15:00:00 <nils> #startmeeting modularity_wg 15:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 12 15:00:00 2016 UTC. The chair is nils. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'modularity_wg' 15:00:44 <nils> #meetingname Weekly meeting of Modularity WG 15:00:44 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_meeting_of_modularity_wg' 15:01:21 <nils> #chairs: dgilmore, jkurik, langdon, sct, tflink 15:01:29 <nils> #chairs: dgilmore, jkurik, langdon, sct, tflink 15:01:57 <nils> #topic Roll Call 15:02:03 <jkurik> .hello jkurik 15:02:03 <nils> .hello nphilipp 15:02:03 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 15:02:06 <zodbot> nils: nphilipp 'Nils Philippsen' <nphilipp@redhat.com> 15:02:25 <langdon> .hello langdon 15:02:26 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 15:02:29 <sct> .hello sct 15:02:30 <zodbot> sct: sct 'Stephen Tweedie' <sct@redhat.com> 15:03:31 * threebean is here 15:03:34 <nils> aah 15:03:37 <nils> #chair threebean 15:03:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: nils threebean 15:03:41 <nils> oops 15:03:44 <nils> #chairs: dgilmore, jkurik, langdon, sct, tflink 15:03:47 <threebean> :p 15:03:49 <nils> #chair dgilmore, jkurik, langdon, sct, tflink 15:03:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore jkurik langdon nils sct tflink threebean 15:03:51 <lkocman> :-P 15:04:13 <nils> there we go... 15:04:19 <nils> #topic Agenda 15:04:42 <nils> #link Weekly agenda in usual place, http://piratepad.nl/modularity-wg-agendas 15:04:46 <nils> #link Weekly agenda in usual place, http://piratepad.nl/modularity-wg-agendas 15:05:00 <nils> Do I repeat the Agenda here? 15:05:14 <langdon> nils, i usually do as #info 15:05:21 <nils> tnx 15:05:22 <langdon> like #info for each item 15:05:22 <nils> ok 15:05:36 <nils> #info s/modularization/modularity/g 15:05:44 * langdon getting slightly less distracted 15:05:48 <nils> #info What to do about Taskotron and repoclosure/depcheck 15:05:58 <threebean> nils: can you post the link from the agenda too? 15:06:09 <nils> and that's it for the agenda 15:06:20 <nils> threebean: I guess it's better when we get to that topic, or not? 15:06:43 <threebean> sure :) 15:07:00 <nils> andway, that's today's rather short agenda 15:07:07 <geppetto> This is the ticket: http://taiga.fedorainfracloud.org/project/modularity/us/518 15:07:11 * contyk forgot about the meeting :| 15:07:15 <contyk> .hello psabata 15:07:16 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Ĺ abata' <psabata@redhat.com> 15:07:24 <asamalik> .hello asamalik 15:07:24 <zodbot> asamalik: asamalik 'Adam Samalik' <asamalik@redhat.com> 15:07:31 <nils> contyk, asamalik: no worries, we're just past the agenda 15:07:37 * asamalik talked with contyk and also forgot :( 15:07:43 <tflink> .hello tflink 15:07:44 <zodbot> tflink: tflink 'Tim Flink' <tflink@redhat.com> 15:08:04 <nils> it's on http://piratepad.nl/modularity-wg-agendas also 15:08:07 <contyk> thanks 15:08:19 <nils> #topic s/modularization/modularity/g 15:09:05 <nils> I don't know who put that on the Agenda, what I know is that we've been using both terms in the past and want to go on with "Modularity" from now on. 15:09:25 <langdon> #link http://piratepad.nl/modularity-wg-agendas < modularity wg meeting agenda 15:09:26 <langdon> ha.. nils already had 15:09:28 <langdon> actually langdon just can't read 15:09:30 <langdon> threebean, lets wait for the topic 15:09:33 <langdon> nils, move on to first topic? unless anyone else has agenda items? 15:09:43 <nils> langdon: already did, kinda :) 15:10:12 <nils> langdon: do you know who put the change from modularization to modularity on the Agenda? 15:10:15 <asamalik> I just put the sprint 9 demos to this meeting - I messed it up before and added it into the previous one... 15:10:38 <jkurik> this topic should be imo just FYI, as the decision has already been made, right ? 