20:09:16 <liknus> #startmeeting 20:09:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 7 20:09:16 2009 UTC. The chair is liknus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:09:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:09:17 <zodbot> Oxf13: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress. 20:09:22 <Oxf13> pfft 20:09:26 <Oxf13> somebody else had the same idea 20:09:46 <liknus> #meeting topic Ambassadors EMEA Meeting 20:09:53 <liknus> #meetingtopic Ambassadors EMEA Meeting 20:10:09 <liknus> ok lets start with the rollcall 20:10:14 <liknus> Pierros Papadeas 20:10:17 <spevack> .fas mspevack 20:10:18 <zodbot> spevack: mspevack 'Max Spevack' <mspevack@redhat.com> 20:10:21 <rsc> Robert Scheck 20:10:24 <bochecha> Mathieu Bridon 20:10:28 <cmpahar> Christos Bacharakis 20:10:34 <kital> .fas jsimon 20:10:35 <zodbot> kital: jsimonelli 'Jose Simonelli' <jose.simonelli@gmail.com> - jsimon 'Joerg (kital) Simon' <simon@simline.de> 20:10:50 <cwickert> Christoph Wickert 20:10:55 <bochecha> killefiz, .fasinfo ;) 20:11:04 <cmpahar> .fas cmpahar 20:11:05 <zodbot> cmpahar: cmpahar 'Christos Bacharakis' <cmpahar@gmail.com> 20:11:19 <bochecha> damn, that was for kital ^^ 20:11:27 <liknus> ok wellcome all to our re-started EMEA Ambassador meeting :) We agreed on a 2week cycle from now on so here we are :) 20:11:29 <kital> bochecha: ;) 20:11:50 * spevack thanks liknus for taking over the "ownership" of this meeting. 20:12:03 <liknus> Last week we had an excellant FAD EMEA in Germany, in which we had some goals 20:12:16 * sdziallas waves, apologizes for being late. 20:12:20 * liknus is honored to do so 20:12:24 <spevack> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_EMEA_2009 20:13:08 <spevack> Most of the "meeting minutes" from FAD EMEA right now are on my blog -- linked from the URL above. loupgaroublond was the official secretary, and I don't know where all of the TODOs and summaries that meetingbot generated are living. liknus, do you know? 20:13:49 <liknus> All were archived in the url produced by the meetbot 20:13:59 <spevack> I think it's important that as we have our EMEA Ambassadors meetings, we refer back to those topics and action items, so that we can be sure we are making progress on them and having sufficient discussion and transparency. 20:14:13 <spevack> oh, they are on the page! I'm blind 20:14:18 <spevack> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_EMEA_2009#Meeting_Minutes 20:14:23 <spevack> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_EMEA_2009#Meeting_Minutes 20:14:25 <liknus> Thanks max :) 20:14:27 * spevack feels dumb and shuts up 20:14:45 <liknus> So shall we start with our actions from there? 20:14:54 <liknus> spevack: no worries :) 20:15:08 <liknus> loupgaroublond: ping 20:15:42 <liknus> max please tell us about the shipping account and RH.. 20:16:21 <spevack> so regarding the shipping account 20:16:44 <spevack> There was some discussion around getting an account w/ DHL that would bill directly to my Red Hat credit card 20:16:50 <liknus> (Anyone that has any question from FAD EMEA reviews may ask anything he wants :) ) 20:16:54 <spevack> so that people who need to ship swag around EMEA don't have to pay out of their own pocket 20:17:12 <spevack> loupgaroublond volunteered to look into that, and I volunteered my credit card for automatic payments, to make the lives of Ambassadors easier. 20:17:42 <spevack> The other action item 20:17:47 <spevack> under the "what do we need from RH" section 20:18:12 <spevack> was people asking for more RH employees -- local engineers of solutions architects, not just Fedora People -- to come to some of our events and meet the community 20:18:32 <spevack> I volunteered to be more aggressive on some RH mailing lists about what is upcoming in EMEA, and trying to get people to show up 20:18:42 <liknus> #topic Reviewing FAD EMEA Actions 20:19:18 <spevack> There's a couple of events in Germany in November that we might be able to have some luck getting folks to. 20:19:29 <spevack> and then certainly RMLL and FOSDEM 20:19:43 <liknus> Nice initiative max :) More RH guys are much appreciated in our events. 