOU! 23:58:43 <Oberonlkf> Fas LKF Panamá +1 23:58:49 <athos> oh, I see 23:58:53 <athos> mayorga++ 23:58:58 <athos> Oberonlkf: ok, no spam 23:59:13 <echevemaster> athos: vote? 23:59:18 <echevemaster> please put here 23:59:29 <itamarjp> votes from unauthenticated users count ? 23:59:41 <athos> Brazil +16; Panama +16; NULL +1 - We are counting wmorenoj vote here 23:59:53 <wmoreno> .fas williamjmorenor 23:59:53 <zodbot> wmoreno: williamjmorenor 'William Moreno' <williamjmorenor@gmail.com> 23:59:57 <wmoreno> Panamá 23:59:59 <athos> good 00:00:00 <echevemaster> wmoreno: please put your vote here 00:00:13 <wmoreno> you can read mi comment in the ticket 00:00:20 <athos> Brazil +16; Panama +16; NULL +1 - now it's 100% legit 00:00:23 <tonet666p> itamarjp, you will hate me 00:00:27 <tonet666p> panama +1 00:00:30 <Richzendy> on my honest opinnion, i think this votation can be better on a fedora election system, can't be duplicates because all people must to use the fas account and all people can make the vote whitout presion 00:00:34 <athos> ok 00:00:43 <echevemaster> I'll vote and close this meeting 00:00:45 <itamarjp> Richzendy +1 00:00:53 <echevemaster> we are ready? 00:00:54 <athos> Brazil +16; Panama +17 00:00:54 <wmoreno> +1 00:00:58 <porfiriopaiz> Richzendy++ 00:00:58 <zodbot> porfiriopaiz: Karma for richzendy changed to 2 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 00:01:00 <athos> echevemaster: you decide now :) 00:01:20 <athos> shall we go to panama, or delay the voting? 00:01:23 <echevemaster> my vote will be for .... 00:01:27 <yulytas> we can do a better system to vote and not take more than an hour 00:01:40 <echevemaster> yulytas: I agree, but not this time 00:01:40 <zodiacfireworks> Richzendy: Yeah, that's will be a better way to do this voting 00:01:41 <Richzendy> yulytas++ 00:01:41 <zodbot> Richzendy: Karma for yulytas changed to 1 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 00:02:01 <neydera> 😔 00:02:12 <athos> yulytas: welcome to democracy :) the best thing to do would be to do it in tickets as potty said, for a whole week 00:02:26 <athos> so, more time = better, not worse 00:02:27 <yulytas> yes, I agree athos 00:02:54 <athos> echevemaster: vote? :) 00:02:57 <Richzendy> just to consider my opinion to a next fudcon bid election 00:03:40 <athos> guys, please, remember not to leave after voting: I will post the results online and I do want you to verify if your vote was counting and help verifying my count 00:03:41 <AldoRaine> I'm here 00:03:48 <AldoRaine> from Brazil 00:03:50 <athos> AldoRaine: vote? 00:04:02 <yn1v> I agree with Richzendy ... fedora election infra could handle this, and would make sure that people have fas without the spam/flood 00:04:20 <wmoreno> your fas AldoRaine? 00:04:22 <ivan_> +1 Brazil 00:04:34 <chinosoliard> yes! potty is right, And doing that is more secure. I can connect with another client with any nickname and do a any .fas 00:04:39 <AldoRaine> +1 Brazil 00:04:46 <yulytas> hello .AldoRaine 00:04:48 <wmoreno> you fas ivan_ 00:04:54 <echevemaster> athos: votes? 00:05:07 <athos> +18 Brazil; + 17 Panama 00:05:25 <wmoreno> ivan_ AldoRaine do not give theirs fas 00:05:39 <echevemaster> I'm here? 00:05:39 <AldoRaine> my FAS is greysonsilva 00:05:41 <wmoreno> do not count those votes 00:05:46 <athos> yes echevemaster 00:05:53 <athos> vote and close votings please 00:05:55 <echevemaster> ok, votes 00:06:00 <wmoreno> .fasinfo verosímiles 00:06:01 <zodbot> wmoreno: User "verosímiles" doesn't exist 00:06:06 <wmoreno> sorry 00:06:08 <echevemaster> how many votes are? 00:06:12 <mayorga> Let's wrap up. It's been more than one hour. 00:06:15 <Richzendy> esto como que se va a decidir en penales 00:06:19 <athos> else more ppl will keep joining and voting and we will never leave; 00:06:22 <wmoreno> .fasinfo greysonsilva 00:06:23 <zodbot> wmoreno: User: greysonsilva, Name: Greyson Farias da Silva, email: greysonsilva@gmail.com, Creation: 2016-07-11, IRC Nick: AldoRaine, Timezone: America/Rio_Branco, Locale: pt_BR, GPG key ID: D4E5139A, Status: active 00:06:26 <echevemaster> ok 00:06:26 <zodbot> wmoreno: Unapproved Groups: cvsredhat-config-language videos 00:06:26 <athos> we are + 18 brazil + 17 panama 00:06:29 <zodbot> wmoreno: Approved Groups: cvsl10n fedora-br cla_done cla_fpca 00:06:38 <athos> and we still need to verify votes and FAS accounts 00:06:40 <echevemaster> ok, my vote is for Panama 00:06:52 <rigobersol> .fas rigobersol 00:06:53 <athos> can you close voting? 