20:00:17 <mmcgrath> #startmeeting Infrastructure 20:00:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 29 20:00:17 2009 UTC. The chair is mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:25 <mmcgrath> Who's here? 20:00:27 * ricky 20:00:34 * a-k is 20:00:37 * jcollie . 20:00:45 * skvidal is around 20:00:49 <smooge> here 20:01:04 <fchiulli> fchiulli is 20:01:06 <smooge> how can I help 20:01:36 <mmcgrath> I don't see any ticket items so we'll just get started 20:01:56 <mmcgrath> I'd like to keep this meeting fairly short because smooge and I (and whoever else has free time right now) will be busy doing 5.3 -> 5.4 updates. 20:02:17 <mmcgrath> #topic Search Engine 20:02:22 <mmcgrath> a-k: take it, any updates here? 20:02:31 <smooge> yum clean metadata; yum -y update ; rkhunter something or another 20:02:35 <a-k> Mostly huzaifas and I are just working through the list of candidates. 2 down, 8 to go, so far. 20:02:45 <a-k> We're going to put what we find into a table format sometime next week, basically to make it easier for quantitative comparison. 20:02:53 * dgilmore is here 20:02:53 <mmcgrath> <nod> 20:03:01 * mdomsch is here 20:03:10 * abadger1999 is here 20:03:11 <a-k> I'm still excluding the Java ones. If we were to include Java, GCJ only, not Sun/IBM/BEA, true? 20:03:44 <dgilmore> a-k: if it works with openjdk it is ok 20:03:44 <mmcgrath> a-k: correct 20:03:52 <mmcgrath> is there a difference between gcj and openjdk 20:03:55 * mmcgrath doesn't even know 20:04:04 <a-k> OK. That's what I figured. That's all I have. 20:04:34 <mmcgrath> Cool 20:04:42 <mmcgrath> #topic Rawhide network drops 20:04:55 <mmcgrath> an update to the latest kernel has fixed this 20:05:01 <mmcgrath> or seems to have, we'll keep an eye on it. 20:05:07 <mmcgrath> #topic Fedora Talk 20:05:15 <mmcgrath> jcollie: want to take this? Whats done, whats left, when will we be ready for re-launch? 20:05:39 <J5> moksha built successfully, not sure if Fedora Community will since it requires moksha 20:05:44 <jcollie> mostly what is left is some testing, plus a pretty front end 20:06:22 <jcollie> there are commands on asterisk2 to start/stop streaming and recording but you need to be in sysadmin-tools for that 20:06:35 <J5> mmcgrath: how do I deal with fedora communities build requirement for moksha? 20:07:07 <jcollie> plus we need to write down the process for transferring recordings to alt 20:07:07 <mmcgrath> J5: see #fedora-admin 20:07:57 <jcollie> and implement that process too i guess :) 20:08:02 <mmcgrath> <nod> 20:08:25 <mmcgrath> jcollie: so things are on the up and up? 20:08:30 <jcollie> ianweller is supposed to be working on a nicer web front end 20:08:47 * sijis is here late. 20:08:47 <mmcgrath> <nod> 20:08:47 <jcollie> yep all the basics should be working 20:08:52 <mmcgrath> excellent. 20:08:52 <mmcgrath> anything else on that? 20:09:06 <jcollie> you can test it out by using asterisk2.fp.o instead of talk.fp.o in your sip client 20:09:41 <mmcgrath> ah, very cool. 20:09:46 <jcollie> i think that's about it unless anyone has questions 20:09:51 <mmcgrath> any questions? 20:10:28 <mmcgrath> alrighty 20:10:28 <jcollie> oh yeah we need to review the updated docs and then make them live 20:10:39 <mmcgrath> yeah that's a good bonus too 20:10:50 <mmcgrath> #topic qpid is up and running in staging 20:10:58 <mmcgrath> You can test it with http://mmcgrath.fedorapeople.org/topic_subscriber.py 20:11:18 <mmcgrath> J5: do your new FC and moksha have additional uses for the message bus? 20:12:46 <J5> mmcgrath: it just displays the time ping 20:13:02 <J5> there is a demo tab with the timeping app 20:13:14 <mmcgrath> cool 20:13:36 <mmcgrath> If anyone else has use cases for the now brand new not in production message bus, send it to the list! 20:13:45 <mmcgrath> Anyone have any questions or comments on that? 20:14:47 <mmcgrath> alrighty 20:14:51 <mmcgrath> #topic Open Floor 20:14:52 <J5> We should get together at FUDCon to discuss format for the payloads (e.g. are we going to use QMF or spin our own message format). I'm putting some stuff together for that 20:15:43 <mmcgrath> J5: <nod> we do need to set up a time for that. 20:16:02 <mdomsch> mmcgrath, I'd love to see messages when content is pushed to the master mirrors by rel-eng 20:16:08 <mdomsch> another when the netapps are back in sync 20:16:21 <mdomsch> :-) 20:16:21 <mmcgrath> <nod> 20:18:11 <J5> so, usecases and message formats for those usecases 20:18:33 <mmcgrath> sounds good to me. 20:18:47 <mmcgrath> Does anyone have anything else they'd like to discuss? 20:18:55 <mmcgrath> If not we'll close a bit early so we can get ready for our updates 20:19:08 <J5> mdomsch: can you start a list on wiki https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Messaging_SIG ? 20:19:30 <mdomsch> J5, sure 20:19:34 <J5> cool 20:20:00 <mmcgrath> alrighty, with that we'll close the meeting 20:20:04 <mmcgrath> #stopmeeting 20:20:21 <mmcgrath> #meetingstop 20:20:23 <ricky> (#endmeeting, perhaps) 20:20:26 <mmcgrath> f'ing end 20:20:28 <mmcgrath> #endmeeting