15:10:47 <contyk> pretty much 15:10:56 <contyk> modularity is shorter and easier to say :) 15:11:06 <sgilson> yes! 15:11:06 <jkurik> yes, it is :) 15:11:10 <contyk> we've already renamed the irc channel, the pagure groups and a number of wiki pages 15:11:17 <contyk> also the youtube channel 15:11:25 <nils> gotcha 15:11:52 <nils> now how to put that in one short simple sentence... 15:12:41 <nils> #info We use "Modularity" to refer to the effort from now on. It's easier to type and pronounce. 15:12:58 <langdon> my irc is REALLY laggy.. i am not sure whats up 15:13:12 <langdon> actually.. lets switch to the other topic.. trying to get the docs guy to join the meeting 15:13:17 <langdon> and we can come back 15:13:21 <nils> #info Wiki pages, IRC and Youtube channels have been renamed to the new name. 15:13:22 <sgilson> langdon: here 15:13:38 * langdon gonna try reconnecting to the internet.. see if that helps 15:13:41 <nils> sgilson: thanks for the changes you did there on the documentation btw 15:13:53 <sgilson> nils: just getting started 15:14:39 <nils> sgilson: in the WG meetings we usually announce us to the bot as ".hello <FAS username>" -- I use ".hello nphilipp" and zodbot will from now on know me (for the duration of meeting) 15:14:52 <haraldh> .hello haraldh 15:14:56 <haraldh> .hello harald 15:14:56 <zodbot> haraldh: Sorry, but you don't exist 15:14:59 <zodbot> haraldh: harald 'Harald Hoyer' <harald@redhat.com> 15:15:10 <nils> sgilson: as haraldh did 15:15:15 <mprahl> .hello mprahl 15:15:16 <zodbot> mprahl: Sorry, but you don't exist 15:15:16 <langdon> ok.. i think i am back 15:15:31 <haraldh> FAS username 15:15:38 <threebean> mprahl: ah, zodbot doesn't like it if you don't yet have a FAS account. you can create one at https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts 15:15:38 <langdon> sgilson, rough plans for next steps? 15:15:43 <sgilson> .hello sgilson 15:15:44 <zodbot> sgilson: sgilson 'Stephen Gilson' <sgilson@redhat.com> 15:15:45 <nils> #chair haraldh 15:15:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore haraldh jkurik langdon nils sct tflink threebean 15:16:05 * threebean pats zodbot on the head 15:16:08 <nils> sgilson: and welcome of course :) 15:16:20 <sgilson> next steps: post the FAQ and edit the default page to remove redundant contnet 15:16:34 <sgilson> also, draft an IA and get some reviews 15:16:44 <sgilson> for navigation, categorization 15:16:49 <nils> sgilson: an IA? what's that for a non-docs person? 15:16:58 <sgilson> information architecture 15:17:00 <langdon> sgilson, did anyone ever get back to us about using answers.fp.o for the faq? 15:17:09 <nils> sgilson: tnx 15:17:22 <sgilson> langdon: not sure, I'm still digging out from vacation 15:17:25 <langdon> sorry ask.fp.o 15:17:39 * langdon digs for link 15:17:54 * nils hands sgilson a shovel ;) 15:17:56 <sgilson> yeah, I don't recognize that request 15:18:05 <sgilson> select All > delete? 15:18:11 <nils> haha 15:18:21 <langdon> #link https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/88488/faq-for-modularity/ 15:18:27 * sgilson looking 15:18:29 <nils> sgilson: shall I put the above as an action item for you? 15:18:36 <sgilson> sure thing 15:18:50 <langdon> ok.. end topic? 15:19:08 <nils> #action sgilson next steps: post the FAQ and edit the default page to remove redundant content, draft an IA and get some reviews 15:19:13 <nils> sgilson: sounds right? 15:19:20 <sgilson> yep 15:19:26 <langdon> #action sgilson review/follow up on https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/88488/faq-for-modularity/ 15:19:26 <nils> cool, next topic 15:19:39 <nils> #topic What to do about Taskotron and repoclosure/depcheck 15:19:44 <jkurik> #link http://taiga.fedorainfracloud.org/project/modularity/us/518 15:19:45 <nils> #link http://taiga.fedorainfracloud.org/project/modularity/us/518 15:19:53 <nils> beat me ;) 15:19:58 <jkurik> sorry :) 15:20:01 <nils> np 15:20:08 <langdon> its a VERY important link :) 15:20:20 <threebean> hey, so can I introduce this one? 15:20:27 <langdon> threebean, i was just gonna suggest you 15:20:33 <nils> langdon: so we might want to post it in triplicate? 