14:49:47 <alexove> #startmeeting Fedora Ambassadors Latam meeting 2018-03-23 14:49:47 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Mar 23 14:49:47 2018 UTC. The chair is alexove. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:49:47 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:49:47 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ambassadors_latam_meeting_2018-03-23' 14:49:56 <alexove> #meetingname fedora-latam 14:49:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-latam' 14:50:07 <alexove> #topic rollcall 14:50:16 <alexove> .fas alexove 14:50:17 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 14:50:19 <bt0_> .fas bt0dotninja 14:50:20 <zodbot> bt0_: bt0dotninja 'Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez' <hotgalan@gmail.com> 14:50:26 * alexove from Peru 14:50:27 * bt0_ from Mexico 14:51:10 <bt0_> ten minutes left... :( 14:51:47 <alexove> today we haven't quorum 14:52:12 <galoget> Sorry, mi internet connection is not stable now 14:52:33 <alexove> for that reason, we can't continue with the meeting 14:52:45 <bt0_> for the announcements is important the mindshare's report 14:53:01 <bt0_> just add that to the minutes 14:53:20 <galoget> .fas galoget 14:53:21 <alexove> ok 14:53:21 <zodbot> galoget: galoget 'Galoget Latorre' <fedora.ecuador@gmail.com> 14:53:27 <alexove> #topic Announcements 14:53:41 <alexove> go ahead bt0_ 14:54:08 <x3mboy> .hello2 14:54:11 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 14:54:21 <bt0_> #info the mindshare's report is available 14:54:28 <alexove> #chair x3mboy 14:54:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove x3mboy 14:54:53 <alexove> #chair bt0_ 14:54:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove bt0_ x3mboy 14:55:05 <bt0_> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/mindshare-monthly-report-fad-first-actions/ 14:55:11 <bt0_> done 14:55:16 <x3mboy> ! 14:55:21 <alexove> ok, thanks bt0_ 14:55:28 <alexove> go ahead x3mboy 14:55:55 <x3mboy> If you read the Mindshare's report, the ambassadors talk will be expanded in the following weeks 14:56:40 <x3mboy> Please be connected, There will be a CommBlog Post and also an email to the MLs (global and regionals) to get the conversation on 14:57:02 <x3mboy> It's really important because we are aiming to make changes to improve the whole project 14:57:25 <x3mboy> Mindshare will be driven all the efforts to maintain the project together 14:57:26 <x3mboy> eof 14:57:39 <alexove> Thanks x3mboy 14:59:10 <alexove> Any announcement? 14:59:20 <bt0_> no 14:59:32 <galoget> No 14:59:40 <galoget> Just working on FLISOL here. 14:59:43 <alexove> #topic Actions items from previous meetings 15:00:39 <alexove> Are there any pending action from previous meetings? 15:01:44 <alexove> There aren't pending actions 15:01:49 <alexove> #topic Agenda 15:02:27 <alexove> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issues?status=Open&tags=Meeting 15:02:47 <alexove> #topic ticket 437 15:02:58 <alexove> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/437 15:03:18 <alexove> Any announce here? 15:04:01 <x3mboy> Let me check 15:04:04 <x3mboy> Give me a minute 15:04:10 <alexove> Ok 15:04:21 <x3mboy> Yes! 15:04:29 <x3mboy> PLEASE DO YOUR COUNTRY PAGE!!!! 15:04:31 <x3mboy> eof 15:04:40 <alexove> thank x3mboy 15:04:42 <alexove> jejejeje 15:05:08 <alexove> #topic Ticket 449 15:05:13 <alexove> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/449 15:05:27 <alexove> Any announce here? 15:05:35 <x3mboy> ! 15:05:44 <x3mboy> I will do mine this week 15:05:44 <alexove> go ahead x3mboy 15:05:59 <x3mboy> Also bexelbie ask for not doing it in the wiki, but in the budget page 15:06:17 <x3mboy> We will need the budget guys to help us on how to do it 15:06:37 <x3mboy> ATM I don't have the links or remember how this work 15:06:40 <x3mboy> eof 15:06:53 <alexove> Thanks x3mboy 15:07:00 <alexove> any question or opinion? 15:07:47 <bt0_> #link https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/docs/index.html 15:08:24 <bt0_> not from me 15:09:46 <galoget> Not from me 15:15:29 * bt0_ Is still connected?? 15:15:39 * bt0_ ok, yes 15:28:38 <bt0_> so, open floor 15:28:40 <bt0_> ?? 15:34:37 <bt0_> ok, next topic 15:35:30 <bt0_> #topic Ticket 406 15:35:47 <bt0_> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/406 15:36:20 <bt0_> Bex was give us a update the last week 15:37:52 <bt0_> any comments?? 15:41:43 <bt0_> #info we need read the ticket 406 and give feedback to bex 15:42:08 <bt0_> next topic 15:42:21 <alexove> Sorry guys, I'm in my job 15:42:34 <alexove> no comments for me 15:42:43 <bt0_> no problem 15:42:58 <alexove> there are not other pending tickets in the agenda 15:43:11 <alexove> #topic Open floor 15:43:19 <alexove> Any comment? 15:43:48 <bt0_> just to add the flisol events to the new LATAM events tree 15:44:21 <alexove> where is the page? 15:44:25 <bt0_> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/FLISOL/FLISOL2018/ 15:44:44 <bt0_> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/FLISOL/FLISOL2018 15:46:48 <alexove> thanks bt0_ 15:47:41 <alexove> Any comment? 15:48:48 <bt0_> not from me 15:48:56 <alexove> Thanks guys 15:49:04 <alexove> I will close the meeting in 15:49:05 <alexove> 5 15:49:06 <alexove> 4 15:49:07 <alexove> 2 15:49:08 <alexove> 1 15:49:15 <alexove> #endmeeting