00:06:53 <zodbot> rigobersol: rigobersol 'Rigoberto Condori Chañi' <enadeir@hotmail.es> 00:07:00 <echevemaster> so this will be decided via ticket 00:07:01 * rigobersol from Peru 00:07:04 <echevemaster> or the nest week 00:07:12 <echevemaster> the voting is closed 00:07:17 <athos> thanks 00:07:17 <mayorga> ! 00:07:22 <yulytas> ! 00:07:24 <echevemaster> please athos put the fas on the tickets 00:07:24 <wmoreno> +1 next week 00:07:35 <echevemaster> and we will decide the next week 00:07:36 <rigobersol> brasil +1 00:07:38 <echevemaster> mayorga: go ahead 00:07:39 <mayorga> I just have one last word. 00:07:49 <athos> we are 18, 18 00:07:55 <ivan_> My fas is ivanaugustobd 00:07:58 <athos> does rigobersol vote counts? 00:08:12 <mayorga> If people do not have the time to work on a bid in two months, I doubt they will cope with organizing such a big conference. 00:08:14 <mayorga> EOF 00:08:20 <echevemaster> I did it, because all the people are discussing, here, Why fucking not talk before, if you dont lilke the election way 00:08:22 <itamarjp> Can we have a new voting on fas voting app in case of empate ? 00:08:34 <tonet666p> ohhhhhh 00:08:41 <echevemaster> we have a empate 00:08:55 <athos> echevemaster: does rigobersol vote count? 00:09:03 <athos> if it does, brazil wins 00:09:04 <itamarjp> Do We have an agreement about that ? 00:09:04 <neydera> It's a draw 00:09:11 <athos> I believe it does not count 00:09:13 <itamarjp> athos did you counted the mribeirodantas vote ? 00:09:14 <athos> cause voting was closed 00:09:15 <Richzendy> itamarjp, of course 00:09:16 <echevemaster> so, the people didn't vote will decide on the ticket. 00:09:25 <athos> yes itamarjp 00:09:32 <yulytas> but we are here 00:09:48 <echevemaster> yulytas: the voting is closed. 00:09:52 <echevemaster> thanks all. 00:10:04 <itamarjp> lets have a new election in the voting application. 00:10:14 <yulytas> ok echevemaster I will wait for my ticket next week, thanks for your help 00:10:15 <athos> we can do that in the ticket, itamarjp 00:10:23 <athos> I think it's the best to do 00:10:32 <itamarjp> ok, 00:10:34 <athos> no? 00:10:38 <yulytas> ok 00:10:40 <athos> then we can discuss 00:10:41 <echevemaster> People here appears today 00:10:47 <itamarjp> voting app is more professional 00:10:49 <echevemaster> that is a shit please. 00:10:59 <echevemaster> please dont do that anymore. 00:11:08 <echevemaster> that is not a good way to do the things. 00:11:27 <porfiriopaiz> Please,let's ask to infra for setting a poll for solving this, same as they did for the recent election. 00:11:28 <echevemaster> so, there are collaborators that doesnt attend today 00:11:29 <athos> #link http://paste.fedoraproject.org/539120/48564867/ 00:11:35 <yulytas> ok, good bye guys 00:11:36 <athos> these are the voting results 00:11:43 <athos> please, double check 00:12:10 <yulytas> thanks athos, god job 00:12:12 <athos> it was all done manually. I am a human and I make mistakes 00:12:15 <yulytas> *good 00:12:31 <yose> Thnks athos 00:12:44 <x3mboy> ;) 00:12:50 <fredlima> athos++ 00:12:51 <echevemaster> good athos. I'll close the meeting 00:12:56 <echevemaster> thanks all 00:12:56 <x3mboy> athos++ 00:12:59 <zodbot> x3mboy: Karma for athoscr changed to 10 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 00:13:00 <echevemaster> #endmeeting