14:00:43 <williamjmorenor> #startmeeting Fedora Ambassadors Latam meeting Jan 12th, 2018 14:00:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jan 12 14:00:43 2018 UTC. The chair is williamjmorenor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ambassadors_latam_meeting_jan_12th,_2018' 14:00:44 <chinosoliard> ya iniciaste el meeting? 14:00:57 <williamjmorenor> #meetingname fedora-latam 14:00:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam' 14:01:15 <williamjmorenor> #topic Rollcall 14:01:28 <williamjmorenor> .fas williamjmorenor 14:01:29 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: williamjmorenor 'William Moreno' <williamjmorenor@gmail.com> 14:01:36 <chinosoliard> .fas chinosoliard 14:01:37 * williamjmorenor Nicaragua 14:01:37 <zodbot> chinosoliard: asoliard 'Soliard, Adrian D.' <me@chinosoliard.com> 14:01:40 * chinosoliard from Argentina 14:01:46 <chinosoliard> no one else? 14:01:50 <bt0> .fas bt0dotninja 14:01:51 <zodbot> bt0: bt0dotninja 'Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez' <hotgalan@gmail.com> 14:01:56 * bt0 from Mexico 14:02:25 <galoget> Hi .fas galoget 14:02:39 <galoget> .fas galoget 14:02:40 <zodbot> galoget: galoget 'Galoget Latorre' <fedora.ecuador@gmail.com> 14:02:52 <galoget> From Ecuador 14:02:58 <chinosoliard> galoget, use "/me from ecuador" 14:03:05 <chinosoliard> just a tip :) 14:03:16 * galoget from Ecuador 14:03:21 <galoget> Thanks 14:03:23 <chinosoliard> galoget++ :) 14:03:39 <williamjmorenor> #chair chinosoliard galoget bt0 14:03:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: bt0 chinosoliard galoget williamjmorenor 14:04:02 <williamjmorenor> ping bexelbie bexelbie[m] 14:05:02 <williamjmorenor> serie bueno si bex responde para consultar sobre el swag 14:05:12 <chinosoliard> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issues?status=Open&tags=Meeting 14:05:13 <williamjmorenor> pero bueno sigamos con el meeting 14:05:44 <chinosoliard> ! 14:05:47 <bt0> I agree 14:05:56 <williamjmorenor> aunque solo estamos presentes 4 así no podemos votar tickers 14:06:03 <chinosoliard> exactly! 14:06:04 <williamjmorenor> chinosoliard please go ahead 14:06:15 <chinosoliard> I was going to ask about issue #406 14:06:19 <chinosoliard> swag for latam 14:06:25 <chinosoliard> why it is still with meeting tag? 14:06:48 <williamjmorenor> I send a mail to bex and comment in the ticket asking about that 14:06:57 <chinosoliard> talking about my "discuss tag" ticket, issue #406 must have "discuss" tag 14:07:07 <williamjmorenor> but i think we could remove the meeting tag 14:07:16 <williamjmorenor> any way the ticket is still open 14:07:35 <williamjmorenor> because we do not have the swag already 14:07:39 <williamjmorenor> :( 14:07:56 <chinosoliard> it's ok to stay open, but we should change the meeting tag, because that issue was created 8 month ago and still without real solution 14:08:26 <chinosoliard> so, we should work in the tags, bt0 throw 2 great ideas too! 14:08:39 <chinosoliard> EOM 14:08:42 <williamjmorenor> yes 14:08:44 <bt0> yeah :) 14:08:48 <williamjmorenor> i see then 14:09:12 * chinosoliard think #406 should be tagged as "need feedback" 14:09:29 <chinosoliard> AND discuss 14:09:34 <bt0> ok, I will add the tags if you wish 14:09:38 <williamjmorenor> I will really ask you, if you see bex responsive in irc please ask him about the latam swag 14:09:46 <williamjmorenor> ok bt0 14:09:59 <chinosoliard> williamjmorenor, ok 14:10:12 <chinosoliard> I've an announcement... 