15:20:36 <nils> :D 15:20:44 <threebean> the base issue is that we need to do some kind of validation of these module repos once we create them. 15:20:55 <threebean> we were originally thinking that the tool we use to create them should do that validation(!) 15:21:15 <threebean> then we started to separate those out and say, oh, no, maybe the tool that creates them should be separate from the tool that validates them. 15:21:31 <threebean> we were going to write our own thing to do that validation, triggered by message bus, and it would store its result in PDC. 15:21:33 <langdon> +1 15:21:56 <langdon> +1 was for separate not writing our own 15:22:08 <threebean> that's good insofar as it separates the concerns of artifact-production and validation. but it occurs to us that we already have a message-bus-triggered validation framework for Fedora... taskotron, and also its own results-storage framework, resultsdb. 15:22:46 <threebean> furthermore! taskotron already has a check called 'depcheck' that does *almost* exactly what we want for 'repoclosure', the thing we started out wanting to do. 15:22:46 <sct> threebean: If we separate them, can we still make sure that a module compose which fails validation doesn't get used as a base for other builds, or pushed to users etc? 15:23:11 <threebean> sct: my thought is that if we force all of our qa into taskotron/resultsdb, then that will be easier. 15:23:15 <sct> ie. it should still be part of the success criteria for the build as far as possible 15:23:24 * threebean nods 15:23:38 <threebean> we already have code in bodhi that *gates* individual rpm updates based on taskotron results. 15:24:03 <threebean> if we wrote our own thing, we would have to expand that gating code to also check somewhere else (pdc?) 15:24:04 <tflink> fwiw, i don't know of a reason why taskotron tasks couldn't report to PDC 15:24:07 <nils> so the success criterion is not "the tree is built" but "... and taskotron tests ran successfully"? 15:24:32 <threebean> nils: I think so, yes. 15:24:46 <threebean> tflink: interesting. that is a valid point. we would just need a new PDC directive, right? 15:24:52 <tflink> yep 15:24:59 <threebean> well, that's an option. 15:25:00 <langdon> nils, well.. we need that anyway.. or at least "tests ran successfully" .. we have tried to be loose about "where tests are run" to this point.. 15:25:10 <nils> langdon: yes, of course 15:25:21 <geppetto> threebean: also bodhi isn't really the gate for building/rebuilding other modules 15:25:30 <threebean> geppetto: true. 15:25:55 <tflink> the only potential stumbling block for the short term is that we haven't implemented anything to handle secrets that need to be at least somewhat hidden 15:26:08 <threebean> we would need to add resultsdb checks (similar to how bodhi does them) to either the module-build-service or the auto-rebuilder 15:26:08 <langdon> but we need a "source of truth" for a module being 1) built 2) ready for prime time .. is that bodhi? pdc? something else? 15:26:24 <threebean> tflink: I think we're okay without secret-management for this one. 15:26:41 <sgilson> .me back in 5 15:27:04 <contyk> I think it's a combination of sources 15:27:10 * threebean nods 15:27:15 <threebean> and BPO consolidates that info for you. 15:27:31 <contyk> +1 15:28:06 <threebean> any other questions so far? 15:28:46 <langdon> threebean, can you recap the qs and as you feel like are satisified? 15:29:05 <threebean> langdon: I don't understand. :( 15:29:15 <threebean> can you re-state? 15:29:36 <jkurik> threebean: can you please summarize what is going to be done 15:29:41 <langdon> threebean, you seem to be concluding the topic.. and, i for one, got a little lost.. can you recap what you think was answered? 15:29:46 <threebean> oh, sorry. 