15:29:19 <jwf> #startmeeting Fedora CommOps (2018-01-15) 15:29:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 15 15:29:19 2018 UTC. The chair is jwf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:29:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:29:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_commops_(2018-01-15)' 15:29:19 <jwf> #meetingname commops 15:29:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'commops' 15:29:19 <jwf> #nick commops 15:29:25 <jwf> #topic Agenda 15:29:34 <jwf> #link https://infinote.fedoraproject.org/cgit/infinote/tree/meeting-templates/fedora-commops-meeting-next 15:29:35 <jwf> #info (1) Roll call / Q&A 15:29:37 <jwf> #info (2) Announcements 15:29:39 <jwf> #info (3) Action items from last meeting 15:29:41 <jwf> #info (4) Tickets 15:29:43 <jwf> #info (5) Open floor 15:29:45 <jwf> #topic Roll call / Q&A 15:29:47 <jwf> #info Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas 15:29:51 <jwf> #action commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps/Join ] 15:29:52 <skamath> .hellomynameis skamath 15:29:53 <zodbot> skamath: skamath 'Sachin S Kamath ' <sskamath96@gmail.com> 15:29:54 <jwf> If this is your first time at a CommOps meeting, feel free to introduce yourself to everyone and say hello! If anyone has any questions before we get started with the rest of the agenda, now is also a good time to ask. 15:30:18 <jwf> #info Justin W. Flory; UTC-5 (for now); CommOps, Diversity, Ambassadors 15:30:18 <skamath> #info Sachin S. Kamath; UTC +5.30; CommOps, SoC, Join, Classroom, * 15:30:31 <skamath> jwf, Hello Hello Hello o/ 15:30:36 <jwf> Greetings! :D 15:30:38 <jwf> #chair skamath 15:30:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwf skamath 15:30:44 <skamath> Long time no see. 15:30:58 <bt0_> #info Alberto Rodríguez; UTC-5; CommOps, marketing, Ambassador, dotnet sig 15:31:00 <jwf> Indeed. Sorry for missing out last minute for last week's meeting. 15:31:06 <jwf> Hopefully we can keep the momentum steady :) 15:31:12 <skamath> Oh, I missed out too. I guess that cancels out :p 15:31:12 <jwf> #chair bt0_ bt0 15:31:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: bt0 bt0_ jwf skamath 15:31:22 <jwf> Heh, yeah 15:31:48 <jwf> I made a poor estimation of how much time I would have with it being my first day at a new job. I have a better grasp now. :) 15:32:10 <skamath> jwf, $dayjob can get really hectic. 15:32:46 <DiscordBridge> <Rhea> hai 15:32:53 <meskarune> .hello 15:32:53 <zodbot> meskarune: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 15:32:55 * jwf waves to Rhea 15:32:58 <skamath> I found my internship itself so time consuming. So unless I get a full time $job in Fedora, I might have very less time to spend in around 2 months :( 15:33:00 <jwf> Hey meskarune o/ 15:33:08 <skamath> Hi DiscordBridge and Rhea o/ 15:33:16 <jwf> #chair meskarune Rhea 15:33:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea bt0 bt0_ jwf meskarune skamath 15:33:30 <bt0_> hi Rhea o/ 15:33:37 <jwf> meskarune: You can intro yourself for the logs with: #info Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas :) 15:33:48 <meskarune> Oh ok 15:33:48 * skamath waves to meskarune \o 15:33:59 <meskarune> \o 15:34:13 <jwf> skamath: I understand that – that's part of why I've scaled down to focus in the most on CommOps 15:34:29 <skamath> nod nod 15:35:14 <skamath> Oh, and have fun at the new job :D Is there anything foss-y happening there? 15:35:34 <nauticalnexus[m]> I'm not late! 15:35:54 <jwf> skamath: I'm leading open source community engagement for some of UNICEF's Office of Innovation projects. I'm still getting my bearings, but I'm super excited for this :) 15:35:57 <jwf> nauticalnexus[m]: Hey hey! 15:36:00 <skamath> WOWOWOWOW 15:36:01 <jwf> #chair nauticalnexus[m] 15:36:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea bt0 bt0_ jwf meskarune nauticalnexus[m] skamath 15:36:04 <skamath> WOWOWOW 15:36:07 <skamath> I can go on spamming WOW 15:36:12 <meskarune> that's awesome j 15:36:15 <skamath> Damn, that's so nice!! 15:36:24 <skamath> \o/ 15:36:38 <nauticalnexus[m]> I'm finally here lol 15:36:41 <skamath> Congrats jwf! It should be super exciting :D 15:36:45 <jwf> Hahah, thanks. :D 15:36:50 <nauticalnexus[m]> Thank you jwf for that matrix link 15:36:53 <jwf> Anywho, we can press on to the agenda! 