18:02:24 <susmit> #startmeeting
18:02:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 10 18:02:24 2009 UTC. The chair is susmit. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:02:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:02:31 <susmit> #chair fugolini
18:02:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: fugolini susmit
18:02:32 <fugolini> Meeting agenda:
18:02:36 <fugolini> 1) Budget: are there updates? Local contacts: is everything ok?
18:02:36 <fugolini> 2) Fedora Mentoring: what is the situation? What can we do now?
18:02:36 <fugolini> 3) Fedora Insight and Fedora Community partecipation: some communications
18:02:36 <fugolini> 4) F12 Release Events: keep in mind we have an appointment with the
18:02:36 <fugolini> schedule (and with Marketing team too)
18:02:36 <fugolini> 5) left to whoevere has something to add...
18:02:54 <fugolini> thank you susmit
18:03:05 <fugolini> #topic Budget
18:03:13 <fugolini> we can skip it, since Max isn't here.
18:03:27 <fugolini> #topic Fedora Mentoring
18:03:45 <fugolini> Mentors: is there something that all FAmSCo should acknowledge?
18:03:56 <fugolini> are there problem with the mentoring/membership process?
18:04:07 <fugolini> Is everything working well?
18:04:30 <susmit> fugolini, yes from my side
18:04:43 <susmit> so far no one is through ;)
18:04:43 <ke4qqq> from my perspective, everything is working well - we have had a few hiccups, but nothing systemic
18:05:20 <rsc> from my side mentoring is working too (I'm not FAmSCo, but a Mentor)
18:05:21 <ke4qqq> susmit: same here - though lcafiero and tatica seem to have pushed a few through.
18:05:22 <susmit> I guess one would in near future. But we are happy that we have QA.
18:05:36 <ke4qqq> yes +1 for QA
18:05:41 <fugolini> ah, ok. Not now, but in the future, I would make a meeting centered on Mentoring/Membership, with ALL mentors. So that FAmSCo could understand
18:05:52 <susmit> fugolini, +1
18:06:23 <susmit> #agreed
18:06:35 <fugolini> I want to make a report on mentoring, so that it could be possible, for next FAmSCo, to understand what to tie and what to add
18:07:08 <fugolini> rsc: thanks for the feedback
18:07:16 <fugolini> Anything to add with this point?
18:08:01 <susmit> fugolini, let's finish most of the mentoring things in this famsco, so that the next one can focus on something else. Though I am not sure if it is possible. :)
18:08:48 <susmit> RodrigoPadula, hi
18:09:04 <RodrigoPadula> hi susmit
18:09:09 <RodrigoPadula> how are you doing ?
18:09:23 <susmit> I am fine, thank you. how are you doing?
18:09:44 <susmit> RodrigoPadula, we are discussing about mentoring things.
18:10:12 <fugolini> susmit: sure
18:10:19 <fugolini> we have just done the big work
18:10:22 <RodrigoPadula> ok
18:10:33 <susmit> fugolini, EOF from my part.
18:10:36 <RodrigoPadula> sorry guys.. I'm late
18:10:46 <fugolini> now we have to wait 'till we can see how is going
18:10:52 <fugolini> and we have freally few months
18:11:03 <fugolini> that's why I said that
18:11:08 <fugolini> thanks susmit
18:11:11 <fugolini> #topic Fedora Insight and Fedora Community Partecipation
18:11:20 <fugolini> I wrote in the list about the latter
18:11:27 <susmit> !
18:11:35 <fugolini> susmit:
18:11:39 <susmit> fugolini, I have a confusion.
18:11:59 <fugolini> tell me
18:12:14 <susmit> fedoracommunity talks about packaging and blogs right now. so are we looking for extending it something else?
18:12:28 <susmit> i.e. for ambassador things?
