19:58:26 <threebean> #startmeeting justusmicehere 19:58:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri May 1 19:58:26 2015 UTC. The chair is threebean. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:58:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:58:30 <decause> juggalos 19:58:31 <decause> :) :) :) 19:58:32 <threebean> #chair decause 19:58:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: decause threebean 19:58:33 <decause> :) 19:58:35 <decause> welcome 19:58:36 <threebean> #topic greatness 19:58:39 <decause> #agreed 19:58:43 <decause> +! 19:58:45 <decause> +100 19:58:49 * decause keeps it 100 19:58:49 <threebean> otoh, this is being broadcast to fedmsg, you know? 19:58:54 <threebean> ;) 19:58:57 <threebean> ok, closing in 5 19:58:58 <decause> fedmsg, yeah! 19:58:59 <threebean> 4 19:59:01 <threebean> 3 19:59:01 <decause> word_cloud++ 19:59:03 <threebean> 2 19:59:05 <decause> python 19:59:05 <threebean> 1 19:59:07 <threebean> #endmeeting