20:14:22 <heffer> #startmeeting
20:14:35 <heffer> #chair liknus
20:14:44 <liknus> ok nice heffer
20:14:51 <liknus> lets start with a rollcall
20:14:56 <wonderer_> #chair wonderer
20:14:57 <heffer> #topic Rollcall
20:15:08 <liknus> Pierros Papadeas
20:15:15 <red_alert> Sandro Mathys
20:15:17 <kital> .fas kital
20:15:27 <sdziallas> Sebastian Dziallas
20:15:37 <killefiz> Sven Lankes
20:15:38 <dreamer> lala, am I too late for the emea meeting? -_-
20:15:45 <dreamer> sorry, I forgot, I was playing with computers ..
20:15:47 <heffer> Felix Kaechele
20:15:49 * wonderer_ Henrik Heigl
20:15:54 <dmaphy> Dominic Hopf
20:15:55 <fabian_a> FabianAffolter
20:16:02 <DigitalFlux> is this English :)
20:16:12 <YaderV> Yader Veláquez
20:16:14 <DigitalFlux> Ph
20:16:18 <DigitalFlux> Ahmed El Gamil
20:16:35 <liknus> Ok guys, today's meeting is mainly about logistics and swag, but lets stick to the agenda and let Joerg make any additional remarks :)
20:16:40 <dreamer> Alexander Chalikiopoulos
20:16:55 <heffer> liknus, set the topic with #topic you topic goes here
20:17:04 <liknus> ok heffer :)
20:17:42 <liknus> joerg is there anything on mentoring?
20:17:56 <kital> yes
20:18:22 <kital> we moved from the old ticket system after one year and 1109 tickets to the new onw
20:18:24 <kital> one
20:18:48 <kital> now we all can follow the mentoring and approval process at every time
20:18:57 <kital> https://fedorahosted.org/fama/report/6
20:19:22 <kital> mentoring turns out to be as effective as expected
20:19:24 <kital> eof
20:19:26 <liknus> Nicely done kital :)
20:19:50 <liknus> Lets move on upcoming events
20:19:57 <liknus> #upcoming events on EMEA
20:20:04 <liknus> #topic upcoming events on EMEA
20:20:18 <heffer> FrOSCon is coming up Aug. 22 - 23
20:20:23 <dreamer> HAR is even sooner
20:20:41 <liknus> bout the HAR..
20:20:43 <dreamer> let me check the dates
20:20:49 <dreamer> 13-16 aug
20:20:56 <liknus> is there anything that is needed in particular?
20:20:59 <dreamer> but I'll be there some days before
20:21:12 <dreamer> well, some shwag would be nice ofcourse
20:21:30 <liknus> where do ypu live dreamer?
20:21:41 <dreamer> F11 cd/dvd's for installment, but maybe loupgaroublond and I can fix a couple of usb-sticks to install with
20:21:53 <dreamer> liknus: Wageningen, just like loupgaroublond and pingou
20:22:10 <dreamer> pingou: you are not going to HAR right?
20:22:27 <dreamer> liknus: check out https://wiki.har2009.org/page/HackersonaBike we started that as well ;)
20:22:47 <liknus> nice initiative :)
20:23:02 <dreamer> anyway, loup and I are each going to bring a partytent and make our own private lecture/hacker-space from that
20:23:26 <liknus> maybe some local ambassadors have some leftovers on swag...
20:23:28 <dreamer> something big with Fedora on it would be really good. I don't know if there are any large banners circling around
20:23:41 <liknus> possibly Max
20:23:59 <dreamer> we should really get a proper eventbox for EMEA though, but that has been discussed many times already ;)
20:24:08 <liknus> ill let him know, and he'll contact you (if not already did)
20:24:31 <liknus> the EMEA box is a topic for todays meeting..we ll come to that
20:24:33 <dreamer> I hope to get a working projector and bring that with me as wel, then we can give a lecture or 2 during the event
20:24:36 <dreamer> ok!
20:24:52 <d3vice> hi
20:24:59 <liknus> So ill inform Max in the HAR issue :)
20:25:05 <d3vice> emea meeting still on ?
