#fedora-meeting Meeting
Meeting started by tk009 at 15:02:10 UTC. The full
logs are available.
Meeting log
- * Triage Metrics and FAS - Update on the status (tk009-15:05:35)
- * Status on Critical path packages triage list (tk009-15:11:28)
- * Status on Kernel bug triage (tk009-15:31:23)
- AGREED: ext step for kernel triage is to set up a kinda trial:
pick a component from the kernel, say wireless drivers, and have
someone start trying to triage it (arxs-15:36:50)
- * Bugzilla Semantics - Discuss the proposals and feedback.
Meeting ended at 16:04:46 UTC.
Action Items
- fix the CPCL to use the source pkg names, not the binary pkg name
- adamw will and send a follow-up email to the list summarizing the
current state
Action Items, by person
- adamw
- adamw will and send a follow-up email to the list summarizing the
current state
- fix the CPCL to use the source pkg names, not the binary pkg name
People Present (lines said)
- adamw (99)
- tk009 (82)
- f13 (48)
- mcepl (44)
- arxs (35)
- wwoods (22)
- jwb (10)
- maxamillion (10)
- poelcat (7)
- ajax (4)
- thomasj (1)
- SMParrish (1)
- stickster (1)
- mizmo (1)
- skvidal (1)
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