20:19:45 * bochecha notes a RH instructor usually hangs in our events in Paris, he gave a talk at the F10 Release Party and might give another one for the F12 release party 20:19:47 <spevack> I think that trying to get folks to come to some of the larger events might be the best idea, or to FADs 20:20:04 <spevack> bochecha: that's awesome. Release parties are also a good idea for that, since it's no-pressure and "fun" :) 20:20:12 <spevack> 20:20:23 <liknus> #info bochecha notes that RH guys are present in events in Paris 20:20:24 <spevack> Did any of the folks who were not at FAD EMEA have comments or questions about the event? 20:20:33 <spevack> We tried really hard to have a lot of the conversation logged on IRC 20:20:34 <bochecha> liknus, -s ;) 20:20:42 <spevack> but I personally haven't heard any feedback from anyone who wasn't there 20:20:46 * spevack is curious 20:21:31 * inode0 was inspired as always by it and really wants to try to organize something similar in NA when the time is right 20:21:53 <liknus> I thinkk that it was the most comprehensive coverage of an event via IRC ever :) 20:22:36 <liknus> If we have nothing on it, shall we move on the other actions? 20:23:06 <spevack> let's move on 20:23:11 <loupgaroublond> hi folks 20:23:13 <spevack> inode0: when we do the NA one, i'll be there 20:23:25 <loupgaroublond> i'll be a bit laggy, i'm just sitting down to dinner 20:23:46 <liknus> So about Fedora in Greece, there is a growing community here and we had our Fedora Coffee last Friday :) 20:24:32 <liknus> Fedora Coffee is a small event proposal i presented in FAD EMEA 20:25:13 <liknus> I owe a review on the Fedora Coffee that happened here and possibly start a conversation in ambassadors mailing list 20:25:14 <spevack> how did it go? 20:25:24 <spevack> can you give us a brief summary? :) 20:25:28 <liknus> #action liknus review on fedora coffee 20:25:53 <liknus> 12 people showed up and it all went great! 20:26:35 <spevack> that 20:26:36 <liknus> I informed them about the latest news on fedora and we had time to organize a little bit our nexts events 20:26:41 <spevack> is a nice little crowd! 20:27:19 <liknus> Generally, they were excited and wanted to know more on the ways we organize our community 20:27:39 <liknus> (that seems to be the main problem when someone starts to contribute) 20:27:59 <spevack> when you say "organize our community" do you mean the different sub-projects of Fedora 20:28:05 <spevack> how things work in general? 20:28:08 <liknus> Possibly we can re-organize the Ambassador-Wiki to refer to such topics 20:28:43 <liknus> how the sub-projects are related and stuff like how we handle our swag etc :) 20:28:48 <kital> liknus: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join 20:28:59 <kital> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Join 20:29:32 <liknus> kital: I am referring to an addition on the way Ambassadors explain things :) 20:29:49 * kital understands 20:30:13 <liknus> Anyways, there are still things to be done on the "Fedora Coffee" idea and I shall wikify them 20:30:31 <liknus> in order more people to get involved 20:30:47 <liknus> Any ideas on that ? 20:31:06 <spevack> yeah -- as always -- and this isn't EMEA related but rather global -- I think there is never-ending work to be done in cleaning up the wiki, organizing it better, removing old stuff, etc. 20:31:16 <spevack> I have several Action Items related to that from FAD EMEA. 20:31:46 <liknus> spevack: indeed..contstant work on wiki 20:31:56 <cmpahar> liknus, we have to make the coffee more "stable" 20:32:08 <cmpahar> maybe every month.. 