16:29:42 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG 16:29:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 7 16:29:42 2010 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:29:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:29:47 <nirik> #topic Init process 16:29:55 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 16:29:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 16:30:40 <nirik> who all is around for the irc support sig meeting? 16:30:53 * thomasj 16:31:08 * Khaytsus scratches 16:31:19 * slipp3d thinks that i'm here 16:31:24 * Sonar_Guy 16:31:37 <Khaytsus> Beuller? 16:31:37 * Evil_Sonar_Chick lurks 16:32:48 <nirik> ok, gonna be a short meeting today I think. I don't have much. 16:32:53 <nirik> #topic week in review 16:32:59 <zodbot> Announcement from my owner (stickster): Fedora Board public IRC meeting in ~30 minutes. Details: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Board/IRC (Note: temporary outage on wiki, sysadmins are investigating.) 16:33:18 <nirik> We don't have weekly stats this week, but it seems to have been a pretty typical yet busy week. 16:33:31 <nirik> @channelstats #fedora 16:33:32 <fedbot> nirik: On #fedora there have been 21982 messages, containing 881990 characters, 154949 words, 522 smileys, and 790 frowns; 254 of those messages were ACTIONs. There have been 5296 joins, 449 parts, 4737 quits, 14 kicks, 56 mode changes, and 0 topic changes. There are currently 597 users and the channel has peaked at 597 users. 16:33:40 <nirik> I reset that on jan1st. 16:34:03 * hiemanshu is here now 16:34:37 <EvilBob> Morning 16:34:50 <Khaytsus> Interesting we have so many users in today 16:35:03 <nirik> anyone have anything that they would like to point out from the last week? New issues/etc? 16:35:36 <hiemanshu> nirik: fedbot being a little broken 16:35:39 <EvilBob> Old Issues? 16:36:01 <Khaytsus> EvilBob: I'm sure that's on the agenda 16:36:33 <hiemanshu> and it banned someone in #fedora for no reason 16:36:44 <Khaytsus> hiemanshu: badwords? 16:36:46 <nirik> hiemanshu: sorry about that. Seems to have been a network lag issue... 16:36:50 <hiemanshu> Khaytsus: for flooding 16:36:52 <thomasj> It was the lag, and the one was quickly unbanned. 16:36:58 <nirik> it was a kick unless my logs are wrong? 16:37:03 * thomasj types to slow 16:37:17 <hiemanshu> nirik: ban 16:37:18 <Khaytsus> hiemanshu: Yes, that could always happen given network latencies etc.. Particularly when the network is under stress, as it has been for a few weeks now. 16:37:23 <EvilBob> thomasj has lUser Lag 16:37:47 <thomasj> lol 16:37:57 <hiemanshu> Khaytsus, nirik: Ah 16:38:28 <nirik> hiemanshu: odd. I will look again. Not sure how much we can do around it... but we can try and adjust. 16:38:47 <hiemanshu> nirik: IIRC he dint type much for a long time 16:39:10 <Khaytsus> hiemanshu: If you can recall the nick we can check logs 16:39:13 <nirik> hiemanshu: yeah, the way the flood plugin works it looks at messages as it gets them. If the network is clogged, it gets a bunch at once. 16:39:16 <thomasj> hiemanshu, he was typing a lot ;) 16:39:39 <thomasj> _diablo was the nick 16:39:43 <thomasj> or diablo_ 16:39:48 <hiemanshu> _diablo 16:40:00 <hiemanshu> I remember him complaining in -social as well 16:41:14 <thomasj> Well, sh!t happens. 16:41:23 <thomasj> He's still alive ;) 16:41:35 <EvilBob> hiemanshu: Sorry about that, I will have to watch fr that more closely and deal with complainers promptly 16:41:56 <nirik> anyhow, I guess we should move on if nothing more from the week in review... 16:41:58 <hiemanshu> EvilBob: It was nothing wrong in it, since it was not his mistake, and you were sleeping at that time 16:42:08 <nirik> #topic Classroom classes 16:42:16 <nirik> We just had 3 classes this week... 16:42:29 <nirik> Logs should be up soon on them for any folks interested. 16:42:45 <nirik> Sugar activity packaging 16:42:56 <nirik> Basic Fedora troubleshooting tips 16:43:04 <nirik> Ambassador training 16:43:24 <nirik> If anyone wants to teach something moving forward, see the Classroom wiki page (once the wiki is back up). 16:43:50 * hiemanshu is planning for one within the next fortnight 16:44:15 <nirik> excellent. 