19:00:00 <nirik> #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting 19:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Dec 8 19:00:00 2020 UTC. 19:00:00 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 19:00:00 <zodbot> The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting' 19:00:00 <nirik> #chair mboddu nirik smooge pingou mobrien 19:00:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: mboddu mobrien nirik pingou smooge 19:00:00 <nirik> #meetingname fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting 19:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting' 19:00:00 <nirik> #info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops 19:00:01 <nirik> #info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily 19:00:02 <nirik> #topic Tickets needing review 19:00:03 <nirik> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1 19:00:22 <mboddu> Hello 19:00:33 <nirik> morning 19:00:43 * mboddu can mod the tickets if smooge isn't around 19:00:55 <smooge> ok sorry 19:01:00 <nirik> .ticket 9591 19:01:05 <zodbot> nirik: An error has occurred and has been logged. Check the logs for more information. 19:01:05 <smooge> please mod the tickets 19:01:05 * mboddu holds back 19:01:07 <mboddu> smooge: Okay 19:01:12 <nirik> .ticket 9519 19:01:12 * mboddu on mod duty 19:01:13 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #9519: Retrace server not responding. Connection refused on port 443. - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9519 19:01:17 <nirik> dammed dyslexia 19:01:26 <nirik> high/high/ops? 19:01:30 <smooge> i have to drive into the colo to fix this 19:01:31 <mboddu> +1 19:01:41 <smooge> high/high/ops/urgent 19:01:56 <nirik> smooge: ;( when are you gonna be able to do that? and any idea what happened to it? 19:01:58 <mboddu> smooge: Oops, be safe 19:02:05 <smooge> no idea what happened to it 19:02:20 <smooge> I have to put in a ticket to get in as the state went into total lockdown again 19:02:37 <nirik> and I suppose no chance someone onsite could at least try power cycling it? 19:03:09 <pingou> smooge: could matt help on this? 19:03:15 <pingou> iirc he is in iad2 this week no? 19:03:28 <nirik> pingou: he's in iad2... this is rdu2. 19:04:02 <nirik> anyhow, happy to help any way we can. just let us know smooge 19:04:12 <pingou> ah, sorry 19:04:15 <smooge> nirik, will see if I can get hands on to power cycle it 19:04:17 <nirik> thats it for infra tickets... any releng mboddu ? 19:04:25 <smooge> but I expect it will wedge on reboot 19:04:26 <mboddu> Yup 19:05:03 <mboddu> .releng 9894 19:05:04 <zodbot> mboddu: Issue #9894: Build fails with "bad date in changelog" message - releng - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/releng/issue/9894 19:05:11 <mboddu> Close upstream? 19:05:28 <nirik> so this is fallout from my bootstrap enablement... but there's not much we can do about it. 19:06:09 <nirik> I was gonna wait until I finished upgrading the arm stuff to announce it... but I will add a note about this issue there too. 19:06:19 <nirik> but yeah, close can't fix? 19:06:44 <mboddu> Okay 19:06:50 <mboddu> can't fix? 19:07:01 <mboddu> I thought we could fix it on the rpm side, cant we? 19:07:07 <nirik> ie, now that bootstrap is enabled, we use rhel7 rpm to build the src.rpm, and it doesn't understand these changelog entries 19:07:33 <nirik> I doubt very much they will update rhel7 rpm to fix this. 19:07:46 <nirik> someone could ask, but rhel7 is in maint mode now... 19:08:12 <mboddu> Ahhh, okay, so its technically possible but we might not do it for other reasons 19:08:30 <nirik> before we had bootstrap we used fedora rpm to make the src.rpm... but if anyone had taken an epel7 rpm with these changelogs in it and tried to build it again on a rhel7 box, it would have failed this same way 19:08:46 <mboddu> Right 19:08:59 <nirik> so we are actually kind of fixing an issue. 19:09:08 <mboddu> Okay, I will close it, thanks nirik 19:09:15 <nirik> any others? 19:10:52 <mboddu> nirik: Well https://paste.centos.org/view/6dedbf57 19:11:36 <mboddu> But I couldn't find any tarballs 19:11:55 <nirik> where did you run it? 19:12:05 <mboddu> On buildvm-x86-09.iad2.fedoraproject.org 19:12:30 <nirik> huh, ok. 19:12:58 <nirik> I'm pretty puzzed by it. I guess we need to try and trace it back and see where it could be getting set to None 19:13:27 <nirik> anyhow, any other tickets to discuss, blockers, etc? 19:13:40 <mboddu> None from me 19:16:32 <nirik> ok, thanks everyone 19:16:38 <nirik> #endmeeting