#fedora-meeting: Spins Sig
Meeting started by nirik at 17:18:22 UTC. The full
logs are available.
Meeting log
Meeting ended at 18:14:50 UTC.
Action Items
- kanarip will make a draft re-occuring spin page for review and voting
next week.
- kanarip and biertie will rename the category Incomplete_Spins to
- biertie and kanarip to rename category Incomplete_Spins to
- kanarip to split up the spin-kickstarts package, release to rawhide,
revisit next week
- brunowolff to draft a discontinued spins process for next meeting
- biertie to move LXDE Spins page to category Spins_Ready_for_Board
- bruno to start an agenda for next meeting
Action Items, by person
- biertie
- kanarip and biertie will rename the category Incomplete_Spins to
- biertie and kanarip to rename category Incomplete_Spins to
- biertie to move LXDE Spins page to category Spins_Ready_for_Board
- brunowolff
- brunowolff to draft a discontinued spins process for next meeting
- kanarip
- kanarip will make a draft re-occuring spin page for review and
voting next week.
- kanarip and biertie will rename the category Incomplete_Spins to
- biertie and kanarip to rename category Incomplete_Spins to
- kanarip to split up the spin-kickstarts package, release to rawhide,
revisit next week
- bruno to start an agenda for next meeting
People Present (lines said)
- kanarip (98)
- nirik (80)
- brunowolff (40)
- maxamillion (19)
- biertie (15)
- huff (14)
- sdziallas (12)
- onekopaka (1)
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