20:07:33 <liknus> #startmeeting EMEA Ambassadors Meeting 2010-03-31 20:07:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 31 20:07:33 2010 UTC. The chair is liknus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:07:36 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:07:41 <liknus> #chair kital 20:07:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: kital liknus 20:07:47 <liknus> #chair spevack 20:07:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: kital liknus spevack 20:08:04 <liknus> Hello to all my fellow Ambassadors! 20:08:14 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:EMEA_Ambassadors_2010-3-31 20:08:30 <liknus> This is today's agenda.. So lets get started 20:08:32 <sspreitzer> hail liknus 20:08:34 <sspreitzer> :) 20:08:35 <constanton> hi everyone 20:08:41 <liknus> #topic RollCall 20:08:49 <liknus> .fas ppapadeas 20:08:50 <zodbot> liknus: ppapadeas 'Papadeas Pierros' <ppapadeas@gmail.com> 20:08:54 <sspreitzer> .fas sspreitzer 20:08:56 <cmpahar> .fas cmpahar 20:08:56 <spevack> .fas mspevack 20:08:58 <zodbot> sspreitzer: sspreitzer 'Sascha Thomas Spreitzer' <sascha@spreitzer.name> 20:08:59 <liknus> Please state your fas name after .fas 20:09:03 <zodbot> cmpahar: cmpahar 'Christos Bacharakis' <cmpahar@gmail.com> 20:09:07 <MooDoo> .fas paulmellors 20:09:07 <zodbot> spevack: mspevack 'Max Spevack' <mspevack@redhat.com> 20:09:11 <zodbot> MooDoo: paulmellors 'Paul Mellors' <prjmellors@gmail.com> 20:09:33 <hno> .fas hno 20:09:35 <zodbot> hno: mostanser 'Mostanser Billah' <billahnorm@gmail.com> - debloxie 'DEBO OGUNRINDE' <debo@casttechnologies.com> - mounis 'moones ben khelifa' <projects@technodealer.net> - gkhnoisgtht 'Daniel Picard' <m81a12@gmail.com> - froncko 'Bob Froncko' <rfroncko@trinitytechnologies.com> - ufa 'Fabio Araujo' <ufa@technotroll.org> - vishnu046 'vishnu kumar' <manthrytechnologies@gmail.com> - romarios 'Roman S.' (8 more messages) 20:09:35 <constanton> .fas constanton 20:09:37 <acaleechurn> .fas acaleechurn 20:09:40 <zodbot> constanton: constanton 'Konstantinos Antonakoglou' <anton.cost@gmail.com> 20:09:44 <zodbot> acaleechurn: acaleechurn 'Amit Caleechurn' <acaleechurn@gmail.com> 20:09:57 <delhage> .fas delhage 20:09:59 <zodbot> delhage: delhage 'Lars Delhage' <delhage@gmail.com> 20:10:04 <hno> .fasinfo hno 20:10:08 <zodbot> hno: User: hno, Name: Henrik Nordström, email: henrik@henriknordstrom.net, Creation: 2008-05-13, IRC Nick: hno, Timezone: Europe/Stockholm, Locale: en, Extension: 5104842, GPG key ID: 5459E75E90C039CC33DB, Status: active 20:10:12 <zodbot> hno: Approved Groups: cla_fedora cla_done packager fedorabugs 20:10:32 <liknus> Ok lets proceed with our Announcements 20:10:38 <liknus> #topic Announcements 20:11:00 <liknus> Kital (Joerg Simons) could not make it for today's meeting 20:11:26 <liknus> But he was kind enough to brief me on the FAmSCo topics :) 20:11:42 <liknus> So Famsco is working on a wiki page 20:11:44 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors_project_structure 20:12:07 <sspreitzer> +1 20:12:12 <spevack> I guess the big announcement for EMEA folks is that FUDCon Zurich is official now -- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Zurich_2010 20:12:29 <MooDoo> :) 20:12:32 <liknus> Here you can find the Ambassadors project structure. There is nothing brand new.. just a nice wiki page to round everything up 20:12:52 <cmpahar> +1 20:13:17 <liknus> I left it for the end of Announcements but as you wish spevack :) 20:13:59 <spevack> liknus: carry on :) 20:14:02 <liknus> So anyone willing to contribute on the FUDCON is advised to write his name on the wiki page and get started :) 20:14:11 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Zurich_2010_planning 20:14:25 <liknus> This is the planning page for anyone interested 20:14:38 <cmpahar> ? 