15:00:05 <nils> #startmeeting modularity_wg 15:00:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 20 15:00:05 2016 UTC. The chair is nils. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'modularity_wg' 15:00:11 <nils> #meetingtopic Weekly meeting of Modularity WG 15:00:22 <sgilson> .hello sgilson 15:00:25 <zodbot> sgilson: sgilson 'None' <sgilson@redhat.com> 15:01:06 <nils> #chair dgilmore jkurik langdon tflink 15:01:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore jkurik langdon nils tflink 15:01:15 <nils> #topic Roll Call 15:01:18 <cpacheco> .hello cpacheco 15:01:18 <contyk> .hello psabata 15:01:18 <zodbot> cpacheco: cpacheco 'Courtney Pacheco' <cpacheco@redhat.com> 15:01:21 <nils> .hello nphilipp 15:01:21 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Ĺ abata' <psabata@redhat.com> 15:01:24 <moto-timo> .hello ttorling 15:01:24 <zodbot> nils: nphilipp 'Nils Philippsen' <nphilipp@redhat.com> 15:01:26 <jkurik> .hello jkurik 15:01:29 <zodbot> moto-timo: ttorling 'None' <TicoTimo@gmail.com> 15:01:32 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 15:02:59 <tflink> .hello tflink 15:03:00 <zodbot> tflink: tflink 'Tim Flink' <tflink@redhat.com> 15:03:14 <contyk> so, since we have no agenda, I guess it's just open floor today? 15:03:58 <nils> contyk: I'll make something up :) 15:04:03 <nils> #topic Agenda 15:04:18 <moto-timo> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/attachment/ticket/466/ticket%23466_attempt13.png 15:04:27 <nils> #info piratepad.nl is down -> emergency agenda 15:04:40 <nils> #info Badges Reloaded: Electric Bugaloo 15:04:55 <nils> #topic Coding Style and Review Guidelines 15:05:02 <nils> #undo 15:05:02 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x152e0590> 15:05:08 <nils> #info Coding Style and Review Guidelines 15:05:21 <nils> and open floor of course 15:05:26 <nils> so... 15:05:31 <dgilmore> hola amigos 15:05:38 <nils> #topic piratepad.nl is down -> emergency agenda 15:06:24 <nils> #info we don't know what the agenda is if something was written down during the week, so if there is anything it'll have to be revisited in the next meeting (fingers crossed that piratepad.nl is back up by then) 15:06:37 <nils> #topic Badges Reloaded: Electric Bugaloo 15:07:36 <moto-timo> So, I made an attempt to better meet riecatnor's guidelines 15:07:42 <nils> #info the badge candidate which we voted on last meeting was refused because it didn't conform the badge guidelines 15:07:55 <nils> moto-timo: and now, you :) 15:08:01 <nils> #chair moto-timo 15:08:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore jkurik langdon moto-timo nils tflink 15:08:35 <moto-timo> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/466#comment:40 15:08:59 <moto-timo> I made an attempt to better meet the guidelines and make the badge closer to what other badges look like 15:09:10 <moto-timo> Face palm on how to inline the image in WikiFormat 15:11:30 <nils> moto-timo: I guess change /attachment/ to /raw-attachment/ in the URL 15:12:28 <moto-timo> I swear I tried that. But yes. 15:13:58 <tflink> are we going to go through the whole voting process again, or just go with the white stroke? 15:14:10 <nils> moto-timo: Mairin seems to think you and riecatnor aren't on the same page yet as far as design goes? 15:14:31 <nils> tflink: not sure it's 100% fleshed out on the design-team side, see the last comments in the ticket 15:14:33 <moto-timo> There is no indication that riecatnor looked at what I submitted (late last night) 15:15:29 <jkurik> so, lets check the next week 15:15:45 <nils> I'd say we shelve it until next week, yeah 15:16:00 <tflink> agreed, hopefully it'll be more clear by then 15:16:12 <tflink> fwiw, I like the attempt13 that moto-timo made 15:16:43 <moto-timo> fwiw, that is also my favorite 15:16:45 <jkurik> yeah, I like it too 15:16:51 <jkurik> moto-timo++ 15:17:13 <tflink> moto-timo: thanks for working on this 15:17:25 <moto-timo> and not sure why duffy thought I was disagreeing with the guidelines :/ 15:18:13 <nils> #info shelve the discussion until next mtg 15:18:38 <nils> #topic Coding Style and Review Guidelines 15:19:39 <nils> I wrote coding and review guidelines recently: 15:19:51 <nils> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Modularity/Development/Coding_Style Coding Style Guidelines 15:20:06 <nils> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Modularity/Development/Grooming_Your_Changes Reviewing Guidelines 15:20:29 <nils> #info Feedback appreciated (to nils@redhat.com) 15:20:46 <nils> so... 15:20:50 <nils> #topic Open Floor 15:20:59 <contyk> can't we just change the wiki if we disagree? :P 15:21:07 <nils> haha 15:21:46 <nils> contyk: if all else fails, I'll ask the admins to lock the pages down :P 15:22:51 <nils> seriously: these are not supposed to be "laws" and if there's something in there with which the people who do the work have a problem, let's talk about it. 15:23:12 <contyk> it's good to have something like that 15:23:27 <nils> I hope I didn't miss something too obvious :). 15:23:36 * contyk will go through it later 15:23:41 <nils> Thanks! 15:23:58 <nils> The more eyeballs, the better. 15:24:12 <nils> So, anything for open floor? 15:24:32 <jkurik> nope 15:24:40 <moto-timo> I tried to work with 'stg' but I must have missed something 15:24:46 <moto-timo> my fedpkg did not know about module-build 15:25:03 <moto-timo> so probably need to look at threebean's guide again 15:25:27 <contyk> moto-timo: you need to use Karsten's fork 15:25:33 <nils> yup 15:25:33 <moto-timo> did that 15:25:47 <moto-timo> missed some step in there I guess 15:25:50 <contyk> moto-timo: did you check out the right branch? did you set your PYTHONPATH? 15:26:01 <nils> (or virtenv) 15:26:04 <moto-timo> did not set PYTHONPATH 15:27:17 * contyk nods 15:27:23 <nils> contyk: hmm, karsten's fork on pagure seems awfully pristine to me 15:27:37 <nils> I don't see a modularity branch or similar 15:28:05 <contyk> I'll find it for you :) 15:28:34 <nils> contyk: ahh perhaps the work is in rpkg rather than fedpkg 15:28:41 <nils> yup, this is it 15:28:42 <contyk> nils: yep, right there 15:28:51 <nils> moto-timo: do you have karsten's rpkg too? 15:29:07 <contyk> I know modularity_new works 15:29:08 <moto-timo> I have karsten's rpkg, but nothing different in fedpkg 15:29:28 <moto-timo> except setting the stg conf 15:30:10 <moto-timo> I am sure this is operator error 15:30:14 <contyk> you just need to make sure that modified rpkg is used; I simply set the PYTHONPATH env variable 15:30:27 <moto-timo> k 15:30:39 <moto-timo> that's on my home machine so i'll retry tonight 15:30:48 <contyk> cool 15:30:58 <nils> good 15:31:01 <nils> anything else? 15:31:07 <contyk> nope 15:31:10 <moto-timo> nope 15:31:16 <nils> good :) 15:31:19 <nils> #endmeeting