14:35:01 <dgilmore> #startmeeting RELENG (2017-03-20) 14:35:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 20 14:35:01 2017 UTC. The chair is dgilmore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:35:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:35:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2017-03-20)' 14:35:01 <dgilmore> #meetingname releng 14:35:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 14:35:02 <dgilmore> #chair dgilmore nirik tyll sharkcz masta pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk maxamillion mboddu Kellin 14:35:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: Kellin dgilmore masta maxamillion mboddu nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk sharkcz tyll 14:35:04 <dgilmore> #topic init process 14:35:31 <mboddu> .hello mohanboddu 14:35:32 <zodbot> mboddu: mohanboddu 'Mohan Boddu' <mboddu@bhujji.com> 14:35:33 <nirik> morning 14:35:40 <Kellin> .hello Kellin 14:35:41 <zodbot> Kellin: Sorry, but you don't exist 14:35:44 <Kellin> .hello kellin 14:35:45 <zodbot> Kellin: kellin 'None' <kellin@retromud.org> 14:37:31 <sharkcz> .hello sharkcz 14:37:32 <zodbot> sharkcz: sharkcz 'Dan HorĂ¡k' <dan@danny.cz> 14:38:18 <dgilmore> Kellin: case is important :P 14:38:22 * bowlofeggs lurks in the shadows 14:38:37 * dgilmore pulls bowlofeggs ouot of the shadows 14:38:39 <bowlofeggs> hahaha 14:38:45 <bowlofeggs> nooo the liiiight 14:38:50 <Kellin> dgilmore: that seems to be ... the case 14:40:45 <dgilmore> threegone: I guess you are not around 14:43:06 <dgilmore> #topic #133 Enable Signed Repository Metadata 14:43:13 <dgilmore> https://pagure.io/releng/issue/133 14:44:26 <dgilmore> So I think there is value in signing the repodata 14:44:34 <dgilmore> we do it for the openh264 repo 14:44:47 <dgilmore> though having signed repodata has shown up issues in dnf 14:45:00 * nirik nods 14:45:29 <dgilmore> there was a few bugs reported over where dnf stores the gpg keys 14:46:02 <dgilmore> does someone want to take ownership to scope out the work to make this happen? 14:46:03 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillio 14:46:04 <zodbot> maxamillion: Sorry, but you don't exist 14:46:05 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 14:46:07 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 14:46:10 <maxamillion> sorry I'm late 14:46:18 <dgilmore> robosignatory should be able to sign it all 14:46:34 <mboddu> dgilmore: I am interested 14:46:40 <dgilmore> but having pungi, mash, etc make calls or something make the calls is needed 14:47:18 <dgilmore> mboddu: do you have the spare cycles for it? 14:47:27 <dgilmore> you already have a lot on your plate 14:47:58 <mboddu> dgilmore: how important is it? when do we want it to be done? 14:48:00 <nirik> I think also dnf couldn't download/ask you for the key right? 14:48:23 <dgilmore> nirik: possibly 14:48:30 <dgilmore> mboddu: I would like it for f27 14:48:44 <nirik> IMHO this is low pri. It doesn't gain us any additional security really. ;) 14:49:32 <dgilmore> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1398868 14:49:40 <mboddu> dgilmore: then I am not sure, but I can help out if someone else is interested in taking a lead. 14:49:52 <dgilmore> nirik: there is additional internal preasures to have it 14:50:11 <dgilmore> its something that is wanted in Red Hat, and we should do first in Fedora 14:50:14 <nirik> as long as you use metalinks... but anyhow. 14:51:45 <dgilmore> nirik: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1247644 was the bug for being unable to read the gpg keys when run as a user 14:52:19 <dgilmore> I am not really sure that the firs bug is a dupe of the second 14:52:33 <nirik> yeah, the first one is... yeah. 14:53:12 <dgilmore> nirik: but was closed as a dupe 14:53:12 <linuxmodder> .fas linuxmodder 14:53:13 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 14:53:18 <linuxmodder> super late today sorry folks 14:53:42 <dgilmore> anyway, this is something I want us to work on, scope and get in place 14:53:49 <dgilmore> I would like it for Fedora 27 14:54:00 <dgilmore> linuxmodder: no problem 14:54:23 <dgilmore> #info the work needs to be scoped, it would be a good f27 target 14:54:46 <linuxmodder> dgilmore, just curious why is 26 too close of a target ? 