20:15:06 <liknus> Don't forget to sign up for the event and state what you will do on the accomodation in order for the organizers to be ready for the event 20:15:10 <liknus> cmpahar, go ahead 20:15:33 <cmpahar> can anyone help, or just only people from Zurich? 20:15:40 <spevack> anyone can help 20:15:46 <spevack> but we always try to make sure 20:15:52 <sspreitzer> ! 20:15:54 <spevack> that we have at least one or two people who are local 20:16:06 <spevack> because they can actually go talk to people face to face, and speak the local language. 20:16:09 <spevack> EOF 20:16:13 <liknus> You can help by marketing material, spreading the word or even giving some love on the wiki cmpahar 20:16:32 <liknus> sspreitzer, 20:16:36 <sspreitzer> yep 20:16:56 <sspreitzer> if IBM extents my contract over july til end of 2010 20:17:02 <sspreitzer> i can assist in Zurich 20:17:15 <sspreitzer> Zurich is 1h from Basel 20:17:19 <sspreitzer> by train 20:17:20 <sspreitzer> EOF 20:17:42 <liknus> I advise ypu to contact the event owners so you can state the availability to them :) 20:17:50 <sspreitzer> actually im part of of the FrOSCamp team as wall 20:17:51 <sspreitzer> EOF 20:18:06 <liknus> Ah ok.. so you are in contact with them.. nice :) 20:18:12 <sspreitzer> I am them 20:18:14 <sspreitzer> EOF 20:18:15 <sspreitzer> :P 20:18:17 <liknus> :P 20:18:21 <liknus> ok ..moving on 20:18:32 <liknus> Any questions regarding FUDCON? 20:18:45 <MooDoo> it will be my first :D 20:19:17 <spevack> Everyone should try to find one person who they work with or go to school with who cares about open source or Linux, and convince them to come :) 20:19:53 <liknus> Also FYI, the sister FUDCON of EMEA FUDCON will be held in Santiago, Chile from July 15-17. 20:20:05 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Santiago_2010 20:20:26 <spevack> FUDCon North America will probably be in December 2010, and we're not sure what the plan for India is yet. 20:20:54 <spevack> But the goal is to have FUDCon in each region of the world during the same 3 month block each year. 20:21:20 <spevack> this way the costs are spread out 20:21:21 <spevack> EOF 20:21:31 <liknus> That's nice spevack. I hope we will succeed on that :) 20:21:59 <liknus> Ok, anyone wants to share a review from a past event? 20:22:07 <sspreitzer> ! 20:22:17 <liknus> sspreitzer, go ahead 20:22:23 <sspreitzer> one second please 20:22:48 * sspreitzer is searching a link 20:23:11 <sspreitzer> #link http://kitall.blogspot.com/2010/03/open-expo-2010-bern.html 20:23:13 <sspreitzer> well 20:23:17 <sspreitzer> its not my link 20:23:21 <sspreitzer> eh Blog 20:23:38 <sspreitzer> but kital wrote an nice article. 20:23:49 <sspreitzer> mine is still a draft one, will post it next meeting 20:23:51 <sspreitzer> but 20:24:02 <sspreitzer> smth great happened at the OpenExpo 20:24:17 <sspreitzer> we stood there and there cam a guy called Amit and said 20:24:35 <sspreitzer> "Hey, im from Fedora Project and im from Mauritius" 20:24:44 <liknus> That's wonderful! :) 20:24:50 <sspreitzer> and fitted his Polo shirt and stood with us at the booth 20:24:56 <spevack> yeah, Amit Caleechurn 20:25:00 <sspreitzer> thanks to acaleechurn 20:25:07 <spevack> i've never met him, but I know his name. That's cool! 20:25:10 <sspreitzer> that was a great moment 