20:25:10 <heffer> right on :)
20:25:11 <liknus> moving to the next event :)
20:25:25 <dreamer> ok, any spare swag would be sweet, I can't think of any particulars from the top of my head though
20:25:35 <liknus> Froscon
20:25:38 <heffer> okay so for froscon we already have people bringing CDs and DVDs
20:25:38 <dreamer> maybe loupgaroublond has some points, but I guess he's drinking beer with a friend ;)
20:25:48 <d3vice> Pedro Silva, Fedora Ambassador Portugal
20:25:56 <liknus> Is anyone here attending FrosCon?
20:26:01 <heffer> however there I or the other attendants don't have any other swag they could bring
20:26:07 <liknus> d3vice, welcome onboard
20:26:18 <heffer> the froscon wiki page is at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FrOSCon_2009
20:26:20 <heffer> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FrOSCon_2009
20:26:43 <heffer> dmaphy is attending froscon
20:26:47 <heffer> I'm the event owner
20:26:55 <dmaphy> indeed :)
20:27:07 <heffer> red_alert will also be there
20:27:09 <liknus> I could possibly send you 200 buttons
20:27:16 <liknus> by mail
20:27:20 <heffer> that would be great
20:27:53 <liknus> heffer, send me an email with your postal address so as we could see on the P&P issues..
20:28:09 <heffer> what I'm especially concerned about is the decoration of the booth. are there banners available that can be used to decorate the booth?
20:28:26 <heffer> if we don't have banners available i could possibly print some
20:28:33 <liknus> heffer, there are some here in Greece but ill have to see the postal expenses
20:28:48 <wonderer_> heffer: my guess is ask max or gerold if you could have the ones from LinuxTag. They are very nice.
20:29:06 <heffer> i think that would be easier than sending them from greece
20:29:17 <dreamer> heffer: if we have a banner for HAR I could send it to you after the event perhaps
20:29:30 <liknus> wonderer_, heffer i think neither of them will go to FrOScon..
20:29:40 <liknus> dreamer, thats a nice idea
20:29:54 <dreamer> I'm not sure of loup will go to there either, he already went to germany this month ;)
20:30:03 <heffer> but if Gerold or kital has a banner they could send it within Germany
20:30:06 <dreamer> maybe kanarip will attend, not sure
20:30:09 <wonderer_> liknus: maybe, but the banners are anywhere near one of the both ;-) ... or at kitals "Eventmobil" ...
20:30:19 <kanarip> boo
20:30:19 <heffer> should be cheaper than sending stuff from the netherlands or greece
20:30:30 <dreamer> hey kanarip ;)
20:30:31 <wonderer_> kanarip: welcome.
20:30:35 <liknus> the "kital" idea sound nice
20:30:41 <DigitalFlux> Badges, medals and pens would be nice too
20:30:47 <heffer> kanarip, were you thinking about attending FrOSCon?
20:30:48 <liknus> kital, ?
20:30:53 * kital can send a banner
20:31:13 <kanarip> wasn't planning on it yet, but when and where is froscon?
20:31:15 <liknus> DigitalFlux, badges=buttons and ill handle it :)
20:31:22 <heffer> #action liknus sends 200 buttons to heffer
20:31:31 <liknus> 22-23 Aug
20:31:37 <wonderer_> kanarip: see froscon.de
20:31:37 <heffer> kanarip, August 22 - 23 near Bonn, Germany
20:31:50 <heffer> #action kital sends a banner for FrOSCon to heffer
20:31:53 <dreamer> kanarip: too bad you are not going to HAR, but loup said you don't like camping ;)
20:32:10 <liknus> ok, is anything else on FrOScon?
20:32:11 <wonderer_> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FrOSCon_2009
20:32:19 <kanarip> dreamer, i did not say either of these things
20:32:24 <heffer> i got one thing
20:32:39 <liknus> heffer:
20:32:51 <dreamer> kanarip: hehe, I think he deducted that you like expensive hotelrooms too much to like camping ;)
20:33:04 <heffer> the hotel rooms that are subsidized by froscon are completely booked on friday Aug. 22. i managed to get 2 double rooms for that night
20:33:28 <heffer> i assigned them to jenskuehnel, red_alert, mariobehling and dmaphy
20:33:47 <heffer> because those are the people i have notice of already.
20:33:59 <heffer> on saturday we can have more rooms
20:34:06 <liknus> So there is a need for how many more?
