16:01:44 <coremodule> #startmeeting Fedora ARM Working Group Meeting 16:01:44 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan 16 16:01:44 2024 UTC. 16:01:44 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:01:44 <zodbot> The chair is coremodule. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 16:01:44 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:44 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_arm_working_group_meeting' 16:01:44 <coremodule> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson jlinton jforbes coremodule 16:01:44 <coremodule> #topic roll call 16:01:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: coremodule jforbes jlinton pbrobinson pwhalen 16:01:52 <coremodule> Hi everyone, who is around today? 16:02:05 * jlinton waves 16:05:06 <pboy> .hi 16:05:07 <zodbot> pboy: pboy 'Peter Boy' <pboy@uni-bremen.de> 16:05:14 <jforbes> morning 16:05:26 <coremodule> hi everyone, let's see what we can get done today 16:05:34 <coremodule> #topic 1) ==== Stable Releases ==== 16:05:34 <coremodule> #info Fedora-Cloud-39-20240116.0 16:05:34 <coremodule> #link https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/overview?distri=fedora&version=39&build=Fedora-Cloud-39-20240116.0&groupid=5 16:05:38 <coremodule> Anything new for F39? 16:05:41 <coremodule> I have nothing personally 16:05:57 <pboy> Regarding the server installation issue 16:06:24 <pboy> I added info to the open bug and will create a bug report against LVM 16:06:45 <pboy> I'm surfe LVM is he culprit 16:06:55 <pboy> surfe -> sure 16:07:32 <coremodule> thanks pboy, when you create the bug report, will you share it in the fedora-arm channel and ping me? 16:07:43 <pboy> will do 16:07:50 <coremodule> thanks pboy 16:08:27 <coremodule> #topic 2) ==== Kernel Status ==== 16:08:28 <coremodule> #info F38 kernel-6.6.12-100.fc38 16:08:28 <coremodule> #info https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2345850 16:08:28 <coremodule> #info F39 kernel-6.6.12-200.fc39 16:08:28 <coremodule> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2345851 16:08:29 <coremodule> #info Rawhide kernel-6.8.0-0.rc0.20240113git052d534373b7.6.fc40 16:08:30 <coremodule> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2345706 16:08:57 <coremodule> onto kernel status, I saw a new rawhide kernel building, but didn't link it here. 16:09:07 <coremodule> jforbes, I believe there is a kernel test week next week? 16:09:24 <jforbes> Nothing of major interest yet. The 6.8 merge window is paused because Linus has no power or internet. 6.7.1 doesn't have much queued, and 6.6.12 was really just a couple of small fixes 16:09:28 <jlinton> There has been some interest from renesas in adding support for their boards. 16:09:46 <jforbes> Next week is kernel 6.7 test week, and I am looking forward to results on that 16:10:04 <jforbes> jlinton: upstream already? 16:10:12 <jlinton> Yes, AFAIK much of it. 16:10:20 <jlinton> I spoke to their guy last week and he opened a bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2257913 16:10:25 <pboy> jlinton wha is renesas? 16:10:58 <jlinton> and I've given him pointers for how to do the -ark changes/doc's/etc so we aren't doing it. 16:11:00 <jlinton> https://www.renesas.com/us/en 16:11:27 <pboy> OK thanks 16:11:51 <jforbes> okay. I am happy to get things flipped on if they are upstream 16:12:58 <coremodule> Thanks for the update jforbes 16:13:11 <coremodule> #info 6.7 Kernel test week is next week 16:14:00 <coremodule> #topic 3) ==== Bootloader Status ==== 16:14:00 <coremodule> #info uboot-tools-2024.01-1.fc40 16:14:00 <coremodule> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2342531 16:14:00 <coremodule> #info uboot-tools-2023.07-3.fc39 16:14:00 <coremodule> #link https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=2311866 16:14:09 <coremodule> I don't think anything has changed with uboot since last week 16:15:30 <coremodule> #topic 4) ==== Fedora Rawhide status === 16:15:30 <coremodule> #info OpenQA Testing Fedora-Rawhide-20240115.n.0 16:15:30 <coremodule> #info https://openqa.fedoraproject.org/tests/overview?distri=fedora&version=Rawhide&build=Fedora-Rawhide-20240115.n.0&groupid=5 16:16:20 <coremodule> anything for rawhide? 