20:25:23 <spevack> sspreitzer: file that under "Friends" 20:25:43 <sspreitzer> actually we are planning on a 4 weeks delivery of me to Mauritius 20:26:01 <sspreitzer> and maybe an event in Mauritius to attract more contributors 20:26:09 <sspreitzer> in the Africa region 20:26:18 <sspreitzer> thanks again to acaleechurn 20:26:20 <sspreitzer> EOF 20:26:51 <liknus> Nice sspreitzer thanks for the review:) Good luck with the contacts eith Africa and keep us updated :) 20:27:15 <acaleechurn> the pleasure of coming to the event was actually shared :-) 20:27:30 <liknus> We in Greece, had a nice event called Open Fest 2010 20:27:36 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents/OpenFest_2010 20:27:51 <liknus> We had the chance to experiment with many things on the booth 20:28:00 <liknus> #link http://pierros.papadeas.gr/?p=76 20:28:09 <liknus> That's my blog post on the event 20:28:44 <liknus> We made some custom signs, we used dual-projector setups and run a Translation Marathon! 20:29:18 <spevack> it looks great! The translation focus, in particular, is very cool. I like that Greece has become the center of all Fedora i18n :) 20:29:29 * heffer joins in late 20:29:53 <sspreitzer> spevack, +1 20:29:55 <liknus> We attracted some new contributors mainly on l10n and some new ambassadors had their chance to shine on booth :) 20:30:04 <cmpahar> ! 20:30:43 <liknus> We are working on a bigger booth and presence on FossComm 2010 (biggest foss event in Greece) cmpahar is the event owner and the organizer 20:30:45 <liknus> cmpahar, 20:31:21 <cmpahar> there is a very big community growing here in Greece and the magic thing is that there are all contributors. Translators, ambassadors, 20:32:05 <cmpahar> we are also finishing up the greek fedora forum (thanks liknus ) and we are re organizing the greek community site. 20:32:27 <cmpahar> there is a lot of magic here in Greece and I am so proud of it !!!! 20:32:30 <spevack> How can we continue to support all of this great work with budget and other stuff? 20:32:43 <cmpahar> i am sure that we will have more news in the nexr meeting 20:32:44 <cmpahar> EOF 20:32:48 <heffer> ! 20:32:53 <cmpahar> *s/nexr/next 20:32:58 * spevack notes that we're on pace to finish the quarter under budget for EMEA, unless we're planning to spend 4000 EUR all on media. 20:32:59 <liknus> On budget side spevack we may need some on swag 20:33:23 <liknus> We may contact you? 20:33:28 <spevack> of course. 20:33:32 <cmpahar> spevack, swag is always welcome! or to budget the creation of budget here in Greece 20:33:35 <heffer> make sure to talk with redhat on trademark stuff. otherwise you might not be allowed to use fedora in your urls 20:33:51 <cmpahar> heffer, we are always aware of that. Thanks :) 20:34:12 * sspreitzer reminds on meeting rules 20:34:17 <liknus> heffer, we are in contact with Paul on that :) That's why we took over the site administration and began to reform it 20:35:07 <liknus> spevack, tomorrow we are having our regional IRC meeting...so after that we will contact you with details on materials and budget :) 20:35:13 <spevack> perfect, liknus 20:35:37 <liknus> #action liknus contact spevack for swag and budget for Greece 20:35:47 * cmpahar at our regional meeting we always have 10 people present. and the ~2 of them are always new! 20:36:11 <spevack> Greece is soon to be the biggest collection of EMEA contributors, it seems. 20:36:26 * spevack starts thinking about FUDCon Athens 2011 20:36:27 <spevack> EOF 20:36:30 <liknus> We are working on it spevack :) 20:36:30 <sspreitzer> ! 