15:30:02 <threebean> I was trying to lay out the context first... before proceeding a little further. 15:30:11 * threebean does that now 15:30:29 <threebean> we have this existing check, 'depcheck' in taskotron. it does a lot of what we wanted our 'repoclosure' task to do. 15:30:45 <threebean> it verifies that dependencies are satisfied and complains if they are not. 15:30:58 <threebean> here's where they differ: 15:31:23 <threebean> 1) depcheck reports its successes and failures *in terms of the individual packages in the repo* 15:31:47 <threebean> 2) we want our repoclosure task to report its successes and failures *in terms of the module* 15:32:24 <threebean> so if it fails, we know that build XXX of module YYY failed. not that, rpm foo-1.2.3-1.YYY failed. 15:32:42 <nils> threebean: I assume people still can dig further to get info about individual pkgs failing to repoclosure, right? 15:32:51 <nils> (should I mean) 15:33:09 <geppetto> threebean: as nils said, we still kind of want to know why the module failed 15:33:11 <sct> threebean: There's one additional change we'd like: ability to specify external APIs for modules ("exported" rpms), and check that other modules are using only that subset 15:33:13 <threebean> nils: well, that would be up to us on how we adapt this, I think. they would certainly have access to a log. 15:33:27 <nils> threebean: that should be enough 15:34:36 <threebean> sct: hm. that's significant enough that it probably warrants its own 'check' in taskotron. 15:34:43 <nils> sct: i.e. that a module doesn't export all packages it carries, but only certain specified ones? 15:34:53 <threebean> sct: important yes, but different. 15:35:10 <sct> nils: Right. So you can specify internal-only implementation details that can be changed later without affecting the module's official external API 15:35:40 <sct> threebean: Related, but different, yes. 15:35:45 <langdon> sct, and, really, that is part of the "what does it mean to test a module".. personally, the repoclosure part is just a "sign off" it doesn't really tell us much about whether the module "works as expected" 15:36:35 <sct> langdon: Right, I think all of these are just parts of signoff --- that's one reason I'm happy to see this move outside the build, because a lot of qe smoke-testing also fits in the same basic readiness testing 15:36:42 <langdon> in other words, part of normal flow to test for repoclosure, part of "specific module test" to ensure that its api promises are being kept (on both sides of the api) 15:36:54 <nils> sct: just in passing, that has interesting implications if two modules use the same component as an internal detail, but different versions 15:36:56 <threebean> +1 15:37:51 <tflink> taskotron is capable of triggering jobs based on results of other checks - something along the lines of "does this work as expected" kicked off when repclosure/depcheck passes 15:38:14 <threebean> I hadn't realized.. but that is very nice :) 15:38:23 <sct> nils: Agreed, "bundled" dependencies is something we need to put guidelines around 15:38:43 <langdon> tflink, threebean but we just want a message back to the bus, right? because we may have a "set of things" that happen post repoclosure test, right? 15:38:48 * threebean nods 15:38:56 <threebean> langdon: like building subsequent modules, artifacts, etc. 15:39:00 <tflink> it all works through fedmsgs 15:39:05 <langdon> "set of parallel things" 15:39:12 <langdon> tflink, yeah.. thats what i thought 15:39:19 <tflink> the passing result would emit a fedmsg which could trigger any number of things 15:39:31 <langdon> \o/ bus! 15:39:32 <langdon> ;) 15:39:48 <langdon> same on failure i imagine as well 15:39:53 * threebean nods 15:39:53 <tflink> yep 15:40:01 <threebean> the event is "new result" 15:40:55 <threebean> ok - so, as far as modularity work is concerned, I think this can be broken up into quite a few different cards 15:41:03 <threebean> only some of which we need to target for flock. 