20:16:27 <liknus> #startmeeting EMEA Ambassadors Meeting 3-3-2010 20:16:27 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 3 20:16:27 2010 UTC. The chair is liknus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:16:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:16:34 <liknus> #chair kital 20:16:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: kital liknus 20:16:48 <liknus> #topic RollCall 20:17:01 <biertie> .fas biertie 20:17:02 <liknus> Lets all have a rollcall here :) 20:17:02 <zodbot> biertie: biertie 'Bert Desmet' <bert@devnox.be> 20:17:02 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 20:17:03 <isaac__> .fas linuxthomass 20:17:07 <liknus> .fas ppapadeas 20:17:07 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Konstantinidis Giannis' <gloooabvoe9a@gmail.com> 20:17:12 <zodbot> isaac__: linuxthomass '' <linuxthomass@gmail.com> 20:17:16 <spevack> .fas mspevack 20:17:16 <zodbot> liknus: ppapadeas 'Papadeas Pierros' <ppapadeas@gmail.com> 20:17:21 <zodbot> spevack: mspevack 'Max Spevack' <mspevack@redhat.com> 20:17:36 <liknus> Ok people, 20:17:47 <liknus> Our today's agenda is pretty short 20:18:03 <liknus> mainly reviewing previous items and some upcoming events 20:18:13 <biertie> ok :-) 20:18:24 <liknus> spevack, have we got any special announcements to make? 20:18:41 <spevack> couple of quick things from my end, I suppose 20:18:51 <liknus> bring them on .. :) 20:18:58 <spevack> (1) We had a meeting yesterday -- which I will send the notes out to -- that focused on two specific things. 20:19:10 <spevack> Thing #1 was getting a few needs sorted out for Chemnitzer Linux Tage, which we did. 20:19:37 <spevack> Thing #2 was the plan for media production for F13 and beyond in Europe, and making that more transparent and community friendly. sspreitzer is going to be taking an active role in that. 20:19:53 <spevack> At some point -- not today, but at some point -- we'll use this regional meeting to discuss our F13 media production plans. 20:19:56 <spevack> 20:19:59 <spevack> 20:19:59 <spevack> Next... 20:20:20 <spevack> I'd like to remind everyone about two things: 20:20:32 <spevack> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Sponsoring_event_attendees 20:20:47 <spevack> The newly updated sponsorship guidelines for people who need assistance getting to events, FUDCons, FADs, etc. 20:20:56 <spevack> and actually, that's about it. 20:21:08 <spevack> I think that we're in pretty good shape otherwise for day-to-day stuff in the region. 20:21:11 <spevack> EOF from me. 20:21:26 <liknus> Thanks max for those updates 20:21:37 <liknus> We are happy to see things done in our region 20:22:12 <liknus> We shall move to our events section 20:22:18 <liknus> #topic Events 20:22:27 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents#FY11_Q1_.28March_2010_-_May_2010.29_2 20:23:05 <liknus> Other than CLT we have Solution Linux in Paris coming 20:23:17 <liknus> Anyone here from France? Anything on that? 20:23:33 <bochecha> nothing to say really 20:24:02 <bochecha> I'm not going there myself, but it seems that 2 or 3 ambassadors will attend, and apparently Jeoroen will be in Paris so he'll pay us a visit :) 20:24:10 <bochecha> that's it 20:24:18 <liknus> ok thanks bochecha :) 20:24:30 <liknus> And our next event is Open Fest 2010 here in Greece 20:24:35 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents/OpenFest_2010 20:24:59 * rsc is also around - sorry for being late 20:25:10 <liknus> We have done some really nice job and 3 new members are actively contributing to our presence there 20:26:00 <liknus> One thing to note is that we decided to have many cheat cubes in our booth so as to have a nice decor and many things to give out during the event 20:26:13 <liknus> So expect some really nice pictures :) 20:26:40 <biertie> cool! :-) 20:26:50 <liknus> Also (and that is a point from yesterday's meeting) we decided not to bother anyone for more CD .. 20:27:22 <liknus> So we are producing/burning our own (~300) nolabeled with minimal costs 20:27:59 <liknus> Let's all not forget that some simple solutions can and should be applied from time to time 20:28:34 <liknus> That's all for Open Fest 2010 till the event review and photos :) 20:29:09 <liknus> rsc, How about the Open Source Days? 20:30:48 <rsc> liknus: I'm travelling tomorrow to Copenhagen, we've everything (swag via kital) and booth personell tickets arrived today, forwarded them accordingly. 20:30:55 <rsc> so we're ready to have a nice event :) 20:31:00 <spevack> rsc: good luck! 20:31:16 <rsc> I'm currently packing my bags, so I didn't recognize the meeting, sorry. 20:31:20 <liknus> Good luck over there and make us proud (as always) :) 20:31:51 <liknus> Ok I think we are pretty done with the upcoming events 20:32:16 <liknus> Is anything else to be mentioned by anyone on the "Events" section? 20:32:23 <isaac__> ! 20:32:29 <liknus> isaac__, go ahead 20:33:11 <isaac__> kital and I got the mail from the IDLELO/FOSSFA team. What they are charging for participation is quite high. Kital is yet to decide the next move 20:33:29 <isaac__> EOF 20:34:06 <liknus> thanks isaac__ we are looking into it, to decide the next actions 20:34:25 <liknus> We should have updates from kital on that 20:34:43 <liknus> Moving on to Reviewing previous items 20:34:58 <liknus> #topic Previous items review 20:35:07 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Ambassadors_2010-2-17 20:35:33 <liknus> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-02-17/fedora-meeting.2010-02-17-20.05.html 20:35:46 <liknus> Ok 20:36:06 <liknus> unfortunately many of the action owners are not here today 20:36:12 * spevack scans the list 20:36:27 <spevack> good progress on all the media-related stuff. 