15:00:37 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting 15:00:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 22 15:00:37 2018 UTC. 15:00:37 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:37 <zodbot> The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_arm_and_aarch64_status_meeting' 15:00:56 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson 15:00:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: pbrobinson pwhalen 15:00:57 <pwhalen> #topic roll call 15:01:10 <pwhalen> who's here today? 15:01:12 * pbrobinson o/ 15:01:28 * jlinton waves 15:02:12 * msalter waves 15:02:49 <pwhalen> thanks for coming folks, lets get started.. 15:02:55 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Userspace Status ==== 15:03:13 <pwhalen> jlinton thanks for verifying Firefox 15:03:36 <pwhalen> anyone aware of any issueS? 15:03:54 <jlinton> how about `dnf group install "fedora workstation"` doesn't exactly work 15:04:10 <jlinton> if you follow that by a systemctl isolate graphical.target 15:04:11 <pbrobinson> jlinton: what's the issue? 15:04:21 <jlinton> it seems that gdm doesn't start properly 15:04:28 <pbrobinson> jlinton: because that's how we generate the images 15:04:45 <pbrobinson> on which release? 15:05:05 <jlinton> F28it looks like everything is being installed, but the display.service 15:06:02 <pbrobinson> jlinton: OK, so it might be a bug, but in the F-28 Workstation images it starts as expected 15:06:04 <jlinton> sorry display-manager.service 15:06:13 <pwhalen> starting with a minimal image? 15:06:21 <jlinton> I had it happen twice, once when I upgraded from F27 on the seattle 15:06:32 <jlinton> and also when I reinstalled the hikey this weekend 15:06:49 <jlinton> normally I install the server image, when everything is working I group installed the GUI and try to start it 15:07:03 <jlinton> in both cases startx/etc work fine, but it looks like the alias from gdm was missing 15:07:45 <pbrobinson> jlinton: so we need to work out where that comes from 15:09:03 <jlinton> I also opened a few more abrt errors although I didn't link them to the arm tracker yet (not clear if they are arm specific) 15:09:11 * jsmith is here, late 15:09:52 <pwhalen> jlinton, thanks. abrt errors in f28? 15:10:14 <jlinton> Yes, including this one bz1579554 which is gdb crashing during dump upload 15:10:28 <pbrobinson> fantastic :-/ 15:12:27 <pwhalen> ok. thanks 15:12:52 <jlinton> there is also eclipse, although i'm testing the a new build 15:13:27 <pbrobinson> jlinton: I think the maintainer was aware of that, Matt is pretty responsive 15:14:01 <jlinton> yes, he rolled a new image, but i'm not sure its working at the moment it gets a different error now 15:14:10 <jlinton> (could be me, still verifying that) 15:15:14 <pwhalen> keep us posted 15:15:32 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== 15:16:06 <pwhalen> I havent had a chance to test RC6 yet, has anyone seen any issues? 15:16:31 <pbrobinson> I've tested it on one device, nothing to note, but I've not had time to move everything to 4.17 yet 15:18:57 <pwhalen> still seeing issues with installation testing (BZ#1572916) 15:20:42 <jlinton> Oh yes, i opened a wlan bug on the hikey 15:20:51 <pwhalen> and our other kernel/gcc8 issue on the armhfp builders (BZ#1576593) 15:21:13 <jlinton> bz1580233 15:22:24 <pbrobinson> was anyone looking at 1576593? 15:23:09 <pwhalen> #info Installation testing on hardware still hangs waiting for entropy (BZ#1572916) 15:23:39 <msalter> I managed an install on seattle with keyboard to give it entropy 15:24:05 <pwhalen> #info Fedora 28 armv7 guests "pause" from time to time (BZ#1576593) 15:24:24 <pbrobinson> I thought the kernel team had reverted that patch series, maybe that was just on F28 15:26:25 <pwhalen> I'll check the qa meeting logs from yesterday to see if it was discussed there 15:26:43 <pwhalen> any other kernel news? 15:27:49 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== Bootloader Status ==== 15:28:09 <pwhalen> anything to note here? 15:28:20 <pbrobinson> nothing really from me 15:29:16 <pwhalen> #info No issues. 15:29:34 <pwhalen> #topic 4) == F29 Testing == 15:31:43 <pwhalen> #info Latest nominated nightly - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Installation_Test 15:32:55 <pwhalen> just starting to look at that myself, has anyone had a chance to do some rawhide testing? See any issues not yet mentioned? 15:33:32 <jlinton> I have rawhide on the mcbin, but its a few weeks out of date 15:33:51 <jlinton> and its just a server image (no graphics/etc) 15:34:11 <pbrobinson> jlinton: the kernel crasher on boot was fixed, so you should be able to update it without too many issues 15:34:49 <jlinton> I need to rebuild a new edk2 for it too, the one its running has my hacked up uefi vars changes 15:35:53 <pbrobinson> ah, ATM I'm just using the u-boot provided my jnettleton because I've not had the time to look at anything else 15:38:28 <pwhalen> #topic 5) == Open Floor == 15:38:58 <pwhalen> anything else for today? 15:39:06 <jlinton> dracut and hi6220_reset... 15:39:18 <jlinton> should I post a "hack" patch for that, how do we fix it? 15:39:33 <jlinton> I think that is the problem zsun hit on his hikey 15:39:49 <pbrobinson> jlinton: more interested in why it regressed, it was working in F27 I seem to remember 15:40:05 <jlinton> Yes, but I thought you did something to it to pull it in 15:40:32 <jlinton> I've considered trying to add an explicit kernel dependency, so it shows up in the moddeps but that is sorta evil too 15:40:35 <pbrobinson> jlinton: not that I remember, I remember discussing the issue but I don't remember what the fix was 15:41:38 <jlinton> Maybe, I should track down why it was working. 15:46:12 <pwhalen> #endmeeting