18:12:34 <fugolini> yes. The platform at the end could let each project to use it
18:12:38 <fugolini> to better manage its work
18:13:06 <fugolini> it's linked with FAS and we could be able to use the powefulness of the portal to have a better events management
18:13:28 <RodrigoPadula> it would be great
18:13:37 <fugolini> imagine if we canhave a calendar of all events, linked with their owners, know who can attend it
18:13:47 <fugolini> and the resources we can give
18:13:59 <susmit> ok. for that do we need to do all things from scratch or we can integrate the existing things into it?
18:14:03 <fugolini> it would be one of the best management tool existing nowadays in events management
18:14:06 <fugolini> sure it is
18:14:30 <fugolini> susmit: Max just got in contact with the infrastrcture responsible
18:14:55 <fugolini> to know what is necessary, in order to be able to figuring our what we it's necessary to push it
18:15:35 <susmit> ok. EOF
18:15:59 <fugolini> For Fedora Insight, that marketing initiative. We should be able to make our events know to the public
18:16:11 <fugolini> Actually the only source to know about the events is the Wiki
18:16:27 <fugolini> but Wiki is not "websurfer-friendly"
18:16:33 <fugolini> you should know that page to go there
18:16:46 <susmit> true
18:17:02 <fugolini> maybe Fedora Insight, as a marketing/promotional page could be a great katapult for events
18:17:17 <fugolini> and should encourage event owners to have events and improve them :)
18:18:35 <fugolini> We should be able to have something done before the end of the mandate.
18:18:37 <susmit> fugolini, so why do we need it separately? can we not integrate it in fedora community?
18:18:48 <fugolini> Fedora Inisight is plannd for fedora 13 if I'm not wrong
18:19:02 <fugolini> susmit: the problem is that fedora community require devlopment
18:19:51 <fugolini> and sure, when we will have a fedora community "ambassadors section", we will use it as the base for the calendar in fedora insight.
18:20:12 <susmit> ok.
18:20:31 <fugolini> BTW, Fedora Insight has just a deadline and we should work on it, so that it could be possible to take all the time necessary to have a FCommunity space
18:21:24 <fugolini> susmit: naturally when we will know more fedora community, we will be able to define the roadmap
18:21:58 <fugolini> Anything to add?
18:22:09 * susmit has none
18:22:56 <fugolini> susmit: I think your "geeky" knowled could help better focus the possibilities
18:22:56 <fugolini> #topic F12 Release Events
18:23:39 <fugolini> Ok, this is my favourite topic and, sure, I love Release Events. That's why I want to start a discussion on the next series of REs
18:24:20 <fugolini> First of all, this time we have a schedule. And sure, we should be able to follow it.
18:24:24 <susmit> fugolini, I am no geek. :) Let me see if I can poke Luke and do something.
18:24:48 <fugolini> susmit: we have asked him about fedora community :)
18:24:59 <fugolini> I think him, maybe I'm wrong....
18:25:26 <susmit> fugolini, I know, I was talking about the same. If i can do a few things for ambassadors project and fedora community.
18:25:34 <susmit> let me see
18:25:54 <fugolini> thank you
18:26:07 <fugolini> Secondly, this time I want to make sure that we could improve the experience defining the goals of events: end-users; developers and contributors.
18:26:26 <fugolini> I think we have to work to have an event that could let all these categories meet together.
18:27:09 <susmit> sprints
18:27:23 <fugolini> So it would be great to have most of Fedora contributors at these events that could talk about their experience as contributors (Ambassadors, Marketers, Designer, Packager and, at least but not last, the Docs guys)
18:27:52 <susmit> and lure the attendees to do some work right there
18:27:55 <fugolini> While we should be able to talk about fedora with end-user and developers, let them know what is possible
18:28:04 <fugolini> susmit: absolutely right
18:28:39 <fugolini> The past Release Events were """""normal""""" events.
18:28:42 <susmit> fugolini, we are only two who are talking!!! ke4qqq RodrigoPadula pingggg:)
18:29:11 <fugolini> I think as Release Events/Parties they should be something special. A "I must attend this event".