20:32:36 <liknus> #info max things that overally our wiki needs more attention and things to be done :) 20:32:47 <cmpahar> or every 2 weeks, and let pleople know the extract day, time and place so they know where to find us 20:32:55 <cmpahar> *people 20:33:00 <liknus> cmpahar: putting it on a schedule would not always help us 20:33:53 <liknus> Its more like an ad-hoc thing. An ambassador feels there is a need for one and we quickly organizes it 20:34:13 <liknus> Thus there is going to be more excitement on it :) 20:34:15 <bochecha> a fixed schedule is *hard*. We did that for some time in Paris, every 2 weeks. But it quickly became a burden as we were 2 to organize things, and then we didn't do anything for months 20:34:22 <bochecha> liknus, +1 20:35:02 <liknus> shall i call it agreed on irregular schedule? Any opinions? 20:35:20 <cmpahar> +1 from me.. Changed my mind ;) 20:35:30 <bochecha> I don't think we can agree on it, that's your event, we're not all in Greece :P 20:36:05 <liknus> bochecha: We think about the global potentiallity of the idea too :) 20:36:45 <spevack> it's an idea that easily scales. 20:36:56 <liknus> Anyways, lets leave it to mature (maybe a couple more like this in Greece) and we shall come back to it on a later meeting 20:37:02 <spevack> http://www.fedoracoffee.com/ :P 20:37:18 <bochecha> .org :P 20:37:19 <liknus> spevack: nice url...we shall grab it! 20:37:26 <liknus> bochecha: +1 20:37:51 <cmpahar> bochecha, +1 20:37:54 <spevack> liknus: maybe someday you could write up an email or a wiki page that says "here is what i did to organize Fedora Coffee, and the information that we discussed, etc." It feels a lot like the Fedora Round Table idea that Gerold had in Germany 20:38:02 <spevack> someone already has the URL! :) 20:38:20 <spevack> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FRT 20:38:21 <cmpahar> pity :( 20:38:44 <liknus> spevack: I shall do the wiki-mail thing :) 20:39:07 <liknus> Ok! lets move on to our next actions "Mentoring & Trac" 20:39:23 <liknus> #topic Mentoring & Trac 20:39:26 <liknus> kital: ping 20:39:35 <kital> ja 20:39:48 <kital> the trac instance for emea is up and running 20:40:02 <kital> and on fad we get the action item to set up an inventory 20:40:07 <kital> which can be found here 20:40:15 <kital> https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/wiki/Inventory 20:40:52 <kital> Mentoring works and scales well - i think you all see the positiv effect on the list and the better quality of new Ambassadors 20:40:57 <liknus> #info in FAD EMEA Trac was finalized and Inventory started to fill up 20:41:42 <cwickert> killefiz: how to add inventory? 20:41:48 <kital> you can see here what we do at Fedora Ambassador Membership Administration here 20:41:50 <liknus> #info Mentoring scales up well and improves the Ambassador Project quality, says kital 20:41:54 <kital> https://fedorahosted.org/fama/report/6 20:42:22 <liknus> cwickert: just login in Trac and edit the Inventory page 20:42:24 <spevack> cwickert: just edit the page? 20:42:44 <kital> eof 20:42:58 <cwickert> spevack: ah, ok 20:43:14 <liknus> Thanks kital for the info! :) 20:43:37 <liknus> So lets move on to our upcoming events 20:43:50 <liknus> #topic Upcoming EMEA Events 20:44:28 <liknus> spevack: any particular comment on the actions ? 20:44:34 <kital> ! 