14:55:37 <dgilmore> linuxmodder: it involves changes to the whole toolchain 14:55:53 <dgilmore> we are beyond the point of making such changes for f26 14:56:09 <dgilmore> we need to have everything in place for alpha 14:57:08 <dgilmore> #topic #6482 fix bodhi buildroot overrides with secure-boot packages 14:57:16 <dgilmore> https://pagure.io/releng/issue/6482 14:57:23 <linuxmodder> ah didn't realize it was so heavy in tooling side to do makes sense 14:58:11 <dgilmore> I think the right solution here is to adjust the policy to allow bodhi to tag the packages into the override tags 14:58:44 <dgilmore> does anyone disagree? 14:59:19 <linuxmodder> still reading one sec 14:59:20 <nirik> sounds good to me. just needs to be done. ;) 14:59:28 <dgilmore> yep 14:59:29 <Kellin> is that option 2 on the list? 14:59:38 <dgilmore> Kellin: it is 14:59:47 <Kellin> also - what do buildroot overrides do/allow? 15:00:22 <linuxmodder> +1 from me dgilmore on the sec-boot 15:00:56 <dgilmore> we need a line like https://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/cgit/ansible.git/tree/roles/koji_hub/templates/hub.conf.j2#n112 15:01:20 <linuxmodder> Kellin, allow you to override any defualts like size/ or scripting or in this case vars for things like signed files for secure boot 15:01:40 <dgilmore> Kellin: its a process that lets people get a build of a package into the buildroot in order to build against it 15:02:11 <linuxmodder> the only ones presently missing are what shim adn peseign right dgilmore ? 15:02:12 <dgilmore> Kellin: it allows you to build related changes to submit as a single update 15:02:33 * masta_ looks in, reads up. 15:03:01 * linuxmodder waves to masta 15:03:39 <dgilmore> #agreed we will make hub policy changes to allow bodhi to tag the secure boot changes. 15:03:48 <Kellin> dgilmore: so in specific to secureboot, what would an override usecase look like? 15:04:45 * Kellin goes with the flow so we can move on, but has some concerns (which may be unfounded due to newbie-understanding) as to what overriding in secureboot building does in terms of security on the signing chain. 15:04:46 <dgilmore> Kellin: I am not sure I understand your question 15:04:59 <nirik> if say you wanted to build a new kernel with a new pesign... you build the pesign package, add an override for it, and then build the kernel, and then you can submit both in the same update as an update. 15:05:42 <Kellin> so it bundles them in the release stream instead of having to ensure two packages get released at the same time? 15:05:45 <masta> oh that sounds nice, what nirik jsut wrote 15:05:50 <Kellin> nirik: ^^ 15:06:09 <dgilmore> or it could be that grub2 made changes, a grub2 theme needs to build against the new grub2 build 15:06:20 <dgilmore> Kellin: no 15:06:31 <dgilmore> Kellin: lets take this out of the meeting 15:06:42 <Kellin> dgilmore: that's what I was about to say, this is me not understanding, I trust your judgement 15:06:49 <dgilmore> #6156 Specifying groups in scm changes 15:06:57 <dgilmore> https://pagure.io/releng/issue/6156 15:07:24 <dgilmore> this is an old issue 15:08:12 <mboddu> dgilmore: you missed topic 15:08:47 <dgilmore> #undo 15:08:47 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x4c560d90> 15:08:49 <dgilmore> #undo 15:08:49 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by dgilmore at 15:03:39 : we will make hub policy changes to allow bodhi to tag the secure boot changes. 15:08:56 <dgilmore> #agreed we will make hub policy changes to allow bodhi to tag the secure boot changes. 15:09:03 <dgilmore> #topic #6156 Specifying groups in scm changes 15:09:09 <dgilmore> https://pagure.io/releng/issue/6156 15:09:11 <dgilmore> this is an old issue 15:09:59 <dgilmore> maybe we just ask if this is still an issue 15:10:25 <maxamillion> +1 15:10:37 <dgilmore> #info asking if the issue still exists 15:10:41 <dgilmore> #topic #5911 Rules for private/topic branches in dist-git 15:10:49 <dgilmore> https://pagure.io/releng/issue/5911 15:11:19 <dgilmore> so our policy is that we do not remove branches period 15:12:14 <dgilmore> this is another old issue 15:12:32 <nirik> we could fix this... 15:12:37 <nirik> but it would be some work. 15:12:51 <dgilmore> It would need a lot of work in koji 15:13:34 <dgilmore> https://pagure.io/releng/issue/6671 is somewhat related 15:14:12 <Kellin> so why would we want/need private branches and, subsequently, why would we want to delete the branches at all? it feels like an odd request to me 15:14:34 <maxamillion> Kellin: +1 15:14:35 <linuxmodder> nirik, why is that just for regression test capability ? 