16:30:00 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG
16:30:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 17 16:30:00 2009 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:30:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:30:06 <nirik> #topic Init process
16:30:45 <nirik> who all is around for the irc support sig meeting?
16:30:51 * thomasj
16:30:51 * hiemanshu is here
16:31:28 <mock> o hai
16:31:39 * zcat here (coffee in microwave. milk&sugar stat!)
16:31:45 <EvilBob> mock: Hi Mark
16:32:02 <mock> EvilBob: hello
16:32:10 <hiemanshu> Hello Bob :)
16:32:30 <nirik> I guess we can go ahead and start in...
16:32:35 <nirik> #topic weekly stats
16:32:44 <nirik> as usual stats at http://theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html
16:33:21 * thomasj hides.. not even in the top 25
16:33:23 <mock> which pulls up slowly as we all hit it at once
16:33:31 * nirik gets a phone call
16:35:03 * hiemanshu is at #9
16:35:05 <hiemanshu> Not bad
16:39:04 <nirik> sorry about that... pesky phone
16:39:23 <nirik> anyone have anything to bring up on weekly stats? was a slow week pretty much.
16:39:37 * XulChris is here
16:39:51 <EvilBob> Move along
16:40:11 <nirik> #topic recent X bugs
16:40:27 <nirik> there have been a few X bugs/issues with the move to a new x server version and kernel in f11.
16:40:56 <nirik> bug 518748 for example
16:40:57 <buggbot> Bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=518748 high, low, ---, ajax, ASSIGNED, Update to xserver-xorg 1.6.3 blocks login with compiz enabled, and deadlocks the entire system after switching to console and back to X
16:41:06 <zcat> yes. the fix should be in updates soon. https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/xorg-x11-server-1.6.4-0.1.fc11
16:41:14 <nirik> yep.
16:41:29 <nirik> Just be aware for folks having X/login/compiz issues that they should try testing this update.
16:41:56 <XulChris> does this affect everyone or just a few people?
16:41:59 <hiemanshu> nirik, many people tested it and it works
16:41:59 <mock> nirik: good to know
16:42:08 <nirik> XulChris: seems like it's intel video and compiz enabled...
16:42:09 <hiemanshu> XulChris, a few people Intel IGP and Compiz
16:42:25 <zcat> wfm on my netbook. needed -server and -common from koji.
16:42:38 * mock confirms nirik's answer
16:43:16 <nirik> ok, any more on this? or shall we move along?
16:43:38 <zcat> two other common issues this week were 'audio popping', and some nautilus bailing (on evilbob too)
16:44:25 <EvilBob> the nautilus issue I saw was crashing when trying to open the preferences
16:44:49 <EvilBob> I have not been able to reproduce as of yet so I ahve not filed a bug
16:45:12 <EvilBob> "only one system" has showed it here
16:46:15 <nirik> yeah, the poping was a change in powersave settings I thought?
16:46:50 <nirik> snd_hda_intel power_save being 5 instead of 0 ?
16:46:57 <nirik> in the new .30 kernels.
16:47:09 * nirik doesn't have a bug number handy on that one tho.
16:47:09 <zcat> think that was it
16:47:49 <nirik> #topic Obligitory Classroom Plug
16:48:23 <nirik> Any folks interested in doing irc classess, see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom
16:48:36 <nirik> </end typical plug>
16:48:42 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
16:48:50 <nirik> Anyone have anything for Open Floor?
16:48:52 <zcat> bug 522481
16:48:53 <buggbot> Bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=522481 low, low, ---, kernel-maint, NEW, Powersave is back on in snd_hda_intel in kernel-, causing audible pops.
16:51:36 <EvilBob> I have nothing and I have to run
16:51:51 <EvilBob> See you next week I guess
16:52:37 <nirik> ok, if no one chimes up we will close out here in a few minutes.
16:52:53 <hiemanshu> nirik, i could do a classroom session
16:53:32 <nirik> cool. See the page for more info... drop a summary to the classroom list...
16:53:52 <hiemanshu> nirik, sure will, i could probably do a couple of topics from the list
16:54:28 <nirik> thanks!
16:54:37 <hiemanshu> np :)
16:55:19 <nirik> thanks for coming everyone.
16:55:23 <nirik> #endmeeting