15:36:55 <jwf> nauticalnexus[m]: No problem :) 15:37:00 <jwf> #topic Announcements 15:37:04 <jwf> #info === "10 Fedora Women Days across the world" === 15:37:08 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-women-days-2017/ 15:37:12 <jwf> #info jonatoni summarizes the ten Fedora Women Day events around the world in 2017. Read more in her article covering what the Diversity Team was up to last year! 15:37:15 <jwf> jonatoni++ 15:37:20 <nauticalnexus[m]> Now can be lazy in bed and attend meeting! Win/win 15:37:22 <jwf> #info === "An update on ongoing Meltdown and Spectre work" === 15:37:26 <jwf> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/update-ongoing-meltdown-spectre-work/ 15:37:33 <jwf> #info labbott continues coverage of the Meltdown / Spectre vulnerability fixes in Fedora. Helpful summary if you're having a hard time keeping up with all the news! 15:37:36 <jwf> labbott++ 15:37:36 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for labbott changed to 4 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:37:43 <jwf> #info === Two weeks until CommOps FAD (Jan. 29-31, 2018) === 15:37:49 <jwf> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_CommOps_2018 15:37:49 <jwf> #info The CommOps FAD is on approach this month. Most of the activity in the next two weeks will likely be in support of the FAD! 15:37:59 <skamath> labbott++ for sure! 15:37:59 <zodbot> skamath: Karma for labbott changed to 5 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:38:27 <jwf> Yeah, labbott has been super awesome with all of the coverage on the Fedora Magazine. Even if you're not a Fedora user, she explains some of the kernel things in an easy-to-understand way 15:38:35 <jwf> I thought her KPTI post was the bomb 15:38:51 <nauticalnexus[m]> labbott++ 15:39:05 <jwf> That's all the announcements I had planned… anyone else have anything? 15:39:25 * jwf thinks a lot of people are still getting their groove back from the holidays still :) 15:39:45 <skamath> Oh, I haven't recovered yet. 15:39:53 <bt0__> :o it's true 15:39:54 <jonatoni|m> hello 😆 15:40:03 <skamath> jonatoni|m, o/ 15:40:06 <nauticalnexus[m]> Cookies 15:40:07 <jwf> 😂😂 15:40:18 <nauticalnexus[m]> Just.. cookies 15:40:21 <nauticalnexus[m]> That's all. :3 15:40:24 <jwf> Yeah, I def feel that too 15:40:45 <jwf> #help Still recovering from the holidays! :P 15:40:54 <nauticalnexus[m]> Lol 15:40:54 <jwf> Okay, announcements, going once… 15:41:04 <skamath> Oh, the clever space. 15:41:06 <jwf> Going twice… 15:41:11 <jwf> And thrice… 15:41:19 <jwf> #topic Action items from last meeting 15:41:24 <jwf> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2017-12-18/commops.2017-12-18-15.30.html 15:41:24 <jwf> #info How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward. 15:41:35 <jwf> A lot of this is some old recap, since the last full meeting was Dec. 18 15:41:41 <jwf> #info === [INCOMPLETE] "jwf Create a logic model based on the current FAD template" === 15:41:45 <jwf> #info This fell off during the holidays, but jwf is planning to complete by 2017-01-21 15:41:48 * skamath goes to hide as he didn't do his homework 15:41:49 <jwf> #action jwf Create a logic model based on the current FAD template 15:41:56 <jwf> Even if it's late, from my experience with the Diversity FAD, it's really an invaluable resource to know what we want to accomplish and understand how we will do it. 15:42:15 <jwf> skamath: A re-action for you too? :) 15:42:24 <skamath> Hehe, yes. 15:42:41 <jwf> #info === [INCOMPLETE] "skamath Add comment to ticket #114 (Grimoire ticket) that estimates a timeline for the Perceval fedmsg plugin development" === 15:42:44 <jwf> #action skamath Add comment to ticket #114 (Grimoire ticket) that estimates a timeline for the Perceval fedmsg plugin development 15:42:50 * nauticalnexus[m] noms on cookies and listens. 