#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora Infrastructure Sustaining Standup Meeting

Meeting started by mkonecny at 14:00:10 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops (mkonecny, 14:00:10)
    2. we will go through every topic one by one by the chair order (mkonecny, 14:00:10)
    3. agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily (mkonecny, 14:00:11)

  1. Item needing reviews (mkonecny, 14:03:17)
  2. Item needing reviews, work in progress, blockers (mkonecny, 14:07:40)
    1. we will go one by one by chair order saying our full report than next person will continue (mkonecny, 14:08:32)

  3. Open floor (mkonecny, 14:24:12)
    1. You can ask anything you want, or bring a topic to discuss (mkonecny, 14:24:21)
    2. we will go one by one saying our full report (mkonecny, 14:24:57)
    3. Done - What you did from last standup? (mkonecny, 14:24:57)
    4. In progress - What you are working on? (mkonecny, 14:24:57)
    5. Need reviews - Do you have anything that needs to be reviewed? (mkonecny, 14:24:58)
    6. Blockers - Are you blocked by anything? (mkonecny, 14:24:59)
    7. Next - Nominate next one who will report - look at the Current chairs printed by zodbot (mkonecny, 14:24:59)

  4. Ending meeting (mkonecny, 14:29:18)
    1. Thank you all for coming. See you next on next meeting. (mkonecny, 14:29:18)

Meeting ended at 14:29:18 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. mkonecny (54)
  2. siddharthvipul (23)
  3. nils (12)
  4. zodbot (11)
  5. lrossett (11)
  6. mobrien[m] (7)
  7. cverna (6)
  8. mboddu (5)
  9. asaleh (0)
  10. jednorozec (0)
  11. pingou (0)
  12. mobrien (0)

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