16:17:54 <coremodule> #topic 5) ==== Open Floor ==== 16:18:03 <coremodule> alright, quick meeting, open floor time! 16:18:20 <pboy> Last year we spoke about adding ARM documentation to the 'official' docs site, either by migrating all oder part of the wiki pages to docs or by creating an independent new docs. 16:18:32 <pboy> Is it soemting for open floor? 16:18:39 <coremodule> yes! go ahead pboy 16:19:01 <pboy> It would really make ARM more visiable and info easier to find. 16:19:12 <pboy> I could do some work, but it has to be a ARM SIG project, I think. 16:19:43 <pboy> There were several discussion proviously, but ARM SIG was 16:20:04 <jlinton> I can understand some board specific doc's can you explain what would be different vs the normal fedora documentation? 16:20:11 <pboy> has been rather 'reserved' so far 16:20:45 <pboy> Yeah, e....g board info, install documentation, etc. 16:21:05 <pboy> Currently everything is in WIK pages, and these are hard to find. 16:21:41 <jlinton> Right and most of it reflects standards compliance issues which are being worked around in some manner. 16:21:43 <pboy> And we have anaricle in Quick docs, which doubles some wiki infomation, but is too often not in synd 16:22:08 <jlinton> ex: the x13s, which should be the same as installing on an x86 laptop, but isn't for... reasons. 16:22:24 <coremodule> I am all for this. pboy, if you get time, can you update the iot docs github page with what you think needs to be changed? 16:22:26 <coremodule> #link https://github.com/fedora-iot/iot-docs 16:22:54 <pboy> I'll have a look at it. 16:23:45 <pboy> But basically I think about an own docs page, which is frelevant for desktop users, too (and for server, of course :-= ) 16:24:49 <pboy> I tried to make ARM more visible by 16:25:18 <pboy> by a ARM box at the docs start page https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/arm-sbc/ 16:25:54 <pboy> which points to the wiki. But it is unsufficient, I think 16:26:17 <coremodule> #undo 16:26:17 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7fccbadaea20> 16:26:39 <coremodule> pboy, I gave you the wrong link, sorry. I was thinking you were talking about IoT and was very confused. I see now. 16:27:31 <coremodule> pboy, have you seen this? 16:27:31 <coremodule> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-server/installation/on-sbc/ 16:27:51 <pboy> Yes, it's written by me :-) 16:29:30 <coremodule> ah, I see that. This doesn't accomplish what you're talking about? Could it be linked from the start page? 16:29:55 <pboy> I think, it is rather server specific. 16:30:54 <coremodule> yes, okay. so you are thinking more of a generic ARM install guide? 16:30:56 <pboy> We need at least a general installation and update documentation, as it is in the ARM wiki, and a documentation about supported boards, which is on the wiki ,too 16:31:28 <pboy> These are quite stable parts. 16:31:38 <coremodule> yes, I agree 16:31:57 <pboy> And use the wiki for more constandly changing parts (because easiier to manage) 16:33:21 <coremodule> im trying to find where we keep track of tickets specific to ARM docs. we do it for IoT, but I'm thinking we should have a specific ARM Docs pagure or github so we can file tickets there 16:33:43 <pboy> Indeed. 16:34:36 <coremodule> I will look into this and create it if it doesn't exist. I will tag you in the Fedora-ARM channel when I do and we can add tickets there. 16:35:03 <pboy> If there is general agreement to go to docs, I can contribute a rough draft for further disuccsions 16:35:15 <pboy> kind of a mock 16:36:25 <coremodule> yes, i think that would be a great idea. we could work off that moving forward. 16:36:44 <pboy> OK, need about 14 days 16:37:02 <coremodule> no problem, take as much time as you need. 16:38:33 <coremodule> thanks for attending everyone, closing in 5 16:38:34 <coremodule> 4 16:38:35 <coremodule> 3 16:38:35 <coremodule> 23 16:38:36 <coremodule> 1 16:38:39 <coremodule> #endmeeting