23:12:35 <alexove> #startmeeting fedora-latam 23:12:36 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Sep 9 23:12:35 2017 UTC. The chair is alexove. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:12:36 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:12:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam' 23:12:44 <JuanCarlosLin> .hellomynameis lin 23:12:45 <zodbot> JuanCarlosLin: lin 'Juan Carlos YJ Lin' <lin@unisoft.com.py> 23:12:53 <alexove> #chair itamarjp 23:12:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove itamarjp 23:12:58 <douglax> .fas douglax 23:12:59 <zodbot> douglax: aacosta 'Alejandro Acosta' <alxacostaa@gmail.com> 23:13:08 * douglax from México 23:13:11 <alexove> .fas alexove 23:13:12 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:13:21 <itamarjp> .hello2 itamarjp 23:13:22 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 23:13:36 * alexove = Peru 23:14:06 <danniel> .fas danniel 23:14:07 <zodbot> danniel: kuroneko02 'Danniel Justavino' <justavinod@hotmail.com> - danni 'danniele' <jordon@openmailbox.org> - danniel 'Daniel Lara Souza' <daniellarasouza@yahoo.com.br> - hdanniel 'Hector Paz' <hdanniel@gmail.com> 23:14:43 <alexove> Itamarjp, please chair the meeting, I'm in my PJs and is hard 23:19:18 <porfiriopaiz> Hi everyone! 23:19:40 <alexove_> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issues?status=Open&tags=Meeting 23:19:48 <alexove_> This is the agenda 23:20:31 <itamarjp> #topic Domain projetofedora.org.br (Brazilian domain) 23:20:54 <itamarjp> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/424 23:21:56 <itamarjp> any suggestion about that ? 23:23:32 <JuanCarlosLin> I ! 23:23:45 <itamarjp> go ahead JuanCarlosLin 23:24:10 <JuanCarlosLin> I th8nk this should be approve as refaound and then find the way to be oermanent 23:24:14 <JuanCarlosLin> Eof 23:26:49 <itamarjp> JuanCarlosLin, ok, agreed. 23:27:00 <itamarjp> #topic Sessions to improve Ambassadors skills 23:27:08 <itamarjp> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/423 23:27:44 <itamarjp> x3mboy proposed it, 23:29:00 <danniel> ! 23:29:13 <itamarjp> go ahead danniel 23:29:41 <danniel> very good, it will help our work a lot 23:29:45 <danniel> Eof 23:30:18 <alexove_> ! 23:30:46 <itamarjp> go ahead alexove_ 23:30:56 <alexove_> I think is time to start to setup a instance of moddle or chamilo 23:31:24 <alexove_> And create contents to improve our skills 23:31:43 <alexove_> Eof 23:33:20 <itamarjp> lets move to a more important topic 23:33:40 <itamarjp> #topic Proposal for change the group meeting date/time. 23:33:47 <itamarjp> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/415 23:35:01 <JuanCarlosLin> ! 23:35:02 <itamarjp> Can We have our next meeting on Friday 14:00 UTC ? 23:35:12 <itamarjp> go ahead JuanCarlosLin 23:35:16 <porfiriopaiz> +1, Works for me. 23:35:35 <JuanCarlosLin> I think is just set new time since is already voted 23:35:36 <JuanCarlosLin> Eof 23:36:42 <JuanCarlosLin> +1 23:39:16 <itamarjp> #action next latam meeting on Friday 14:00 UTC 23:39:43 <itamarjp> #topic Open Floor 23:40:21 <itamarjp> anyone would like to say something before we end the meeting ? 23:41:34 <potty> No 23:41:37 <alexove> Nothing for me 23:41:49 <wmoreno> hello 23:42:03 <itamarjp> potty, please adjust the fedora calendar to invite people for the meeting with new dates 23:42:12 <wmoreno> .fas williamjmorenor 23:42:13 <zodbot> wmoreno: williamjmorenor 'William Moreno' <williamjmorenor@gmail.com> 23:42:54 <douglax> I have one but it is waaaaay off topic, I may go to the Telegram instead 23:42:57 <potty> Ok 23:43:49 <itamarjp> thank you all for attending 23:43:51 <itamarjp> ending in 23:43:55 <itamarjp> 3 23:44:05 <itamarjp> 2 23:44:17 <itamarjp> 1 23:44:24 <itamarjp> #endmeeting