21:00:01 <nirik> #startmeeting EPEL meeting
21:00:11 <nirik> #topic Roll call
21:00:17 <nirik> who all is around for the EPEL meeting?
21:02:13 <smooge> i am here
21:02:22 <nirik> cool. I'm not all alone... ;)
21:02:38 <smooge> well I could just be a voice in your head..
21:03:04 <smooge> at least thats what they tell me sometimes :P
21:03:23 <nirik> might be a short meeting... ;)
21:03:23 <smooge> sigh.. its like there is no time when people are able to make it
21:03:47 <nirik> yeah, we talked about moving it again... but it's always hard to tell if a time is better unless we just move i.
21:03:48 <nirik> it
21:04:47 <nirik> I'm pretty flexable on meetings... basically anytime there isn't another one I am in.
21:05:26 <smooge> i am now too
21:05:56 <nirik> I guess we could just try another time/day and see if we get more folks? Or just keep trying for this time.
21:06:01 <smooge> I think fesco meetings drain the life out of some people
21:06:10 <smooge> i mean how many do you guys have a week
21:07:36 <nirik> normally just one long one...
21:07:50 <smooge> oh I thought it was tuesday and friday
21:08:15 <smooge> well what was the run for this meeting?
21:08:22 <nirik> we have special sessions sometimes... if we have too much stuff for one.
21:08:45 <nirik> we had a few items for this week... lets see.
21:08:49 <stahnma> sorry Im late
21:08:51 <nirik> #topic Communicating about stable requests
21:09:01 <nirik> hey stahnma. :)
21:09:13 * abadger1999 looksin
21:09:14 <stahnma> I need to set an appt on calendar
21:09:23 <nirik> so dgilmore brought this up... how can we communicate better to our maintainers that they shouldn't try and push something to stable directly?
21:09:42 <dgilmore> yes i did
21:09:53 <dgilmore> we need changes in bodhi to enforce it
21:10:01 <stahnma> can we remove the stable button?
21:10:03 * ricky suggests a note in the make update templtae.
21:10:04 <ricky> **template
21:10:22 <ricky> (That'd be in Makefile.common)
21:10:32 <dgilmore> ricky: wont help
21:10:40 <dgilmore> not everyone does make update
21:10:40 <ricky> It would have helped me
21:10:53 <ricky> That + enforcing it in bodhi would be good
21:11:20 <dgilmore> ive had people still try and push to stable evern after ive moved back to testing and explained that it violates EPEL policies
21:11:53 <smooge> yeah that little push loop a couple of weeks back was annoying
21:12:05 <nirik> perhaps a wiki page we could point people to?
21:12:14 <dgilmore> if bodhi wouldnt push to stable unless we pass an option or its been in testing 2 weeks will help me keep my hair
21:12:21 <nirik> I did update the policy page... but we could make a more concise one for this issue.
21:13:02 <ricky> dgilmore: What hair? :-)
21:13:10 <dgilmore> ricky: i have some
21:13:20 <ricky> Hehe
21:13:43 <nirik> anyhow, how hard is this going to be to get in bodhi?
21:14:01 <dgilmore> nirik: i dont think it will be too hard
21:14:13 <dgilmore> just need to add some logic to filter builds to push
21:14:18 <dgilmore> just needs time
21:15:03 <nirik> ok, should we also work from the education angle? or do you think it won't help any?
21:15:11 <stahnma> we should probably do both
21:15:22 <stahnma> if an option is noticably absent, we should tell people why
21:15:31 <stahnma> also, pretend I can spell
21:17:01 <smooge> you can spelgf
21:17:12 <nirik> speeling is hard. ;)
21:18:07 <nirik> ok, so do we want a landing page for this issue? or just a post to epel-devel? or both? or ?
21:19:06 <stahnma> post to list and offer a policy paragraph on the wiki. Then fix bodhi process.
21:19:17 <smooge> yes
21:20:06 <nirik> ok. I guess I can do that.
21:20:23 <dgilmore> we should do both
21:20:23 <nirik> #action nirik will post to list reminder about stable policy and make a wiki page to point people at.
21:20:31 <dgilmore> but some people it doesnt help
21:21:41 <stahnma> then we use fists
21:21:52 <nirik> yeah, some people you just can't reach.
21:22:00 <stahnma> and make minor edits to bohdi process/code
21:22:01 <nirik> anyhow, anything further on this topic? or shall we move on?
21:22:09 <stahnma> move on plz
21:22:21 <nirik> #topic Increasing contributor base
21:22:36 <nirik> Anyone have any ideas for things we could do to increase contibutors?
21:22:43 <stahnma> Looks like there was some good discussion last week on this with mission stuff and quaid
21:23:08 <nirik> yeah, sorry I mostly didn't make that meeting. ;( Pesky crisies
21:23:22 <stahnma> is the goal to have more contributors? More packages? More of a certain flavor of package?
21:23:45 <stahnma> I am not sure I understand the exact objective. I mean, I like the idea of more in general; just think wondering what the focus is.
21:23:51 <nirik> well, I would like to see more packages, but of course selfishly I just want ones that I would use. ;) I'm not sure how to generally identify those.
21:24:28 <smooge> I think that is usually how anyone identifies them
21:25:11 <nirik> do we have a wishlist?
21:25:16 <stahnma> well, I was thinking if we reach out to the SIGs
21:25:21 <stahnma> like ruby, perl, php, python etc
21:25:30 <stahnma> to me, that's the stuff I want/need in EPEL
21:25:40 <nirik> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL_Package_Wish_List
21:25:42 <stahnma> I *think* we do
21:25:58 <nirik> but it doesn't have much there. ;)
21:27:32 <stahnma> I normally wish for perl* and ruby*
21:27:50 <stahnma> either way, increasing contributors
21:27:55 <stahnma> plans?
21:27:56 <stahnma> ideas?
21:28:22 <nirik> yeah, normally perl here.
21:28:54 <nirik> I think asking about 4 people would get a lot of the perl packagers... cweyl and a few others.
21:29:13 <smooge> I think the big thing is to show how easy it is now to get builds done.
21:29:31 <stahnma> we could blog about it
21:29:37 <stahnma> hopefully those people read planet
21:29:43 <nirik> yeah, thats trye.
21:29:47 <nirik> true even.
21:29:51 <nirik> someone want to blog about it?
21:29:55 <stahnma> I can
21:30:59 <nirik> excellent.
21:31:15 <nirik> #action stahnma will blog on getting more perl/ruby packagers involved in EPEL
21:31:43 <nirik> #topic Status on wiki update
21:31:55 <nirik> not sure there is much status to report yet, but I thought I would ask. :)
21:32:50 <stahnma> quaid: ?
21:34:11 <nirik> we can revist moving forward.
21:34:21 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
21:34:29 <nirik> anything else anyone wants to bring up?
21:36:20 <nirik> I guess if not, we can call it a quick meeting and adjorn...
21:36:46 <smooge> no I don't have much until EL6 beta ever comes out..
21:37:29 <nirik> ok then...
21:37:33 <stahnma> any idea if Ruby 1.9 will be in EL6?
21:38:25 <nirik> thanks for coming everyone.
21:38:34 <nirik> #endmeeting