16:45:59 <nirik> #topic Channel tone and off topicness 16:46:37 <nirik> Currently we are being pretty strict on the channel about people being off topic or non fedora related. 16:47:00 <nirik> This makes things nicer for supporting people, but does give the channel a less friendly air to some. 16:47:40 <nirik> Does anyone think we should change our off topic policies? Or have any ideas how we can be more friendly? 16:48:30 <hiemanshu> nirik: add a alias to fedbot to ask them politely to take off-topic to social 16:48:31 <EvilBob> I don't think it hurts the channel to just tune out a small group that is visiting rather than "throwing them out" 16:49:10 <hiemanshu> nirik: after about twice of them not listening, then make it a little strict 16:49:14 <Khaytsus> nirik: Have you observed folks being overly strict when there's no ongoing support in the channel? 16:49:42 <Khaytsus> I think one of our unsaid rules is as long as the discussion is reasonably close to topic and polite, it's okay to have in #fedora so long as it's not in the middle of support discussions. 16:49:56 <EvilBob> There are times a conversation will spiral a bit outside the support focus then come back 16:50:37 <EvilBob> Khaytsus: again, even if you are supporting someone you sure as hell can tune one or two or three out 16:50:54 <EvilBob> What's next only one issue at a time and take a number? 16:50:58 * stickster agrees that it's more important to handle if (1) it's negative in tone (i.e. grandma or the kids shouldn't be seeing it), or (2) is interfering with ongoing support 16:51:12 <Khaytsus> EvilBob: Sure, IRC isn't 1:1 but I don't want to try to help someone out of a sticky situation with 3-4 people rambling about poltics for example. 16:51:26 <stickster> Not everyone has the ability to tune out, because the list is highly populated with people who aren't necessarily experienced IRCers and used to doing so. 16:51:30 <slipp3d> +1 Khaytsus ... 16:51:53 <stickster> The idea should not be to make people get accustomed to our support venues; it should be to make our support venues useful for them 16:52:19 <EvilBob> there are times when a half dozen people are getting helped, how is that different than someone chattering with another user about their car? 16:52:21 <Khaytsus> I think there's a range of such things... If it's quiet in the channel and it's a decent topic, sure.. If someone has hosed grub and someone starts polling about the best WM, that's different IMO 16:53:00 <Khaytsus> EvilBob: We also don't want anarchy, nor do we want to look like BOFH's. 16:53:38 <thomasj> +1 16:54:29 <EvilBob> As I stated yesterday, there is no chance for friendship in #fedora today 16:54:37 <nirik> Khaytsus: well, I think we are sometimes too strict with off topic... and we should relax a bit if there are not any help requests currently. 16:55:46 <EvilBob> the "community" piece of Fedora is then lacking, friendships are part of what holds a community together 16:56:05 <nirik> EvilBob: can folks connect and become friends in social? 16:56:20 <Khaytsus> nirik: I agree we are sometimes too strict.. Perhaps we can all try to refrain from ushering folks off to #fedora-social until a topic goes way off topic or an important support question arrises? 16:56:30 <Sonar_Guy> nirik: not at all, that is against the rules ;^) 16:56:40 <EvilBob> nirik: much smaller sample, relaxing things a bit over all in #fedora will help a lot. 16:57:11 <EvilBob> nirik: and will also then bring those people who see some fellowship in to -social 16:57:34 <EvilBob> the -social seed needs to be planted in #fedora I think 16:58:11 <EvilBob> rather than the first mention of a CHevy V8 "take ti to -social" 16:59:30 * nirik nods. 16:59:32 * Southern_Gentlem here 16:59:53 <nirik> I would be happy to try doing that moving forward... let a bit more offtopic happen if it's friendly and the channel isn't busy. 17:00:05 <nirik> Other folks thoughts? 17:01:31 <Southern_Gentlem> i have tried not to enforce offtopic unless it interfers with someone getting help 17:02:02 <nirik> thomasj? Khaytsus? thoughts? 