20:36:35 <spevack> cebit -- I have no insight into that 20:36:43 <liknus> in fact i am the only owner present :P 20:37:02 <spevack> #action spevack get caught up on his famsco tickets and see if there are pending reimbursements in EMEA 20:37:18 <liknus> nice :) thanks spevack 20:37:34 <liknus> On my actions the media thing was arranged 20:37:55 <liknus> and the Campus Ambassadors thread was made on the list 20:38:29 <liknus> the general reaction is that we should keep it a different group as long as it is simple in the procedures 20:38:39 <liknus> (which it it till now) 20:39:08 <liknus> So we are wishing good luck to the group and we are willing to provide any help/collaboration with them :) 20:39:29 <liknus> Carry on with our wishes biertie :) 20:39:50 <liknus> Let Fedora bloom in every campus! 20:40:22 <liknus> Does anyone have any idea on the today's many absences ? :S 20:40:38 <giannisk> hm,i have no idea :p 20:41:53 <liknus> Ok we are pretty done here (as the video thing was proposed by someone not present here) 20:42:34 <biertie> thx liknus ;-) 20:42:51 <liknus> We should call it even a bad meeting or a good condition of EMEA region.... 20:43:08 <isaac__> :) 20:43:09 <giannisk> it was a really short meeting 20:43:14 <liknus> spevack, shall we have a meeting on the budget distribution? 20:43:37 <liknus> spevack, and can you tell us more about the relative cutdowns? 20:47:33 <liknus> spevack, ping 20:48:28 <liknus> Ok max is away i guess so we shall end this meeting in 5 minutes 20:48:57 <giannisk> +1 20:49:06 <isaac__> +1 20:50:28 <biertie> +2 20:51:24 <spevack> sorry, I'm back. 20:51:28 <spevack> I got pulled away from my computer 20:51:36 <spevack> liknus: what cutdowns? 20:51:52 <spevack> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_budget 20:52:05 <spevack> If folks look at the FAMSCo budget page with proposals for the current quarter (March - May) 20:52:21 <spevack> It seems like the two most pressing needs are planning for F13 media, and making sure the French team gets the resources that it needs. 20:52:42 <bochecha> spevack, that would be most helpful :) 20:52:53 <spevack> My guess would be that we're ok on swag in general based on what we made in Q4, and that we'll spend most of our Q2 money making swag once again. 20:52:58 <spevack> That all basically makes sense to me. 20:53:11 <spevack> I'm trying tomake sure that our initial budget planning does a better job of spreading resources out across the world. 20:53:23 <spevack> Our comparative spending in LATAM and India and APAC last year was much lower than NA and EMEA. 20:53:26 <spevack> So I want to fix that a bit. 20:53:46 <liknus> ok spevack, but i think that fr is taking too much (even for a big country) (sorry bochecha ) 20:53:49 <spevack> But as always, as we get closer to the end of the quarter, if we have budget leftover, we'll look at all regions of the world and see what kind of swag we can make quickly. 20:54:09 <bochecha> liknus, keep one thing in mind, that's for the whole year, not the quarter 20:54:13 <spevack> liknus: well, they've stated a *yearly* need in that number, not a quarterly one 20:54:34 <spevack> Perhaps we given them a chunk of that this quarter, and more next quarter. I think that yearly estimate is very fair, in my opinion. 20:54:42 <liknus> even for that, but thats just me whining... 20:54:46 <bochecha> liknus, you might think it's still to much, but I just wanted to make sure this was clear :) 20:55:30 <spevack> liknus: well, I'd be happy to spend that amount of money in Greece, in Italy, in England, in almost any country. 20:56:12 <liknus> spevack, the question is: Do we have that much money for doing so? 20:56:31 <spevack> bochecha: i think perhaps it would be useful if you guys said a bit about what the French community's plans for that money are in the next few months. 20:56:50 <spevack> I think that the rest of the folks can see a number like that and say "that seems like a lot" but when we list out the different things that we'll do with the money, then it seems more reasonable. 20:57:13 <liknus> spevack, bochecha that would be great :) 20:57:13 <bochecha> spevack, I'd love to... but MrTom isn't here and he's the treasurer, so he's the one with the budget we planned 20:57:26 <spevack> bochecha: it doesn't have to happen right now :) 20:57:28 <liknus> Not for this meeting... just on wiki 20:57:35 <bochecha> ok, I'll ask him then 20:57:45 <bochecha> but didn't he send you a translated version spevack? 20:57:48 <liknus> thanks bochecha 20:57:54 <spevack> bochecha: he may have. I'll look back in my email 20:58:36 <spevack> if I find such a thing, I'll add it to the wiki 20:59:21 <liknus> ok guys! :) Shall we end it? 20:59:24 <bochecha> ok, and I'll ask MrTom if he can send it to us if you can't find it 20:59:30 <isaac__> +1 20:59:43 <giannisk> +1 liknus..we shall end it 21:00:08 <spevack> +1 21:00:14 <liknus> #endmeeting