15:33:46 <jwf> #startmeeting Fedora CommOps (2017-11-06) 15:33:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 6 15:33:46 2017 UTC. The chair is jwf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:33:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:33:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_commops_(2017-11-06)' 15:33:53 <jwf> #meetingname commops 15:33:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'commops' 15:33:58 <jwf> #nick commops 15:34:03 <jwf> #topic Agenda 15:34:08 <jwf> #link https://infinote.fedoraproject.org/cgit/infinote/tree/meeting-templates/fedora-commops-meeting-next 15:34:14 <jwf> #info (1) Roll call / Q&A 15:34:18 <jwf> #info (2) Announcements 15:34:24 <jwf> #info (3) Action items from last meeting 15:34:30 <jwf> #info (4) Tickets 15:34:34 <jwf> #info (5) Open floor 15:34:42 <jwf> The agenda is a little dated because my editor is broken in F27 15:34:47 <jwf> So I can't edit it :P 15:34:51 <jwf> #topic Roll call / Q&A 15:34:57 <jwf> #info Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas 15:35:02 <jwf> #action commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps/Join ] 15:35:07 <jwf> If this is your first time at a CommOps meeting, feel free to introduce yourself to everyone and say hello! If anyone has any questions before we get started with the rest of the agenda, now is also a good time to ask. 15:35:34 <bt0> .hello bt0dotninja 15:35:35 <zodbot> bt0: bt0dotninja 'Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez' <hotgalan@gmail.com> 15:35:38 <bt0> #info Alberto Rodriguez S; UTC-5;CommOps (Metrics, Community engagement), DotNet (Testing), Infrastructure(Apprentice), Marketing (Member) 15:35:41 <jwf> #info Justin W. Flory (jflory7 / jwf); UTC-5; CommOps, Diversity, sysadmin-badges 15:36:09 * jwf waves to bt0 15:36:09 <bt0> hello o/ 15:36:16 * Rhea waves 15:36:19 <jwf> Let's see who else we have for today 15:36:23 * jwf waves to Rhea 15:36:25 <jwf> #chair bt0 Rhea 15:36:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea bt0 jwf 15:38:07 * jwf thinks the tickets marked with `meeting` tag is accurate… 15:38:20 <jwf> We'll wait two more minutes and then start at 15:40 UTC 15:38:45 * jwf hopes skamath will be here for #114 15:40:01 <jwf> #topic Announcements 15:40:18 <jwf> #info === "What I have found interesting in Fedora during the week 44 of 2017" === 15:40:23 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/found-interesting-fedora-week-44-2017/ 15:40:49 <jwf> #info Fedora 27 is still no-go, autumn elections in progress, new i686 SIG formed to deal with i686 issues 15:41:05 <jwf> #info === "Fedora Classroom Session: Fedora QA 101" === 15:41:11 <jwf> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-classroom-session-fedora-qa-101/ 15:41:34 <jwf> #info Fedora Classroom session tomorrow on Nov. 7th, 15:00 UTC, led by sumantrom[m]! 15:41:51 <jwf> sumantrom++ Looking forward to hearing about the classroom :) 15:41:52 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for sumantrom changed to 4 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:42:19 <jwf> #info === New comments about Grimoire Lab from a lead developer of Grimoire === 15:42:21 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/metrics-docs-flock-2017/#comment-5858 15:42:39 <jwf> More food for thought on the Grimoire vs. Grafana discussion… we can cover this deeper during the ticket discussion 15:42:46 <jwf> Any other announcements to share? Rhea bt0 x3mboy 15:43:01 <bt0> nope 15:43:04 <x3mboy> Nope 15:43:10 <jwf> Going once… 15:43:15 <jwf> Going twice… 15:43:20 <jwf> Going thrice… 15:43:26 <jwf> #topic Action items from last meeting 15:43:32 <jwf> Ah, give me a moment to dig thatup 15:43:36 <jwf> s/thatup/that up 15:44:04 <jwf> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/commops/commops.2017-10-30-14.29.html 15:44:12 <sumantrom[m]> jwf: Also coremodule is my partner in crime for Fedora QA classroom :) 15:44:18 <sumantrom[m]> coremodule++ 15:44:21 <jwf> coremodule++ for the support :) 15:44:21 