#fedora-meeting-3: Modularity Team Meeting

Meeting started by langdon at 15:08:18 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. roll call (langdon, 15:08:37)
  2. agenda (langdon, 15:10:08)
    1. update on ursa prime (langdon, 15:10:16)
    2. update on libmodulemd (langdon, 15:11:23)

  3. update on ursa prime (langdon, 15:12:33)
    1. Ursa Prime will be deployed to production next Tuesday (sgallagh, 15:21:41)
    2. Ursa Prime configuration will initially be limited to Rawhide/F32 and EPEL8[-playground] buildroots (sgallagh, 15:22:08)
    3. The remaining tasks to be done for Ursa Prime: 1) modify the f32/rawhide platform.yaml record in MBS to enable this feature, 2) set up a repo compose based on the defaults+overrides inputs, 3) configure koji tags and targets so that the rawhide target is a merged repo containing the modular and non-modular content (contyk, 15:24:19)
    4. ACTION: contyk and sgallagh to work with nirik to finish those three tasks. (sgallagh, 15:25:53)
    5. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/six-of-one--half-a-dozen-of-the-other (langdon, 15:29:24)

  4. libmodulemd update (langdon, 15:29:33)
    1. https://github.com/fedora-modularity/libmodulemd/issues/368 (sgallagh, 15:31:20)
    2. ACTION: sgallagh to investigate libmodulemd 2.x migration for COPR (sgallagh, 15:39:10)
    3. slow migration away from libmodulemd 1.x is resulting in increasing maintenance burden (sgallagh, 15:39:51)

  5. Tagging Module Defaults into non-modular repo (sgallagh, 15:41:37)
    1. AGREED: We disagree with merging default streams into the main repo as non-modular packages. Our approach is to implement a mechanism of following default streams to give people the experience they want. (+4 0 -0) (asamalik, 16:07:40)

Meeting ended at 16:11:58 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. contyk and sgallagh to work with nirik to finish those three tasks.
  2. sgallagh to investigate libmodulemd 2.x migration for COPR

Action items, by person

  1. contyk
    1. contyk and sgallagh to work with nirik to finish those three tasks.
  2. sgallagh
    1. contyk and sgallagh to work with nirik to finish those three tasks.
    2. sgallagh to investigate libmodulemd 2.x migration for COPR

People present (lines said)

  1. sgallagh (87)
  2. langdon (77)
  3. asamalik (53)
  4. contyk (42)
  5. zodbot (13)

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