15:41:42 <langdon> yay? ;) 15:41:58 <threebean> :) 15:42:26 <threebean> 1) we need to evaluate if we're going to adapt depcheck, or replicate it in a module-specific repoclosure task 15:42:47 <langdon> i would definitely argue for "clone & edit" 15:42:56 <threebean> 2) we need to evaluate if we even need to report results to PDC or not (I think not.. but does RTT need them for something there?) 15:42:56 <langdon> or "embrace and extend" ;) 15:43:15 <threebean> 3) if we need to report results to PDC (in addition to resultsdb which we get for free) then we need to write a PDC directive for taskotron (easy*) 15:43:53 <threebean> 4) we need to adapt our build/rebuild tools to query/respond to resultsdb when there are new results stored for a module check. 15:44:20 <langdon> on 2) can't that just be another fedmsg task? like have taskotron work as it does and the update pdc when the msg fires? 15:44:29 <threebean> +1 15:44:30 <geppetto> #1 would be insane to do IMO, although we made want other checks that are outside depcheck 15:44:49 <langdon> geppetto, which choice is insane? 15:44:57 <geppetto> langdon: rewriting it 15:45:00 <nils> 15 minutes left... 15:45:11 <langdon> geppetto, isn't it just a clone? 15:45:21 <tflink> langdon: not sure I understand what you're asking with "another fedmsg task" 15:45:43 <threebean> https://bitbucket.org/fedoraqa/task-depcheck 15:46:14 <geppetto> Ahhh, copy and paste? ... with minor changes? That's not insane then ... although tflink might be less than happy :) 15:46:15 <langdon> tflink, poor wording.. another use for the fedmsg msg.. like when the msg from taskotron "dep check complete" fires, another service says "ooo let me put that in pdc" 15:46:31 <langdon> geppetto, yes.. but "clone" sounds like it is more program-y ;) 15:46:35 <geppetto> :) 15:46:59 <tflink> geppetto: if it's needed, it's needed. it'd be nice to have one thing to maintain, though 15:47:18 <tflink> depcheck isn't exactly a popular thing for folks to want to help with 15:47:35 <threebean> I *suspect* that the only thing that needs changing is the way that depcheck reports results. 15:47:36 <langdon> i haven't looked at the code but isn't this just 'loop over existing depcheck'? 15:47:54 <threebean> it needs to continue to report results the old way.. and it needs to be able to also (when so configured) report results in the way we'd like. 15:48:02 <geppetto> langdon: no, depcheck already loops over all the rps 15:48:27 <geppetto> langdon: What we need is more cascading the failure ... so any rpm failure in the set fails the entire set. 15:48:28 <threebean> a glance at the code here shows that there is a little abstraction around how results get "squashed", so that could be a good place to hack: 15:48:30 <threebean> https://bitbucket.org/fedoraqa/task-depcheck/src/4cd6aaf3e60789dbedde293f04a26e9218570258/depcheck/__init__.py?at=develop&fileviewer=file-view-default#__init__.py-128 15:48:32 <tflink> langdon: that'd be possible but I'd question whether that would be worth it for just depcheck. taskotron was designed with reporting to multiple systems in mind 15:48:43 <langdon> geppetto, ohh yeah.. i see that now... maybe it doesn't even need to be changed.. could this just be a "msg from taskotron for a module means it has different outcome" .. 15:49:50 <langdon> but i suppose it would (potentially) still do a lot of work on testing when it has already actually failed 15:50:05 <nils> 10 minutes to go -- is that enough for you guys (we have one more topic)? 15:50:16 <langdon> nils, what is it? 15:50:17 <nils> (which is just an FYI) 15:50:31 <nils> langdon: YT demos, and open floor obv. 15:50:37 <langdon> gotcha.. 15:51:23 <threebean> all good here. 15:51:26 <langdon> threebean, i feel like this is now more "discussion" .. not "decision" .. sounds like "decision" is yes use the taskotron depcheck.. but it may need some modification/cloning 15:51:37 <langdon> threebean, #actions #infos? 