20:59:47 <nirik> #startmeeting EPEL meeting 20:59:47 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Nov 20 20:59:47 2009 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:59:47 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:59:54 <nirik> #namemeeting epel 21:00:07 <nirik> #meetingname epel 21:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 21:00:15 <nirik> #topic Who's around? 21:00:50 <nirik> anyone around for an epel meeting? 21:02:15 * nirik guesses not many folks around today. 21:02:24 <nirik> this meeting may be even more short than normal. ;) 21:03:21 <StabbyMc> .fas smcbrien 21:03:22 <zodbot> StabbyMc: smcbrien '' <scott@mcbrien.net> 21:03:37 <nirik> hey StabbyMc. 21:03:52 <StabbyMc> Hey nirik: long time user of EPEL, first time meeting attendee :-) 21:04:04 <nirik> welcome. ;) 21:04:07 <stahnma> hello 21:04:09 <stahnma> :) 21:04:15 <nirik> it's looking like it might be just us... oh wait... there is stahnma. ;) 21:04:30 <stahnma> I half-remembered this time 21:04:48 <nirik> cool. 21:04:57 <nirik> Not much at all on agenda today... 21:05:09 <nirik> #topic next few meetings 21:05:21 <stahnma> I would vote to cancel next week 21:05:30 <stahnma> most people in the US will be on holiday 21:05:34 <nirik> Next friday is the day after thanksgiving in the US. The friday after that is right around time for Fudcon to start. 21:05:46 * stahnma is not going to FUDcon :( 21:05:56 * nirik isn't going to make it either this time. ;( 21:06:13 <nirik> yeah, so I say we should cancel both the next 2 and next meeting is dec 11th. 21:06:18 <stahnma> ok 21:06:27 <stahnma> sounds like a plan 21:06:31 <stahnma> +1 21:06:59 <nirik> I can mail the list for objections too... 21:07:38 <stahnma> ok 21:07:57 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 21:08:08 <nirik> I had litterally no other meeting topics... ;) 21:08:22 <stahnma> oh wow 21:08:24 <nirik> but there could be things. Anything for open floor? anything anyone would like to note or ask about? 21:08:39 <stahnma> I saw some mirorrs out of sync last week 21:08:49 <stahnma> like some had cobbler 1.6 as the latest, others had 2.0 21:08:56 <stahnma> which was odd since I was trying to upgrade 21:09:09 <stahnma> outside of that, I don't have too much 21:09:49 <nirik> weird. Wonder if it was related to the fedora release syncing? 21:09:53 <nirik> shouldn't have been... 21:09:59 <stahnma> not really sure 21:10:07 <stahnma> I think it was Monday night 21:10:12 <stahnma> but I could be wrong 21:10:20 <stahnma> either way, i'm over it 21:10:59 <stahnma> I have nothing else 21:11:03 <stahnma> so I guess we close :) 21:11:14 <mmercer> awe, missed it :( 21:11:17 <StabbyMc> Great first meeting! I like them short :-) 21:11:59 * mmercer wonders what he missed. is at least trying to keep up with the meetings until he can get sponsored =D 21:12:07 <nirik> yeah, it's hard to have meetings with just: keep making packages! Keep fixing bugs! :0 21:12:24 <nirik> mmercer: not much. we were talking about canceling next 2 meetings due to holidays. 21:12:45 <mmercer> why not treat the meetings like ways of discussing current bugs that may be causing issues, best practices for packaging and whatnot 21:12:50 <mmercer> and use them to educate newcomers 21:13:27 <nirik> that's a great idea. ;) 21:13:50 <nirik> I can try and write up something for that for next meeting? 21:13:56 <mmercer> :) 21:16:01 <nirik> it would be nice to try and quash or triage bugs... might be ok for a meeting too sometime. 21:16:30 <nirik> mmercer: you are looking to maintain some epel packages, but awaiting sponsorship? you have packages in for review? 21:17:26 <mmercer> nirik, not yet no. I am goign to talk to the author of one of my favorite things, get permission to package it, and then submit it :) 21:17:46 <mmercer> since i know noone else has this package submittied 21:17:55 <mmercer> bah, im spelling great on 2 hours of sleep, lol 21:17:55 <nirik> excellent. Feel free to ping me when you submit it, I'd be happy to review... 21:18:32 <Southern_Gentlem> mmercer, with the holidays people want to spend time with family then the week after is fydcon 21:18:51 <nirik> anyhow, any other general EPEL stuff anyone would like to bring up? 21:18:51 <mmercer> Southern_Gentlem, nodnod. Im not in a rush, right now work is keeping me way too busy anyway 21:18:56 <Southern_Gentlem> fudcon 21:20:26 <nirik> ok, if nothing else I will go ahead and close things out... 21:20:57 <mmercer> hmm.... would a game client package meet the requirements for submission? 21:21:04 <mmercer> ( in this case, Kmuddy ) 21:21:38 <mmercer> or should i choose one that would actually be for *epel* rather than review against the fedora packages 21:21:58 <nirik> mmercer: if it's able to meet all the fedora guidelines, sure. 21:22:08 <nirik> if you can maintain it also in fedora that would be desireable. 21:22:08 <mmercer> that it can, from what ive read anyway 21:22:32 <mmercer> im just waiting to talk to the author so he knows its going to be an actual maintained packages for the fedora lines :) 21:23:13 <nirik> cool. makes sense. 21:24:23 <nirik> well, thanks for coming folks... any further questions, feel free to ask in #epel or the mailing list? 21:25:10 <nirik> #endmeeting