17:11:39 <mboddu> #startmeeting RELENG (2018-01-18) 17:11:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 18 17:11:39 2018 UTC. The chair is mboddu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:11:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:11:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2018-01-18)' 17:11:39 <mboddu> #meetingname releng 17:11:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 17:11:39 <mboddu> #chair dgilmore nirik tyll sharkcz masta pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk maxamillion mboddu Kellin 17:11:39 <mboddu> #topic init process 17:11:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: Kellin dgilmore masta maxamillion mboddu nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk sharkcz tyll 17:11:57 * puiterwijk is not here 17:12:18 <mboddu> Sorry for the late start, meetings, meetings and meetings 17:13:24 <masta> hehe... 17:13:32 * masta is monitoring the discussion 17:13:43 <nirik> morning 17:14:21 <dgilmore> hi 17:15:44 <dustymabe> .hello2 17:15:44 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 17:16:51 * mboddu looking at the releng tickets 17:17:39 <mboddu> #topic #7227 [RFE] Add new repositories for modular[-updates[-testing]] 17:17:45 <mboddu> #link https://pagure.io/releng/issue/7227 17:18:29 <mboddu> This issue is being asked all the day, so I want to make sure where we stand on this 17:18:46 <mboddu> Last time we discussed and thought it requires pungi changes and stuff 17:18:57 <mboddu> Anyone has any idea where we stand on that? 17:19:13 * mboddu looking at the pungi repo 17:19:14 <puiterwijk> mboddu: yes, turns out we don't need that with what they want 17:19:40 <mboddu> puiterwijk: Oh? 17:19:48 <dgilmore> The tooling for this I do not think is ready 17:19:50 <puiterwijk> mboddu: they had some disagreements amongst eachother which is why I was given other info, but what I heard from the "leader", they want a different way that doesn't need pungi changes 17:20:09 <puiterwijk> dgilmore: they want two different composes (normal and modular) then synced to a sorta-alike directory. 17:20:13 <puiterwijk> We can do that at this moment. 17:20:24 <dgilmore> particulary for what mattdm is asking 17:20:46 <dgilmore> puiterwijk: mattdm wants one compose 17:20:58 <puiterwijk> dgilmore: right. And I asked the modularity people, and they said they didn't 17:21:08 <dgilmore> joy 17:21:14 <puiterwijk> So then we put up mattdm vs contyk and let them say what they want 17:21:31 <mboddu> haha :D 17:21:41 <dgilmore> we can probably get a repo composing with modules that can be put in place 17:21:49 <dgilmore> but mirror support will not work 17:21:57 <puiterwijk> Right, yeah. 17:22:26 <puiterwijk> dgilmore: so, how about we go back to the ticket and point out that we have gotten two different viewpoints and if they would please agree on something and then get back to us? 17:22:29 <dgilmore> that could be something off to the side for now 17:22:43 <dgilmore> puiterwijk: works for me 17:22:54 <puiterwijk> Since you got different info from mattdm than me from contyk. And we kind of need to know what they want 17:23:01 <puiterwijk> mboddu: ^ 17:23:10 <mboddu> puiterwijk: Okay, I will do it 17:24:11 <mboddu> #info We got different info from mattdm and contyk. mboddu will update the ticket and ask them to agree on one option. 17:26:06 <mboddu> #topic #7097 Automate the process of reviewing and merging PRs on releng/fedora-scm-requests 17:26:16 <mboddu> #link https://pagure.io/releng/issue/7097 17:27:01 <mboddu> Gah, pingou is not here 17:27:47 * mboddu has no idea what is the status on it 17:28:46 <mboddu> moving on 17:28:51 <mboddu> #topic #6984 create a unified ostree repo for fedora 27 and beyond 17:28:58 <mboddu> #link https://pagure.io/releng/issue/6984 17:30:15 <mboddu> dustymabe: Is all the work for this one done? 17:31:18 <dustymabe> mboddu: woops 17:31:23 * dustymabe reads 17:31:55 <dustymabe> mboddu: are you referring to the SOPs or the unified repo? 17:32:15 <mboddu> dustymabe: Both, but importantly unified repo 17:32:40 <dustymabe> no to SOPs, the unified repo is done for the compose repos. we should do it for f28 and beyond 17:32:49 <dustymabe> we almost did it for f27 but it was a little late in the cycle 17:33:01 <dustymabe> puiterwijk: do you agree we don't see any blockers for doing this for f28? 17:35:07 <mboddu> dustymabe: Let me take your update and move forward 17:35:21 <dustymabe> mboddu: sounds good 17:35:36 <mboddu> #info Unified repo work is done for f28 and beyond, SOP's are still work in progress. 17:35:42 <mboddu> Thanks dustymabe 17:35:59 <mboddu> #topic Alternate Architecture Updates 17:36:39 <mboddu> sharkcz: Any updates? 17:39:04 * dustymabe goes to grab some food 17:39:06 <sharkcz> mboddu: composes seem to be fixed 17:39:14 <sharkcz> so all is good again :-) 17:39:25 <mboddu> sharkcz: What about the mounting issue from yesterday? Is it fixed? 17:39:33 <sharkcz> mboddu: yes 17:40:01 <dgilmore> power si still broken 17:40:51 <mboddu> #info Except for power architecture everything seems to be working fine. 17:40:55 <mboddu> thanks dgilmore and sharkcz 17:41:09 <sharkcz> dgilmore: is it? https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/rawhide/Fedora-Rawhide-20180117.n.1/compose/Everything/ppc64le/os/ looks complete 17:41:09 <mboddu> #topic Open Floor 17:41:30 <dgilmore> sharkcz: maybe the new lorax build actually happened yesterday 17:41:44 <dgilmore> yes it did 17:41:51 <dgilmore> https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1018170 17:42:06 <mboddu> Awesome 17:42:13 <mboddu> #undo 17:42:13 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x2b60e310> 17:42:20 <mboddu> #undo 17:42:20 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x1c26c090> 17:42:46 <mboddu> #info Everything is fine in the alternate architecture world and power got fixed with lorax update 17:42:47 <bowlofeggs> i have a brief announcement: everyone who does bodhi push duty should read https://pagure.io/releng/pull-request/7274 17:42:53 <mboddu> #topic Open Floor 17:42:59 <mboddu> bowlofeggs: go ahead 17:43:05 <bowlofeggs> that's it 17:43:21 <bowlofeggs> there's a change to how you monitor the push 17:43:26 <bowlofeggs> the lock files don't exist anymore 17:43:33 <bowlofeggs> but there's a new tool to help 17:43:40 <mboddu> bowlofeggs: Awesome, thanks for the work 17:43:49 <bowlofeggs> it's all described at https://pagure.io/releng/pull-request/7274 17:44:40 <mboddu> #info To monitor bodhi pushes, please have a look at https://pagure.io/releng/pull-request/7274 as there will no more lock files 17:44:48 <mboddu> Anybody got anything else? 17:45:14 <dgilmore> nada 17:46:21 <mboddu> For those who are traveling to DevConf, have a safe trip and hope to see you all at DevConf 17:46:25 <mboddu> Thanks guys for joining 17:46:37 <mboddu> #endmeeting