#fedora-meeting: Fedora Release Engineering
Meeting started by Oxf13 at 18:08:33 UTC. The full
logs are available.
Meeting log
- roll call (Oxf13-18:08:41)
- old business (Oxf13-18:14:50)
- orphans (old business) (Oxf13-18:15:37)
- ACTION: Oxf13 will send warning about recursively removing cryptix
today (Oxf13-18:16:43)
- critical path (old business) (Oxf13-18:17:11)
- rpm changes (old business) (Oxf13-18:21:15)
- ACTION: dgilmore will draft an SOP (with help) for managing RPM
changes in rawhide (Oxf13-18:21:42)
- no frozen rawhide (old business) (Oxf13-18:21:56)
- signing (old business) (Oxf13-18:23:01)
- Fedora 12 Alpha (Oxf13-18:24:22)
- AGREED: A newer anaconda will be tagged today, even if it's known
broken, to help with verifying other bug fixes. (Oxf13-18:35:09)
- AGREED: Slip alpha 1 week. Intend to slip final one week. Discuss
schedule consequences at the planned release readiness meeting while
using logistics list to gather feedback. (Oxf13-19:10:12)
- open floor (Oxf13-19:19:41)
- ACTION: Oxf13 will announce Alpha slip (Oxf13-19:20:44)
- ACTION: poelcat will announce intention to slip final and start
discussion on logistics list to discuss impact of such slip.
- AGREED: no need to vette the slip decision via FESCo
- ACTION: Oxf13 to deliver F12 key ID to notting for mash configs
Meeting ended at 19:35:17 UTC.
Action Items
- Oxf13 will send warning about recursively removing cryptix today
- Oxf13 will make sure the latest fedora-packager gets tagged for Alpha
so that the tag-request make target can be used.
- lmacken still needs to report on critical path bodhi updates
- dgilmore will draft an SOP (with help) for managing RPM changes in
- Oxf13 will announce Alpha slip
- poelcat will announce intention to slip final and start discussion on
logistics list to discuss impact of such slip.
- Oxf13 to deliver F12 key ID to notting for mash configs
Action Items, by person
- dgilmore
- dgilmore will draft an SOP (with help) for managing RPM changes in
- lmacken
- lmacken still needs to report on critical path bodhi updates
- notting
- Oxf13 to deliver F12 key ID to notting for mash configs
- Oxf13
- Oxf13 will send warning about recursively removing cryptix today
- Oxf13 will make sure the latest fedora-packager gets tagged for
Alpha so that the tag-request make target can be used.
- Oxf13 will announce Alpha slip
- Oxf13 to deliver F12 key ID to notting for mash configs
- poelcat
- poelcat will announce intention to slip final and start discussion
on logistics list to discuss impact of such slip.
People Present (lines said)
- Oxf13 (163)
- jlaska (36)
- poelcat (30)
- notting (26)
- jwb (16)
- stickster (14)
- denise (14)
- dgilmore (14)
- adamw (13)
- jds2001 (8)
- warren (5)
- smooge (4)
- skvidal (2)
- nirik (2)
- onekopaka (2)
- lmacken (1)
- daMaestro (1)
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