20:34:17 <heffer> however the guy from FrOSCon wants to know about it by tomorrow
20:34:26 <heffer> if there are more people attending then yes
20:34:42 <heffer> currently i will sleep at home for that friday then
20:34:44 <liknus> heffer, have you got anyone in mind?
20:34:45 <dreamer> do you think your current list on the wiki is complete or will more people join in ?
20:35:10 <heffer> liknus, Robert Lazzurs has made an entry to the Wikipage however all mails to his account bounce
20:35:27 <heffer> i think that more people are likely to join in
20:35:28 * killefiz is also going to attend froscon but I'm going to sleep @home
20:35:55 <heffer> however the guys from froscon didn't give any information for ages and now they want all information from me like tomorrow...
20:36:12 <liknus> I guess we could contact them
20:36:26 <heffer> so i'll just note that there are no subsidized rooms for fridays anymore
20:36:29 <liknus> heffer, to get some extra time like 2 days
20:37:21 <liknus> That sould be enough time for Robert to contact us and finalize our list
20:37:27 <red_alert> robert lazzurs is also the guy who had a talk scheduled for fudcon but wasn't there in the end (and didn't tell anyone in advance)
20:37:28 <liknus> What do you think?
20:38:00 <liknus> red_alert, we assume he'll repeat it ? :D
20:38:01 <heffer> yes i'll just tell the guy from froscon which people definitely need a room and then contact him later for additional rooms
20:38:17 <heffer> liknus, i didn't hear anything from him yet
20:38:29 <liknus> #action heffer contacts FrOScon guys for additional rooms
20:38:35 <heffer> maybe he doesn't even exist :)
20:38:52 <red_alert> liknus: well, what happened during fudcon plus that mails to his fp.o email address bounce doesn't make him very trustworthy
20:38:54 <liknus> heffer, thats a chance :)
20:39:11 <red_alert> he exists, he had a talk during FOSDEM in our dev room
20:39:17 <liknus> red_alert, i suggest we give him an extra chance :)
20:39:57 <liknus> and a friendly bounce on that issues too :)
20:40:09 <liknus> So, ok bout FrOScon?
20:40:18 <heffer> from my side yes
20:40:34 <red_alert> +1
20:40:40 <liknus> nice :)
20:42:06 <liknus> so moving on, we are done with the events i guess
20:43:12 <liknus> #topic Status of EMEA swag
20:43:12 <liknus> Now on EMEA swag
20:43:36 <liknus> I think we should create a wiki page on the status of various swag so as anyone can contact a nearby Fedora fellow for various swag
20:43:54 <heffer> maybe a swag map :)
20:44:09 <dreamer> liknus: good idea, maybe make out a couple of zones
20:44:11 <liknus> Thats something that could and up in a coordination that could result to an EMEA Event box
20:44:15 <d3vice> i would like some fedora swag, but i have no event to attend/present
20:44:28 <liknus> Any ideas on that?
20:44:51 <dreamer> someone should really find out what postal-costs are around EMEA, especially for the EventBox that would be good to know
20:45:12 <heffer> i think i could do some research and set something up
20:45:21 <dreamer> because maybe in the long run 2 or 3 boxes would be better than one that gets shipped all over the place
20:46:11 <dreamer> I think between germany, benelux and france 1 would already barely be enough, there are quite some events throughout the year at least
20:46:24 <liknus> anyone?
20:46:53 <heffer> is there a page that states what should be in that box?
20:47:06 <liknus> heffer, there is one for the NA one
20:47:32 <heffer> because i only will own my first event this august so i don't really have the experience to say what an event-owner needs :)
20:47:36 <liknus> but i think that the concept is not what is "inside" but the box itself
20:47:38 <d3vice> is the NA one very different of what we in EMEA pretend?
20:47:47 <wonderer_> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EventBox
20:47:48 <heffer> but I'll definitely take notes
20:48:01 <heffer> d3vice, well the plugs need to be european i guess :)
20:48:09 <d3vice> eh :)
20:48:14 <liknus> d3vice, not at all but different event need diferent swag
20:48:22 <d3vice> sure
20:49:01 <liknus> for example a dev event do not need much CDs as a user based event...