14:10:19 <chinosoliard> http://www.paranaconf.org 14:10:26 <chinosoliard> site still under construction 14:10:41 <chinosoliard> I'm organizing a "hacking" event here in my town 14:10:49 <williamjmorenor> cool 14:10:52 <chinosoliard> Fedora is a supporting community, as I'm the organizer 14:11:17 <chinosoliard> I'm talking with the other guys from Argentina to see if anyone can come an show or talk about something 14:11:17 <bt0> cool 14:11:39 <chinosoliard> I'm trying that valentinbasel comes and show icaro and his works 14:11:53 <chinosoliard> EOM 14:12:17 <williamjmorenor> you shoul try to open a ticket some to alocate the founds 14:12:30 <williamjmorenor> unallocated founds will be lost soon 14:12:31 <chinosoliard> should we change the topic to #announcement and share the #link http:www.paranaconf.org, then continue? 14:12:51 <williamjmorenor> #topic Announcement 14:13:02 <chinosoliard> #link http://www.paranaconf.org 14:13:20 <chinosoliard> Comming soon Conference in Paraná, Argentina 14:13:29 <chinosoliard> EOTopic :) 14:13:41 <williamjmorenor> #info chinosoliard is organizing a "hacking" event here in his town 14:13:44 <williamjmorenor> ok 14:14:05 <williamjmorenor> we can not vote on ticker becausewe need 5 ambassadors in the meeting 14:14:20 <williamjmorenor> bexelbie do you have a moment? 14:14:51 <jwf> williamjmorenor: I think he just stepped into an in-person meeting 14:15:05 <williamjmorenor> i do understand 14:15:08 <williamjmorenor> thanks 14:15:17 * bt0 waves jwf 14:15:28 <williamjmorenor> jwf++ 14:15:28 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: Karma for jflory7 changed to 15 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:15:31 * jwf waves to bt0 :) 14:15:39 <jwf> Yum, more cookies! 14:16:39 <williamjmorenor> #action williamjmorenor will try to ping bex about swag latam production 14:16:47 <chinosoliard> ok... so... we can't do nothing today? 14:16:53 <williamjmorenor> i will move to open floor 14:16:58 <chinosoliard> ok 14:17:01 <williamjmorenor> #topic OpenFloor 14:17:32 <williamjmorenor> que inicio de año con esos bugs es CPUs de Intel 14:17:42 <chinosoliard> williamjmorenor, true story 14:17:59 <chinosoliard> I never liked intel, but I can't say that amd is faster or better... 14:18:29 <chinosoliard> galoget, pudiste ingresar a la lista de correos de latam? 14:18:53 <bt0> yo tampoco he sido aceptado 14:18:54 <williamjmorenor> with the decrease of perfomance with the meltdown patches a AMD Ryzen CPU is not a bad idea 14:18:57 <williamjmorenor> :) 14:19:28 <bt0> is cheaper :P 14:20:09 <williamjmorenor> .fasinfo galoget 14:20:10 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: User: galoget, Name: Galoget Latorre, email: fedora.ecuador@gmail.com, Creation: 2013-01-29, IRC Nick: galoget, Timezone: America/Guayaquil, Locale: es, GPG key ID: C071 B4EA 82BA 4519 894A B586 6AE2 9D65 30CD 71B3, Status: active 14:20:13 <galoget> No, aún no he sido aceptado @chinosoliard 14:20:13 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: Approved Groups: fedora-ec cla_fpca cla_done ambassadors 14:20:26 <williamjmorenor> .fasinfo bt0 14:20:27 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: User "bt0" doesn't exist 14:20:34 <bt0> bt0dotninja 14:20:53 <williamjmorenor> .fasinfo bt0dotninja 14:20:54 <bt0> .fasinfo bt0dotninja 14:20:54 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: User: bt0dotninja, Name: Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez, email: hotgalan@gmail.com, Creation: 2016-07-25, IRC Nick: bt0, Timezone: America/Mexico_City, Locale: en, GPG key ID: E74B5808, Status: active 14:20:57 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: Approved Groups: ambassadors dotnet-team marketing fi-apprentice commops fedora-mx cla_done cla_fpca 14:20:59 <zodbot> bt0: User: bt0dotninja, Name: Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez, email: hotgalan@gmail.com, Creation: 2016-07-25, IRC Nick: bt0, Timezone: America/Mexico_City, Locale: en, GPG key ID: E74B5808, Status: active 14:21:02 <zodbot> bt0: Approved Groups: ambassadors dotnet-team marketing fi-apprentice commops fedora-mx cla_done cla_fpca 14:21:05 <bt0> ups 14:21:07 <chinosoliard> quien maneja eso? potty? 14:21:26 <williamjmorenor> le estoy escribiendo a lbazan que es mentor de embajadores 14:21:31 <williamjmorenor> supongo el los puede agregar 14:21:42 <chinosoliard> no sé quien administra la lista 14:21:45 <chinosoliard> creo que era potty 14:22:01 <chinosoliard> hay que ver eso, a lo mejor conviene que alexove, que esta bastante activo, lo haga 14:22:22 * bt0 waves x3mboy 14:23:07 <x3mboy> ! 14:23:08 <x3mboy> .hello 14:23:09 <zodbot> x3mboy: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 14:23:10 <x3mboy> bt0 o/ 14:23:12 <x3mboy> Do we have half hour of Open Floor? 14:23:19 <x3mboy> .hello2 14:23:20 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 14:23:25 <chinosoliard> I can't believe this!!!! hahaha 14:24:14 <Nadie> fas lkf 14:24:28 <williamjmorenor> .fas lkf 14:24:29 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: yzhou 'Yingfu Zhou' <yolkfull@gmail.com> - dslkfjihj 'lkjsdfjf' <kdshfjh@maildrop.cc> - jfyfik 'lfujf lkfjf' <3xog9j+23fekvs62ajbvw380@sharklasers.com> - dslkfjkjh 'sdelfklkf' <ieafqoonspfj@dropmail.me> - blkf 'Michael Liang' <blkfcn@gmail.com> - jkjoillm 'hjlkffdd' <ImaHogg@SharedMailbox.org> - sdlkfjihj 'lkjskfh' <rqsg1x7@dispostable.com> - sunny15 'jxjhjs' <lkfjjr@abusemail.de> - nike2 'kjshft' (2 more messages) 14:24:44 <Guest64649> .fas lkf 14:24:45 <zodbot> Guest64649: yzhou 'Yingfu Zhou' <yolkfull@gmail.com> - dslkfjihj 'lkjsdfjf' <kdshfjh@maildrop.cc> - jfyfik 'lfujf lkfjf' <3xog9j+23fekvs62ajbvw380@sharklasers.com> - dslkfjkjh 'sdelfklkf' <ieafqoonspfj@dropmail.me> - blkf 'Michael Liang' <blkfcn@gmail.com> - jkjoillm 'hjlkffdd' <ImaHogg@SharedMailbox.org> - sdlkfjihj 'lkjskfh' <rqsg1x7@dispostable.com> - sunny15 'jxjhjs' <lkfjjr@abusemail.de> - nike2 'kjshft' (2 more messages) 14:25:06 <chinosoliard> Guest64649, we're in meeting 14:25:13 <chinosoliard> .fas lfk 14:25:14 <zodbot> chinosoliard: wsmlfk8156 'gjggfg' <wsmlfk8156@gmail.com> - dslkfjkjh 'sdelfklkf' <ieafqoonspfj@dropmail.me> - pfkeb 'Paul F. Kunz' <paulfkunz@gmail.com> - dflkghdlfkhfh 'Saloni Kumari' <dflkghdlfkhfh@mail.com> - sdlfkjjuhg 'lkjlksdf' <xs1466610785kpu@easytrashmail.com> - sdlfkji 'ksjflkj' <gvoh@maildx.com> - sdlfkl 'ksdjflkj' <reana@b1of96u.com> - dslfkokui 'kldsklkfjiu' <SimpleKiss@mailinator.com> - lewrtu 'dlfkk' (1 more message) 14:25:51 * chinosoliard is asking "have you seen that we've a lot of fakes FAS accounts?" 