16:08:00 | INFO | rdieter | Kevin_Kofler elected to FESCo, any issues to bring up in the FESCo meeting? |
16:08:56 | Topic: Kevin_Kofler elected to FESCo, any issues to bring up in the FESCo meeting? | ||
16:15:47 | Topic: RPM Macros for packaging, http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE/PackagingCleanup#Macros | ||
16:22:24 | ACTION | rdieter | MathStuf to take http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE/PackagingCleanup#Macros to mailing lists for further discussion |
16:22:56 | Topic: critical path packages - does it affect us? should it? how? | ||
16:32:15 | HALP | rdieter | volunteers to help qa kde-related items |
16:39:33 | Topic: sharing brand with upstream | ||
16:46:25 | ACTION | rdieter | jreznik to continue as liason between fedora-art team and upsream kde art folks in "sharing branding" |
16:46:53 | Topic: Fedora 12 KDE 4.3 feature page | ||
16:50:38 | LINK | ltinkl | http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/solid-devicekit/ |
16:51:09 | LINK | jreznik | http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/polkit-qt-1/ |
16:56:00 | Topic: open discussion | ||
16:56:48 | LINK | ltinkl | http://www.grancanariadesktopsummit.org |
16:59:59 | Topic: gran caria summit | ||
17:00:05 | LINK | rdieter | http://www.grancanariadesktopsummit.org |