20:49:08 <dreamer> I think some basics like cd's stickers, buttons, a banner
20:49:32 <dreamer> at least, and if someone has the box and a large amount of swag, they can put some extra in the box
20:49:35 <liknus> So anyone volunteering on the creation of a swag EMEA status page? (or even contradicting the idea?)
20:49:35 <dreamer> let it grow ;)
20:49:48 <d3vice> +1
20:50:01 <kital> ! Yaakov has this task from FUDCon
20:50:18 <dreamer> I think it's a good idea, I hear people having stashes of swag quite frequently, but it would be nice to know who has what and especially has spare swag to send around
20:50:19 <liknus> dreamer, there are some limitations on the size of the box, or else the P&P costs raise much
20:50:30 <dreamer> liknus: true, size and weight ofcourse
20:50:39 <kital> kanarip do you know about a report about event box?
20:51:04 <liknus> ok, i think i can make a starting page for starters :)
20:51:06 * kanarip points to biertie
20:51:12 <kital> the plan is that we get a shipping account by Yaakov
20:51:18 <kanarip> we've been keeping notes on his laptop
20:51:23 <DigitalFlux> i think we need to create a table defining postal costs between countries for the EventBox
20:51:32 <kital> i just remember you typed
20:51:41 <liknus> DigitalFlux, thats not sth fixed
20:52:05 <liknus> Shall we seperate & clarify the topics here? :)
20:52:27 <liknus> The one issue is the *current* status of swag
20:52:48 <liknus> The other being the future event Box and shipping of various swag
20:53:03 <liknus> On the first one are we clear on the wiki page?
20:53:16 <dreamer> I think so
20:53:22 <DigitalFlux> checking ..
20:53:57 <liknus> #action Liknus creates a wiki page on current Status of EMEA swag
20:54:26 <heffer> nice :)
20:54:45 <kital> !
20:55:00 <liknus> On that i want to mention that i have 1000 buttons here :) So anyone in need till September shall say it now :)
20:55:04 <heffer> kital, just go on :)
20:55:05 <liknus> kital,
20:55:44 <kital> just to clarify the process if you need swag for your event create a ticket at https://fedorahosted.org/famsco
20:55:59 <dreamer> well, I don't know how many buttons we'd need for HAR, if we want them that is ;)
20:56:10 <kital> eof
20:56:15 <dreamer> but anywhere between 10 and 100 would probably be nice :)
20:56:15 <d3vice> thanks kital
20:56:30 <DigitalFlux> Okay, i get the idea now, sorry first time for me her, a newbie :)
20:56:35 <liknus> kital, thanks for remembering that! ill add it to the page as a note
20:56:47 <liknus> DigitalFlux, no need for worries :)
20:57:02 <liknus> dreamer, ill arrange it
20:57:19 <dreamer> kital: but, is the ticket system only for new swag? or also to get swag from people that have way too much, like liknus ?
20:57:37 <kital> it is event related
20:57:57 <kital> you know what you need and we try to help you
20:58:21 <kital> or give you the money to produce your own
20:58:21 <liknus> dreamer, i am afraid there is no way famsco can know about how many leftovers are there...thats why we create the wiki page i think. right kital?
20:58:25 <dreamer> ok, I'll discuss with Yaakov and biertie on what we think we need for the event and create a ticket this week
20:58:44 <dreamer> liknus: yes ok, so the trac is just to document the needs for specific events
20:58:54 <kital> it is worth a try
20:59:00 <liknus> right dreamer :)
20:59:14 <liknus> kital, we'll do our best :)
20:59:25 <liknus> Now, on the Event Box issue
20:59:27 <heffer> i think keeping track of what swag is where is essential
20:59:50 <kital> the name say it - if you need to keep track on something use trac
20:59:55 <DigitalFlux> heffer, indeed
21:00:23 <kital> why not create a fedorahosted instance emeaswag?
21:00:28 <DigitalFlux> kital, trac wiki or tickets ?
21:00:40 <d3vice> kital: instead of wiki?
21:01:04 <kital> yes
21:01:05 <liknus> kital i cannot handle it... you think it will be easily managed?
21:01:15 <DigitalFlux> d3vice, this is what i was pointing to, wiki pages is sufficient, no ?