17:02:22 <EvilBob> The opinion of what is interfering is the real issue 17:02:52 <EvilBob> Perhaps ask for someone elses opinion in -ops before pointing someone aside 17:03:05 <thomasj> nirik, a bit more offtopic (at least computer/software related) cant hurt. 17:03:31 <EvilBob> "peer review" at the time if you will 17:03:31 <hiemanshu> thomasj: but again, you dont want one someone whining 17:03:38 <Khaytsus> I'm agreeing, but I think we'll still want to politely dirct folks to socal when things get way off topic or when there are support needs. 17:03:40 <nirik> EvilBob: I don't think we should let fedora be a open mic night still... 17:03:52 <EvilBob> nirik: Not suggesting that at all 17:03:53 <thomasj> hiemanshu, what you mean? 17:04:15 <nirik> sure, if others are around to peer review it. ;) 17:04:21 <nirik> worth checking 17:04:52 <hiemanshu> thomasj: someone coming in and then talking about how difficult thunderbird is over Outlook Express 17:05:03 <EvilBob> nirik: but an example, your opinion of "get out and get in to -social" is different than mine 17:05:15 <EvilBob> the point they cross that line 17:05:24 * nirik nods. 17:05:28 <hiemanshu> nirik: its better to ask them to have their own channel, or just PM 17:05:37 <nirik> or it could be at least, depending on coccasion. 17:05:47 * EvilBob likes a fair amount of rope... 17:06:00 <nirik> occasion. Sheesh. 17:06:02 <EvilBob> Adds to the snap... 17:06:25 <thomasj> hiemanshu, well, yeah. Thats more like polling/trolling mostly. But i think we will check that from case to case. 17:06:36 <ammini> Is this meeting logged? 17:06:45 <Southern_Gentlem> yes 17:07:08 <hiemanshu> thomasj: Well there is a line to everything, and someone has to draw it now 17:07:10 <EvilBob> hiemanshu: I am done whining now... LOL 17:07:20 <Sonar_Gal> about time 17:07:27 <EvilBob> Sonar_Gal: You shut it 17:07:29 <EvilBob> LOL 17:07:36 * ammini missed the whine 17:07:48 <EvilBob> I can start again 17:07:49 <hiemanshu> EvilBob: you are done on -meeting not on -social though 17:07:54 <Sonar_Gal> EvilBob, Done 17:07:55 <hiemanshu> in** 17:08:04 <thomasj> hiemanshu, drawing a line is always complicated ;) Thats why i said, if we give more rope, we have to check *that* cases when it happens. 17:08:06 <nirik> Anyhow, any folks have anything further to add on this topic? 17:08:09 <hiemanshu> nirik: and also the fedbot alias would help 17:08:10 <EvilBob> I have nothing else for the meeting 17:08:20 <hiemanshu> thomasj: right 17:08:25 <ammini> Oh Yeah, how about fedbot kicking innocent people? 17:08:36 <EvilBob> ammini: No one is innocent 17:08:39 <Southern_Gentlem> ammini, already covered 17:08:55 <Southern_Gentlem> crap happens when there is lag 17:08:55 <nirik> ammini: we talked about that. We are going to try and adjust it, but it's hard to do that with network issues. 17:09:28 <hiemanshu> Looks like wiki is back up 17:09:44 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 17:09:50 <EvilBob> Oh, Board Meeting... 17:09:50 <nirik> Anyone have anything for open floor? 17:10:27 <Sonar_Guy> nirik: the only thing I had was the removal of ops from roguedaemon, but he pretty much gave us the go ahead in his response. 17:10:49 <nirik> yes, thats already taken care of. 17:10:49 <Southern_Gentlem> +! 17:10:51 <Southern_Gentlem> 1 17:11:09 <Southern_Gentlem> nirik, on all channels?? 17:12:14 <nirik> Southern_Gentlem: all? fedora/fedora-ops/fedora-social per his request. 17:12:23 <nirik> (I don't think he was in social) 17:13:05 <Southern_Gentlem> ok not listed in social 17:13:10 <EvilBob> Hopefully at a later time he can return 17:13:27 <Sonar_Gal> What about websites? I don't remember if he was an op there or not 17:13:28 <nirik> agreed. 17:13:39 <Sonar_Guy> Hopefully he decides to return later on down the road. 17:13:43 <nirik> Sonar_Gal: no idea there. Check with chanserv. 17:14:01 <Sonar_Guy> Sonar_Guy: nope he is not an op in there 17:14:09 <thomasj> -classroom maybe 17:14:16 <EvilBob> Sonar_Guy: talking to yourself again? 17:14:18 <nirik> anyhow, any other topics for open floor? 17:14:37 <Sonar_Guy> EvilBob: yup 17:14:44 <EvilBob> Sonar_Guy: I do it all the time 17:15:04 <EvilBob> Thanks guys 17:15:35 * Sonar_Gal stomps on EvilBob's foot 17:15:39 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone! 17:15:45 <nirik> #endmeeting