00:00:45 <jjmcd> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings
00:00:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 3 00:00:45 2009 UTC. The chair is jjmcd. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
00:00:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
00:01:06 <jjmcd> #topic Roll call
00:01:34 * jjmcd is here
00:01:51 * ryanlerch is here
00:01:51 * rudi is here
00:02:46 <jjmcd> Wonder where is ianweller, ke4qqq, danielsmw
00:03:06 <jjmcd> #topic Last week's action items
00:03:43 <jjmcd> rudi - anything on changing the license info on Publican?
00:03:59 <rudi> jjmcd -- yep; we're just about good to go
00:04:29 <rudi> And -- best news -- I can confirm that we will have a new brand package shortly
00:04:43 <rudi> To support Publican 0.X
00:04:51 <jjmcd> outstanding
00:05:20 <jjmcd> Do I understand we will do the F12 docs with 0.x and wait for 1.x until next cycle?
00:05:55 <rudi> I think that's the safest assumption for now, although 1.x should be ready by then.
00:06:09 <rudi> if so, we'll use that :)
00:06:24 <jjmcd> Presumably the document source is mostly compatible?
00:06:29 <rudi> Yes!
00:06:47 <rudi> All that needs to change is swap the Makefile for a publican.cfg file
00:06:48 <jjmcd> Good deal. Does the brand package fix the IE error?
00:06:57 <rudi> 1.x has the conversion utility built into it
00:07:17 <rudi> Won't fix the IE error as things stand now
00:07:19 * ianweller is here but really isn't here
00:08:00 <jjmcd> Bummer - makes us look like amateurs to 80% of the folks out there - oh well, I guess I'll grok some bach for the RNs
00:08:07 <jjmcd> s/bach/bash
00:08:46 <jjmcd> OK, last time there was an action item I didn't understand - co-maintainer for 0
00:09:34 <rudi> That's about the packaging -- that won't be needed.
00:09:40 <jjmcd> excellent
00:09:48 <jjmcd> Anything else on action items?
00:10:09 <jjmcd> Pay attention for a bit ianweller
00:10:22 <ianweller> hi
00:10:24 <jjmcd> #topic Status on CMS
00:10:34 <jjmcd> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zikula#Module_status
00:10:41 <jjmcd> Anything to report
00:10:49 <ianweller> not from me
00:10:56 <ianweller> i haven't been very active in the CMS (or anything)
00:11:28 * jjmcd is just getting back after a long string of distractions
00:11:57 <jjmcd> This may turn out to be a short meeting
00:12:00 <jjmcd> #topic Status on CC license rollout
00:12:28 <jjmcd> ianweller, seems like you're the only knowledgable one here as well, altho maybe rudi has something to add
00:12:48 <ianweller> i did a RFC for the announcements
00:12:52 <ianweller> haven't heard of anything else
00:13:21 <rudi> Nothing to add -- we're good to go from Red Hat's side
00:13:53 <jjmcd> I gather we understand what we have to do in terms of legalese, logos, etc.? It's just a matter of pulling the trigger?
00:14:06 <rudi> jjmcd -- yep; all good.
00:14:14 <jjmcd> cool beans
00:14:36 <jjmcd> Anything else on CC?
00:15:25 <jjmcd> #topic Guide needs
00:15:34 <jjmcd> Anyone need anything?
00:16:14 <jjmcd> boy it's quiet in here - must be something good on TV
00:16:27 <jjmcd> #topic New business
00:16:45 <jjmcd> Anyone have anything for the good of the order?
00:16:58 <ianweller> nope
00:17:02 <rudi> I think it's the calm before the storm :)
00:17:28 <jjmcd> I've been trying to get the change tables set up for the beats. The rpm_groups are so screwed up it is a major pita
00:17:52 <jjmcd> ryanlerch, did you see what we are planning for F12 or was it just GMTA?
00:18:41 <jjmcd> must not be paying attention - he joined just before the meeting
00:19:02 <ryanlerch> jjmcd: i havent seen it, no...
00:19:07 <ryanlerch> is there a link?
00:19:22 <rudi> I can fill you in afterwards :)
00:19:27 <ryanlerch> okies
00:19:34 <jjmcd> hmmmm, I don't have it offhand. Basically we intend to capture all changes
00:19:55 <jjmcd> However, I cheat :)
00:20:24 * jjmcd isn't quite the glutton for punishment that ryanlerch is
00:21:04 <jjmcd> OK, that brings us to the end of a very short meeting, anything else?
00:21:19 <rudi> jjmcd -- this is what ryanlerch did for RHEL5.4 -- http://fossdocs.wordpress.com/2009/09/02/red-hat-enterprise-linux-5-4-technical-notes-every-change-to-every-package/
00:21:42 <jjmcd> I saw a planet entry
00:21:47 <jjmcd> That's why I asked
00:21:55 <rudi> (Which is why he's been scarce in Fedoraspace lately ;) )
00:22:16 <rudi> It's /awesome/ -- http://www.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/5.4/html/Technical_Notes/ :)
00:22:19 <jjmcd> ryanlerch, I have a little C prog that compares the F11 and F12 repos and spits out XML tables
00:23:07 <jjmcd> My main incentive was to reduce translation for all those minor changes but still capture them
00:23:15 <jjmcd> OK, I guess that's it
00:23:18 <jjmcd> 5
00:23:26 <jjmcd> 4
00:23:36 <jjmcd> 3
00:23:45 <jjmcd> 2
00:23:54 <jjmcd> 1
00:24:01 <jjmcd> 0
00:24:05 <jjmcd> Thanks everyone
00:24:08 <jjmcd> #endmeeting