14:26:37 <chinosoliard> ok... let's continue 14:26:42 <chinosoliard> x3mboy, are you here? 14:26:46 <chinosoliard> bt0, still here? 14:26:47 <x3mboy> Yes 14:26:49 <bt0> yes 14:26:49 <chinosoliard> galoget? 14:27:06 <galoget> Yes 14:27:35 <chinosoliard> williamjmorenor, Nadie es de Nicaragua 14:27:35 <williamjmorenor> Guest64649 es Omar Berroteran, es empaquetador de nicaragua 14:27:51 <chinosoliard> habia alguien de nicaragua con un nick parecido, pero quizá por inactividad le borraron la cuenta 14:27:55 <bt0> ohh 14:27:56 <chinosoliard> lfk era, o lkf 14:28:27 <chinosoliard> Guest64649, welcome 14:28:39 <chinosoliard> ok... tenemos quorum para tratar los tickets o no? 14:28:43 <williamjmorenor> .fas lkf 14:28:45 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: yzhou 'Yingfu Zhou' <yolkfull@gmail.com> - dslkfjihj 'lkjsdfjf' <kdshfjh@maildrop.cc> - jfyfik 'lfujf lkfjf' <3xog9j+23fekvs62ajbvw380@sharklasers.com> - dslkfjkjh 'sdelfklkf' <ieafqoonspfj@dropmail.me> - blkf 'Michael Liang' <blkfcn@gmail.com> - jkjoillm 'hjlkffdd' <ImaHogg@SharedMailbox.org> - sdlkfjihj 'lkjskfh' <rqsg1x7@dispostable.com> - sunny15 'jxjhjs' <lkfjjr@abusemail.de> - nike2 'kjshft' (2 more messages) 14:28:55 <williamjmorenor> hummmmmm 14:29:01 <williamjmorenor> pues si hay quorum 14:29:10 <chinosoliard> ok... vamos a movernos? 14:29:12 <chinosoliard> x3mboy, ok? 14:29:23 <x3mboy> Sip 14:29:37 <x3mboy> Can we run everything in English? 14:29:57 <chinosoliard> x3mboy, if we're going to continue, sure! 14:29:58 <chinosoliard> ok... 14:30:15 <chinosoliard> williamjmorenor, let's work with the agenda, if lkf has nothing to add 14:30:35 <lkf> continue, please... 14:31:05 <chinosoliard> ok 14:31:06 <williamjmorenor> #topic Ticket 433 Chocolatada Linuxera [Event by LinuXatUNI] 14:31:18 <williamjmorenor> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/443 14:31:49 <fnoel> hi 14:32:09 <williamjmorenor> hola fernando 14:32:17 <williamjmorenor> espasmo++ 14:32:18 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: Karma for espasmo changed to 1 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:32:48 <fnoel> de que hablaron hoy ? will 14:32:59 <williamjmorenor> I not sure about this ticket, it says that is a event for Christmas 14:33:10 <williamjmorenor> I think we can move ahead 14:33:24 <chinosoliard> what happened with that? 14:33:32 <chinosoliard> yulytas is not present 14:33:35 <williamjmorenor> a tag the tikcket as "need info" 14:34:09 <chinosoliard> ohh, it's only a note to tell us that she was going to do that. Great! 14:34:19 <chinosoliard> that ticket should be closed 14:34:30 <fnoel> we can close what 14:34:31 <x3mboy> Wiki is not opening, give me a minute 14:34:38 <x3mboy> Ready 14:34:57 <x3mboy> Close it, it was planned to 27th Dec 14:35:07 <chinosoliard> I told yulytas that she needs to move the wiki page URL 14:35:19 <williamjmorenor> #topic 444 Move FLISoL main wiki page to the new event wiki tree 14:35:27 <williamjmorenor> chinosoliard this is yours 14:35:36 <chinosoliard> ok... 14:35:37 <williamjmorenor> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/444 14:35:58 <chinosoliard> I'll explain what we work in a brainstorming in FAD Cusco 14:36:24 <chinosoliard> we want to have "all" event (at least from LATAM) in "fp.o/wiki/events/latam" 14:36:57 <chinosoliard> x3mboy, opened a ticket explaining that some month ago 14:37:34 <chinosoliard> so... As wiki have the posibility to move the pages, I think we can work (I can do it) the FLISoL tree to "fp.o/wiki/events/latam/FLISoL" 14:37:51 <chinosoliard> do you agree? 