21:01:29 <liknus> +1
21:01:39 <d3vice> i dont know, trac tracks, wiki has history
21:01:59 <kital> trac has also a history
21:02:06 <d3vice> ok
21:02:09 <liknus> d3vice, also accounts are needed for trac or not?
21:02:18 <DigitalFlux> i cann't seem to imagine how trac can "track" the swag
21:02:18 <heffer> liknus, it uses FAS
21:02:19 <dreamer> wiki is probably easier for many ambassadors to review, I personally have 0 experience with trac
21:02:21 <kital> and if you ever get lost on the event wiki page you know what i mean
21:02:25 <d3vice> dunno, doenst it use fas?
21:02:29 <liknus> heffer, thnks
21:02:59 <kital> ping fabian_a
21:03:02 <DigitalFlux> if we are going for the wiki, then tables can do it efficiently
21:03:14 <DigitalFlux> how is that going to be done in trac ?
21:03:19 <liknus> kital, poorly designed wiki pages are not to blame the whole wiki process :)
21:03:25 <dreamer> hehe
21:03:28 <d3vice> :)
21:03:34 <fabian_a> kital: pong
21:04:07 <wonderer_> hy stickster
21:04:10 <kital> fabian_a: setting up a trac instance for our purpose would take how long
21:04:12 <kital> ?
21:04:35 <DigitalFlux> i think fedorahosted automates that
21:04:47 <DigitalFlux> may be time is needed for setting components and stuff like that
21:04:53 <fabian_a> kital: are you talking about a new project at fedorahosted?
21:04:58 <kital> yes
21:05:23 <fabian_a> kitel: not very long, maybe a day or two
21:05:41 <liknus> can you handle it fabian_a ?
21:06:10 <fabian_a> liknus: i can do that
21:06:19 <kital> just to give an idea
21:06:21 <kital> https://fedorahosted.org/fama/ticket/35
21:06:39 <kital> this is how we customized fama for the membership process
21:06:57 <kital> the design team moved also from wiki to trac
21:07:05 <kital> a few weeks ago
21:07:14 <liknus> Ok, shall we give it a try too?
21:07:21 <kital> you can vote
21:07:40 <kital> i do not want to talk people into something but i thing it is the cleaner way
21:07:44 <dreamer> I personally am a bit rulectant, but if the people working on it are confident, then so am I :)
21:07:45 <liknus> +1 for me (just trying something new sounds great)
21:07:47 <heffer> i think so too
21:07:58 <d3vice> +1
21:08:05 <wonderer_> +1
21:08:08 <kital> +1
21:08:28 <heffer> #agreed Create a Fedorahosted Project for tracking Swag
21:08:31 <liknus> ok, i think it passed :D
21:08:38 <d3vice> tracking EMEA swag
21:08:42 <DigitalFlux> +1 (looks cool, but needs some customization to completely fit the needs)
21:08:45 <heffer> 'undo
21:08:47 <heffer> #undo
21:08:52 <liknus> d3vice, good point!
21:08:55 <heffer> #agreed Create a Fedorahosted Project for tracking EMEA Swag
21:09:11 <heffer> hey i like that bot :D
21:09:17 <heffer> if it works in the end :D
21:09:24 <DigitalFlux> me too :)
21:09:24 <d3vice> hehe
21:09:25 <liknus> heffer, it looks realy nice :)
21:09:26 <kital> fabian_a: thanks for taking the task to reguest the instance for EMEA
21:09:28 <kital> swag
21:09:56 <fabian_a> ?
21:09:57 <d3vice> thank you fabian_a
21:09:58 <liknus> Anything more on that?
21:10:00 <kital> i volunteer to customize the fields
21:10:15 <kital> when it's set up
21:10:28 <liknus> nice kital :)
21:10:43 <kital> fabian_a
21:10:46 <heffer> #action fabian_a requests a Trac instance to track EMEA swag
21:11:02 <heffer> #action kital customizes the fields of the new trac instance
21:11:28 <fabian_a> is it only for emea, right?
21:11:37 <liknus> right fabian_a
21:12:16 <liknus> Moving on to EMEA box...
21:12:28 <kital> !