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for coremodule changed to 1 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:44:37 <jwf> sumantrom[m]: Might help to map the Matrix nick to your FAS for giving and receiving karma. :) 15:44:42 <bt0> coremodule++ 15:44:43 <zodbot> bt0: Karma for coremodule changed to 2 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:44:55 <jwf> #info === [INCOMPLETE] "jwf Follow up with sayan about Fedora Badges related to Fedora Infrastructure (i.e. fedora-badges #434, #441, #442); update Infrastructure on-boarding ticket once new info is available" === 15:45:01 <jwf> #action jwf Follow up with sayan about Fedora Badges related to Fedora Infrastructure (i.e. fedora-badges #434, #441, #442); update Infrastructure on-boarding ticket once new info is available 15:45:11 <jwf> #info === "bt0 work on Issue #48 and break the information into smaller actions for Marketing team, file tickets and/or contact Marketing team about it" === 15:45:14 <jwf> bt0: Any updates there? 15:45:23 <bt0> no :( 15:45:30 <bt0> incomplete 15:45:36 <jwf> Okay, no problem. You just came back from a pretty busy trip. :) We'll re-action. 15:45:39 <jwf> #action bt0 work on Issue #48 and break the information into smaller actions for Marketing team, file tickets and/or contact Marketing team about it 15:45:50 <jwf> #info === "bee2502 open a new ticket for F27 Release party badge" === 15:46:13 * jwf is scrolling through the Badges issue tracker 15:46:39 <jwf> Oh, sweet, it's already ready to be pushed! 15:46:40 <jwf> #undo 15:46:40 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by jwf at 15:45:50 : === "bee2502 open a new ticket for F27 Release party badge" === 15:46:46 <jwf> #info === [COMPLETE] "bee2502 open a new ticket for F27 Release party badge" === 15:46:48 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/573 15:47:03 <jwf> #action jwf Push badge ticket #573 (https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/573) 15:47:08 <jwf> bee2502++ 15:47:25 <jwf> #info === [COMPLETE] "bexelbie Initialize the Asciidoc environment in the Fedora CommOps repo" === 15:47:38 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/pull-request/126 15:47:51 <jwf> bexelbie did the initial work, now I need to dive deeper into this. :) 15:48:19 <jwf> #info === [INCOMPLETE] "skamath file a RFE ticket against the Elections app for badge support" === 15:48:24 <jwf> #nick skamath 15:48:26 <jwf> #action skamath file a RFE ticket against the Elections app for badge support 15:48:50 <jwf> #info === "x3mboy Set up Fedocal events for the upcoming F27 election cycle, set up automatic reminders for mailing lists mentioned in ticket #107 (due:2017-11-06)" === 15:48:54 <jwf> x3mboy: Any updates here/ 15:48:56 <jwf> *? 15:50:16 * jwf is digging into Fedocal 15:50:49 <jwf> I think it's yet to be done, so I'll re-action it for now 15:50:58 <x3mboy> jwf, Yes 15:51:14 <jwf> #action x3mboy Set up Fedocal events for the upcoming F27 election cycle, set up automatic reminders for mailing lists mentioned in ticket #107 (https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/commops/) 15:51:27 <x3mboy> jwf since there is no date yet to the F27 release, the date for election is not fixed 15:51:59 <jwf> x3mboy: Oh, I see, that's good to know. Feel free to only file some of them for now, and we can keep this on the action item list for follow-up until the end of the cycle. 15:52:12 <jwf> #info === [INCOMPLETE] "skamath Add comment to ticket #114 about possible blocker with Grimoire / Kibiter" === 15:52:19 <jwf> #action skamath Add comment to ticket #114 about possible blocker with Grimoire / Kibiter 15:52:37 <jwf> #info === [INCOMPLETE] "jwf Research and compare pros / cons between Grafana and Grimoire Labs, add overview comparison to ticket #114" === 15:52:41 <jwf> #action jwf Research and compare pros / cons between Grafana and Grimoire Labs, add overview comparison to ticket #114 15:52:50 <jwf> #info === [COMPLETE] "jwf Outline CommOps Mindshare seat nomination process in ticket #120" === 15:52:58 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/120#comment-475785 15:53:03 <jwf> ^ will have time to discuss soon! 15:53:17 <jwf> #info === [INCOMPLETE] "jwf Review inactive CommOps FAS group members, send personalized emails to inactive accounts, remove from FAS group" === 15:53:23 <jwf> #action jwf Review inactive CommOps FAS group members, send personalized emails to inactive accounts, remove from FAS group 15:53:30 <jwf> I actually think I will try to do this today 15:53:37 <jwf> <eof> 15:54:03 <jwf> That's all the action items from last week! I think this time of the year is a busy time for a lot of folks, and I know some people are also going through some major life changes, so I anticipated some of the slowness. 15:54:18 <jwf> My schedule was a little hectic, but I cleared some major time over the weekend and have a little more Fedora time. :) 15:54:24 <jwf> #topic Tickets 15:54:27 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issues?tags=meeting 15:54:33 <jwf> #info === Ticket #114: "Use GrimoireLab tools to centralize metrics" === 15:54:38 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/114 15:55:02 <jwf> I'm going to take a sec to read both of the new comments here from the Grimoire Labs maintainer: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/metrics-docs-flock-2017/#comment-5858 15:57:28 <jwf> Without skamath or bexelbie here, it's tough for me to figure out where to jump in here. I'm due for a comparison between our two options, so that's blocking this ticket 15:57:53 <jwf> I may reach out to this guy who commented on our blog post and ask him for advice in our situation too, to see if Grimoire is still a good fit. 15:58:09 <jwf> Since I'm previously actioned for that, I'll work through this in the next week. 15:58:16 * bexelbie is lurking 15:58:18 <jwf> Anyone else have anything to add here, or questions they want to ask? 15:58:42 <jwf> bexelbie: tl;dr, a lead developer of Grimoire Labs commented on our CommBlog article and left some feedback / other thoughts 15:58:54 <bexelbie> There is a Grimoire con around FOSDEM if we want to look at getting someone to it 15:58:55 * bexelbie reads 15:59:01 <jwf> It's an interesting perspective, so I'm going to try driving forward on building the comparison 15:59:06 <jwf> bexelbie: …oh! That's convenient. 15:59:12 <jwf> bexelbie: Can you drop a #link for that? 15:59:22 <Rhea> I've no ide what's either about so no. 15:59:31 <Rhea> idea* 16:00:00 <jwf> No what? 16:00:16 <bexelbie> sure ... let me find one 16:00:44 <jwf> Rhea: Grimoire Labs and Grafana are both metrics dashboards that let you create visualizations, graphs, charts, etc. with different metrics. In our case, we were looking at tying our PostgreSQL back-end with fedmsg into one of these dashboards. 16:01:00 <jwf> With that, the ultimate goal is to make the fedmsg data more accessible. 16:01:11 <bexelbie> #link https://grimoirelab.github.io/con/ 16:01:12 <jwf> Rhea: It's explained more in depth here. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/metrics-docs-flock-2017/ 16:01:18 * jwf clicks 16:01:25 <bexelbie> I have had some short conversation with the CHAOSS folks 16:01:43 <bt0> I don't have much experience in these subjects but I can also try to compare 16:01:44 <bexelbie> I still believe that picking a tool (any tool) and figuring out what our next step for metrics would be nice 16:01:55 <bexelbie> this comes back to who wants to help :) 16:02:03 <jwf> Hah, amazing… will have to keep that date in mind with our FAD planning 16:02:26 <jwf> bexelbie: True, but I also want to spend some time doing a basic comparison of our options before jumping in, to prevent a lot of wasted work if we hit a major blocker 16:02:42 <jwf> I don't anticipate this being a difficult process, but it's time-consuming 16:02:46 <bexelbie> yes 16:02:47 <jwf> And someone needs to do it 16:02:50 * jwf looks at feet :D 16:03:01 <jwf> So, I'll put some more focus into this task for the coming week 16:03:06 <bexelbie> +1 16:03:09 <jwf> So we can spend less time on tooling, more time on doing 16:03:26 <bt0> jwf++ :P 16:03:45 <jwf> #info Grimoire's annual conference is conveniently near FOSDEM, so something to consider for choosing FAD dates / location 16:04:22 <jwf> #info #114 is blocked by research into tooling. We need a basic comparison between Grimoire and Grafana to establish our requirements and desires for a platform. jwf is working on research between the two and will have more in the ticket by next meeting. 