14:37:59 <x3mboy> +1 14:38:02 <bt0> +1 14:38:14 <galoget> +1 14:38:27 <chinosoliard> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam 14:38:39 <chinosoliard> we should add that to "global events" section in that page 14:39:12 <chinosoliard> #action chinosoliard will move FLISoL wiki tree to fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/FLISoL/* 14:39:20 <x3mboy> Cool! 14:39:28 <chinosoliard> ! 14:39:42 <williamjmorenor> #agree ticket 433 aproved 14:39:43 <chinosoliard> we should update wiki tree with older editions and reports! 14:39:51 <chinosoliard> EOM 14:39:54 <chinosoliard> thanks, guys 14:40:07 <williamjmorenor> this can break many links in the wiki 14:40:10 <williamjmorenor> i think 14:40:27 <williamjmorenor> or the wiki will handle the redirect? 14:40:44 <chinosoliard> <williamjmorenor> or the wiki will handle the redirect? <- I think that it should do that 14:41:11 <chinosoliard> It doesn't matter, I can check what pages are linking 14:41:18 <chinosoliard> It will be a hard work :) 14:41:23 <bt0> :P 14:41:34 <williamjmorenor> ok 14:41:36 <fnoel> I think the wiki can handle the addresses 14:41:53 <chinosoliard> but I've been away from the project some month, so, I should do that 14:42:03 <williamjmorenor> #topic Ticket 445 14:42:13 <williamjmorenor> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/445 14:42:25 <williamjmorenor> we will discuss the discuss tag on pagure 14:42:47 <bt0> :P 14:42:54 <chinosoliard> hahahaha 14:43:27 <williamjmorenor> I have already added the "NEEDINFO" ticket so any tag that help to have a good averview of what is haping in pagure is welcome 14:43:29 <williamjmorenor> +1 14:43:31 <chinosoliard> ok... I should change the title of the issue 14:43:52 <chinosoliard> because, with bt0 idea, the issue is greater that this look 14:44:08 <chinosoliard> x3mboy, what do you think? 14:44:37 <fnoel> Why is it a discussion ticket? for any subject ? 14:44:41 <x3mboy> I think that are other tags better 14:44:59 <x3mboy> We can look into other teams to see what they use 14:45:06 <x3mboy> discuss is a little vague 14:45:23 <chinosoliard> yes :-/ 14:46:31 <chinosoliard> ok... we should make an investigation about what tags can be used by LATAM, and then vote in a meeting for tags? 14:46:42 <x3mboy> Yes 14:46:46 <x3mboy> I can take that 14:46:50 <williamjmorenor> so i think we agree that we can review the proposal and continue with next ticket 14:47:10 <bt0> cool, i can do the research :P (action me please) 14:47:12 <fnoel> ok 14:47:33 <chinosoliard> yes, we're going to review it 14:47:35 <williamjmorenor> #action bt0 to review the proposal of new tags in pagure 14:47:47 <chinosoliard> let's see it in 2 meetings 14:47:59 <williamjmorenor> #topic 446 Fedora Latam 2018 - year in review post 14:48:18 <williamjmorenor> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/446 14:48:23 <chinosoliard> ohh, I've seen that, williamjmorenor 14:48:45 <williamjmorenor> So it is time to the year in review post and I need help to find the relevant info 14:48:46 <chinosoliard> it was a very hard year... a lot of people go away, no fudcon, no too much release parties... 