Meeting started by Sparks at 00:01:38 UTC. The full
logs are available.
Meeting log
Meeting ended at 01:20:14 UTC.
Action Items
- Sparks to follow up with the News people about Zikula
- Sparks to meet with News people and solicit a list of their needs
- Sparks to write rollout plan for license change
- ianweller to write press release
- rudi to help sparks on changing the fedora-brand in Publican for CC
- Sparks to create BZ component for Installation Quick Start Guide
- Sparks to create a BZ component for Virtualization Guide
- Sparks to send out reminder about the RN meeting
Action Items, by person
- ianweller
- ianweller to write press release
- rudi
- rudi to help sparks on changing the fedora-brand in Publican for CC
- Sparks
- Sparks to follow up with the News people about Zikula
- Sparks to meet with News people and solicit a list of their needs
- Sparks to write rollout plan for license change
- Sparks to create BZ component for Installation Quick Start Guide
- Sparks to create a BZ component for Virtualization Guide
- Sparks to send out reminder about the RN meeting
People Present (lines said)
- Sparks (145)
- stickster (46)
- ianweller (44)
- rudi (43)
- ke4qqq (24)
- jjmcd (18)
- perspectival (17)
- nirik (10)
- Tsagadai (5)
- danielsmw (4)
- mchua (3)
- bcotton (2)
- onekopaka_laptop (2)
- laubersm (1)
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