20:44:38 <spevack> liknus: no comments from me right now 20:44:42 <liknus> kital: 20:44:57 <spevack> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/wiki/Inventory 20:45:06 <kital> we can announce the first fedora event ever in hungary 20:45:07 <kital> http://konf.fsf.hu/cgi-bin/ossc 20:45:22 <liknus> Thats nice kital :) 20:45:30 <kital> is added to events and the owner is zoltan a new ambassador from hungary 20:45:34 <spevack> The Greeks think that is hard to read! :) 20:45:55 <kital> we figure to ship cwickert to budapest to have a veteran there for best results 20:45:58 <kital> eof 20:46:03 <spevack> seriously though, i'm really glad to see our first Fedora event in Hungary, and an Ambassador presence starting there. 20:46:13 <spevack> and I'd like to thank kital for always looking for new parts of EMEA to bring Fedora. 20:46:32 <spevack> and thank cwickert for being willing to attend such a historic event as a "veteran Fedora contributor" 20:46:38 <spevack> to provide mentoring, etc. 20:46:40 * cwickert thanks kital and is looking forward to going to budapest 20:46:43 <kital> i will make noise about this the next days 20:47:04 <kital> ;) thanks all for your support 20:47:18 * cwickert will have a talk or two: one abut Fedora (a best off from spevack's last 3 talks) and a packaging session 20:47:37 <cwickert> and we want to have a usb filling station and a burn station with beldi 20:47:47 <cwickert> I think it's going to be a gread event 20:47:55 * liknus thinks he should attend a packaging session real soon... 20:48:00 <spevack> it sounds great -- let's make sure we have plenty of swag, and spend budget if we need to :) 20:49:36 <liknus> Any actions need to be taken on that? 20:49:43 <cwickert> nope 20:49:50 <spevack> just kital and cwickert making sure we have what we need 20:49:54 <cwickert> I will work it out with zoltan 20:49:57 <liknus> cwickert: nice 20:49:58 <spevack> brilliant! 20:50:16 <liknus> Moving on with our events, 20:50:34 <liknus> next week we have our Athens Digital Week here in Athens 20:51:06 <liknus> thanks to spevack and GeroldKa we have sufficient cds and dvds for the event 20:51:25 <liknus> Stickers and flyers are sponsored from various sources :) 20:51:54 <liknus> Fedora will have a talk on Fedora 12, a translation session and a booth 20:52:39 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents/AthensDigitalWeek2009 20:53:01 <liknus> thats all from Athens :) 20:53:18 <cmpahar> at Greece now. 20:53:21 * spevack notes that attending Athens Digital Week last year was one of the best experiences he has ever had 20:53:31 <cmpahar> *again 20:54:15 <cmpahar> from 26/11 to 29/11 there is an International IT exhibition here at thessaloniki 20:54:20 * liknus liknus is very proud about contributing to max' experience in athens :) 20:54:56 <cmpahar> with ~8000 visitors every year and fedora will have a booth 20:55:11 <cmpahar> the booth is payed from the Hellenic User Group 20:55:35 <liknus> (we are full of sponsors here in Greece :P ) 20:55:56 <cmpahar> but, i think that we wont have enough cds/dvds and stickers.. 20:56:31 <liknus> cmpahar: stickers will be ok 20:56:40 <cmpahar> cds/dvds? 20:56:46 <cmpahar> we dont have enough! 20:57:03 <cmpahar> Athens digital Week is a big event! 20:57:23 <liknus> CDs DVDs are a little bit difficult cause it will be around the release of Fedora 12 (and dont shout:P) 20:57:28 <cmpahar> i am pretty sure that we will give all the cds and dvds from the first day 20:57:51 <liknus> We shall take care not to 20:58:37 <spevack> Right now November 10 is the release day 20:58:49 <spevack> asuming we don't slip, that's only 16 days until the Big Conference 20:59:03 <spevack> History has proven that we never have the CDs made from Germany in that much time. 20:59:11 <spevack> and if we slip again, we'll really be in trouble 20:59:26 <spevack> The only possibility is to figure out if there is a local CD manufacturer who can take the final ISO and produce CDs for you 20:59:48 <cmpahar> spevack, we can burn them here.. I have contacted with more than 2 companies to create us CDs 20:59:58 * poelcat notes recent email