14:48:52 <chinosoliard> it is hard to work on that 14:49:01 <williamjmorenor> in 217 there were not Fudcon and FISL 14:49:25 <williamjmorenor> so we have the FAD in Cuzco, latinoware and Flisol 14:49:38 <chinosoliard> yes 14:49:53 <x3mboy> I think those are the most relevant 14:50:14 <chinosoliard> ohh 14:50:15 <x3mboy> You should add that finally we decide to take MX like Latam and they are working with us now 14:50:20 <chinosoliard> athos worked with a guy in GSoC 14:50:25 <chinosoliard> (google summer of code) 14:50:29 <williamjmorenor> and the goal for 2018 is be more active as community 14:50:39 <x3mboy> Also the new Mentors are worthy to be mentioned 14:50:52 <bt0> sounds great for me 14:50:52 <chinosoliard> <williamjmorenor> and the goal for 2018 is be more active as communit <- +1000000 14:51:16 <williamjmorenor> and Peru was the most active country again 14:51:22 <williamjmorenor> so kudos to all peu team 14:51:31 <williamjmorenor> ok I have taken notes 14:51:53 <williamjmorenor> #action williamjmorenor to work in a draft of latam year in review post 14:51:56 <williamjmorenor> go ahead 14:52:37 <williamjmorenor> #topic Ticker 447 Budget request for Fedora 27 Release Party in Ecuador 14:52:42 <williamjmorenor> #undo 14:52:42 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x24e0eed0> 14:52:52 <williamjmorenor> topic Ticket 447 Budget request for Fedora 27 Release Party in Ecuador 14:53:01 <williamjmorenor> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/447 14:53:57 <bt0> galoget? 14:54:01 <hackem> As I mentioned before we are organizing a fedora release party in Ecuador 14:54:05 <williamjmorenor> firts budget request for a release party of the year 14:54:16 <williamjmorenor> .fas hackem 14:54:17 <hackem> We publish the event some days ago 14:54:17 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: 'hackem' Not Found! 14:54:44 <hackem> I am galoget, but I had connectivity issues 14:55:01 <hackem> After that I couldn't use my username, it says it is already in use 14:55:22 <williamjmorenor> any release party event with a proper wiki page and rasonable budget have my +1 by default 14:55:27 <williamjmorenor> so +1 here for me 14:55:54 <hackem> The budget could be modified, we are having a lot of people interested in this the event 14:55:55 <williamjmorenor> as commented in the ticket wait to see event attendace before ordering th snacks 14:56:06 <williamjmorenor> the most people the best 14:56:21 <hackem> Yes I think that the best idea is to wait to see how many people attend 14:56:29 <williamjmorenor> if you spend more money that aproved is not a big issue with a good report of the event 14:56:30 <chinosoliard> +1 14:56:32 <bt0> yeah, me too 14:56:36 <chinosoliard> but I've a question 14:56:43 <hackem> But my question is, how is Fedora going to supported the budget for the event? 14:56:58 <chinosoliard> when is going to take place? 14:57:08 <chinosoliard> OHH 14:57:09 <hackem> Our Fedora release party is going to be on January 27th 14:57:25 <chinosoliard> sorry, I just read it 14:57:34 <chinosoliard> ok, I'm +1 too 14:57:38 <hackem> The issue is that we don't have enough funds to cover the cost of the event 14:57:46 <x3mboy> +1 from me 14:58:03 <chinosoliard> ! 