15:00:10 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting 15:00:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 25 15:00:10 2018 UTC. 15:00:10 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:10 <zodbot> The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_arm_and_aarch64_status_meeting' 15:00:10 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson 15:00:10 <pwhalen> #topic roll call 15:00:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: pbrobinson pwhalen 15:00:36 <pwhalen> morning folks, who's here todya? 15:01:18 * pbrobinson o/ 15:01:29 <smooge> o/ 15:02:01 <pbrobinson> smooge: I hope you have some good news for us :-P 15:02:06 <pwhalen> howdy smooge! 15:02:12 <smooge> like what? 15:02:28 <pbrobinson> those hosts into the cloud? 15:02:38 <smooge> I haven't heard anything more from cavium and I am waiting for my account to be verified 15:02:59 <smooge> they also never let me know if they were shipping more systems 15:03:03 <pbrobinson> smooge: we already have two of their machines in a rack for like a year 15:03:19 <smooge> and I need to have an account to get the BIOS update you told me to get 15:03:20 <pbrobinson> on the X2s, I heard last week they were due to ship probably this week 15:03:43 <pbrobinson> I'll follow up with them on that, will cc: you on email 15:04:00 <smooge> thanks. I emailed them a couple of times and didn't get a reply 15:04:13 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: might also be able to provide you details where we can get them from internally 15:04:58 <smooge> that said.. once I am in those are my top queue item since we sort of got osbs-aarch64 ips worked out 15:05:28 <smooge> something in the HP switch is phantom grabbing ip addresses 15:06:15 <smooge> anyway.. I have no news beyond circling the airport 15:06:31 <pbrobinson> smooge: cool, the X1 HW was originally provided for cloud so we can add aarch64 copr, I had a bunch of bother about it again last week face to face 15:06:59 <pbrobinson> anyway pwhalen I'll let you get the meeting under way 15:07:22 * pwhalen was checking for firmware updates 15:07:50 <pwhalen> #topic 0) ==== Fedora 29 Beta Availible now! ==== 15:07:50 <pwhalen> #link https://arm.fedoraproject.org/prerelease.html 15:09:04 <pwhalen> any notes for Beta? 15:09:58 <pwhalen> #info Common bugs for ARM & AArch64 - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F29_bugs#ARM_.26_AArch64_Issues 15:11:13 <pwhalen> #info Please test and report any issues to the list or #fedora-arm. 15:11:20 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Userspace Status ==== 15:11:24 <pbrobinson> nothing of note from me 15:11:27 <pbrobinson> on either 15:11:33 <pwhalen> any new userspace issues for this week? 15:11:45 <pbrobinson> none I'm aware of 15:11:58 <pwhalen> good! :D 15:12:00 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== 15:12:06 <pwhalen> #info F29: kernel-4.18.9-300.fc29 15:12:06 <pwhalen> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1145983 15:13:01 <pwhalen> the jetson tk1 looks to have some issues booting, to be investigated 15:13:27 <pbrobinson> #info we're coming into freeze, please test hardware you care about working for F-29 GA NOW!!!! 15:14:12 <pwhalen> #info F30: kernel-4.19.0-0.rc5.git0.1.fc30 15:14:12 <pwhalen> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1147282 15:14:32 <pwhalen> #info Please test and report any issues to the list or #fedora-arm. 15:14:49 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, will f29 GA have 4.19? 15:15:03 <pbrobinson> unlikely 15:15:40 <pwhalen> ok. I need to do some wider testing for 4.19 15:15:41 <pbrobinson> it'll probably be a zero day update, it's not due to go GA for about another 3 weeks, which would be post freeze 15:15:57 <pwhalen> right ok, or some compelling reason to include it 15:16:31 <pbrobinson> it would have to be extremely compelling and I don't see that happening 15:16:49 <pwhalen> ok, anything else in kernel news? 15:17:17 <pbrobinson> nothing particularly springs to mind 15:17:27 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== Bootloader Status ==== 15:17:50 <pwhalen> I think we're good here, no known issues with grub or uboot.. 15:18:12 <pbrobinson> #info a new bcm283x-firmware has been pushed out for Raspberry Pi for stable releases, please test and report issues 15:19:44 <pwhalen> #topic 4) == F29 == 15:19:44 <pwhalen> #info Latest nominated nightly - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Installation_Test 15:20:10 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/29/Schedule 15:20:40 <pwhalen> #info 2018-10-09 - Final Freeze 15:21:04 <pwhalen> #info 2018-10-23 - GA release 15:21:12 <pwhalen> so not much time. 15:22:01 <pwhalen> #info Please help test the nominated nightlies and add results to the wiki! 15:22:20 <pwhalen> anything else for F29? 15:22:38 <x3mboy> ! 15:23:30 <x3mboy> We have only one Talking Point for ARM, is that ok? 15:24:11 <pwhalen> we should add more 15:24:24 <x3mboy> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_talking_points 15:25:06 <pwhalen> thanks, looking at it now. as you know we are horrible at this part. Will try and add some more points today, apologies for the delay 15:26:21 <pbrobinson> x3mboy: right, it's been on my list, I have a bunch to add 15:26:49 <pwhalen> #topic 5) == Open Floor == 15:26:50 <pbrobinson> but of late if it's not on fire or drowning it hasn't got to the top 15:27:12 <pwhalen> :) 15:27:21 <x3mboy> pwhalen, it's ok, almost every team needs to give some love to this point 15:27:47 <pwhalen> 'love', you're too kind :) 15:28:09 <x3mboy> :D 15:29:17 <pwhalen> ok, if nothing else I will close the meeting in 2 15:31:05 <pwhalen> #endmeeting