23:50:33 <jflory7> #startmeeting CommOps Hack Session (2016-03-11 / 2016-03-12) 23:50:33 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Mar 11 23:50:33 2016 UTC. The chair is jflory7. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:50:33 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:50:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'commops_hack_session_(2016-03-11_/_2016-03-12)' 23:50:38 <jflory7> #meetingname commops 23:50:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'commops' 23:50:59 <jflory7> #chair decause linuxmodder bee2502__ 23:50:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: bee2502__ decause jflory7 linuxmodder 23:51:04 <jflory7> #topic Getting started 23:51:09 <jflory7> #link https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/onboarding/ 23:51:16 <linuxmodder> .hello corey84 23:51:17 <zodbot> linuxmodder: corey84 'Corey Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 23:51:28 <bee2502__> .hello bee2502 23:51:29 <zodbot> bee2502__: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 23:55:23 <jflory7> Oh yeah. Roll call. :) 23:55:25 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 23:55:26 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 23:55:28 <jflory7> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/commops@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/KBZ6J5EV7MNB6NCXTJ5AYEXKUPB4YMKJ/ 23:59:24 <jflory7> #link https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organizations/5630777857409024/ 00:02:44 <decause> #link http://www.shakthimaan.com/downloads/glv/presentations/i-want-2-do-project-tell-me-wat-2-do-fedora.odp 00:30:46 <decause> jflory7: brickhacks winner circle email sent 00:30:57 <jflory7> decause++ perfect 00:31:07 <decause> #action decause/jflory follow up with winners, to get mailing addresses 00:31:18 <decause> #action decause order Rpi3's for winners 00:31:21 <jflory7> decause: Working on FAmSCo ticket, nearly done with it. Before posting it, I want to run it by you and make sure my proposed implementation is sound 00:31:26 <jflory7> Will ping once ready 00:31:29 <jflory7> Probably over voice 00:31:33 <decause> sure sure 00:31:34 <jflory7> Easier to talk aboit it there 00:31:38 <decause> I've got my headphones on, just holler 00:36:07 <linuxmodder> sorry got side tracked 00:39:33 <jflory7> decause: holler :) 00:43:31 <jflory7> Oops, topic change 00:50:32 <jflory7> #topic May the hacking ever be in your favor! 00:50:47 <jflory7> Errrr... 00:50:48 <jflory7> #undo 00:50:48 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x41750dd0> 00:50:53 <jflory7> #topic May the hacking be ever in your favor! 00:51:00 <jflory7> Let's get the movie quote right, lol 00:58:46 <jflory7> While I'm thinking about it, let's get some logs in here for what we're actually doing 00:59:07 <jflory7> #topic Task force a la CommOps (a.k.a. "what is the plan?") 00:59:23 <jflory7> #info === jflory7 === 00:59:49 <jflory7> #action jflory7 (FAmSCo) File ticket about lazy consensus 00:59:59 <jflory7> #action jflory7 (CommBlog) GSoC 2016 01:00:07 <jflory7> #action jflory7 (CommBlog) BrickHack 2016 Event Report 01:00:15 <jflory7> #action jflory7 (Magazine) BrickHack 2016 pointer 01:00:25 <jflory7> </march-11> 01:00:32 <jflory7> #info === decause === 01:00:58 <jflory7> #action decause Dump BrickHack winners information into email to jflory7@fp.o [ALREADY DONE] 01:01:11 <jflory7> #action decause Draft Fedora Python Marketing Objective 01:01:17 <jflory7> </march-11> 01:01:27 <jflory7> #topic May the hacking be ever in your favor! 01:26:47 <jflory7> #info jflory7 reality check: Hard cut off at 9pm, BrickHack stuff probably isn't getting done tonight, but this is not a high priority item, so this is okay. GSoC on the other hand is maximum priority. 