21:12:33 <liknus> kital,
21:12:52 <kital> can we skip that until we have the log from fudcon session to this topic
21:13:10 <liknus> kital, maybe thats just nice
21:13:10 <heffer> +1 don't duplicate work
21:13:32 <heffer> #topic EMEA Event box
21:13:45 <heffer> everyone okay with skipping this topic?
21:13:58 <d3vice> i think much of the NA box suits EMEA needs
21:14:23 <d3vice> apart from EU ppowerplugs and something else we forget
21:14:31 <liknus> Maybe we could discuss it next week on a flash meeting on that and on discussing possible quotes on mass production of swags
21:14:48 <heffer> #agreed Topic of EMEA Event Box will be discussed as soon as we have logs from FUDCon on that topic
21:14:53 <heffer> is that okay with everyone?
21:14:57 <liknus> +1
21:14:57 <kital> +1
21:15:00 <d3vice> +1
21:15:03 <DigitalFlux> +1
21:15:09 <dmaphy> +1
21:15:14 <heffer> okay then that is agreeed :D
21:15:22 <dreamer> hehe, sure
21:15:29 <dreamer> but, what logs are we talking about?
21:15:39 <dreamer> a previous #fedora-meeting discussion?
21:15:50 <liknus> An discussion during FUDCON
21:16:12 <dreamer> ah ok
21:16:26 <dreamer> someone transcribed it?
21:16:37 <kital> yes bierti
21:16:48 <dreamer> ah, nice
21:16:55 <dreamer> hehe, and he just went offline ;)
21:17:29 <liknus> nevermind, :) shall we move to the next topic?
21:17:37 <kital> ok guys - late for me - i have to go
21:17:39 <wonderer_> +1
21:17:46 <kital> cu later
21:17:46 <dreamer> bye kital
21:17:52 <wonderer_> ciao
21:17:52 <liknus> bye kital
21:17:55 <dreamer> what other topics do we have?
21:18:01 <liknus> T-shirt design
21:18:10 <dreamer> ah
21:18:13 <liknus> #topic T-shirts design EMEA
21:18:30 <liknus> Now, any ideas on that?
21:18:33 <dreamer> I have some old I <3 fedora shirts here that yaakov didn't want .. they are really ugly ..
21:18:45 <dreamer> so we want specific EMEA T-shirts?
21:18:57 <dreamer> or just fedora shirts produced by emea?
21:18:58 <liknus> There always the possibility for Release specific ones but those are short-lived
21:19:01 <heffer> i'd love some new stylish Fedora tshirts
21:19:13 <liknus> dreamer we could consider both possibilities
21:19:13 <d3vice> +1 for release specifics
21:19:20 <heffer> maybe agree on a "standard" EMEA T-Shirt
21:19:38 <heffer> and if we produce them for all of EMEA we could produce in high volumes
21:19:53 <d3vice> dont like the idea of emea tshirt, goes against the "unity" factor of fedora IMHO
21:20:02 <dreamer> hmm, +1
21:20:03 <liknus> heffer, surely that would be easier for costs
21:20:13 <dreamer> I'm not sure how and why you can stand out as EMEA
21:20:20 <liknus> d3vice, thats not so strict
21:20:48 <liknus> Maybe the EMEA sign could be just small...
21:21:03 <dreamer> is there an EMEA sign?
21:21:16 <liknus> EMEA letters i mean :)
21:21:43 <dreamer> ok, hehe
21:22:03 <kital> have to come back ;) - dreamer there is a general https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/PoloShirt
21:22:04 <liknus> maybe we should contact design team on that
21:22:10 <DigitalFlux> some other open source project printed the Signs of user groups at the right hand of the t-shirt
21:22:22 <kital> maybe we can produce blue t-shirts
21:22:25 <DigitalFlux> and the rest of the t-shirt is the same
21:22:39 <wonderer_> why have "EMEA" at all on the shirt? Why just a nice Design wich can "transformed" also e.g. for NA, LATAM, etc. if wanted...
21:22:49 <liknus> kital, i think thats something we all have :D (fortunately)
21:23:05 <dreamer> I think those polo's are pretty good as well .. way better than the white 'I <3 fedora' ones anyway
21:23:35 <liknus> Lets not only think about events. There is also everyday usage
21:23:49 <liknus> Polo-shirt is not very usable
21:23:56 <dreamer> it's not?
