#fedora-meeting: Fedora Release Engineering Meeting
Meeting started by f13 at 18:10:16 UTC. The full
logs are available.
Meeting log
- roll call (f13-18:10:25)
- Old Business (f13-18:12:54)
- Orphans (old business) (f13-18:13:14)
- ACTION: f13 will re-post the current orphans that will break deps
to try and get some movement on them. (f13-18:16:46)
- gpg purging (old business) (f13-18:17:11)
- ACTION: f13 still needs to file a ticket about gpg purging in koij
- Critical Path (old business) (f13-18:18:51)
- Mass Rebuild (old business) (f13-18:24:24)
- ACTION: dgilmore will draft an SOP (with help) for managing RPM
changes in rawhide. (f13-18:25:49)
- INFO: Comps listing of critical packages is not a depclosed
listing. (f13-18:33:03)
- no frozen rawhide (old business) (f13-18:33:50)
- ACTION: f13 still needs to file a bodhi ticket (f13-18:38:04)
- ACTION: lmacken will create the ticket instead (f13-18:38:32)
- AGREED: No Frozen Rawhide has been punted to Fedora 13
- ACTION: f13 will report to FESCo this change. (f13-18:46:10)
- Rawhide fixup for rpm deps (old business) (f13-18:47:24)
- Fedora 12 Alpha (old business) (f13-18:51:06)
- ACTION: f13 to fix issues with full pungi composes in order to
produce Test Compose for Fedora 12 Alpha (f13-18:52:31)
- Package Signing (old business) (f13-18:56:46)
- ACTION: f13 will coordinate bridge/vault rebuild with smooge
- open floor (f13-19:07:06)
- ACTION: f13 to threaten recursive blocking if orphans are not
picked up by tomorrow (f13-19:12:11)
Meeting ended at 19:13:42 UTC.
Action Items
- f13 will re-post the current orphans that will break deps to try and
get some movement on them.
- f13 still needs to file a ticket about gpg purging in koij
- now that the ticket has been filed, lmacken will report in a week's
time if any progress has been made.
- f13 still needs to package offtrac
- dgilmore will draft an SOP (with help) for managing RPM changes in
- f13 still needs to file a bodhi ticket
- lmacken will create the ticket instead
- f13 will report to FESCo this change.
- f13 to fix issues with full pungi composes in order to produce Test
Compose for Fedora 12 Alpha
- f13 will coordinate bridge/vault rebuild with smooge
- f13 to threaten recursive blocking if orphans are not picked up by
Action Items, by person
- dgilmore
- dgilmore will draft an SOP (with help) for managing RPM changes in
- f13
- f13 will re-post the current orphans that will break deps to try and
get some movement on them.
- f13 still needs to file a ticket about gpg purging in koij
- f13 still needs to package offtrac
- f13 still needs to file a bodhi ticket
- f13 will report to FESCo this change.
- f13 to fix issues with full pungi composes in order to produce Test
Compose for Fedora 12 Alpha
- f13 will coordinate bridge/vault rebuild with smooge
- f13 to threaten recursive blocking if orphans are not picked up by
- lmacken
- now that the ticket has been filed, lmacken will report in a week's
time if any progress has been made.
- lmacken will create the ticket instead
- smooge
- f13 will coordinate bridge/vault rebuild with smooge
People Present (lines said)
- f13 (110)
- lmacken (31)
- jwb (20)
- dgilmore (19)
- skvidal (16)
- notting (14)
- wwoods (11)
- smooge (1)
- poelcat (1)
- warren (1)
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