16:30:25 <nirik> #startmeeting
16:30:25 * nirik pokes his bot.
16:30:46 <Jeff_S> wow
16:30:47 * Southern_Gentlem
16:31:16 <Jeff_S> nirik: it is missing #debate
16:31:36 <nirik> #meetingtopic IRC Support SIG Meeting
16:31:40 * EvilBob
16:31:43 <nirik> Jeff_S: patches welcome. :)
16:31:46 * zcat
16:33:03 * nirik will wait a bit more for a few more folks to show up
16:33:21 <Sonar_Guy> Sonar_Guy
16:33:29 <daMaestro> daMaestro
16:33:45 * mock
16:33:50 <mock> mock
16:34:05 <EvilBob> mock quit mocking
16:34:07 <nirik> ok, I guess we can go ahead and get started...
16:34:21 <underscores> yeah
16:34:22 <nirik> #topic Fedora 11 Release!
16:34:22 * mock takes a seat next to EvilBob
16:34:34 <nirik> so, release was tuesday. I think we hit a record in the channel.
16:34:38 <nirik> 633?
16:34:39 * fenris02 waves
16:34:50 <nirik> as far as I can tell things went pretty smoothly I thought...
16:34:53 <Southern_Gentlem> looking
16:35:15 <nirik> anyone have any good or bad issues to bring up around the release?
16:35:45 <zcat> 635 according to thomasj
16:35:57 <nirik> cool. I don't know if thats all time or not, but its a lot.
16:35:58 <fenris02> "/boot" not being allowed ext4 seems especially problematic for the new users
16:36:06 <underscores> yeah
16:36:09 <fenris02> pulse seems to have degraded.
16:36:23 <Southern_Gentlem> 635 was the last i saw from thomas
16:36:26 <nirik> yeah, there is a thread on the test list with people talking about that.
16:36:46 <underscores> I think the load of installation bugs on the live media is also a problem
16:37:09 <nirik> it seems a number of people install from live and do one partition. That worked (due to a happy accident) on f10, but does not on f11.
16:37:34 <underscores> I installed it via a KDE live CD and used the default layout and havent got a problem
16:37:40 <zcat> yep - that's the only issue i can think of rising above the din of general install problems
16:37:43 <nirik> anyhow, anything we can improve for next time that anyone can think of? I think we were pretty good with links and had a lot of helpers...
16:37:56 <Southern_Gentlem> underscores, but if you edit the default it bombs
16:38:03 <underscores> Southern_Gentlem: I know
16:38:13 * nirik nods to mether on making those wiki pages... the ext4 and f11 faq's have been great.
16:38:24 <nirik> also kudos to adamw for fixing up the f11 common bugs page.
16:38:51 <zcat> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F11_bugs
16:38:58 <zcat> is that thing on? :)
16:39:15 <nirik> yeah, it doesn't ack links.
16:39:20 <nirik> but they appear in the output fine
16:39:59 <nirik> #info Kudos to adamw and mether for the excellent faq and wiki docs.
16:40:06 <nirik> ok, anything else on release anyone has?
16:40:25 <zcat> the single PA volume control aggravated many. gst-mixer and alsamixer -c0 is common advice.
16:40:29 <Southern_Gentlem> prerelease seems to work better than the live does
16:40:41 <nirik> preupgrade you mean?
16:40:44 <EvilBob> release it self or release week?
16:40:47 <Southern_Gentlem> yeah
16:40:50 <fenris02> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ext4_in_Fedora_11
16:41:17 <nirik> zcat: yeah. Expected I think.
16:41:20 <fenris02> Southern_Gentlem, rc3, or preview?
16:41:30 <nirik> hopefully people found gst-mixer.
16:41:37 <Southern_Gentlem> preupgrade
16:42:24 <fenris02> twisted isnt it? preupgrade has historically not been an instal method of choice ...
16:42:34 <nirik> ok, I guess that leads into the next topic...
16:42:52 <nirik> #topic Weekly Stats: http://theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html
16:43:24 <nirik> ok, busy week as we know. ;)
16:43:25 <fenris02> *sniff* I'm down to #3 this week.
