16:30:02 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG
16:30:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 3 16:30:02 2009 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:30:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:30:10 <nirik> #topic Init process / roll call
16:30:19 * Sonar_Guy .
16:30:30 <nirik> who all is here today for the meeting?
16:30:32 * fenris02 waves
16:30:46 * XulWork his here
16:30:52 <XulWork> but working ;-)
16:31:34 * zcat here 66%
16:31:48 * Southern_Gentlem
16:32:42 <nirik> ok, I guess we can go ahead and get started.
16:32:47 <nirik> #topic weekly stats
16:32:55 <nirik> as always at http://theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html
16:33:24 <nirik> a pretty typical week... perhaps on the slow side.
16:33:59 * fenris02 notes that _somebodoy_ talks too much
16:34:10 <nirik> :)
16:34:28 <nirik> anyone have anything they would like to bring up on the stats? pretty usual suspects in links and top list.
16:34:28 <zcat> fenris02, the previous #1 somebody disappeared this week
16:36:05 <nirik> ok, moving on...
16:36:26 <nirik> #topic Alpha / Snapshots / Beta / etc
16:36:50 <nirik> Just a reminder that as we start to see more rawhide testers show up we should look at moving them on to #fedora-qa.
16:36:57 <nirik> I think that worked ok last cycle...
16:37:25 <nirik> obviously if the question is simple and we can answer it go ahead, but otherwise let them know where to go. ;)
16:37:46 * nirik saw a few alpha folks this last week.
16:38:26 <nirik> #topic OS release/eol dates in fedbot
16:38:38 <nirik> we touched on this the last meeting... but thought I would bring it up again.
16:38:57 <nirik> I have added some aliases to fedbot so we can list times since releases/eol dates for various releases.
16:39:11 <nirik> If someone would like to check them and add any ones I missed that would be great.
16:39:26 <nirik> @f9eol
16:39:27 <fedbot> nirik: 7 weeks, 5 days, 2 hours, 39 minutes, and 26 seconds ago
16:39:51 <Jeff_S> @f8eol
16:39:52 <fedbot> Jeff_S: 34 weeks, 0 days, 2 hours, 39 minutes, and 51 seconds ago
16:39:54 <nirik> I have also allowed users ability to do this in #fedora. If that turns out disruptive, let me know and I can turn it off then.
16:40:02 <Jeff_S> nirik: cool, thanks
16:40:23 <fenris02> too new i think yet. so far, nobody has really used it in #fedora
16:40:25 * nirik hopes he got the dates right. ;)
16:40:30 <Jeff_S> hah
16:40:50 * thomasj late here, sorry
16:41:03 <nirik> anything else on those? or shall we move on?
16:41:06 <nirik> welcome thomasj
16:41:16 <thomasj> Hi, thanks nirik
16:41:44 <nirik> ok, moving along...
16:41:45 <XulWork> .
16:41:57 <XulWork> it would be neat if we could get codenames too :P
16:42:12 <XulWork> not really important though
16:42:21 <nirik> XulWork: I could add that easily enough... not that many people use them. ;)
16:42:47 * nirik makes a note. ;)
16:42:54 <nirik> #topic Growing helpers
16:43:26 <nirik> So, It seems like lately we haven't really grown much on the pool of helpers. Is there anything folks can think of to help us do that?
16:43:42 <nirik> at least the pool of helpers who are around a good deal, etc.
16:43:52 <XulWork> do we have a irc support sig wiki page?
16:43:57 <Southern_Gentlem> nirik, i dont know we are seeing different people helping today like arvliet>
16:44:33 <Sonar_Guy> XulWork: start here https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRC
16:44:43 <Southern_Gentlem> and icarus is helping more
16:44:50 <thomasj> yep
16:44:55 <Southern_Gentlem> so i think in time it is happening
16:45:01 <nirik> fair enough...
16:45:02 <Southern_Gentlem> in
16:45:20 <nirik> I wonder if we shouldn't start asking people we have seen help out more to the meetings... get more feedback and get them more involved.
16:45:28 <XulWork> maybe we could have our own page? when i searched for sigs i didnt see any irc support group
16:46:03 <nirik> the search ability on the wiki is... lacking.
16:46:32 <Sonar_Guy> XulWork: the link I gave you is our page
16:46:38 <nirik> if someone wants to make a SIG category page that would be fine with me.
16:47:05 <nirik> or a mention on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:SIGs
16:47:17 <XulWork> Sonar_Guy: then can we have that links from the sigs page?
16:47:24 <XulWork> linked even
16:47:34 <Sonar_Guy> sure if you want to do it go ahead
16:48:24 <nirik> I'll try and mention meetings to folks I think are helping out more and we can see if that gets them more involved. ;)
16:48:35 <nirik> any other suggestions?
16:49:37 <thomasj> Lets see what people we get with the re-designed fp.o pages.
16:50:04 <nirik> thomasj: you mean the new get pages? or are they redoing the join ones too?
16:50:09 <thomasj> Right now we grow mostly with former brown users.
16:50:16 <thomasj> nirik, the get and sigs pages
16:50:37 <nirik> cool. Yeah, time will tell on that.
16:51:03 <Southern_Gentlem> thomasj, better former brown users than former windows users
16:51:05 <nirik> ok, moving on then...
16:51:11 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
16:51:12 <thomasj> Southern_Gentlem, haha
16:51:20 <thomasj> Southern_Gentlem, dunno whats worse ;)
16:51:20 <nirik> anyone have anything for open floor?
16:52:41 * nirik will close out the meeting in a minute or two if no one has anything for open floor.
16:52:51 * thomasj has nothing
16:53:59 <nirik> #endmeeting