18:29:21 <susmit> true
18:29:35 <ke4qqq> I am here - just not much to say atm
18:29:47 <fugolini> "I want to join the other contributors and talk with them about the work done" "what can we hack?" and so on
18:30:05 <fugolini> that's what I think people should think about Release Events.
18:30:54 <fugolini> Think at small fudcons made by local contributors, with new people, contributors and someone that didn't know he/she is at a Release events (I'm joking :P)
18:31:40 <fugolini> I'm asking FAmSCo, a really personal favour, to help roll out the best REs session we have done.
18:32:02 <fugolini> Most of you are Local Contact, talk at meetings/in the list about them.
18:32:18 <fugolini> How these are important. Suggest the points expressed above.
18:32:45 <fugolini> You'll make me the most proud person on this world, sure!
18:32:51 <fugolini> BTW, just coming back.
18:33:14 <fugolini> Next week, starting from Spetember 15th we will srtart a brief with Marketing about talking points
18:33:20 <susmit> should we send a mail to the list in this regard or we will hold on for a few days?
18:33:24 <susmit> ah.ok
18:33:44 <fugolini> I think Marketers will start the discussion.
18:33:58 <fugolini> I think this is one of the crucial point to work on.
18:34:30 <fugolini> If I'm not wrong this is the first time and I'm sure people will contribute to this costructive discussion.
18:34:51 <fugolini> For the general organization FAmSCo list and Ambassadors list will be the two points of reference.
18:35:50 <RodrigoPadula> ok...
18:35:59 <fugolini> FAmSCo for what is concerned about the deadlines, budget and local contacts relations. Ambassadors to tell people about the previous points, about feedbacks, about the organization of events and whatever that could be connected with ambassadors.
18:36:38 <RodrigoPadula> talking about marketing, do you have some news about the magazine proposal ? How it will work ?
18:36:43 <fugolini> BTW, use Regional lists to invite people doing these events. Use blog posts and whatever you know could spread better the message
18:36:50 <RodrigoPadula> Mel send some emails about it
18:36:53 <susmit> will do
18:37:34 <RodrigoPadula> today I have a meting with all latam ambassadors
18:37:49 <fugolini> good. Just start the discussion on REs.
18:37:58 <RodrigoPadula> so, I will talk with all about marketing things
18:38:05 <RodrigoPadula> and the blogs and site reorganization
18:38:14 <RodrigoPadula> to spread the fedora message
18:38:33 <ke4qqq> RodrigoPadula: no magazine this release is what I read last from Max
18:39:38 <RodrigoPadula> I dont know if a printed magazine will be good
18:39:54 <RodrigoPadula> I think is better to create something like the Brazilian Magazine
18:40:01 <RodrigoPadula> PDF/ Online Version
18:40:16 <RodrigoPadula> will be more ecologic and easy to spread around the world
18:40:26 <ke4qqq> interestnig idea
18:41:01 <susmit> +1, there are so many existing mags carrying fedora articles.
18:41:48 <susmit> I am not sure if we need a separate magazine on it.
18:44:22 <ke4qqq> I might disagree with you there - Revista has shown the content can be there - and Ubuntu now has a quarterly print magazine - and I think Novell does an annual for opensue
18:44:27 <ke4qqq> opensuse
18:44:53 <ke4qqq> not saying that we necessarily want to copy, but merely that we could generate unique content
18:46:15 <susmit> ke4qqq, thats fine, but I am cocerned about how it is ensured that it is spread all over the world equally? The magazine in discussion has very little/no circulation in India.
18:46:25 <susmit> for example
18:49:18 <ke4qqq> right, but it does mean that at least LATAM/NA/EMEA are covered, which is better than nothing I suppose
18:49:24 <ke4qqq> but you are right it does leave out all of APAC
18:50:12 <RodrigoPadula> IMHO will be better to create a team to develop articles for Linux Managazin, Linux + and others
18:50:49 <RodrigoPadula> We (brazilian team) area constantly writing articles for Linux+
18:51:08 <susmit> and get it published regularly worldwide.