15:42:54 <jwf> #info === [] "dhanesh95 Reach out to Fedora Magazine team to get feedback on helpful data to incorporate into fedmsg via WordPress's REST API (note limitations of REST API too – what's helpful for what we can extract?)" === 15:43:21 <jwf> I haven't heard from dhanesh95 on this one in a while. I think we may need to free this up for anyone to take since he hasn't responded for some time 15:43:25 <skamath> I am gonna hit it hard today. I will have a solid plan next week and a much stronger plan during FAD and hopefully have clear goals during Grimoirecon. 15:43:34 <dhanesh95> jwf: Hey! 15:43:36 <jwf> skamath++ Awesome, that is super exciting to hear 15:43:38 <dhanesh95> Sorry I'm a bit late 15:43:40 <jwf> dhanesh95: Oh, hey! :D 15:43:46 <jwf> No worries! 15:43:49 <dhanesh95> I'll be sending an email today to fedora magazine team 15:43:52 <nauticalnexus[m]> Lol 15:43:54 <jwf> Excellent, wow! 15:43:56 <jwf> dhanesh95++ 15:44:03 <jwf> dhanesh95: In that case, I will re-action :) 15:44:04 <dhanesh95> I'll get the feedback in the next couple of days and update on the bug 15:44:13 <dhanesh95> jwf: Yes, that would be great. 15:44:16 <jwf> #action dhanesh95 Reach out to Fedora Magazine team to get feedback on helpful data to incorporate into fedmsg via WordPress's REST API (note limitations of REST API too – what's helpful for what we can extract?) 15:44:19 <dhanesh95> Apologies for the delay 15:44:41 <jwf> dhanesh95: Not an issue. The goal is to have to ready in time for the FAD. :) 15:44:47 <jwf> Thanks for following up here! 15:44:54 <dhanesh95> jwf: It will be. I'll give my best 15:44:58 <nauticalnexus[m]> dhanesh95++ 15:44:59 <jwf> #info === [COMPLETE] "meskarune Open new ticket in Fedora CommOps Pagure for our Year in Review, and a ticket in Fedora Diversity Pagure for Year in Review" === 15:44:59 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/130 15:45:00 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/49 15:45:08 <jwf> meskarune: Thanks again for this :) 15:45:10 <skamath> dhanesh95, ŏ/ 15:45:31 <jwf> Okay, that's all the action items left from last meeting! 15:45:33 <jwf> #topic Tickets - Active 15:45:38 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issues?tags=meeting 15:45:46 <jwf> #info === Ticket #125: "[TRACKER TICKET] Organize a CommOps FAD" === 15:45:46 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/125 15:45:46 <jwf> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_CommOps_2018 15:46:06 <meskarune> :) 15:46:21 <jwf> This ticket was only on the agenda to take a high-level view of where we are for the FAD. 15:46:24 <skamath> My visa got approved 2 hours back \o/ 15:46:24 <nauticalnexus[m]> meskarune++ 15:47:01 <jwf> skamath: Whoo, that's good news 15:47:23 <skamath> jwf, the US visa I had helped a lot. They didn't ask any question because it was very recent 15:47:28 <jwf> I'm thinking the Perceval plugin devel map will be helpful 15:47:30 <wesleyotugo> skamath: Congrts 15:47:37 <jwf> wesleyotugo: Hey! o/ 15:47:49 <skamath> Thanks and hello :D o/ 15:48:15 <skamath> jwf, Yes. Infact I was also talking to bex about making it a GSoC Project after we work on it. 15:48:36 <nauticalnexus[m]> Hello! 15:48:37 <skamath> We can split it into "modules" and make SoC projects out of it. 15:48:40 <bt0__> cool 15:48:51 <skamath> Oh, that reminds me of an action item. 15:48:54 <wesleyotugo> jwf : Hey o/, Sorry I was late 15:49:11 <skamath> #action skamath Ask GrimoireLab team if they will be attending GSoC this year 15:49:19 <meskarune> That sounds like a good idea 15:49:44 <jwf> Hey, sorry, being pulled into something with work for 5min 15:49:45 <nauticalnexus[m]> +1 15:49:47 <skamath> If they are, it's even better! 