15:52:09 <threebean> +1 to geppetto's comment on cascading the failure. 15:52:31 <threebean> geppetto: can you and I sync up to revise the card(s)? 15:52:48 <geppetto> threebean: sure 15:53:02 <threebean> #action geppetto and threebean will sync up to revise the card for this sprint. 15:53:04 <geppetto> I'm free all afternoon 15:53:07 <langdon> woot! 15:53:15 <threebean> geppetto: thanks :) similar here. will send a gcal thing! 15:53:18 <langdon> nils, next! before they keep talking! 15:53:22 <langdon> :) 15:53:25 <geppetto> ha 15:53:28 <contyk> :) 15:53:29 <nils> okay :) 15:53:38 <nils> #topic Sprint 9 Demos 15:53:49 <nils> asamalik? 15:54:22 <asamalik> we have created demos for the sprint 9 and they are on our youtube channel 15:54:22 <nils> I guess I can do it as well, it's just an FYI 15:54:28 <nils> asamalik: go ahead 15:54:34 <contyk> nils: be patient ;) 15:54:53 <asamalik> a link to the playlist is in the etherpad 15:54:57 <asamalik> that's it from me 15:55:03 <nils> #link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcwHJG45BmAMWP-eLj9WcY90N7kJnUNJD 15:55:05 <asamalik> :-) 15:55:12 <nils> that should be the linke 15:55:15 <nils> *link 15:55:19 <nils> okay 15:55:23 <langdon> asamalik, can you also add the links to the videos on the fp.o/modularity server for people who don't like the yt? 15:55:37 <asamalik> langdon: sure 15:55:42 <langdon> asamalik, thanks 15:55:51 <langdon> just in the epad.. not here 15:56:13 <langdon> ok.. open floor for a few minutes? 15:56:14 <nils> #topic Open Floor 15:56:16 <asamalik> langdon: ook 15:56:23 <nils> any topics for open floor? 15:56:29 <langdon> i have one... 15:56:39 <langdon> come to my talk! at flock! please :) 15:56:50 <contyk> I'll think about it 15:56:59 <langdon> anything anyone would like to see? in particular? 15:57:06 <sgilson> thinking of requesting approval for flock 15:57:25 * langdon notes contyk will be banned from the talk to avoid at least once source of heckling 15:57:47 <nils> He'll send Waldorf and Statler as substitutes :P 15:58:03 <langdon> moar muppets! 15:58:30 <langdon> ok.. seriously folks? I think we are gonna try and demo multi version modules.. some docs.. and maybe a build engine.. 15:58:50 <langdon> but if other people have open floor items.. feel free to jump in 15:59:02 <contyk> are we going to have that workshop? 15:59:03 <threebean> :) 15:59:21 <langdon> contyk, ugh.. i owe a follow up to the organizers.. soooo behind 15:59:32 <langdon> but trying, yes.. contyk will be leading it :) 15:59:48 <bconoboy> We still on open floor? 15:59:50 <nils> any other open floor topics? 15:59:54 <langdon> bconoboy, yes 15:59:56 <nils> bconoboy: ^ 15:59:58 <bconoboy> I was wondering when everybody is arriving at flock 16:00:19 <langdon> i think i am getting there sunday 16:00:21 <contyk> Monday evening 16:00:23 <asamalik> bconoboy: on monday 16:00:29 <jkurik> Monday evening 16:00:29 <threebean> same here. 16:00:30 <langdon> but i ask tripit about all these things 16:01:02 <bconoboy> do you all want to get together for some modularity group thing on a day that doesn't have an official flock evening event? 16:01:16 <contyk> sure, if there's one 16:01:44 <langdon> yes please.. 16:01:58 <langdon> bconoboy, signing up to organize? 16:02:12 <bconoboy> langdon: I might be signing up to pay ;-) 16:02:18 <langdon> bconoboy, lol 16:02:27 <bconoboy> Just want to see if people are up for it and if so when 16:02:38 <langdon> anybody on the team know krakow at all? want to sign up to organize? 16:03:22 <contyk> nope 16:03:34 <bconoboy> let's revisit next week, I'll see if I can find somebody 16:04:01 <langdon> bconoboy, cool.. i am not sure when the official flock party(ies) is .. 16:04:07 <langdon> ok.. close the meeting? 16:04:33 <nils> bconoboy: you'll put that on the agenda for next week? 16:04:38 <bconoboy> nils: y 16:04:41 <nils> ace 16:04:48 <nils> okay, anything else? 16:04:59 <nils> 3 16:05:01 <nils> 2 16:05:04 <nils> 1 16:05:07 <nils> #endmeeting