01:27:31 <jflory7> #idea CommBlog post is posted and goes out tomorrow morning (jflory7 and decause to get this finished tonight indefinitely), Fedora Magazine article pointer article to be scheduled for Monday pointing to the CommBlog post 01:27:46 <jflory7> #action decause Create the featured image for GSoC (can be same image for both sites) 01:27:52 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Get writing! 01:34:06 <linuxmodder> jflory7, what is left for the GSoC article (blog) 01:46:57 <linuxmodder> decause you drowned out in the static 01:47:01 <jflory7> linuxmodder: I'm about halfway done or so, mostly copying+pasting info too 01:47:37 <linuxmodder> if you want me too drop me links for the articles I'll schedule for simpost with the mornign push 01:47:54 <linuxmodder> I have f23-20160311 article comign out in the am too 01:48:29 <linuxmodder> what about the media library ? embed plugin not working 01:50:49 <decause> jflory7: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/wp-admin/upload.php?mode=list 01:59:01 <decause> jflory7: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organizations/5630777857409024/ 02:00:32 <jflory7> decause: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GSOC_2016/Student_Application_Template/Common 18:59:13 <zodbot> decause: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. 18:59:27 <decause> #topic MindOveMotion 18:59:35 <decause> It's targetted towards 4-5 year olds 18:59:39 <decause> shapes colors commands 18:59:40 <decause> very simple 18:59:44 <decause> IBM watson api 18:59:46 <decause> speech to text 18:59:48 <decause> analyze tone 18:59:55 <decause> analyze keywords, and how they are said 19:00:12 <decause> when you are learning abougt interpersonal communication, it is important not just what you say, but how theyu say it 19:00:16 <decause> I"m going to use larger words 19:00:21 <decause> "up down left right" 19:00:27 <decause> sometimes its a little finicky 19:00:39 <decause> it can change colors 19:00:54 <decause> if I say a direction, and it is joyous, it will go in that direction 19:01:03 <decause> if it's angry, then it will go in the opposite direction 19:01:42 <decause> what you say can have adverse affects on others 19:01:55 <decause> depending on your tone, you can change the direction of the conversation 19:02:08 <decause> there is a timer, and we can analyze the tone through the whole interaction 19:02:14 <decause> it is a great app to interact with young kids 19:02:21 <decause> it can impact adversely or constructive 19:02:36 <decause> can be used a therapy tool for kids with needs, to help them understand emotions and how to convey them 19:02:44 <decause> #topic MagicSchoolBus 19:05:04 <decause> #link https://t.co/pl0HLVwSZ7 19:05:19 <decause> #info livestream of Pearlhacks Event 19:05:46 <decause> uses oculus rift and leap motion to explore the arteries in your own heart! 19:05:51 <decause> it is modelled off of real models 19:06:11 <decause> we Open Sourced this, and we're looking for contributions from biologists, and doctors, or dentists 19:06:22 <decause> see your wisdom teeth, your organs, and learn and explore your own body 19:06:29 <decause> #topic RoomateGrocery 19:06:42 <decause> Hi everybody, stepper and ludna(sp) 19:06:47 <decause> we decided to make a grocery app 19:07:03 <decause> so many times, I text after roomate leaves, and then when they get back, we gotta figure out how to split it up 19:07:10 <decause> we used Android studio, with firebase as a back-end 19:07:20 <decause> I go into my list, add the item I want, say, apples, 3 of em 19:07:23 <decause> I add them 19:07:31 <decause> it shows the cost, and the total 19:07:40 <decause> things we split, group items, go into the group category 19:07:48 <decause> there is an 'author' field, to see who made a request 19:07:55 <decause> I see the same list on my phone, as others do 19:08:07 <decause> so I go to the store, and pick up $3 worth