15:00:42 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM and AArch64 Status Meeting
15:00:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jun 23 15:00:42 2020 UTC.
15:00:42 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:00:42 <zodbot> The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:00:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_arm_and_aarch64_status_meeting'
15:00:42 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson jlinton
15:00:42 <pwhalen> #topic roll call
15:00:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: jlinton pbrobinson pwhalen
15:00:55 <pwhalen> Good morning folks, who's here today?
15:02:10 * tdawson is sorta here.  Have a different meeting at same time.
15:02:39 <pwhalen> howdy tdawson
15:03:04 * pbrobinson is here
15:03:50 * jlinton waves
15:04:32 <pwhalen> ok, lets get started
15:04:37 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Userspace Status  ====
15:04:52 <jlinton> Well that would be me... still having a minor war with glic
15:05:15 * pwhalen hopes you're winning!
15:05:31 <jlinton> I did spent a number of hours trying to track that thing down, still actually doing it this morning..
15:05:49 <jlinton> i'm not sure i'm winning... but I guess i'm making forward progress (slowly)
15:06:25 <pwhalen> awesome, thanks jlinton.
15:07:33 <pwhalen> Not sure we have any other user space issues. Armhfp is unknown. I've been testing the kernels and uboot but thats it.
15:08:42 <pwhalen> Is anyone aware of anything else?
15:08:44 <jlinton> btw, there are a number of glibc unit test failures
15:08:52 <jlinton> probably should get the glibc people to fix them
15:09:20 <jlinton> although I don't think that is directly the problem (although it could be, but working through the 100+ failures isn't going to be the best way forward)
15:10:08 <pwhalen> yikes, right. They dont seem to interested but highlighting those issues would be good
15:10:15 <pwhalen> *too
15:10:35 <jlinton> also, noticed kdiff3 wasn't working in rawhide with either aarch64 or armhfp
15:11:23 <jlinton> I will open a bug about that, noticed it yesterday...
15:11:26 <pwhalen> fun, I wonder if x86 is ok
15:11:40 <pwhalen> thanks, jlinton.
15:12:52 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ====
15:13:06 <pwhalen> #info Kernel 5.7 Test Week
15:13:06 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2020-06-22_Kernel_5.7_Test_Week
15:14:08 <jlinton> Also, a rawhide issue, but it seems we are getting 2038 warnings when mounting xfs filesystems.
15:14:38 <pbrobinson> oh dear
15:14:41 <jlinton> since this is a fairly recent install, i'm guessing there are still 32-bit timestamp issues in xfs
15:14:57 <jlinton> (to be clear this is armhfp, not aarch64)
15:15:28 <pwhalen> ah, ok. How did you get armhfp to boot in rawhide?
15:16:06 <jlinton> I hacked the heck out of one of the disk images, and give it a custom initrd + kernel in kvm
15:16:07 <pwhalen> or is this prior to the crash
15:16:11 <jlinton> qemu
15:17:02 <jlinton> i'm rd.break=pre-pivot
15:17:17 <jlinton> then I can chroot to the rootfs
15:18:08 <pwhalen> ok, good to know. thanks. I can file that when we get the other sorted, if its still an issue
15:18:35 <pwhalen> I tested a some aarch64 hardware with no issues on 5.7. A few vulnerabilities were listed
15:18:50 <jlinton> from lscpu?
15:18:59 <pwhalen> spec_store_bypass:Vulnerable
15:19:16 <jlinton> Yah, the firmware isn't handshaking correctly to tell you the machine status
15:19:19 <jlinton> (more than likelY)
15:19:35 <jlinton> Which machine?
15:20:22 <pwhalen> that came up on .. Lenovo ThinkSystem HR350A
15:20:28 <pbrobinson> I think I need to add some patches for 5.7, it's on my list of todo for sometime this week
15:20:48 <pwhalen> as well as spectre_v2:Vulnerable
15:21:07 <pbrobinson> I suspect some of those need new firmwares
15:21:32 <pbrobinson> so I suspect we need to engage with whoever manages those devices to get firmware bumps?
15:21:49 <pwhalen> pbrobinson: yea, I'll check on fw. thanks
15:22:43 <pwhalen> armhfp failed the kernel test, default/insert_leap_second FAIL
15:23:12 <pwhalen> that was on all hw too, previously that has passed
15:24:10 <pwhalen> #info kernel-5.8.0-0.rc2.20200622git625d3449788f.1.fc33
15:24:10 <pwhalen> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1526217
15:24:23 <pwhalen> #info Please test and report any issues to the list or #fedora-arm.
15:25:15 <pwhalen> jlinton: I reproduced the rpi4 issues with tianocore fw and graphics. Doesnt seem to affect anything else I've tried but will test others
15:25:28 <jlinton> Which issue?
15:26:08 <pwhalen> I hit a kernel panic when doing a vnc install, I thought you mentioned that last week
15:26:10 <jlinton> _DMA() is still a problem, its better on the 8G with 5.8, the problem appears to be isolated to devices behind my hub now
15:26:32 <jlinton> but if you flip the 3G option in the bios, it should install clean
15:26:49 <jlinton> ACPI mode, DT sort of hit/miss with the kernel version still
15:28:09 <pwhalen> ok
15:28:12 <jlinton> Once I clear this glibc issue, and a couple others I owe people, and the _DMA() I will do another clean install cycle
15:28:41 <pwhalen> thanks, jlinton
15:28:44 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== Bootloader Status ====
15:29:31 <pwhalen> #info New U-Boot available for testing -  uboot-tools-2020.07-0.4.rc4.fc33
15:29:31 <pwhalen> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1524823
15:30:11 <pwhalen> I see 8GB ram now on the rpi4 so thats awesome. Dont think usb is working though
15:30:17 <pbrobinson> jlinton: we have a new grub2 that has the bootarm.efi in place, what else do we need around that issue
15:30:40 <jlinton> Was the efi system partition being marked, I've been meaning to test your build
15:30:42 <jlinton> but ugh..
15:32:02 <jlinton> that was part of the problem I saw, the efi system partition was partially there but wasn't being recogized properly
15:33:07 <jlinton> Do you have an image, I can spin it up quickly and see if it boots
15:34:06 <pbrobinson> I will check that out
15:34:23 <pbrobinson> jlinton: the last rawhide one would be it
15:34:31 <pbrobinson> or one from the last few weeks
15:34:52 <jlinton> Ok, let me pull a newer one, the one I have is from ~3 weeks ago
15:36:52 <pwhalen> anything else for bootloaders?
15:37:53 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== Fedora 33 ====
15:37:53 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Installation_Test
15:38:35 <pwhalen> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Installation_Test
15:39:23 <pwhalen> #info https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-33/f-33-all-tasks.html
15:40:24 <pwhalen> Does anyone have anything for F33?
15:41:03 <jlinton> I'm about to do another internal respin of the PAC packages, with the rpmmacro's change
15:42:25 <jlinton> Seems like I need about another 10 hours a day...
15:42:31 * jlinton chuckles
15:42:46 <pwhalen> Clones. We need clones. :)
15:43:38 <pwhalen> #topic 5)  == Open Floor ==
15:45:17 <pwhalen> anything else for today?
15:46:58 <pwhalen> #endmeeting