15:49:49 <jwf> skamath: If you can lead here for a minute? 15:50:01 <skamath> jwf, Sure. Do you have a link? 15:50:48 <nauticalnexus[m]> Food or stay in bed... Damn you bed! 15:50:55 <meskarune> https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issues?tags=meeting 15:51:08 <skamath> Oh yes, I have that. There's generally a wiki :P 15:51:19 <meskarune> Oh heh 15:51:39 <skamath> Is there anything else about the FAD that requires some discussion? 15:52:15 <skamath> Oh, and if you plan to attend the fad (onsite/remote), please add your name to the wiki if you have not already 15:52:17 <skamath> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_CommOps_2018 15:52:18 <meskarune> Maybe if there isn't a wiki, one could be made 15:52:28 <meskarune> Oh yay 15:52:56 <skamath> bee2502, ping 15:52:56 <zodbot> skamath: Ping with data, please: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/No_naked_pings 15:53:34 <skamath> Okay, moving on 15:54:01 <skamath> #info === Ticket #127 Write a "How to" commblog post to explain a little bit the changes in the wiki === 15:54:12 <skamath> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/128 15:54:18 <jwf> skamath: Oh, I can help with this for a sec, sorry! 15:54:25 <jwf> I did a special section for these tickets today 15:54:27 <jwf> Something new :P 15:54:31 <skamath> Ohh 15:54:33 <jwf> #undo 15:54:33 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x23ce0210> 15:54:34 <jwf> #undo 15:54:34 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by skamath at 15:54:01 : === Ticket #127 Write a "How to" commblog post to explain a little bit the changes in the wiki === 15:54:40 <jwf> #topic Tickets - Open 15:54:45 <jwf> #info A special section to the meeting agenda! This section is for tickets that are open and need help. If you're looking to work on something or get started, look at these and feel free to ask questions now! 15:54:53 <jwf> #info === Ticket #96: "Community blog post explaining how to use the easyfix tag to get tickets to show up on the easyfix list" === 15:54:53 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/96 15:54:53 <jwf> #link https://fedoraproject.org/easyfix/ 15:54:57 <nauticalnexus[m]> Welcome back jwf 15:55:03 <nauticalnexus[m]> :) 15:55:06 <jwf> #info The easyfix page highlights good "starter" bugs or tasks in various projects across Fedora. But it's not obvious how to get your bugs listed there! You have to add your project to a wiki page in a specific format. We need someone to share how to do this. 15:55:06 <jwf> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Easyfix 15:55:30 <jwf> I'm kind of / sort of here, still in a call 15:55:33 <jwf> skamath: See here: https://infinote.fedoraproject.org/cgit/infinote/tree/meeting-templates/fedora-commops-meeting-next 15:55:50 <nauticalnexus[m]> : O 15:56:02 <nauticalnexus[m]> These.. these things I can do! 15:57:21 <jwf> These tickets are all tasks great for beginners or for someone looking to jump in on something :) 15:57:29 <jwf> #info === Ticket #127: "Write a "How to" commblog post to explain a little bit the changes in the wiki" === 15:57:29 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/127 15:57:37 <jwf> #info The wiki got a lot of love in December. There's new features or ways of doing things that need to be documented. This ticket involves some research about the changes, and then writing a short informative article about the changes. Bonus points for writing a doc! 15:57:52 <jwf> #info === Ticket #128: "Create Pagure pull request how-to documentation" === 15:57:52 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/128 15:57:58 <jwf> #info Making a pull request may sound obvious, but to many people, it's not. This ticket helps explain how to make a Pagure pull request. This helps many teams in Fedora. It should be in the form of a Fedora doc. We can help you get started! 