01:45:38 * sniff* I'm down to #3 this week.
16:43:49 <Khaytsus> fenris02: You slept?
16:44:19 <fenris02> accidents do happen
16:44:23 <Khaytsus> fenris02: Hint: You should not have equal parts of the four zones of time.
16:44:28 <nirik> good selection of links... nothing too new (well, the torrents one I guess)
16:44:46 <Southern_Gentlem> nirik was busy
16:46:00 <underscores> indeed
16:46:26 <nirik> yeah, was up watching my mirror and torrent seed, so helped out as much as I could.
16:46:51 <zcat> i was expecting more people to have a problem with now needing kmod-foo-PAE for the default 32 kernel, but that didn't happen
16:47:11 <underscores> kmod-foo-PAE?
16:47:14 <fenris02> no fglrx, so that's half the users
16:47:38 <fenris02> underscores, F10 used a 32-bit kernel named "kernel". F11's is named "kernel-PAE"
16:47:42 <zcat> and i think 64bit is getting more popular. wonder what the stats are.
16:47:56 <underscores> fenris02: thank you :)
16:48:23 <Southern_Gentlem> torrent.fedoraproject.org :6969
16:48:56 <zcat> something smolty later
16:49:25 <nirik> yeah, lots of x86_64 now.
16:49:38 <nirik> even tho it's not really advertised on the get-fedora page much
16:50:09 <zcat> so overall it's 75.5% 32bit; 25% 64bit. was just wondering what the breakdown per release was. http://smolts.org/static/stats/stats.html
16:50:15 <Southern_Gentlem> looks about 50/50
16:50:15 <zcat> *74.5
01:45:38 * 74.5
16:51:04 <LinuxCode> sorry, nirik, maybe we could add a note to installation notes for f11 ?
16:51:09 <LinuxCode> about the ext4 grub issue ?
16:51:26 <LinuxCode> sorry was eating lunch
16:51:38 <nirik> well, I guess it could be on common bugs, but it's not really a bug.
16:51:38 <underscores> do you mean the fact that /boot cant be ext4?
16:51:45 <nirik> it is on the ext4 faq
16:51:52 <LinuxCode> no, thats why I was thinking ijnstallation notes
16:51:55 <underscores> I dont understand why boot needs to be ext4 .-.
16:51:57 <LinuxCode> hmmm i msee
16:52:06 <underscores> hello MadBus
16:52:13 <LinuxCode> underscores, grub doesnt know ext4
16:52:18 <underscores> I know
16:52:22 <LinuxCode> yeh
16:52:24 <underscores> thats why it has to be ext3 atm
16:52:28 <fenris02> underscores, grub can not read ext4. it cant boot from something it cant read
16:52:28 <LinuxCode> so hat confuses people
16:52:39 <MadBus> hello underscores
16:52:40 <LinuxCode> that*
16:52:41 <underscores> ok
16:52:48 <EvilBob> gettign out of bed confuses people
16:53:00 * LinuxCode checks fp.o
16:53:01 <underscores> but anaconda will automaticly switch to ext3 and warn about that
16:53:08 <fenris02> EvilBob, I have a solution for you! Dont sleep. No waking up confused that way.
16:53:09 * fenris02 whistles
16:53:18 <kc8hfi> it doesn't hafta be on ext4, its just that people dont understand why theres gotta be two different filesystems on their drive intheir box
16:53:19 <nirik> ok, shall we move along? or anything else on stats?
16:53:21 <Southern_Gentlem> because ubunti hacked there grub to work with ext4 and fedoras doesnt
16:53:22 <underscores> ok I'm a bit pointless atm
16:53:57 <Southern_Gentlem> move on
16:54:01 <MadBus> fenris02: when do you sleep? you have a fullr ainbow on the stats
16:54:02 <Khaytsus> Is grub2 ever going to be released?
16:54:13 <nirik> Khaytsus: see jeremy's post about that on the devel list.
16:54:34 <Southern_Gentlem> hopefully and we can put it in re-spin
16:54:38 * MadBus wanders what meeting topic is?
16:54:43 <nirik> basically grub2 is a totally different code base and project. It lacks tons of support/patches we have patched into grub1.