of apples 19:08:12 <decause> you can see it updated really fast 19:08:25 <decause> it split the cost amongst the roomates, and shows how much they owe in the end 19:08:49 <decause> our next group is recyclatory 19:09:01 <decause> #topic Recyclatory 19:09:15 <decause> #info Habit reinforcing app 19:09:26 <decause> #topic EpiCon 19:09:42 <decause> #info helps people with epilepsy to notify loved ones or doctors to quickly get help 19:09:54 <decause> what it does, it is an app, connects to a mya band(sp) 19:10:01 <decause> it collects info from oyur hand movement 19:10:11 <decause> it can detect abnormal activity 19:10:35 <decause> sends info to app 19:10:41 <decause> app visualizes it in a graph 19:10:46 <decause> shows rapid movements 19:10:56 <decause> it auto-sends txt message to loved ones or medical help in your account 19:11:16 <decause> you can cancel false alarms 19:11:22 <decause> it sends messages in 10 seconds 19:11:44 <decause> works with iOS SDK, Twilio API sends http post requests 19:11:56 <decause> initially wanted to go with epilospsy 19:12:05 <decause> but could also be used for ADHD, or other hyperactivity 19:12:12 <decause> visualizes movement throughout the month 19:12:17 <decause> can see impact of medication 19:12:25 <decause> can be used as a way to notify caretakers 19:12:50 <decause> how we split it up, we split software and hardware. They did backend, we did front end, and had a bunch of fun. 19:13:05 <decause> #topic Recyclatory 19:13:12 <decause> first question 19:13:30 <decause> how many have you watsted time collecting cats on this game called mab? 19:13:33 <decause> (sp) 19:13:46 <decause> what we wanted to do was utilize the fun of that, where you can check in an accumulate 19:13:56 <decause> it is based on a 21 day challenge, to create a habit ot recycle 19:14:01 <decause> once you log in 19:14:24 <decause> you're globe, when you log in, is brown and gross 19:14:45 <decause> everytime you log in, it improves as you log your recycling habits, you progress 19:14:48 <decause> if you don't log in, you regress 19:15:02 <decause> My name is Reina, form FSU 19:15:07 <decause> y'all know 19:15:14 <decause> I went to TakeBackTheTap 19:15:18 <decause> and there was a game there 19:15:35 <decause> so we thought about a game to educate how to recycle uncommon thingsl ike lightbulbs and batteries 19:15:59 <decause> backend was python, flask server, with sqlite for name database 19:16:04 <decause> through the process, you hit mile markers 19:16:37 <decause> you hit a certain point, and at the end, you're congratulated! your world is green, your water is pure, and you've created a habit 19:16:48 <decause> you're empowered to go full-fill the habit, and save the physical world 19:17:11 <decause> #topic Prizes 19:17:17 <decause> who's excited for prizes!?! 19:17:23 <decause> *audible woots* 19:17:32 <decause> judges are going to deliberate now 19:17:37 <decause> we're going to get started with prizes 19:17:45 <decause> we're going to call the prize a team has one 19:17:52 <decause> come to this table, take a pic 19:19:12 <decause> #info best woman's hack - Vitamind 19:19:21 <decause> #info Best Rookie Hack - SuperWoman 19:19:48 <decause> #info Best networking app - SafeHer with PhoneGap 19:20:21 <decause> #info Best Security Hack - We'll get back to you on that... 19:20:37 <decause> #info Best use of Voice/Text Technology - EpiCon 19:21:35 <decause> #topic Best use of Edison Board of Intel - 1st Place - Rundaway, 2nd place SafeHer with Phonegap 19:21:43 <decause> #undo 19:21:43 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x3ffd1bd0> 19:21:52 <decause> #info Best use of Edison Board of Intel - 1st Place - Rundaway, 2nd place SafeHer with Phonegap 19:22:30 <decause> #info Best use of Cisco Tech - ASL Connect 19:22:51 * linuxmodder semi here 19:23:04 <decause> #info Best use of CapitalOne NEssie API - Make Bank 19:23:33 <decause> #info Best use of Open Source by Red Hat - MindOverMotion 19:23:36 <linuxmodder> decause, where the heck is the etherpad ? 