16:31:11 <nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2010-01-28) 16:31:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 28 16:31:11 2010 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:31:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:31:11 <nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig 16:31:11 <nirik> #topic init process 16:31:11 <nirik> Who all is around for the meeting? 16:31:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig' 16:32:58 * nirik will wait a few and see if some folks show up. ;) 16:33:42 * hiemanshu 16:34:09 * Sonar_Guy 16:35:51 <nirik> ok. I didn't have too much this week anyhow, so lets go ahead and get started. 16:36:34 <nirik> #topic weekly stats/recap 16:36:46 <nirik> As always: http://fedora.theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora.html 16:36:55 <nirik> oops. thats the overall. 16:37:04 <nirik> http://fedora.theglaserfamily.org/ircstats/fedora-weekly.html 16:37:42 <nirik> It seems like there has been an uptick in EOL folks. 16:37:54 <nirik> Anything anyone else would like to note about this last week? 16:38:08 <ammini> nirik: That stats is based on which TimeZone? 16:38:23 <hiemanshu> I noticed ambassadors is +r too? 16:38:24 <nirik> ammini: I think it's EST. 16:38:58 <nirik> hiemanshu: yeah, spammers have been anoying. ;( 16:39:16 <hiemanshu> nirik: ah, there was some spam in -admin today 16:39:59 <nirik> yeah. ;( 16:40:24 <Sonar_Guy> nirik: yes it is EST 16:41:37 <nirik> ok, if nothing more about the last week will move on... 16:41:46 <nirik> #topic IRCD move this weekend 16:42:00 <nirik> just a reminder that freenode is migrating to their new ircd this coming weekend... 16:42:21 <nirik> we will be leaving the current setup in place until after that migration and revisit next week... 16:42:24 * hiemanshu npds 16:42:27 * hiemanshu nods 16:43:07 * Sonar_Guy nods 16:43:12 <nirik> they have not listed a time, but sometime saturday. 16:43:20 <EvilBob> "Current setup" does anyone have a reason to chnage it "back" 16:44:28 * nirik doesn't off hand 16:44:54 <EvilBob> I mean, #fedora-unregistered is working, 136 users can't be wrong 16:45:06 <nirik> I am sad there are so many people in there not registering or saying anything. 16:45:06 <Sonar_Guy> haha, I have no issues with it. 16:45:43 <Sonar_Guy> nirik: so /kick * 16:45:45 <EvilBob> When I have been in #fedora helping, it has seemed... easier 16:45:50 <hiemanshu> Sonar_Guy: +1 16:46:03 <EvilBob> Sonar_Guy: they all part and join automatically 16:46:05 <nirik> The channel has seemed quieter and it's been easier to help people who have more complicated problems, IMHO 16:46:12 <EvilBob> Sonar_Guy: asleep at the wheel 16:46:35 <nirik> they will get all booted when ircds move I'm sure. ;) 16:46:37 <fenris02> sorry, i'm way late. is the question to leave the channel as +rm ? 16:46:42 <nirik> but then will just revisit. 16:47:05 <nirik> fenris02: just random discussion about the current setup. I would like to just revisit this next week. 16:47:15 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 16:47:36 <nirik> Anything anyone has for open floor? Things we can improve? Things we should change? 16:47:39 <fenris02> imho, the channel has been far quieter with actual problems being discussed (mostly) 16:48:45 * nirik nods. 16:48:54 <EvilBob> And it makes not sense that it would be that way 16:49:06 <EvilBob> but it is "different" 16:49:26 <nirik> oh, random announcement: will be a short downtime for fedbot tomorrow night probibly as I add more ram to the host system that runs the virtual it's on. 16:49:29 <fenris02> perhaps that is all it is. "new" therefore people are acting different. dunno. 16:50:40 <EvilBob> if the people, zombies, ghosts... whatever in -unregistered made a difference in #fedora there would be more noise in -unregistered I would think 16:51:02 <ammini> Can be a bit more non-hostile. I don't remember whether it occurred this week, but I remember someone discouraging the usage of LiveCD to a user who wanted to install F11 on his desktop for some educational purpose. 16:51:37 <nirik> ammini: we should all strive to be professional when helping... 16:51:38 <EvilBob> ammini: and I will again and again 16:51:58 <EvilBob> ammini: the channel mode is not going to change that 16:52:34 * ammini *sighs* 16:52:51 <EvilBob> ammini: if people want honest help that is what I will give them, if they want someone to lie and blow sunshine up their petticoats they need to look elsewhere 16:52:53 <nirik> ammini: I think I recall the user... they were being difficult as well. 16:53:17 <nirik> EvilBob: feel free to tell people the reasons you think they shouldn't use the live media... no need to be hostile about it. ;) 16:53:18 <EvilBob> ammini: the LiveCD as install media is FAIL IMO 16:55:16 <EvilBob> I would say that as long as users are allowed be be whiny and demanding I can be however the hell I feel like... LOL 16:56:22 <nirik> within limits. :) 16:56:44 <EvilBob> I give what I get, I have never been intentionally hostile to anyone other than The one who shall remain unnamed 16:56:48 <nirik> ammini: can you think of better ways to handle things like that? 16:57:01 * kronos003 coughs his drink from laughing so hard 16:57:59 <nirik> I would say if you see someone being hostile you could: step in and try and help the person yourself in a better way, or ask the person being hostile to take a break, or ask the person asking for help to take a different approach. 16:58:01 <ammini> nirik: There were obviously some remarks which could've avoided . And I don't agree discouraging using LiveCD. I use it a LOT. 16:58:25 <ammini> nirik: Sure. 16:58:28 <fenris02> ammini, the livecd installs are pretty broken 16:58:38 <fenris02> ammini, repairable, but certainly not user-friendly. 16:58:40 <nirik> people have different opinions... we should all be able to agree to disagree. ;) 16:58:58 * ammini *nods* and agrees. 16:59:20 <EvilBob> ammini: Are you volunteering to help all the LiveCD users? The rest of us could go on vacation until the next release if you are. 16:59:57 <nirik> anyhow, I think we are derailing here. 16:59:58 <ammini> EvilBob: Take a break. nirik just suggested me to take this approach :D 17:00:13 <nirik> Any other items for Open Floor? 17:01:13 * nirik will close out the meeting in a few unless someone has something else. 17:02:09 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone! 17:02:16 <nirik> #endmeeting