21:23:57 <DigitalFlux> dreamer, i  agree
21:24:04 <liknus> wonderer_, thats a good idea
21:24:12 <DigitalFlux> why not back t-shirts with big fedora logo in the center
21:24:24 <DigitalFlux> s/back/black
21:24:33 <wonderer_> liknus: good point. the Ambassador polos are good for Events. But not on all Events, meetings, etc. such a Polo is suitable ;-)
21:24:34 <liknus> We can surely contact design team on the EMEA, NA, LATAM design think
21:24:47 <dreamer> I don't think EMEA, NA or LATAM on a t-shirt/polo adds anything to it really, it might be nice for big international events, but not for everyday or general use
21:24:50 <DigitalFlux> and EMEA sign on the right side mat be
21:25:28 <d3vice> so no release specific aka memorabilia? ;)
21:25:29 <liknus> dreamer, a small region sign would be discreet and nice one :)
21:25:47 <dreamer> well maybe, but that would be 2nd to the overal design ;)
21:25:48 <liknus> d3vice, thats something world-Fedora-wide
21:26:07 <d3vice> ok
21:26:08 <heffer> what do you think about the "Fedora Splatter" on http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/T-Shirt
21:26:08 <liknus> i think design team has already a Release specific one
21:27:01 <liknus> Ok . lets round it up
21:27:20 <dreamer> 1) we want new shirts
21:27:36 <liknus> 2 )We should contact design team for the possibility of EMEA, NA, LATAM thing,,,
21:28:22 <DigitalFlux> that splatter is so cool !
21:28:26 <heffer> it is
21:28:27 <liknus> 3) We need to see the economics on the production.. Partially funded ones?, fully user paid? etc....
21:29:03 <liknus> So we need to also contact Max on that too..
21:29:04 <wonderer_> liknus: I think we could only speak for EMEA here ;-) but you can file a Design Ticket and ask the others if they want to join. I e.g. did not know the Shirts Latam have right now ;-)
21:29:21 <heffer> liknus, could you add this points as #info to the bot?
21:29:39 <dreamer> if we as EMEA want to order shirt we can look for companies that produce in large quantities
21:30:09 <liknus> #info Thoughts on T-Shirt EMEA production
21:30:13 * DigitalFlux is wondering, are EMEA ambassadors that few or they just don't attend meetings :)
21:30:16 <dreamer> or, we could start a shop on spreadshirt to upload design to, but then people have to order from that, which would be economically a disadvantage
21:30:27 <liknus> #info 1) we want new shirts
21:30:39 <wonderer_> maybe if we had (soon ?) the FedShop we could sell those over this shop and fedora users (like Ambassadors) could get it a bit cheaper...
21:30:40 <liknus> heffer, is this the format needed ? :S
21:31:13 <heffer> liknus, well otherwise it will not be explicitly logged in the minutes i think
21:31:17 <heffer> it says: Add an info item to the minutes. People should liberally use this for important things they say, so that they can be logged in the minutes.
21:31:43 <wonderer_> dreamer: as far as I know the shop idea is allready rolling around. But max and/or gerold should know more about that...
21:31:46 <liknus> #info 2) We should contact design team for the possibility of EMEA, NA, LATAM thing...
21:31:57 <dreamer> hmmm, I'm thinking maybe we want shirts for booth-babes as well
21:32:00 <liknus> #info 3) We need to see the economics on the production.. Partially funded ones?, fully user paid? etc...
21:32:06 <liknus> Maybe some actions?
21:32:55 <liknus> So lets first contact Gerold and Max on That and rediscuss it on the next meeting ?
21:33:04 <dreamer> sure
21:33:10 <d3vice> +1
21:33:10 <wonderer_> I could file the Ticket for the Design team...
21:33:37 <dreamer> so next week a quick meet on the eventbox and next big meeting a topic on the shirts when max and/or gerold is/are present?
21:33:57 <liknus> #action wonderer_ file a ticket for Design Team on t-shirt region sign
21:34:08 <liknus> dreamer, +1
21:35:10 <liknus> #action liknus contact Max and Gerold on the t-shirts issue, postponing it or not for the FedoraShop
21:35:13 <liknus> Are we ok?
