18:01:17 <fugolini> #startmeeting 18:01:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 1 18:01:17 2009 UTC. The chair is fugolini. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:28 <fugolini> #topic Roll call 18:01:32 <fugolini> Francesco Ugolini 18:01:42 <susmit> Susmit Shannigrahi 18:02:19 <susmit> kital, ke4qqq ping 18:03:09 <fugolini> No problem, just go ahead :) 18:03:36 <fugolini> #action Working on some creative management activities to improve communications skills and team work. 18:03:50 <fugolini> #topic Meeting agenda 18:04:02 <fugolini> 1) Release Event Contest: read my proposal at 18:04:02 <fugolini> https://www.redhat.com/mailman/private/famsco-list/2009-September/msg00061.html 18:04:02 <fugolini> 2) Budget: local contacts, is everything ok? 18:04:02 <fugolini> 3) Regional updates: anything to report from regions? Why don't have a 18:04:02 <fugolini> report each 6 months on Regions status? (this will help FAmSCo and the 18:04:03 <fugolini> other regional leaders) 18:04:05 <fugolini> 4) Membership: something to propose? 18:04:07 <fugolini> 5) t.b.d. 18:04:12 <fugolini> Do you agree with the agenda? 18:04:24 <susmit> yeah. 18:04:32 <fugolini> good 18:04:38 <fugolini> #topic 1) Release Event Contest 18:04:57 <susmit> fugolini, but I think we can have these on the mailing list. I don't see any point in this meeting. 18:05:39 <susmit> everyone else seem to be busy with their own works, which must be more important than this job. 18:06:29 <fugolini> I think the problem is that we are using a system made for consolidated groups 18:06:48 <fugolini> maybe we should re-think FAmSCo team work, in a simple but more effective way. 18:07:21 <fugolini> I have no problem to make a meeting with 2 people, absolutely. 18:08:03 <susmit> but what is the point of a meeting? communicating, right? to whom are we communicating where 5 members are absent? 18:08:12 <fugolini> The big problem is that we have to change from a standard scheme, we should use a dinamic system 18:08:50 <fugolini> susmit: you are right and it unreasonable to make a meeting with 2 people 18:09:01 <susmit> i don't have a problem, but has anyone suggestted that they are having problem with this time and it needs to be channged? 18:09:20 <fugolini> it's not a meeting time. it's a structure problem 18:09:49 <fugolini> during this week I had/ am having the possibility to understand the logic of teamwork and leadership 18:10:14 <fugolini> and sure I think instead of changing meeting time, we should work finding the best way to work. 18:10:34 <fugolini> #endmeeting