15:59:12 <jwf> I wanted to put all three of these tasks out there today, to see if anyone was interested in these. 15:59:28 <nauticalnexus[m]> So many links to save lol 15:59:39 <jwf> Or if they were interested but didn't know how to begin 15:59:44 <skamath> nauticalnexus[m], It'll all be there in the minutes :) 16:00:02 <nauticalnexus[m]> jwf like me! 16:02:05 <jwf> nauticalnexus[m]: Were any of these of interest? 16:02:12 <meskarune> I might be able to help with documentation on pull requests 16:02:22 <meskarune> But I've never written documentation for Fedora before so I have no idea where to start 16:02:37 <meskarune> I have taught a few classes on git 16:03:23 <nauticalnexus[m]> jwf docs! 16:03:30 <nauticalnexus[m]> I can do those 16:04:46 <jwf> meskarune: Your help on the Pagure PR how-to would be super helpful! I don't think it will be much different than what you're used to with other git forges. 16:04:58 <jwf> nauticalnexus[m]: Would you be interested in the easyfix one? 16:05:26 <wesleyotugo> jwf: This https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/127 interests me 16:05:35 <nauticalnexus[m]> jwf: I'm interested in anything relating to docs. It's a good way for me to get started. 16:06:51 <jwf> wesleyotugo: Yeah, and this would fit well with your other YiR articles too :) 16:07:12 <jwf> I got pulled into a longer meeting than I anticipated, so I can help the three of you get started on these in #fedora-commops in a bit? 16:07:15 <jwf> If that sounds okay? 16:07:41 <nauticalnexus[m]> Sure! 16:07:58 <jwf> If I read it right, meskarune interested in #128 on Pagure, wesleyotugo on #127 with the wiki, and nauticalnexus[m] on #96 with easyfix :) 16:08:22 <nauticalnexus[m]> Yeah :) 16:10:35 <wesleyotugo> jwf: Yep 16:11:36 <jwf> Super – I'll be sure to follow up with all three of you :) 16:11:43 <jwf> #topic Open floor 16:11:47 <jwf> #action jwf Review wesleyotugo's Bodhi Year in Review post, combined with bowlofeggs' feedback, get scheduled! 16:11:51 * dhanesh95 is back :P 16:11:56 <nauticalnexus[m]> Open floor it says.. 16:12:10 <dhanesh95> Awww. Missed out on everything! 16:12:34 * nauticalnexus[m] dances on the floor 16:12:41 <dhanesh95> I may have to resign from my job if this keeps happening. -_- 16:12:43 <jwf> Anyone else have anything to throw out there? 16:12:59 <meskarune> jwf: sounds good 16:13:12 <jwf> dhanesh95: Maybe a good problem to have, not enough action items :D 16:13:15 <jwf> Heheh 16:13:32 <dhanesh95> jwf: Hahahaha... XD 16:13:39 <nauticalnexus[m]> Lol 16:14:40 <jwf> dhanesh95: Want to help ship Fedora 28 while you're at it? :D 16:15:06 <dhanesh95> jwf: I would love to! 16:15:15 <jwf> Okay, we'll free up the channel, and I'll jump in to give you all pointers for the open tickets in the next 15m or so 16:15:18 <dhanesh95> Oh I do have a question about the FAD. 16:15:23 <jwf> dhanesh95: Oh, sure! 16:15:41 <dhanesh95> What exact time are we starting the FAD? 16:15:54 <jwf> Oh, good question 16:16:19 <jwf> I need to check with @Rhea on when she made the reservation for our meeting room, or if we can enter any time 16:16:24 <dhanesh95> I'll have to do some math converting the timezones and looking at my calendar to take an off from work. 16:16:29 <jwf> I was thinking along the lines of 9am/10am CET 16:16:40 <jwf> Will get back to you on that 16:16:46 <dhanesh95> jwf: I only understand UTC :P 16:16:54 <jwf> CET == UTC-1 :) 16:17:03 <dhanesh95> jwf++ 16:17:04 <jwf> #action jwf Confirm with Rhea when the meeting room is available, make agenda to go on wiki 16:17:10 <jwf> Cool 16:17:22 <dhanesh95> nauticalnexus[m]++ 16:17:23 <jwf> Alright folks! I'll see you in #fedora-commops. 16:17:25 <dhanesh95> skamath++ 16:17:27 <jwf> Thanks for coming out today everyone! 16:17:34 <jwf> #endmeeting