19:23:37 * decause applauses 19:24:10 <linuxmodder> and you started super early today :) 19:25:05 <decause> #info Best Developer Tool - Arduino Setup 19:25:16 * decause huffs back after running to podium for pics 19:26:07 <decause> #info Best Domain Name by Domain.com - Stemfatale.com 19:26:51 <decause> #info 1517 Grants - MindOverMotion and RoomateGrocery 19:27:03 <decause> #undo 19:27:03 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by decause at 19:26:51 : 1517 Grants - MindOverMotion and RoomateGrocery 19:27:08 <decause> #info 1517 Grants - MindOverMotion and RoomateGrocery and RemindM 19:28:00 <decause> #info Best Security Hack - The WMontaukDataBase(sp) 19:28:34 <decause> #topic Closing 19:28:58 <decause> *host does closed mouth singing to pass the time maybe 19:30:04 <decause> *it is awesome 19:30:13 <decause> does one bar of the national anthem 19:30:48 <decause> for my next prize, it is the sqlsentry service award 19:31:05 <decause> #info SqlSentry Service Award - EpiCon 19:31:23 <decause> if you are going home on a bus, go get your stuff 19:31:35 <decause> for the FSU Florida bus, good news... 19:31:47 <decause> if you go home on a bus, make sure you give Kaia and Allie your email address 19:31:58 <decause> FSU you'll be getting home four hours earlier 19:32:14 <decause> the bus will make a stop in Jennings FL, and go straight to TallaHassee 19:32:50 <decause> (*applause*) 19:33:07 <decause> #info Best use of AWS - Recyclatory 19:33:35 <decause> we're here at the moment you've all been waiting for 19:33:58 <decause> #info 3rd Place - GTClime 19:34:08 <decause> #info 2nd Place - MindOverMotion 19:34:50 <decause> #info 1st Place - MagicSchoolBus 19:35:11 <decause> congratulations ladies! 19:35:14 <decause> *applause* 19:35:34 <decause> I want to say a few thank yous 19:35:39 <decause> #topic Thank Yous 19:35:54 <decause> Thank you for being here, being present, expanding your boundaries, and making community 19:36:02 <decause> thank you sponsors for investing in us and what we're here to do 19:36:05 <decause> it measn the world to us 19:36:17 <decause> thank you UNC computer science and School of Media and Journalism 19:36:19 <decause> for hosting 19:36:21 <decause> so gracious 19:36:30 <decause> Thank you to the Mentors who spent the whole weekend here helping 19:36:33 <decause> *applause* 19:36:37 * decause pats self on back ;) 19:36:57 <decause> once again, if you won a prize, please line up after ceremony so we can get your information 19:37:03 <decause> Thank you so much volunteers, you are so bomb 19:37:06 <decause> give it up! 19:37:09 <decause> *applause* 19:37:12 <decause> so many hours of work 19:37:27 <decause> I want to thank Megan, for having this idea. Please stand 19:37:40 <decause> But really, you should be thanking the organizers and executive team 19:37:46 <decause> they are all so amazing and cheerful 19:37:53 <decause> I hope all of you walk away with 10 new friends 19:38:05 <decause> Thank you so much for contributing to this community of women in tech 19:38:09 <decause> keep going to events like this 19:38:13 <decause> go again next year 19:38:22 <decause> keep building htings that matter, adn things that you care about 19:38:25 <decause> because you all matter 19:38:32 <decause> round of applause for the ladies in here 19:38:33 <decause> awesome 19:38:55 <decause> in the spirit of today, Hardware lab, if you still havent' checked in your kits, make sure you get your ID's back 19:39:09 <decause> Happy PearlHacks, and see you at PearlHacks2017 19:39:22 <decause> for those getting on buses, go to the front of the line for hardware checkin 19:39:25 <decause> thanks all 19:39:29 <decause> #endmeeting