15:14:37 <dgilmore> https://pagure.io/releng/issue/5843 is an issue that needs to be resolved in order to even think about it 15:14:47 <linuxmodder> the not deleting policy i mean 15:15:15 <dgilmore> Kellin: because people want to say prep a majour update and not affect whats stable 15:15:43 <dgilmore> Kellin: particullary when they are collaborating with someone else on the change 15:16:13 <dgilmore> linuxmodder: can you please restate your question 15:16:19 <nirik> yeah, for collabrotating on something thats not ready yet 15:16:20 <linuxmodder> why not just use and external repo and git-dist or whatever it is ? 15:16:39 <Kellin> dgilmore: but wouldn't that be something done in upstream on a shared branch and then merged into dist-git after that work was good? 15:16:41 <nirik> there are also often mistakes. people make a local branch for something and accidentally push it 15:17:02 <nirik> Kellin: not if its fedora packaging work... upstream wouldn't do that normally 15:17:10 <dgilmore> Kellin: they may not directly be involved in upstream 15:17:26 <linuxmodder> nirik, could we not just set no forced push or something for that last case 15:17:45 <dgilmore> linuxmodder: we have no forced pushes turned on 15:18:08 <linuxmodder> dgilmore, so not sure I get the pushing part that nirik was asaying then 15:18:17 <dgilmore> the reason we do not delete branches period is because we have no ability to control what branch a build is done from 15:18:30 <dgilmore> as long as the ref is accesable the build can complete 15:18:35 <maxamillion> dgilmore: I'm with Kellin on this, I think upstream is a more appropriate place and if they aren't directly related with upstream, this would be a perfect example of a time to get started contributing upstream 15:18:40 <nirik> right. so if someone pushes a branch and then does a build from it, then we have to keep it forever 15:18:43 <linuxmodder> its from folks that already have push auth then and oopsie push a branch to bodhi and not the upstream or whatever other repo? 15:18:48 <maxamillion> that's just my $0.02 15:18:50 <dgilmore> maxamillion: its not up to us 15:19:01 <maxamillion> dgilmore: how isn't it? 15:19:11 <dgilmore> maxamillion: and upstream git looks nothing like dist-git 15:19:29 <maxamillion> dgilmore: git is git, you can clone it all over the place 15:19:35 <dgilmore> maxamillion: how is it up to us? the packager does not have to be involved in upstream,a nd mostly is not 15:19:58 <nirik> another case people have mentioned is pushing a bunch of changes for maintainer to review and merge if they like... then remove the branch... 15:20:04 <dgilmore> maxamillion: sure. but a code git repo and the packlage git repo do not look anything teh same content wise 15:20:09 <linuxmodder> that is a same, its semi expected at first but 200 commits later t's not 15:20:42 <linuxmodder> and dist-git makes that change yes dgilmore ? 15:20:51 <linuxmodder> please pardon my packaging ignorance 15:21:50 <maxamillion> I'll agree to disagree because I'm apparently out of touch on this one, but I think this is wrong and it will pollute dist-git repos ... if we want that kind of functionality then wait for distgit in pagure and allow things to be forked and send pull requests ... people can work on the forks 15:22:05 <Kellin> dgilmore: so we're talking about a major packaging change, ala swapping from having a list of Patch##: <filename> to the git list scripts some folks are using? 15:22:47 <dgilmore> maxamillion: compare https://github.com/python/cpython to https://src.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/python3.git/tree/ 15:23:04 <dgilmore> linuxmodder: makes what change? 15:23:07 <linuxmodder> with maxamillion here 15:23:24 <linuxmodder> the content change from code git and package git 15:23:39 <dgilmore> maxamillion: pagure on dist git may help here 15:23:49 <maxamillion> dgilmore: I'm extremely familiar, but nothing says I can't git clone https://src.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/python3.git/tree/ to where ever I want and work collaboratively from there ... I can even effectively fork it to github if I wanted 15:23:51 <nirik> Note: we already allow pushing branches, just not deleting them 15:23:53 <maxamillion> dgilmore: it's all just git 15:23:56 <dgilmore> Kellin: not necessarily 15:24:25 <dgilmore> maxamillion: I think you are out of touch here 15:24:34 <nirik> maxamillion: sure, but you add overhead... the other people have to sign up, get commits, etc... which they may well already have in dist git 15:24:53 <masta> So.... does this topic hinge on kojid scm policies on private branches? 