16:04:57 <jwf> bt0: I think I can do the research here, but especially since your experience is less here, your feedback will be valuable once I have the comparisons. :) 16:05:03 <jwf> And feel free to poke around too, if you'd like 16:05:12 <bt0> ok :) 16:05:14 <jwf> These metrics dashboards are a lot of fun, once you start to play around with them 16:05:33 * jwf has a really cool Grafana dashboard that visualizes performance of his personal infrastructure 16:05:42 <jwf> Anyways, I think I got all of the important details in #info 16:05:45 <jwf> Next ticket… 16:05:52 <jwf> #info === Ticket #120: "Elect a CommOps Mindshare representative" === 16:05:56 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/120 16:06:17 <jwf> There's a short proposal of what the election process looks like in the ticket. 16:06:31 <jwf> I'm curious to know what the rest of you all think about it. +1/0/-1?? 16:06:46 <jwf> Mostly the last bullet is the one that needs thought 16:06:51 <jwf> "If two candidates for seat, and one has just served for two terms, the incumbent is not eligible to run again" 16:06:59 <jwf> Not sure if that's a helpful thing or just makes things more complicated 16:07:08 <jwf> So… curious to know what you all think on the outlined process in the ticket 16:08:03 <bt0> +1 16:08:57 <jwf> #chair 16:08:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea bt0 jwf 16:09:00 <jwf> ^^ 16:09:08 <jwf> #chair bexelbie 16:09:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea bexelbie bt0 jwf 16:09:39 * bexelbie has no opinoin on how CommOps wishes to select their rep 16:10:11 <jwf> bexelbie: I was mostly curious about if the last bullet is something that isn't sustainable / over-complicates the process 16:10:19 <jwf> But maybe I'm overthinking it and it's fine 16:10:27 * bexelbie reads 16:10:54 <jwf> Since we're short a few core members, I can ping some others to add a vote in the ticket too, but I can mark everyone in attendance as agreeing to the process 16:11:04 <bexelbie> the only two terms - sounds like a complication to solve a problem we don't have 16:11:19 <jwf> bexelbie: Okay, great, that was the feedback I was looking for… 16:11:38 <jwf> If anyone else thought that, I think it would fair to scratch that line 16:11:58 <jwf> * would be fair 16:12:14 <jwf> So, I can update the proposed process in the ticket and we can finalize that 16:12:52 <bt0> it's ok for me 16:13:06 <jwf> #agreed Proposed process for selecting CommOps Mindshare representative is good with one modification, removing the incumbent requirement; jwf will document and finalize this change in CommOps internal docs 16:13:24 <jwf> #action jwf Document process in upcoming internal docs writing 16:13:43 <jwf> On another note, is there anyone here that's interested in actually running for this seat? 16:14:05 * jwf was interested, but wanted to see if anyone else was too 16:15:15 <jwf> It'll probably be good for putting this out in the ticket, but I'll formally volunteer as a candidate, and we can give it another week for anyone else to decide to step up 16:15:26 * jwf is fine with someone else doing this too, if they're passionate for it :D 16:15:44 <jwf> #info jwf volunteers for CommOps Mindshare seat, will wait a week for others to volunteer in ticket 16:15:52 <bt0> that soundsIt sounds like something very serious, maybe later when I have more experience on Fedora :P 16:16:09 <jwf> bt0: Don't underestimate your own merit either. :D You've done quite a lot already, sir! 16:16:17 <jwf> Anyways, anything else for this ticket? 