#fedora-meeting: Infrastructure
Meeting started by mmcgrath at 19:59:45 UTC.
(full logs)
- Who's here? (mmcgrath, 19:59:51)
- FAS accounts and capcha (mmcgrath, 20:01:51)
- PHX1 to PHX2 move (mmcgrath, 20:08:28)
- Favicon.ico (mmcgrath, 20:20:20)
- mod_evasive (mmcgrath, 20:24:20)
- pgpool (mmcgrath, 20:30:07)
- Open Floor (mmcgrath, 20:33:28)
Meeting ended at 20:56:42 UTC.
(full logs)
Action Items
- (none)
Action Items, by person
- (none)
People Present (lines said):
- mmcgrath (168)
- ricky (47)
- mdomsch (43)
- smooge (40)
- a-k (10)
- Oxf13 (9)
- abadger1999 (8)
- SmootherFrOgZ (4)
- zodbot (3)
- notting (3)
- ianweller (2)
- skvidal (2)
- nirik (1)
- collier_s (1)
- dgilmore (1)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.3.