21:36:02 <heffer> i think so
21:36:27 <liknus> Anyone else something on that?
21:36:31 <heffer> #meetingtopic Fedora Ambassadors EMEA Meeting
21:36:35 <dreamer> nope
21:36:36 <heffer> :D
21:37:05 <liknus> OK. So any other particular requests on swag?
21:37:22 <dreamer> liknus: I'll have to discuss with loup and biertie what we need
21:37:44 <liknus> dreamer, do it and then file an appropriate ticket :)
21:37:45 <dreamer> #action dreamer discuss with loup and biertie what swag we need for HAR
21:38:39 <liknus> OK. So anything else (open floor) anyone ?
21:38:52 <inode0> heffer: FAmNA just had 300 splatter shirts made for NA
21:39:04 <dreamer> I think at least a banner, stickers, cd's, maybe some flyers and perhaps some t-shirts other than the 'I <3 fedora' ones :P
21:39:31 <heffer> inode0, then i guess we need to make 400 for EMEA just to keep up ;)
21:39:40 <heffer> #topic Open Floor
21:39:48 <wonderer_> Ok, ticket is on https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/58
21:39:52 <liknus> thanks heffer :)
21:39:53 <inode0> the only downside is that it is a lot of colors so screen printing is more expensive
21:39:57 <dreamer> hehe, I'd like to see the splatter shirts in full though
21:40:02 <dreamer> anyone have a picture of one
21:40:24 <inode0> they are in transit right now, we'll have pictures in a week or so probably
21:40:32 * wonderer_ does not like the splatter theme so much
21:40:44 <dreamer> ok, they are on a black shirt I asume?
21:40:51 <inode0> yes, black shirts
21:40:54 <liknus> So, rounding up... Next meeting on next Wednesday on the EMEA box and any possible other issue
21:40:55 <inode0> splatter on the front
21:41:07 <dreamer> I think they are pretty cool, gives it a bit of a 'freehand' feeling
21:41:22 <dreamer> is there a fedora logo/tag on the back?
21:41:28 <kital> just to add - we produced the i <3 fedora with santa fe tex - this is our partner in emea for such things they know us and fedora emea ev
21:41:35 <liknus> #action Liknus creation of the next meeting page and agenda
21:41:37 <dreamer> ok
21:42:06 <dreamer> kital: can they handle designs with multi-layer/color like the splatter ?
21:42:15 <kital> yes -
21:42:32 <liknus> kital, can you get a quote on them?
21:42:38 <inode0> we left the back solid black to save some money since the front was so expensive
21:42:39 <dreamer> who is their primary contact?
21:42:40 <heffer> they should. or else they could probably shut down :D
21:42:56 <dreamer> inode0: how much was the whole batch ex shipping?
21:42:59 <kital> when the design is finished i will
21:43:30 <liknus> nice kital :)
21:43:39 <wonderer_> :-)
21:43:47 <inode0> regular 3 color shirts were around $1300 USD for 300, the splatter was 6 colors and ran about $1800 USD iirc
21:44:07 <dreamer> ok, wow
21:45:00 <dreamer> that makes it a lot more expensive, I'd guess >1500 eu for 400 at least
21:45:03 <d3vice> got to go, great meeting you
21:45:19 <liknus> bye d3vice
21:45:49 <dreamer> although that makes ~4 eu a shirt, which is ok I guess
21:45:52 <liknus> heffer, can you handle the log? (I could handle it too with some hints :) )
21:46:06 <inode0> it is going to be a nice change of pace though, probably we will still normally use white shirts with the two blue colors so we can make more of them
21:46:26 <heffer> liknus, okay so can we close the meeting then?
21:46:31 * dmaphy is going to sleep. good night everyone ;)
21:46:40 * dreamer should head to bed too
21:46:44 <liknus> heffer, if there is nothing more i think we are done :)
21:46:46 <dreamer> nice first meeting for me!
21:46:52 <heffer> okay
21:46:56 <liknus> dreamer, hehe! :D
21:46:59 <dreamer> liknus: will you send out a mail about the meeting next week?
21:47:03 <heffer> closind meeting in 10 sec :)
21:47:10 <heffer> 5
21:47:15 <liknus> #action liknus email for meeting
21:47:16 <heffer> #endmeeting