15:00:49 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM Working Group Meeting 15:00:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 11 15:00:49 2022 UTC. 15:00:49 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:49 <zodbot> The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 15:00:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_arm_working_group_meeting' 15:00:49 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson jlinton coremodule 15:00:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: coremodule jlinton pbrobinson pwhalen 15:00:49 <pwhalen> #topic roll call 15:01:02 <jforbes> morning 15:01:07 <coremodule> good morning pwhalen 15:01:20 * pbrobinson o/ 15:01:21 <pwhalen> Good mornin'! 15:03:01 <pwhalen> #topic 1) ==== Stable Releases ==== 15:03:15 <pwhalen> Any issues in our stable releases to discuss? 15:04:38 <pwhalen> #info No known issues. 15:04:46 <pwhalen> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== 15:05:38 <jforbes> The 6.0 series will have a test week next week, so if there are arm bits that need to be addressed, this week would be the optimal time 15:05:39 <pwhalen> #info kernel-5.19.14-300.fc37 15:05:39 <pwhalen> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2071615 15:06:19 <jforbes> The actual timing for rebase will be a bit more up in the air on this one, as I don't want to rebase before F37 15:06:39 <pwhalen> ok, thanks jforbes. We'll try to get some testing done this week. 15:06:41 <pbrobinson> that makes sense 15:07:14 <pwhalen> Any issues with 5.19.14? 15:07:29 <pbrobinson> I'm looking at this small series to see if it makes sense for 5.19/6.0 https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dri-devel/2022-September/374196.html 15:08:05 <pbrobinson> it's purely rpi < 4 15:08:43 <pwhalen> hrm, I may have seen this, sometimes my headless pi3 doesnt come back, connect to display and its fine. Not really worked out why 15:09:10 <jforbes> Also, seems something that came in overnight to Linus' tree has killed the CONFIG_ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER=9 15:10:55 <pwhalen> pbrobinson: I'll see if I can reproduce again, but might be worthwhile to pull it in 15:11:34 <pwhalen> #info kernel-6.1.0-0.rc0.20221010git493ffd6605b2.7.fc38 15:11:34 <pwhalen> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2073807 15:11:42 <pwhalen> #info Please test and report any issues to #fedora-arm or the mailing list. 15:12:00 <pbrobinson> jforbes: you mean into the merge branch upstream/rebase in ark? 15:12:47 <jforbes> pbrobinson: Yeah, when linus' patches were merged in last night, it gives us a mismatch 15:13:10 <jforbes> Error: Mismatches found in configuration files for arm64 fedora 15:13:10 <jforbes> Found CONFIG_ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER=13 after generation, had CONFIG_ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER=9 in Source tree 15:14:24 <jforbes> haven't chased it down yet, but will be on it today 15:14:34 <pbrobinson> there was a reason we changed that around because of 4k/64k page size, let me think as to why, unless you remember jforbes 15:15:01 <pbrobinson> I think it was 4k/64k page size, may have been something else 15:15:27 <pwhalen> #topic 3) ==== Bootloader Status ==== 15:15:37 <pwhalen> #info uboot-tools-2022.10-1.fc37 15:15:37 <pwhalen> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2073906 15:16:29 <jforbes> pbrobinson: this looks like a false alarm, still checking, but it seems that CONFIG_FORCE_MAX_ZONEORDER was renamed to CONFIG_ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER 15:17:06 <pwhalen> We'll need to make sure we test this on all platforms we care about 15:17:10 <pbrobinson> so the GA build is there, I'm looking at 1 or 2 possible issues that might mean I need another build 15:17:21 <pwhalen> Ok, which issues? 15:17:24 <pbrobinson> but please test and provide feedback 15:17:41 <pbrobinson> some possible issues with a rockchip device 15:18:01 <pbrobinson> I think my rock960 may have issues, but it may be something else 15:18:03 <pwhalen> Ok, thanks 15:18:17 <pwhalen> #info Please test and provide karma - https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-d599c8493e 15:19:29 <pwhalen> Anything else for bootloaders? 15:19:38 <pbrobinson> nope 15:19:40 <pwhalen> #topic 4) ==== Fedora 37 status === 15:19:53 <pwhalen> #info OpenQA Testing 15:19:53 <pwhalen> #info https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/overview?distri=fedora&version=37&build=Fedora-37-20221009.n.0&groupid=5&groupid=1 15:20:12 <pwhalen> #info Accepted Blockers & Freeze Exceptions - https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/37/final/buglist 15:20:52 <pwhalen> coremodule how does it look? 15:21:13 <coremodule> there are currently 9 accepted blockers 15:21:26 <coremodule> a lot of them are issues with gnome 15:21:52 <coremodule> I think there might be a case made at go/no-go to drop several of them, but I don't think we'll ship at the next meeting 15:22:18 <coremodule> *at the go/no-go meeting 15:23:38 <pwhalen> seems like quite a few issues to address. Thankfully I dont really see anything specific to us? 15:24:02 <pwhalen> my RPi400 has been pretty solid running F37 Workstation 15:24:27 <coremodule> no, I don't think so. There is a freeze exception to include the latest uboot, but that's all I see that's arm-specific 15:24:45 <coremodule> pwhalen, my rpi400 as well, it's been a nice experience to have it work so smoothly 15:24:53 <pbrobinson> woo! 15:25:49 <pbrobinson> would love some wider no rpi testing and +/- comments even on arm channel 15:26:24 <pwhalen> Agreed 15:26:52 <pwhalen> Anything else left to discuss for F37? 15:27:02 <pbrobinson> pinebook pro, rockpro64 etc 15:28:47 <coremodule> I can attempt rockpro64, but it doesn't have a heatsink, so it doesn't work all that well 15:29:22 <pbrobinson> you can probably get a stick on one off ebay/amazon for like $2 15:29:57 <pwhalen> #topic 5) ==== Open Floor ==== 15:30:01 <coremodule> yeah, I put one on, and it's better, but it still lags. I guess i need to get one that's made specifically for it 15:30:31 <pwhalen> Anything else for today? 15:30:50 <pbrobinson> not from me 15:31:54 <pwhalen> #endmeeting