16:54:43 <LinuxCode> nirik, errm who has control over the installation guides ?
16:54:58 * nirik points MadBus to the topic. ;)
16:54:59 <LinuxCode> maybe we could have them add another red warning box
16:55:10 <EvilBob> Kevin Kofler had a pretty point blank post about the grub/ext4 issue on the -devel list
16:55:11 <MadBus> nirik: I see that
16:55:13 <nirik> LinuxCode: the install guide is published. You can't change it after release.
16:55:21 <LinuxCode> hmmm
16:55:24 <nirik> LinuxCode: we can add wiki notes tho
16:55:27 <LinuxCode> thats rather disappointing
16:55:29 <LinuxCode> yeh
16:55:39 <Khaytsus> nirik: ah.. grub2 is extremly old too at this point, it's pretty weird
16:55:40 <nirik> at least AFAIK. Perhaps I am wrong.
16:55:45 <ke4qqq> LinuxCode: file bugs - we'll update the IG - but it may be a few weeks
16:55:46 <EvilBob> Release notes get updated post release
16:55:52 <LinuxCode> question is where, as its not a bug, technically speaking
16:56:04 <EvilBob> I am sure the IG could be if there was enough reason
16:56:04 <LinuxCode> ke4qqq, ok
16:56:10 <ke4qqq> LinuxCode: bugzilla: component of Install Guide under Fedora Documentation
16:56:31 <LinuxCode> under bugzilla.redhat.com or do you guys run your own now ?
16:56:36 <ke4qqq> the IG is going to be updated several more times (we already have about 6 bugs in the queue for what will be the 11.1 version of the IG
16:56:56 <ke4qqq> LinuxCode: bugzilla.redhat.com
16:56:59 <LinuxCode> k
16:57:03 <LinuxCode> I get right on that
16:57:07 <nirik> thanks ke4qqq!
16:57:09 <ke4qqq> thanks!!
16:57:18 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
16:57:28 <LinuxCode> yeh thanks ke4qqq or it will drag on in support forever
16:57:30 <fenris02> awesome news ke4qqq , thanks
16:57:44 <nirik> anyone have anything further they would like to bring up? suggestions? lessons learned?
16:58:22 <underscores> underscores(+e)] [4:freenode/#fedora-meeting(+cn)] [Act: 2,3]
16:58:28 <underscores> what?
16:58:29 <mock> i've just started using my install of f11 but i'm finding the only thing i have to worry about this install is pulling my software back on (install, not upgrade for me)
16:58:32 <underscores> sorry for that
16:58:52 <nirik> mock: keep a list of what you like, re-install it after a new install. ;)
16:58:55 <mock> it's been faster to get things running after a switch. good show.
16:59:13 <MadBus> EvilBob: didn't you have a topic for open floor?
16:59:34 <mock> i was just gonna say that a lot things were working out of the box this time vs the past fedoras
16:59:45 <mock> +1 to all involved
16:59:45 <fenris02> mock, Excellent news
17:00:00 <nirik> mock: cool.
17:00:17 <underscores> hm, somehow I think that the problem I had with packagekit isnt solved yet
17:00:28 <nirik> Oh, as a side note here, I have news/info about this meetbot plugin. I am going to post to devel tho, as it's somewhat involved. I hope we can keep using it.
17:01:22 <Southern_Gentlem> nirik the ones who have used seem to like it
17:01:40 * MadBus thinks that generally new release was handled well in #Fedora
17:01:53 <MadBus> we had a new record in #Fedora
17:02:03 <nirik> also a record in social I think
17:02:06 <MadBus> I think we were able to handle the load pretty well
17:02:34 <nirik> note that the load is probibly going to continue to be high as people install what they have downloaded and run into issues.
17:03:25 <nirik> so, everyone keep up the great work. ;)
17:03:44 <nirik> anyone have anything else? or shall we close out?
17:03:59 * MadBus gratuitously pats everyone who helped out this week on the back.
17:04:56 * nirik will close the meeting in 60seconds unless a new topic comes up
17:05:55 <nirik> #endmeeting