20:36:40 <liknus> sspreitzer, 20:36:46 <sspreitzer> thanks 20:37:04 <delhage> make me think of (OT): Athens Marathon 2500 anniversary 20:37:24 <sspreitzer> By looking back i see to found a community thing on slid ground always meant to have a solid infrastsucture 20:38:07 <sspreitzer> by looking at the amount of contributors in greece i think we should try and think about a possbile more deeper focus in the africa region? 20:38:29 <sspreitzer> i have been advised to speak with the ubuntu folks about that 20:38:36 <sspreitzer> any opinions? 20:38:37 <sspreitzer> EOF 20:38:40 <cmpahar> +1 20:38:42 <MooDoo> ! 20:39:30 <liknus> sspreitzer, You are talking about the possibility Greece helps the Africa region due to proximity? :S 20:40:04 <MooDoo> sspreitzer: you might want to get hold of Jono Bacon - Ubuntu Community Manager 20:40:04 <liknus> (cultrural, geographical etc?) 20:40:05 <sspreitzer> i am talking about starting t Q&A in greece to tune things in greece up 20:40:33 <sspreitzer> and to enable more people in the africa region 20:41:18 <sspreitzer> eeee 20:41:21 <sspreitzer> QA 20:41:26 <sspreitzer> quality assurance 20:41:28 <sspreitzer> ^^ 20:41:30 <sspreitzer> EOF 20:41:52 <liknus> OK maybe we should have a special IRC meeting on Africa expansion. inviting anyone involved and have some brainstorming :) 20:42:01 <liknus> spevack, what do you think? 20:42:02 <cmpahar> +1 20:42:11 <t2hot> +1 20:42:14 <acaleechurn> +1 20:42:27 <sspreitzer> +1 20:42:34 <constanton> +1 20:43:38 <liknus> MooDoo, 20:44:10 <MooDoo> liknus: sorry it was just a suggestion to sspreitzer regarding Ubuntu, maybe he should try get hold of Jono Bacon Ubuntu Community Manager.... 20:44:34 <sspreitzer> MooDoo, great, thank you will do that 20:44:57 <MooDoo> nice chap, is in US originally from UK :) 20:44:58 <MooDoo> EOF 20:45:18 <liknus> #action liknus organizes a Special "Africa Expansion" meeting on IRC inviting anyone willing to involve 20:45:34 <liknus> Ok moving on... 20:45:42 <liknus> #topic Events 20:45:51 <spevack> liknus: i know we have some folks in Egypt who are very eager to get involved, so I think that will be a good meeting 20:46:05 * cmpahar many action items on liknus . maybe somenone else is willing to assist 20:46:24 <liknus> ill keep you in mind cmpahar :) 20:46:38 <sspreitzer> ! 20:46:41 <liknus> Ok next event in EMEA region seems to be Load 2010 20:46:44 <liknus> sspreitzer, 20:47:03 * cmpahar liknus i am talking about me. I am talking about anyone because i know your daily schedule 20:47:03 <sspreitzer> is it ok if I write a mail to the list for the africa effort? 20:47:12 <spevack> +1 20:47:17 <cmpahar> +1 20:47:35 <t2hot> +1 20:47:37 <liknus> + 1 begin a discussion that will end on a meeting 20:47:54 <liknus> *conclude on a meeting :) 20:48:03 <sspreitzer> #action sspreitzer writes a mail to the mailing list about EMEA Africa region begging for a meeting 20:48:20 <sspreitzer> did that work? 20:48:36 <cmpahar> +1 20:48:39 <liknus> It will be a little "set up" but ok :) 20:49:53 <liknus> Now on Load 2010 20:49:57 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Load_2010 20:50:12 <liknus> bertie is the event owner .. but he is not here.. 20:50:24 <liknus> Anyone something on that? 20:50:58 <liknus> ok c, 20:51:33 <liknus> Anything anyone on an upcoming event? 20:51:43 <MooDoo> ! 