00:09:32 <brainycmurf> #startmeeting Workstation WG (2025-03-04)
00:09:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar  5 00:09:32 2025 UTC.
00:09:32 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
00:09:32 <zodbot> The chair is brainycmurf. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
00:09:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
00:09:32 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation_wg_(2025-03-04)'
00:09:32 <brainycmurf> #meetingname workstation
00:09:32 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'workstation'
00:09:33 <brainycmurf> #chair Matthias
00:09:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: Matthias brainycmurf
00:09:33 <brainycmurf> #info Present members: Michael, Matthias, Allan, Nieves, Chris, Tom, Jens, Neal
00:09:33 <brainycmurf> #info Guests: Christian, Lee, Yaakov
00:09:33 <brainycmurf> #info Regrets: Michel
00:09:35 <brainycmurf> #info Missing:
00:09:37 <brainycmurf> #info Secretary:
00:09:39 <brainycmurf> #topic Welcome Nieves
00:09:41 <brainycmurf> Hi!
00:09:43 <brainycmurf> #topic Blocker bug review F42
00:09:45 <brainycmurf> #link https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/42/beta/buglist
00:09:47 <brainycmurf> #link https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/42/final/buglist
00:09:49 <brainycmurf> #info There is one gtk3 bug, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2349606
00:09:51 <brainycmurf> Only reproduces when not running on GNOME, Matthias will look into it.
00:09:53 <brainycmurf> #info Anaconda keyboard layout bug is still with us
00:09:55 <brainycmurf> Michael thinks that this is not a blocker bug, because it has been like that for several years. He will follow up.
00:10:00 <brainycmurf> #info Keyring fails to unlock on startup
00:10:02 <brainycmurf> There's a merge request that should fix it
00:10:04 <brainycmurf> #topic A position paper on Flatpaks
00:10:06 <brainycmurf> #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IyVxAeFlR0ipx6SY-rxxGiZsIc3BY5bFlz4ldoxjAoU/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.2fqdoiev0d85
00:10:09 <brainycmurf> Neal: There are some small points that I don't agree with
00:10:11 <brainycmurf> Christian: I tried to summarize the whole subject after the last meeting and tried find  a compromise about which direction the Workstation is taking (document should be opened for edits/suggestions)
00:10:14 <brainycmurf> Michael: This proposal is a step in the right direction
00:10:16 <brainycmurf> Yaakov: I would like to see it reworked so it's more constructive (what needs to happen (goals, criteria, ..) on the Workstation side wrt. Fedora Flatpaks should be the main source of software on Workstation) as Flatpak SIG and Workstation are not aligned anymore (not having the same goal).
00:10:20 <brainycmurf> Christian: The document should be a high-level policy and the not implementation overview.
00:10:22 <brainycmurf> Matthias: Maybe a separate section to explicitly add high level goals is needed
00:10:24 <brainycmurf> Neal: I don't like the equation where this is heading: flatpak = flathub
00:10:26 <brainycmurf> Matthias: Medium term vision could be to remove RPMs from GNOME Software and only leave Flatpaks there, but as Neal points out there are some additional things in Software which all not applications, but are shipped as RPMs (hardware support, fonts, ..)
00:10:32 <brainycmurf> Matthias: Add a goal into the document about packaging improvements on Flathub
00:10:34 <brainycmurf> Neal: Fedora runtime should be on Flathub, but Christian would like to know the benefits for the Flathub packagers. Neal mentions that he's aware of projects that would like to switch to it.
00:10:37 <brainycmurf> Matthias suggests everyone to look at the proposal and suggest changes before the next meeting
00:10:39 <brainycmurf> #topic Announcements, follow-ups, status reports
00:10:41 <brainycmurf> Matthias: Time change! Over the weekened the time shits in US and for the next 3 weeks we might have problems :)
00:10:44 <brainycmurf> Neal: F42 Beta Go/No-Go meeting is this Thursday and if it will go through, then F42 Beta will be released next Tuesday
00:10:47 <brainycmurf> Allan: GNOME 48 might not be fully in Fedora 42 Beta (currently sitting in Bodhi update)
00:10:49 <brainycmurf> Neal: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-control-center/-/issues/3353 might be a problem for laptop manufacturers that are preloading Fedora unless implemented. Translations might be a problem (in upstream)
00:10:52 <brainycmurf> Jens: Fedora i18n test week starting today!
00:10:54 <brainycmurf> #link https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events/210
00:10:56 <brainycmurf> #topic Open Floor
00:11:00 <brainycmurf> #topic Minutes from previous meeting
00:11:02 <brainycmurf> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-2/2025-02-26/workstation.2025-02-26-00.25.log.html
00:11:05 <brainycmurf> #endmeeting