18:51:14 <susmit> that gives me a new idea
18:51:19 <RodrigoPadula> http://www.lpmagazine.org/
18:51:37 <RodrigoPadula> we have many magazines around the world
18:51:54 <RodrigoPadula> we can create content exclusive contant for that purpose
18:52:01 <fugolini> Anything to add?
18:52:04 <RodrigoPadula> and translate to be publishd around the world
18:52:39 <susmit> can we have a team which will coordinate with mags worldwide and will know what contents they want, get in touch with writers and get it published?
18:53:08 <RodrigoPadula> Yes, I guess!!
18:53:39 <RodrigoPadula> we have many contacts added to the wiki
18:54:16 <susmit> RodrigoPadula, link please
18:54:55 <susmit> I was talking about these: http://www.linuxjournal.com/xstatic/author/topicsdue
18:55:45 <susmit> so we can contact them and get one or two fedora related article published, repeat it for as many mags possible, and we will have a *large* content
18:56:41 * spevack finall is finished with his meeting
18:56:42 <susmit> EOF
18:56:52 <RodrigoPadula> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_press_publications
18:57:00 <RodrigoPadula> take a look in all possible contacts
18:57:33 <RodrigoPadula> this is the right way to spread the fedora idea
18:58:17 <susmit> RodrigoPadula, but do we regularly ask them what they are looking for?
18:58:37 <susmit> btw, thanks for the link. I never knew. :)
18:58:56 <RodrigoPadula> no, because we dont have a group to do that
18:59:15 <susmit> RodrigoPadula, let's form one.
18:59:23 <RodrigoPadula> :-)
18:59:24 <fugolini> Sorry, can this be discussed in Marketing meeting, with Mktg guys?
18:59:26 <ke4qqq> so I have written a few articles, and I always use fedora as a group- and they tend to be looking for articles on topics like virtualization or system tuning, not necessarily on fedora-specific stuff
18:59:34 <susmit> where the mail goes to? marketing/ambassadors?
18:59:50 <fugolini> marketing I think
19:00:04 <fugolini> I don't know who cross-posted, but I think it a marketing related things.
19:00:13 <fugolini> we are the events guys :)
19:00:27 <susmit> ke4qqq, yes. but we can always make it virtualisation using qemu/kvm where the demo is done on fedora.
19:00:29 <fugolini> and (most of them) are marketers too
19:00:43 <ke4qqq> susmit: yes exactly
19:01:09 <susmit> ok. I shall post(x-post) it to marketing and f-a-l
19:01:48 <fugolini> cross-posting is not allowed
19:01:53 <fugolini> in ambassadors list
19:02:00 <susmit> fugolini, I know. :)
19:02:09 <fugolini> and this is a merketing-only-related things
19:02:20 <fugolini> *marketing
19:02:46 <susmit> fugolini, no. We need to contact all the groups about different articles. But yes, the base will be marketing.
19:03:02 <fugolini> if we start two discussion in two list
19:03:09 <fugolini> nobody will be able to know everything
19:03:21 <fugolini> and someone should have to repeat the same things
19:03:29 <susmit> okies, the mail goes to marketing only. :)
19:03:48 <fugolini> susmit: I'm only one person. if everyone agrees on cross posting
19:03:50 <fugolini> do it
19:04:03 <fugolini> that's my POV, since in the past we discussed about cross posting
19:04:07 <fugolini> nothing more
19:04:42 <fugolini> Anything to add?
19:05:50 <fugolini> tell me
19:06:14 <susmit> nothing
19:07:29 <fugolini> Ok, we can adjourn the meeting
19:07:34 <fugolini> #end
19:07:38 <fugolini> #adjourn
19:07:46 <fugolini> == Meeting adjourned ==
19:08:28 <susmit> #endmeeting