15:06:09 <robyduck> #startmeeting FAmSCo 2017-11-01 15:06:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 1 15:06:09 2017 UTC. The chair is robyduck. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:06:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:06:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco_2017-11-01' 15:06:13 <robyduck> #meetingname famsco 15:06:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famsco' 15:06:15 <robyduck> #topic Roll Call 15:06:18 <robyduck> #chair mailga jonatoni sumantrom[m] itamarjp nb 15:06:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: itamarjp jonatoni mailga nb robyduck sumantrom[m] 15:06:25 <robyduck> .hello robyduck 15:06:26 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 15:10:49 <jonatoni|m> .hello jonatoni 15:10:50 <zodbot> jonatoni|m: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 15:11:20 <robyduck> Hi jonatoni|m 15:11:21 <jonatoni|m> sorry I forgot that the time changed :/ 15:11:33 <robyduck> me too 15:13:05 <robyduck> jonatoni|m: and it's also holiday here, so... 15:13:50 <jonatoni> I thought it was only in Germany :P 15:15:03 <robyduck> nope 15:16:24 <robyduck> jonatoni: I guess it's just me and you 15:16:41 <robyduck> let's get out some info in the meanwhile 15:16:47 <robyduck> #topic Mindshare 15:17:16 <jonatoni> okay 15:17:27 <robyduck> #info Mindshare will take over FAmSCo responsibilities starting with the next F27 elections 15:17:32 <itamarjp> .hello2 15:17:33 <robyduck> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mindshare 15:17:33 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 15:18:05 <robyduck> #info Consider subscribing to https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/mindshare@lists.fedoraproject.org/ 15:18:28 <robyduck> #info Join Mindshare conversations in #fedora-mindshare 15:18:30 <robyduck> hi itamarjp 15:19:28 <robyduck> Also, we should make sure all Regions are aware of this important change, and try to join the next regional ambassador meetings 15:19:48 <robyduck> Ambassadors will have 2 appointed seats in Mindshare 15:20:38 <robyduck> #action All Ambassadors to read carefully the new Fedora Mindshare Comittee wiki page and join discussions/nominations about the 2 appointed seats 15:21:13 <robyduck> itamarjp: jonatoni: can we do anything else to make sure people are aware of all this? 15:21:57 <jonatoni> we can mention this at the weekly meetings 15:22:08 <robyduck> See also: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/EZ3EUG4FATMZFRHEBVBIHNJZQULS4UTI/ 15:22:09 <jonatoni> bi-weekly* 15:22:28 <robyduck> jonatoni: definitely 15:22:52 <itamarjp> ok 15:23:16 <robyduck> I hope we can cover all regions, itamarjp also for LATAM and sumantrom[m] for APAC? 15:23:40 <robyduck> NA and EMEA should be already aware, but let's re-mention it 15:24:21 <jonatoni> tonight we have the meeting for EMEA 15:24:30 <jonatoni> or it's next week? 15:24:40 <itamarjp> ! 15:24:46 <robyduck> jonatoni: how long will a piratepad be online? 15:24:52 <robyduck> itamarjp: 15:25:02 <robyduck> just speak 15:25:51 <itamarjp> We have ambassadors from all over the world, from different regions, how do you plan to have an agreement with them ? 15:26:00 <robyduck> jonatoni: because I was considering to open a piratepad to collect nominations 15:26:36 <jonatoni> robyduck forever, just be careful to have a backup if someone deletes what you have written 15:26:37 <robyduck> itamarjp: I spoke quickly with nb about that, and as FAmA we suggested to: 15:26:44 <robyduck> 1) collect nominations 15:27:02 <robyduck> 2) discuss them wuickly on the list or wherever 15:27:42 <robyduck> 3) Agree on 2 representatives. There is no real need to make a votation, but if necessary we can also make a votation 15:28:03 * robyduck would prefer to find a common sense on this, like other teams are doing 15:28:30 <robyduck> jonatoni: if we want to have a history, then we need a wiki page 15:28:54 <jonatoni> definitely yes 15:29:31 <sumantrom[m]> Wiki sounds good. 15:29:44 <robyduck> we could set up a wiki page and then resend a post to the list about nominations 15:29:57 <robyduck> I feel otherwise nobody will take any action 15:30:25 <robyduck> as FAmSCo we have to guide them through this IMHO, or? 15:30:39 <jonatoni> yeah I think the wiki page would be a solution in this case 15:30:56 <jonatoni> yep we need to help them 15:31:44 <robyduck> ok, I'm fine with a wiki page too 15:32:28 <robyduck> I can make one, if you like, and re-post to the list 15:33:02 * mailga is around.... 15:33:15 <robyduck> hey mailga 15:33:15 <jonatoni> thanks robyduck 15:33:27 * jonatoni mailga o/ 15:33:45 <mailga> Hello folks! Sorry fo being late (as usual). 15:33:46 <robyduck> #action robyduck will setup a wiki page for ambassador's nominations and send out another post to the ML 15:34:21 <robyduck> anything else we should do for Mindshare? 15:34:22 <mailga> about mindshare, for mktg x3mboy is the candidate. FYI 15:34:47 * robyduck will update the wiki Mindshare wiki page constantly, so all infos whould be there 15:35:13 <robyduck> mailga: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mindshare#Current_Members 15:35:16 <robyduck> :P 15:35:48 <mailga> In italian "mai una gioa!" 15:35:54 <mailga> :-D 15:36:15 <robyduck> ahahah 15:36:33 <robyduck> #topic Open Floor 15:37:03 <robyduck> Are there any tickets we need to fix before closing down FAmSCo? 15:37:13 <robyduck> https://pagure.io/famsco/issues 15:38:00 <robyduck> Mst of these topics are MIndshare related, so it would be probably wise to get them into Mindshare, considering we are also not a full FAmSCo, but only 6 members 15:40:34 <robyduck> silence means agreeing? :D 15:41:13 <robyduck> Do you have anything we need to discuss and sort out before the next elections? 15:41:18 * sumantrom[m] agrees with robyduck 15:41:38 <robyduck> hi sumantrom[m] ! 15:42:01 * robyduck forgot to say hello before :) 15:42:13 <mailga> I don't have nothing to say. 15:42:17 <sumantrom[m]> Hi robyduck :) 15:42:25 <mailga> s/nothing/anything 15:43:48 <robyduck> ok, if you don't have anything else, I'd say we can close for today 15:44:09 <robyduck> ending in 3... 15:44:11 <sumantrom[m]> Robyduck we need the release party post to be approved. Can someone do it ? 15:44:29 <robyduck> sumantrom[m]: whihc one? 15:44:35 <robyduck> ah on the commblog? 15:44:58 <sumantrom[m]> Yes on the commblog 15:45:41 <robyduck> .admins commops 15:45:42 <zodbot> robyduck: Administrators for commops: bex decause jflory7 lmacken ralph 15:45:56 <robyduck> mailga: I thought you were also admin 15:46:06 <robyduck> jwf: can you help us with that? 15:46:17 <mailga> robyduck: no, in commops I'm only a member. 15:46:32 <mailga> also in commblog. 15:47:57 <robyduck> jonatoni: are you still in touch with jwf ? 15:48:01 <jonatoni> yes 15:48:07 <jonatoni> I can ask him to help us 15:48:11 <robyduck> maybe easier then waiting for him here 15:48:17 <robyduck> jonatoni: coolio, thx 15:48:50 <jonatoni> yw 15:49:19 <robyduck> anything else? 15:50:39 <robyduck> ok, fine, thank you all for coming and see you next week 15:50:49 <robyduck> #endmeeting