20:51:51 <liknus> MooDoo, 20:52:49 <MooDoo> i'm going to this event - http://oggcamp.org/ 20:53:10 <MooDoo> it's an unconference 20:53:31 <MooDoo> will probably be lots of ubuntu people, but i'm sure i can convert then ;) lol 20:53:35 <MooDoo> EOF 20:53:46 <biertie> pong 20:54:26 <MooDoo> biertie: we were on about load2010 earlier 20:54:29 <liknus> MooDoo, you could propably organize a Fedora Presence there 20:54:47 <liknus> Some flyers maybe and of course some media 20:54:47 <biertie> I can't do both, also, we don't do booths 20:55:00 <MooDoo> liknus: i'm already on that :) but being part of the crew might be a little difficult, i'll work on something though 20:55:07 <biertie> ach, now oggcamp, srry 20:55:12 <liknus> thanks MooDoo :) 20:55:28 <liknus> biertie, lets fall back to Load 2010.. update us :) 20:55:58 <biertie> well, there will be 2 fedora talks during LOAD ( loupgaroublond & kanarip) 20:56:16 <biertie> the event is sponsored by Fedora for a small amount of money 20:56:25 <liknus> (some of our finests' contributors :) ) 20:56:37 <biertie> so I think luka will join us too, and bring a fedora banner 20:56:52 <biertie> *luca 20:57:10 <liknus> nice biertie :) Anyting more you might need? media etc? 20:57:16 <biertie> but I still have to have confirmation 20:57:25 <biertie> I have F12 dvd's here 20:57:38 <biertie> so I'll hand those out 20:57:57 <biertie> and I have some 30usb sticks 20:58:14 <biertie> but I'm not sure if I'll use them for load, or the next release party 20:58:36 <liknus> Maybe for a release party is better IMHO 20:58:51 <biertie> uhu 20:59:12 <liknus> Ok biertie ! We are waiting for photos and posts then :) 20:59:19 <biertie> liknus: ok! :) 20:59:41 <liknus> Moving on then... 20:59:53 <liknus> #topic Reviewing previous items 21:00:01 <liknus> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-03-17/fedora-meeting.2010-03-17-20.08.html 21:00:12 <sspreitzer> ! 21:00:38 <liknus> On our previous meeting sspreitzer was kind enough to share with us the new procedure for media request on EMEA 21:01:02 <liknus> spevack, summarized it on http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-03-17/fedora-meeting.2010-03-17-20.08.html 21:01:07 <liknus> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-03-17/fedora-meeting.2010-03-17-20.08.html 21:01:11 <liknus> thanks spevack :) 21:01:17 <liknus> sspreitzer, go ahead... 21:01:27 <sspreitzer> Yes 21:01:40 <liknus> sorry the last link was that 21:01:42 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Media_production#EMEA_2 21:02:05 <sspreitzer> please everyone who wants to have his opinion within the new Media procedures 21:02:12 <sspreitzer> contribute into the wiki 21:02:19 <sspreitzer> and/or to the mailing list 21:02:31 <liknus> (what page of the wiki sspreitzer ? the afore mentioned?) 21:02:33 <sspreitzer> iw ould love to see some helping hands 21:02:36 <liknus> above* 21:02:45 <sspreitzer> yep, the one you pasted 21:03:22 <liknus> nice sspreitzer :) thanks a lot for taking care of the whole procedure. You are doing an excellent job! 21:03:29 <sspreitzer> otherwise I will start by the next meeting to negotiate with the depending parties for the F13 production 21:03:52 <sspreitzer> artwork, media company, etc.. 21:03:55 <sspreitzer> EOF 21:04:04 <liknus> Anything more on that anyone? 21:04:44 <liknus> Ok so I guess it is time for Open Floor! 21:04:47 <liknus> #topic Open Floor 21:04:53 <sspreitzer> ! 21:04:59 <t2hot> ! 