16:16:25 <jwf> Going once… 16:16:35 <jwf> Going twice… 16:16:40 <jwf> Going thrice… 16:16:47 <jwf> #info === Ticket #125: "[TRACKER TICKET] Organize a CommOps FAD" === 16:16:54 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/125 16:17:24 <jwf> Hmm, still marked as a meeting ticket, but I haven't had a chance to actually do work here 16:17:46 <jwf> This is something that will definitely require a team effort, but I think it needs more clear steps of how the organizing work is split up 16:18:15 <jwf> Like I know it will be helpful to have someone help with budgeting out the venue and others for helping come up with goals for the FAD too (and then lining up work to accomplish those goals) 16:18:40 <jwf> It sort of feels like this is blocking on me, so I'm inclined to skip and move on. Not sure if anyone else had thoughts they wanted to throw out here now? 16:19:01 <x3mboy> FAD or vFAD? 16:19:15 <jwf> #action jwf With FAD proposal, create a proposal draft and come up with new sub-tasks to divide and conquer among team members 16:19:15 <x3mboy> Can we change a FAD for a Hack Day like we did before? 16:19:19 <jwf> x3mboy: FAD. :) 16:19:48 <jwf> x3mboy: Well, that's actually something I'd like to start up too! Like the video / hack calls? 16:19:58 <x3mboy> jwf, yes 16:20:04 <x3mboy> That was awesome 16:20:12 <jwf> Good idea… let's actually cover this at open floor. :D 16:20:14 <x3mboy> We did a lot of job and was just a viedo call 16:20:24 <jwf> Which maybe we can jump to now, since I think there's not much to say on this ticket. 16:20:27 <jwf> #topic Open floor 16:20:35 <jwf> #info === Setting up hack sessions again! === 16:20:45 <jwf> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Hack_session 16:21:00 <x3mboy> Yeah!!! 16:21:14 <jwf> I'd like to put this on the calendar, maybe even right now. :) I don't think it makes sense to block on people's calendars, since we can just change the days of the week to organize the hack session 16:21:29 <jwf> Oh, or, let me go look back at the WhenIsGood we used for the meeting time. 16:21:32 * jwf goes back to dih 16:21:36 <bt0> super 16:21:37 <jwf> s/dih/dig 16:23:22 <jwf> lol, I think skamath made the last one. I'm only finding ones from 2015 16:23:31 <jwf> So, we can pick a new time npw 16:23:33 <jwf> * now 16:23:56 <jwf> So… anyone have a preference for Mondays? :) 16:24:13 <jwf> 15:00 EDT == 20:00 UTC is a good time on Mondays for me. 16:24:30 <x3mboy> I can do it any day from Mon to Fri 16:24:37 <bt0> mondays and fridays are fine for me 16:24:38 <x3mboy> Weekends are too busy for my 16:25:20 <jwf> No worries, sometimes it's also good to take a break and spend time with family / friends :) 16:25:27 <jwf> So, seems with the folks here, Monday works well. 16:25:35 <jwf> I'm going to plug this into Fedocal **right now** 16:25:42 <x3mboy> Cool! 16:25:45 <jwf> We can always adjust the time later if we get more feedback 16:25:49 <jwf> Anyone opposed to starting this today? 16:27:02 <bt0> no problem 16:27:36 * jwf is plugging it in now :) 16:29:05 <jwf> #link https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/8636/ 16:29:08 <jwf> Bam! 16:29:35 <bt0> cool 16:29:40 <jwf> #info Hack sessions are back on the calendar, once a week, for a two hour block - attending for a part is welcome, it's meant to be come-and-go for working on CommOps tasks :) 16:29:49 <jwf> On that note, that's all I have for today's meeting. 16:29:54 <jwf> Anyone else have anything for open floor? 16:30:01 <bt0> no from me 16:30:05 <jwf> x3mboy++ Thanks for reminding about those, I've been meaning to get those on the agenda forever!! 16:30:10 <jwf> I always seem to forget 16:30:15 <bt0> x3mboy++ 16:30:31 <jwf> Okay, meeting for today, going once… 16:30:40 <jwf> Going twice… 16:30:45 <Rhea> hmm 16:30:50 <jwf> Going thrice… 16:31:03 <jwf> Thanks all for coming out! :D bt0++ x3mboy++ Rhea++ bexelbie++ 16:31:04 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for rhea changed to 12 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:31:06 <jwf> #endmeeting