14:58:10 <hackem> I would like to know if Fedora could send the budget and obviously we can present the receipts of what costs have been paid 14:58:36 <chinosoliard> It's a big amount of money, but I believe that galoget will start creating a very good community in ecuador. That's why I'm +1 14:59:11 <williamjmorenor> hackem I am not sure 14:59:18 <williamjmorenor> paypal works for you? 14:59:41 <williamjmorenor> generalmente se reembolsa el dinero una vez presentadas las facturas 14:59:49 <williamjmorenor> seria preguntar a bex 14:59:51 <hackem> Yes, PayPal is Ok, also electronic transfer would be Ok 15:00:02 <chinosoliard> okkk, hackem, there will be a problem... 15:00:24 <chinosoliard> Fedora only makes reimbursement, I mean, Fedora is not going to transfer you BEFORE 15:01:03 <hackem> Ohhhhh, I see, in that case, what alternatives do we have? 15:01:08 <chinosoliard> !!!!!!!! 15:01:24 <williamjmorenor> ? 15:01:53 <williamjmorenor> i only 2 votes here 15:01:56 * bt0 is just reading and waiting the details before vote 15:01:57 <chinosoliard> guys, I've to go... I've read the issue #448 (F27 RP in Nicaragua), and I'm +1 with that, a very big +1. 15:02:11 <williamjmorenor> x3mboy lkf bt0 ? 15:02:20 <hackem> I can ask some friends to cover the costs of this event, after presenting the receipts it is pretty sure that we are going to receive a reimbursement? 15:02:32 <x3mboy> +1 also 15:02:36 <bt0> +1 15:02:37 <x3mboy> I need to go guys 15:02:38 <x3mboy> Sorry 15:02:42 <x3mboy> See you later 15:02:43 <chinosoliard> I'm +1 with issue #447 (this one) too... but we can't approve it if we can solve the problem 15:03:01 <x3mboy> In Latam Ambys I trust 15:03:01 <williamjmorenor> i have a ticket x3mboy are you ok with it? 15:03:02 <chinosoliard> <hackem> I can ask some friends to cover the costs of this event, after presenting the receipts it is pretty sure that we are going to receive a reimbursement? <- YES! 15:03:17 <x3mboy> Yes, I can move it next week 15:03:18 <hackem> Good 15:03:25 <hackem> In that case there will be no problem 15:03:27 <williamjmorenor> #agree Ticket 447 aproved 15:03:41 <chinosoliard> I'm going. Sorry! And thanks for being present 15:04:07 <williamjmorenor> yes hackem you will have the monay ass soon you present the invoices, no more of of week to wait 15:04:17 <williamjmorenor> the last ticker 15:04:21 <hackem> Any update on the costs will be posted on pagure 15:04:33 <williamjmorenor> #topic 448 Found request for F27 Release in Managua 15:04:48 <williamjmorenor> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/448 15:05:14 <williamjmorenor> please note asoliard is +1 with this one 15:05:32 <bt0> yeah 15:05:39 <bt0> +1 for me too 15:05:57 <hackem> +1 15:06:40 <bt0> (looks like a very nice place btw :) ) 15:07:15 <williamjmorenor> lkf ? 15:08:37 <williamjmorenor> with me there is 4 votes 15:08:47 <williamjmorenor> we need at less one more 15:09:48 <bt0> ping lkf 15:09:53 <bt0> .ping lkf 15:09:53 <zodbot> pong 15:11:12 <lkf> +1 15:11:17 <williamjmorenor> ok 15:11:19 <williamjmorenor> thanks 15:11:32 <bt0> cool 15:11:35 <williamjmorenor> #agree Ticket 448 aproved 15:11:59 <williamjmorenor> if there is no more comments i will clse this meeting 15:12:13 <bt0> it's ok for me 15:13:05 <williamjmorenor> 5 15:13:07 <williamjmorenor> 4 15:13:08 <williamjmorenor> 3 15:13:09 <williamjmorenor> 2 15:13:10 <williamjmorenor> 1 15:13:19 <williamjmorenor> #endmeeting