exchange on releng list could point to new GA date of 2009-11-17 21:00:22 <liknus> #action liknus cmpahar get quotes from local CD factories 21:01:06 <liknus> #undo 21:01:06 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x2ad9606d0150> 21:01:11 <cmpahar> spevack, lets forget it for now. I will forward you all the quotes from the local CD factories soon :) 21:01:17 <liknus> #action liknus cmpahar get quotes from local CD factories and ask on delivery times 21:01:27 <drago01> 0, 21:01:51 <liknus> Ok, shall we move on? 21:01:57 <cmpahar> yeah 21:02:30 <liknus> Have we got any update from the Fedora Shop? 21:02:47 * spevack doesn't think there's been any progress on that yet. 21:03:09 <spevack> perhaps we should pick one or two of these Items and set them as the topic for the meeting in two weeks, and give the owners time to prepare and attend? 21:03:32 <cwickert> spevack: schedule already slipped to November 20th 21:03:55 <drago01> (sorry for the spam hit the keyboard by accident) 21:04:02 <liknus> #action liknus refer to Action Items on the announcement mails for next meetings 21:04:18 <spevack> cwickert: i'm behind on my info, apparently 21:05:10 <liknus> kital: have we got anything on the cards and shirts idea (for the new ambassadors)? 21:05:13 <cwickert> spevack: it was 17th, sorry 21:05:24 <kital> no not now liknus 21:05:47 <liknus> ok kital (slipped for upcoming meetings :) ) 21:06:02 <kital> i have worked on the order for the new t-shirts if they are done i will move to take care for that topic 21:06:12 <liknus> #topic Actions from FAD EMEA 21:07:18 <liknus> #info kital takes care on tshirt production and about the shirt-card-on-new-ambassador idea 21:07:52 <liknus> anyways the deadline for that is FOSDEM so plenty of time :) 21:09:20 <liknus> spevack: anything on FUDCON location? 21:09:45 <spevack> liknus: haven't had a chance to think/work on that anymore yet 21:09:46 <spevack> sorry! 21:10:09 <liknus> spevack: no worries :) 21:10:26 <cmpahar> can i make a suggestion? 21:10:38 <spevack> of course! 21:10:43 <liknus> cmpahar: go ahead 21:11:54 * spevack notes that he has to leave in a few minutes 21:12:15 <cmpahar> at May of 2010 were at having the greek Fosscomm here at thessaloniki. This is a 2 day foss conference with many workshops. I think that the organization could handle the next fudcon 21:12:40 <cmpahar> i mean that all the preparation will be done till then 21:12:57 <liknus> cmpahar: we already have ruled out the possibilty for FUDCON in Greece on 2010 21:13:13 <liknus> and decided to go prepared on 2011 21:13:16 <spevack> but we were thinking about it for future years :) 21:13:27 <spevack> so yes, that organization is one that we definitely want to keep a good relationship with! 21:13:31 <liknus> possibly we could use Fosscomm for a FAD :) 21:13:38 <cmpahar> it was just a thought.. 21:13:58 <liknus> cmpahar: dont be worried on that :) 21:14:28 <liknus> #action cmpahar work on a possibilty for FAD during Fosscomm 2010 21:14:34 <liknus> How about that? 21:14:42 <cmpahar> why not ;) 21:14:46 <liknus> nice 21:15:19 <liknus> So moving on, 21:15:38 <liknus> our last action item was an calendar-solution discussion 21:16:06 <liknus> I neglected to contact Fedora Community team for that so... 21:16:44 <liknus> #action liknus contact Fedora Community on schedule-calendar intergration on Fedora Community Portal 21:16:54 <liknus> Anything anyone on that? 21:17:41 <liknus> ok then 21:17:53 <liknus> #topic Open Floor 21:18:21 <liknus> Anyone has something he would like us all to discuss? 21:19:41 * liknus just thinks we should wait for 5 minutes before and this meeting 21:19:55 <liknus> ending* 21:21:54 <kital> thanks liknus 21:22:06 <kital> have to go now 21:22:15 <liknus> Thank you all for attending! 21:22:29 <liknus> #endmeeting