21:05:04 <liknus> sspreitzer, 21:05:47 <sspreitzer> I just wanted to say once more thank you all ambassadors, even to those who do not attend the regular meetings. Like Fabian Affolter, who did a great job. 21:06:01 <sspreitzer> For the OpenExpo in Berne 21:06:41 <sspreitzer> Thank you Amit Caleechurn for attending in Berne 21:06:49 <sspreitzer> and contributing 21:07:05 <sspreitzer> thank you Max Spevack for havin RedHat sponsoring as so much 21:07:12 <sspreitzer> and me in special, too 21:07:15 <sspreitzer> EOF 21:07:30 <liknus> t2hot, 21:08:47 <t2hot> I'm just wondering if there is a way to help Ambassadors in Africa get media. There's not enough bandwidth to obtain and circulate the DVDs from online sources 21:09:22 <acaleechurn> ! 21:09:40 <sspreitzer> ! 21:09:48 <liknus> I guess media production is the answer.. but we need to have specific needs and specific people to get them 21:09:51 <liknus> acaleechurn, 21:09:59 <t2hot> Could I suggest a complementary DVD copy for Ambassadors in low bandwidth areas? 21:10:13 <t2hot> EOF 21:10:27 <acaleechurn> spoke to jsimon about media some time back, its far too expensive to ship to africa 21:10:55 <sspreitzer> !! 21:10:59 <t2hot> ! 21:11:23 <liknus> eof acaleechurn ? 21:12:10 <liknus> ok sspreitzer :) go ahead 21:12:55 <sspreitzer> ok 21:13:10 <sspreitzer> we have a fundamental problem abt Africa 21:13:19 <sspreitzer> we still lack ppl from there 21:13:31 <sspreitzer> with the insider knowledge and the connections 21:13:38 <sspreitzer> we need ambassadors 21:13:44 <t2hot> ! 21:13:52 <sspreitzer> EOF 21:14:11 <liknus> We should send some of us down there on major events to MAKE Ambassadors :) 21:14:12 <liknus> t2hot, 21:14:34 <sspreitzer> ! 21:14:58 <t2hot> The problem is that existing Ambassadors are not meeting up. I get demands I can't meet. 21:15:42 <t2hot> acaleechurn: cost is not an issue ... some of us need only a copy of the OS to fly 21:16:05 <sspreitzer> <t2hot> acaleechurn: cost is not an issue ... some of us need only a copy of the OS to fly 21:16:07 <t2hot> live CDs are on low demand here 21:16:15 <acaleechurn> sorry connection issue 21:16:21 * liknus thanks sspreitzer 21:16:32 <acaleechurn> ! 21:17:02 <sspreitzer> so 21:17:12 <sspreitzer> what i think we should do is 21:17:12 <liknus> I thing that we need to discuss the Africa issue more thorowly on the Africa Special Meeting 21:17:15 <t2hot> High internet cost also affect involvement so its not easy to determine the availability of Ambassadors here 21:17:29 <sspreitzer> what i think we should do is 21:17:47 <sspreitzer> I set aside a special amount of i686 DVDs 21:17:56 <liknus> Please respect meeting protocol :) 21:18:04 <sspreitzer> ouch ok 21:18:05 <sspreitzer> ! 21:18:11 <t2hot> EOF 21:18:20 <liknus> ok ok go ahead... just a general notice sspreitzer :) 21:18:26 <sspreitzer> hehe 21:18:42 <sspreitzer> set aside an amount of i686 F13 Media 21:18:50 <sspreitzer> for spreading it in Africa 21:18:57 <sspreitzer> and 21:19:30 <sspreitzer> we might go into this topic deeper in an EMEA Africa meeting ? 21:19:32 <liknus> I think that all those ideas need to be stated on the special meeting formally.. not on a Open Floor :) 21:20:00 <t2hot> +1 linkus 21:20:04 <cmpahar> +1 21:20:32 <liknus> Ok nice... Anything more on Open Floor except the Africa Issue? 21:20:50 <liknus> I shall end the meeting in 2 minutes 21:21:56 * sspreitzer is happy 21:21:59 <sspreitzer> :) 21:22:11 <liknus> 1 minute to end 21:22:22 <liknus> sspreitzer, why so happy? :) 21:22:31 <sspreitzer> because i meet friends here 21:22:33 <sspreitzer> :) 21:22:46 <liknus> :D that's a nice thing you say sspreitzer :) 21:23:00 <MooDoo> even better if you're going to zurich in september? 21:23:01 <liknus> Thanks all for attending! See ya on the next meeting! 21:23:11 <MooDoo> thanks liknus :) 21:23:47 <liknus> #endmeeting