15:24:58 <dgilmore> maxamillion: people can go and work on it elsewhere, they do not want to 15:25:00 <linuxmodder> why can't we presently treat them like a PR does dgilmore tho 15:25:19 <dgilmore> they want tod o it in dist-git because of acls etc 15:25:20 <Kellin> so color me crazy here, but if they are making huge changes to the actual package, and it's not upstream, doesn't that go against our ideology of pushing things upstream first by promoting the ability to go around upstream when deemed necessary? 15:25:23 <linuxmodder> where merge is accepted branch nuked -- or is that just a pagure cap 15:25:25 <dgilmore> and its closest to the source 15:25:33 <maxamillion> dgilmore: right, my point is that if we want something like this then we should add it via pagure instead of just shoe-horn it in with private branches that need to be garbage collected 15:25:37 <Kellin> that's where I'm not following 15:25:55 <dgilmore> Kellin: no. packaging work is diofferent ot upstream work 15:26:21 <dgilmore> maxamillion: perhaps. this issue has been open for 2 years 15:26:28 <dgilmore> and predates the possibility of pagure 15:26:42 <masta> so does dist-git need to consult with kojid on if a private branch is safe to remove? 15:26:44 <linuxmodder> upstream aiui is all code Kellin packing is not 15:26:51 * dgilmore is misstyping all over the place 15:27:00 <maxamillion> dgilmore: ok? 15:27:09 <dgilmore> maxamillion: no 15:27:14 <maxamillion> dgilmore: no what? 15:27:29 <linuxmodder> so how does /would it determine garbage collect on a private then dgilmore 15:27:34 <Kellin> having come recently from being a packager, I'm struggling to think of a task as a packager that I'd do that I'd consider a "major change" worthy of a separate private branch 15:27:36 <nirik> currently private branches are never removed. 15:27:44 <dgilmore> Ithink this discussion is going nowhere fast 15:27:45 <maxamillion> dgilmore: I don't see why the age of the ticket is relevant, why limit the possibility of a solution to the parameters of what was capable two years ago? 15:28:04 <dgilmore> maxamillion: was meant for masta 15:28:25 <nirik> yeah, perhaps list or out of meeting discussion could be good here. 15:28:28 <Kellin> yeah 15:28:29 <linuxmodder> likely possible re-tooling aspect maxamillion but I'm also grasping for straws on that myself 15:28:53 <Kellin> +1 nirik on taking this to a mailing list and discussing this out of meeting further 15:28:55 <masta> dgilmore, okay, that makes it easier. For fear of removing a giturl that was used in a released build. 15:29:08 <dgilmore> masta: kojid can not tell you anything 15:29:21 <linuxmodder> I'm for a ML push on this 15:29:46 <dgilmore> masta: we would need to talk to kojihub in order to see if commits to be removed were used in real builds 15:29:59 <dgilmore> maxamillion: the problem is that it is a long standing thing 15:30:03 <nirik> we could fix this serveral ways... disallow all non standard branches, disallow builds from non standard branches, require tags to build from and disallow tagging non standard branches, etc. 15:30:14 <dgilmore> there are a bunch of brnahces out there today people want removed 15:30:18 <dgilmore> we have told them no 15:30:22 <maxamillion> I have another meeting 15:30:23 <maxamillion> o/ 15:30:36 <dgilmore> any changes we make need to account for historical realities 15:30:43 <masta> well, the taskid of a build has an SCM giturl used in that build, I figured that would be consulted prior to removing a branch... you know. using 'git branch -ar --contains=[git hash here]' 15:30:46 <dgilmore> we can set a different path going forward 15:31:32 <dgilmore> we also have the potential changes to branching that modulatirty is pushing for 15:31:48 <dgilmore> in that there will be no more f25 or f26 branches 15:32:05 <dgilmore> but there would be say 2.4.4 branch for http 15:32:16 <dgilmore> and 4.10 branch for kernel 15:32:55 <masta> whoa 15:33:10 * dgilmore needs to run 15:33:16 <dgilmore> I have another meeting 15:33:23 <dgilmore> mboddu: can you finish up please 15:34:22 <mboddu> dgilmore: I need to run to a meeting as well 15:35:18 <dgilmore> #endmeeting